Best Garlic Butter Shrimp / Prawns | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends one of my favorite recipe today a garlic shrimp with a linguini i'm going to show you exactly how to make it don't forget ring the bell give us a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel we need a new subscriber stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make this amazing garlic shrimp well hello dear friends another fantastic recipe today really simple that's going to be a quick one we should write that down on the inventory of quick videos for chef jean-pierre garlic shrimp i love garlic i love shrimp and butter garlic shrimp and butter it's going to be amazing really simple friends i got a walk going you could use a fry pan if you want whatever you got i just think it's easier with a wok and i'm going to serve it with a linguini so let's talk about the shrimp i take the schwim friends i got them already here i want to show you what i do is i take a i use a black tiger shrimp you can use a blue mexican the wonderful shrimp use whatever shrimps you can find and i like the black tiger shrimp because they are very firm and here's what i do friends i take it i squeeze the tail out all right and then i take it and i cut it completely in half you see and i do that in a lot of my recipes you can leave the whole shrimp together if it makes you happy i just think they're very cool that way here's what happens when we cook it friends they turn they twist and they get a little firmer almost like a lobster and and that's easy to do and they cook so and they cook really really cool okay leave you don't want to cut them don't cut them don't worry about this still be delicious okay this is the kind of recipe friends then you really don't need a recipe that much but let me tell you the mizon plus anyway because for those of you then cook it with us at home i want you to have your mizon plus ready because this is the channel the kind of channel friends and you can make everything you can prepare everything and then i'll do it with you that's why it's not like a a quick little two second video because i'm actually cooking i'm doing the thing this is getting hot i'm gonna put the butter in there and we're gonna start cooking so i got butter i got a shrimp and i cut already and you know what i'm going to do is i'm going to kick i'm going to keep a couple little shrimp then i'm just going to cut butterfly i'm just going to butterfly those you see just just no just butterfly and then we'll just use those for decoration till the end okay those are going to be to decorate the plate so the plate looks kind of cool if we have whole shrimps okay so we just put them in here like this and we'll cook those till the end okay let's not worry about it right now all right let me clean my uh my table you know i have my sanitized rag in here for those of you that are new to my channel a little soap just to touch a bleach no more than a pool water i constantly clean my hand all right so mison plush we got shrimp we got parsley i got a whole leaves of parsley then i got chopped parsley then i got chopped tomato tomato con cassie i have a video on that how to do this how to peel and chop a tomato correctly yeah and i got red onion i don't know what to use red onion but for shrimp it's perfect because it cooks really really quick i got chopped garlic this time i got really really chopped garlic meaning i didn't use my garlic puree you can use it if you want but in the garlic shrimp i like very uh chunky pieces of garlic and then i got some white vermouth you can use a chardonnay it's up to you and i got sherry i use a cream cherry like a harvest booster cream or whatever chip whatever cream sugar you like you don't have it don't worry about it you don't have a white vermouth use a chardonnay use a sauvignon blanc it's only cooking be flexible and i got this beautiful roasted garlic olive oil in my friend this is amazing matter of fact we're going to put a little bit of roasted garlic olive oil in here and then we're going to put butter you know i hear a lot of people online say if you put a little bit of olive oil with your butter your butter won't burn i don't know where they got that idea from i don't know where they read that because that's not true okay it's got nothing to do with it the reason we don't we know we know the reason why the the bird the butter burn is because it's got milk and milk protein burns at 250 degrees i don't care if you put olive oil with it or or any kind of oil it's still going to burn at 250 degrees that's why we use cleanified butter or we use we use olive oil but in cooking shrimp we don't really care because those creams are going to cook really fast we don't need that much high so we're not going to burn the butter i promise you all right so i got my shrimps ready to go and you know what i do is i wash them really really good and then i drain them and you see look i don't know if you can see but there's some water in there i drain them and the black tigers got that they're not that pretty anyway so let me get a wooden spoon i like better to cook with a wooden spoon and then