Export PDF Form Field Data from Adobe Acrobat Pro to Excel - Adobe Acrobat Forms Data Collection

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Today, I'm going to show you how to take the data  from your PDF form fields in Adobe Acrobat Pro   and export just the form field data into Excel  so you can track and analyze the results. Now,   this is different from just how to convert a  PDF file into an Excel file. If you want to   know how to do that, be sure and check out the  other video on my channel. Let's take a look. Okay, I have my file folder open here on  my desktop where I have four of the same   PDF forms filled in. It's the same form, but  it's filled in by four different people. So,   I've saved those out here onto a folder.  And so what I'm going to do is show you   how to open this in Adobe Acrobat. I'm just  going to right-click, and we're going to   say open with and select Adobe Acrobat. And  this is going to open in Adobe Acrobat Pro. So, this is the completed form, and these are the  form fields that I want to export into Excel so   that I can do some further data analysis. So  what I'm going to do is go over here and click   on 'Prepare a Form.' And from here, I'm going to  go up to this three-dot menu. It's an option menu   that's next to 'Prepare a Form,' and just click  on that. And then I'm going to click on 'Export   Data.' And this opens up where I can navigate  and save the data file. And so what I'm going   to do is I'm going to go into the folder where  I have the PDF, and I'm going to create a new   file folder with a subfolder within that folder,  and we'll just call this the PDF data. I'm going   to double click to open that. And then, as the  file type, I'm going to come down and drop down,   and I'm going to select the '.txt,' which is  the text file type, and then click on 'Save.' So now I have my new file folder set  up here. I double click in there,   and I have the text Data file from that completed  form. Now I'm going to open Excel. We're going to   open a new blank Excel workbook, and I'm  going to click on the 'Data' tab. Tab,   and we're going to click on 'Get Data From File.'  And then we're going to click on 'From Folder.'   We're going to navigate to the folder that we  want to select and click open. Now down here,   we're going to drop down where it  says 'Combine,' and we're going   to say 'Combine and Transform Data.'  This is going to combine the files. So we can see that these are the data fields  that have been filled in on our PDF form,   and we're going to click 'Okay.' Now this is  going to open the Power Query Editor where   we can make some edits to the data before we  load it onto our spreadsheet. So for example,   if we don't need the source name that's just  going to name the data file, we can right-click   and delete that column. And then if we have extra  columns that we don't need to keep track of like   maybe the second name column, we can remove those.  And maybe we want to change the headers up here,   we can double click and type in and  fill in a new name for our headers. And notice that over here our applied steps  are being tracked and recorded. And so this   will be applied to every new file that gets placed  into that file folder. When we refresh our data,   these steps will be applied to that automatically.  And so then when we're ready, we can click on   'Close and Load.' We can say 'Close and Load To,'  and we can say in our existing worksheet here. And   then we'll click 'Okay.' And then this is going  to load our data right in here into Excel for us. Now if we go back to our file folder, let's go  back out one step. Now let's select our next form.   Right-click, open with Adobe Acrobat. Go down to  'Prepare a Form,' select our three-dot options,   export that data, and we're going to make sure  that it's in that PDF data subfolder. We're   going to drop down the file type, select  the '.txt' file type, and click 'Save.' So now in that file folder, we have  two files. So we'll go back into Excel,   and then we'll go to our data tab. We'll click  on 'Refresh,' and it will add our next form that   we've dropped into that file folder. So that  this is a great way if you have a lot of forms   coming in and you just want to drop each one  into that five-file folder. You can map and   load the Power Query to connect to that file  folder. So any new file that gets saved there,   you can refresh your data, and it will  add onto your data here that you can then   analyze. So this is a great way that you  can set this up in Power Query for Excel. Now I'm going to show you a different way. If  you have a lot of forms, say you have a 100 forms   that you've saved out into your file folder, um,  there's another way that you can export your data   into Excel. Let's go back into Adobe Acrobat and  on the 'Prepare Form' tab, go up to our options   and then click on this option that says 'Merge  Data Files into Spreadsheet.' And from here,   we can select all the files that we want to  add. So we'll click on 'Add a File,' we'll   go out to our folder, and we can select all of  the files that we have saved out there. So just,   I hit shift and uh, clicked all of them so  you select all of them and then click 'Open.' And this will list all of the files  that you want to extract there,   and then click on 'Export.' We're going  to save this out into our PDF data,   and it's going to be saved as a CSV  file. We can name it whatever we want   to. So maybe this is our first extract and  click 'Save.' And now we can view the file. All right, so now we got a little warning that  because this is a CSV file, there might be some   data loss. So it gives us the option to save as an  Excel file. So we want to do that. Let's go ahead   and save this as a file type an Excel workbook.  Now we have this in Excel, and we can modify as   needed. So if we want to delete this column we  can and we can rename our header columns up here.   We can bold Center do some formatting. Maybe we  can get rid of the second first name column here   and rename our headers up here. So this is a  great way if you have several PDFs saved out   in your file folder and you want to mass export  those into Excel directly. You can do that here,   and if you need to do a couple of iterations  of that, you can also set up the Power Query   to map to that file folder just like we  did with the individual text files. You   would just map them to those CSV files. Be sure  and share this video with your friends and give   it a thumbs up to like it. You can subscribe  to my channel and click the bell to receive   notifications every time I post new videos.  Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.
Channel: Sharon Smith
Views: 8,054
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Keywords: pdf to excel, convert pdf to excel, how to convert pdf to excel, pdf form fields to excel, automate pdf data extraction to excel, power query, extract data from pdf and import in excel, export pdf data and import in excel, export data from multiple pdf files to spreadsheet, extract data from multiple pdf, how to convert pdf to excel in adobe, adobe acrobat pro, pdf file convert to excel, how to make a pdf fillable form, import pdf to excel, how to export pdf form field data
Id: IHmgxFTaMfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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