Create Fillable PDF Forms in Adobe Pro // Easy How To Guide

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over the last three years on youtube i have done many adobe acrobat pro tutorial videos i've done one about bates league i've done one about action wizards i've done one about inserting hyperlinks and bookmarks into briefs and today we're going to learn how to handle fillable forms fillable pdfs take that document from word export it to pdf and make it a fillable form maybe you have an intake or maybe you have a real estate document set and you enter the legal description in once and a few pages down that legal description automatically populates again without you having to retype it it really just expedites the process of filling out forms or maybe you have this intake that you need someone else to fill out but you want to control a little bit more of the information that they put in it and how they put information in that form you're going to learn how to do all of that in today's video so smash that subscribe button click that thumbs up and click that bell notification feature so you get notified each time i post a video on here without further ado let's dive into things today here we just have a standard pdf document i think this was something that i went to word to get i exported it to acrobat pro dc so i could read it as a pdf and manipulate it from there immediately when i look into my search tools in pdf first of all i always have this side pane open showing all of my tools i've even customized this so that i get the tools that i need at a moment's notice because i'm using those same tools over and over again what i'm going to do is i'm just going to type prepare now i have a quick action here for prepare form but i can also just type i think that some people just go through those quick actions on the side and really search for what it is that they want when if they just type it in you can find it much quicker so i'm going to click prepare form and it's going to ask me which form i want to prepare now i am on a mac and that is why it is asking me this but i believe if you are using acrobat pro dc on the windows environment on a pc it will not ask you if you want to select a particular file so we're going to use this document click start and you see once i prepare form and do that function it is already trying to read everything within this form that it thinks i'm going to want to fill in and for the most part it's right these are the parts that i do want to fill in but what happens if there's a section in here that isn't pre-filled out for you you want people to be able to enter certain data in that information case in point we have some boxes over here and there's no fillable way right now for people to enter data in there let's change that we have a little icon up here for add check boxes to enable selection from one or more options so we're going to go ahead and choose that option and i'm going to place it right over this box right here it says check box 1 and we're just going to rename that for field trip driver box i'm going to give a little bit more definition of what this box is for when someone hovers over that box when filling out this fillable pdf they're going to see that information for this field let me just move where i'm at really quick but you can see right there on the right hand side field trip driver box and that's filled in right there in that section so when this person goes in here they're gonna now have a box to check right there now i can click this icon again and i can put another one over here i'll play some arts and crafts here and do classroom helper box that is preparing this form there's other little icons up here you can enter some text in here you can do a drop down a list of choices um there's you can have a barcode in here a signature field in here there's all sorts of things that you can do in your prepare form and i would highly recommend that you take a look at all of these features in here and really fine tune all of your forms i mean if you're wanting people to fill them in in a certain way make it a fillable form don't just send them a pdf and expect them to print it and fill it out and scan it and send it back to you or you know even if you think they're tech savvy don't ask them to edit the form and add in text and then add in the text make it a fillable pdf so you have a little bit more control over that information now going over the the fillable items that it pre-prepared for us what if it didn't do that what if it didn't give us a first name for that box let's act as if it didn't and let's say that they didn't go ahead and give us that box so i want to click this icon right here which is add a text field so we're going to add that text field after we click that icon and add it right in here we're going to play a little bit of arts and crafts we're gonna expand that area about right to let's see here and in that text we'll say actually brought it over here let me bring it right here so name we're gonna say first name and you can see other properties that are available to you right here in this fillable form so this is just the general information this changes it from text three and it's going to change it to first name you can change the way it appears right now it's in font size 12 font helvetica text color is black you can choose the position that you actually want it within there you can choose whether or not you want it to align to the left or you want it centered i actually want this centered so we'll just put it right there or we can change it align to the left because i bet you the last name is the line to the left as well all right we can do a character limitation if we want to we can add multi-line if we want to multi-line is you know some people download court forms and they're starting to fill in the information and they notice that either they stop um the text stops completely or it keeps going and it cuts off the left side um and it's because that multi-line option in the fillable form is not checked or there might be a character limitation as well so there's actions people don't usually um go on past this because then you know you're really getting into um some other things and i don't speak that much geek to be quite frank with you so tool tip um tool tip right here in general is also when you hover over that field tool tip will be the tip that it gives the end user on that fillable form for that particular field so i can put tool tip right here enter your first name and when they hover over this section that's what they'll see enter your first name all right i'm going to click close now let's take a look at how to duplicate that information particularly on this form we're not going to want to duplicate any information but just for the sake of this tutorial and so we don't have to show you another form we're just going to quickly see how this action works okay so i have a first name here we just applied that and maybe just maybe somewhere down on this form i want that first name to appear right here as well right after i'm done typing it in this section i want it to appear in this section right here what i want you to do and this is so simple i just want you to right click i want you to copy it i want you to go down to that section paste it now it might not paste it right there in that section and if it doesn't that's okay i want you to change it you have the ability to modify it i'm just going to modify this a little bit all right and it still says first name it says first name just like that one it says first name first name all right we're going to go ahead and close this foldable form edit format right here you see preview and close right up here we're going to go ahead and close this and i'm going to show you how this information duplicates on both of these line items close you see how we have some check boxes right here right those are the check boxes that we added we can check them and uncheck them but here we've got a first name and i'm going to type misty and there you see it also duplicated that down here where it says misty as soon as i typed it in here and clicked enter or you click tab or you click out of that field it will duplicate that right here in the other one where i just copied over that information customize the user experience by modifying the fillable form information by going into prepare form and taking a look at all of these other things here now you can adjust any of these you can just right click click properties and you can adjust any of this so right here it says address under tool tip so we'll say type your address close that and we'll close that and when we hover over this let's see address it says type your address because that's what we changed it to read in that tool tip but doesn't just say address it gave them a little bit more information on filling out this form so basically that is how you prepare a pdf for fillable format and even if your form is already prepared um for fillable format these are the ways that you can modify that fillable format page of course that is if you have permissions and also last but not least we learned today how to duplicate that information that we enter in one line and make sure that it gets put in another line maybe it's the same information so we don't have to constantly re-enter that information remember that if you are changing anything that's form template standard structure to your organization save it in a place that your entire organization can get to that for me it is my team communication site in the microsoft 365 sharepoint environment thanks for joining me today in this video and don't forget to check out the description box below and all the links that i offer regarding my master class regarding the litigation e-course regarding coaching opportunities and one-on-one sessions there's a little something down there for everyone of course good luck to you and all that you do because this crazy legal industry needs an amazing paralegal boss just like you have an awesome rest of your day have a wonderful week ahead of you and i will see you guys back here on the next one mwah bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Arrow Consultants | Misty Murray
Views: 178,706
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Keywords: misty murray, arrow consultants, How to Create Fillable PDF Forms in Adobe Pro, fillable PDF forms, adobe pro tutorial for paralegals, creating a fillable pdf form, fillable pdf form, how to make a pdf fillable with adobe acrobat pro, how to make fillable pdf forms, how to make a fillable pdf, paralegal boss, adobe acrobat pro tutorial, how to modify a fillable pdf, fillable pdf form tutorial, adobe pro tutorial for attorneys, Adobe pro tutorial for beginners
Id: FdsK1LE0_aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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