we're gonna put the shrimp we're to keep those guys toward the end we're going to put them in here we're going to start with the onion remember now the onion is always first even if it's a red onion we're going to put them in here we're going to cook them real quick this is going to be really quick as long as you have your mison plus ready so if you have time you can make a tomato con case this is a peeled and diced tomatoes they have been peeled you put them in boiling water for a few seconds you put them in ice water for a few for a minute and then you chop them up in dice you don't have time to do that don't worry just use a cherry tomatoes cut them in half and then cut them in half again a little quarter use a little grape tomatoes just check a whole tomato and cut them in a little dice don't worry but if you don't have time to remove the skin it's still going to be delicious okay so i wouldn't worry about it all right we got to relax this is just about cooking now the red onion if you don't have red onion just use a regular onion especially if you live in georgia that's where i'm from um in georgia you got the vidalia onion those are nice and sweet but the red onion is perfect for this you know i only use red onion for things that don't cook very long like for instance if i do a green beans i like red onion spinach like red onion in there but usually i use the red onion to make salsa right on you it's perfect it doesn't really need to cook that's why you use it in salsa that's why you use it in so many cold preparation or not like a regular onion then you should cook the caramelized to get a little sweeter okay so right there now remember we're going to put a little garlic in here um the onion first onion first now we got the garlic in here i know it's going to be a lot of garlic and some of you're going to say oh mama mia it's a lot of garlic i know it's a lot of garlic but i like it's a garlic shrimp garlic shrimp without garlic is not exactly garlic shrimp right so now we're going to go in there my friends and we're going to put the shrimp all right we're going to increase the heat a little bit so we're going to mix all this up for salt we are going to put fleur de sel if you have never used floral cell before folks it's an amazing salt you got to try it if you don't have filler cell use any salt that makes you happy i'm going to use a little bit of black pepper if you don't have soda cell don't worry about it just use whatever salt makes you happy okay whatever salt you have kosher salt is good whatever salt you got is going to be perfectly fine all right so we're going to saute them got to get them hot they're going to go really quick we don't want to overcook them they're going to go really really quick okay and then i'm going to serve them with a linguini i'm going to put those guys in there the one that i cut so then we can uh cook them on the side separately all right let's put that away in a minute i'm gonna add my white vermouth and if you like i said if you don't have white vermouth use the chardonnay it's perfect this is so easy to make and it's so delicious we're serving it with linguine you can serve it you know what's delicious to serve it with the polenta i don't know if you've ever made my polenta but i got a polenta recipe on there it's amazing and i love to serve it in a bowl with a soft polenta underneath oh yeah delicious do you got a little bit of chopped tomatoes you have to use all of them a little bit of chopped tomatoes all right and we're going to start cooking them now how do we know they're ready we know when they're not translucent anymore now the black tiger shrimp they look kind of strange but i promise you they are amazing they're very very firm oh also i got a lot of people then said hey why do you use metal in a non-stick fry pan let me tell you the brand i'm using is called wall w-o-l-l it's a german fight but let me tell you i've been using this white pen for 10 years i don't know how many years i've encountered them but but a long time and i'm not saying go in there and smack the crap out of it um but uh as long as you are gentle it doesn't hurt i've been using this pens for years years i don't have a single scratch in it so it doesn't really hurt they're not saying uh they don't recommend you do but they do not they say as long as you're gentle with it's not going to do anything and i know for a fact because i've been using it for a long time and it's perfect so don't worry about it perfect okay so let's saute them a little bit more we're getting close we're getting close i'm starting to really really smell my garlic i don't want to overcook my garlic i'm starting to smell it let me take a spatula to clean up folks it's one of my uh my my pet peeves in here when i see people cooking and they got all the stuff around the fry pan you see the way i do it all the stuff around the frypan we don't want it to be around or was it a bird and see i just do it and boom i put it right back in there that's why you continue doing this it smells amazing this is smell amazing i think my english is getting worse all right so uh we're gonna put the white vermouth a little bit of white vermouth or little chardonnay depends what it is you have and we're going to put a little bit of sherry just a little bit of dried sherry obviously stir cream or cream cherry whatever cherry you want to do you don't have it don't worry about it it's still going to be delicious and these friends is going to help us makes an amazing sauce see they're still very translucent very translucent they have not cooked yet so it's okay we're good we're going to bring everything to boil and it's going to go really really fast linguinis i got the linguini pre-cooked so it makes it easier for us for to do the video i use a dicheco di checo hecheco is one of the best italian pasta you can buy my friends dee checko they really you find them everywhere we're gonna take a look i got a pre-cooked already a little linguine right there you can serve it with spaghetti you can serve with linguine you can serve it with a with whatever your favorite pasta is and i got my water going in here see look this is the way you do it in a restaurant you pre-cook them right and then you put them in like this and then you put them in a water for a second just to get them slightly uh hot right and then you take a fry pan right here right there you put a little butter in there you know pasta and butter very simple nothing special we're gonna cook this let me turn this on right there oh the shrimp we gotta hurry up now friends we're gonna put a little bit of parsley smell the garlic is amazing you see now i got a beautiful sauce in here friends the shrimps are getting ready i still see a little translucent in there so they're not quite ready we're going to actually we're going to reduce the heat we're going to reduce the heat because we don't want to overcook them i'm going to put just a touch more parsley i'm going to put a few little tomatoes at the last minute oh you go boy this is getting hot really fast that's just for the past time let's turn this up let's turn this up really simple you see look the pasta just came out of the water the only thing i do in the past i got a big pot it doesn't matter how much pasta i got a big pot so the the pasta rolls over and release the extra sauce a little salt a little pepper a little butter that's all you need in your pasta and in this pasta we're just going to leave them plain okay we're going to mix it all up really good that's all you need to do you want to put some cheese in there you go right ahead just that's it just very simple like this now let's finish this let's see how we doing we're doing good it smells amazing can we bring it to boil just really really quick smells amazing friends all we need now is butter that's all we need so let's prepare everything so we can make a nice plate i got this beautiful plate that i like to use you can use a big plate a small plate if we don't want to make a little bit elegant let me just clean up because i got a big mess everywhere we're going to take our noodles put whatever you want on here just put them right in the bottom of it no problem at all just put them right in here just like this nothing special okay put them right in the bottom and now we're going to finish the shrimp we're going to put a little bit of butter or a lot of butter yes don't be afraid don't be afraid friends the heat is off the shrimp sit down oh yeah baby this is going to be delicious you see you see look how beautiful of a sauce we're getting if you could smell this right now my friends you will love it so what we do we take a shrimp it's in a nice beautiful size we take the the the half a shrimp right there we'll put them all the way around it so we make a nice little plate you see just really simple well there's enough for six people in here okay and then we're going to take one of them big shrimp right there friends we'll put right there on top very simple you can put one or two or three i got a couple of them in here see i got a couple of them right there we're gonna put them right on top of it just being happy together here we go very simple we still got a few little pieces of tomato that we can put in here for bright color then we got a little bit more of the opacity right there let's take one big piece of the parsley maybe this is juicy or too big let's put something a little smaller right here friends pretty simple we're not finished yet though oh hold on a minute before i do this mama mia look at me i'm destroying everything here hold on one second here don't go anywhere everybody i don't want to stay hold on there we go stay here you stay okay what i got to do friends i got to put some of that sauce now i got to put some of that beautiful sauce right here friends this is this is what it's all about right there my friend you see that sauce right there that's what's going to make the shrimp so delicious that's what's going to make the screen look like the garlic in there friends you see all the garlic in there oh yeah this is going to be delicious all right put as much or as little of the sauce as you want right there we're going to put a little bit of the parsley just to make it look very pretty and i love the talking about parsley you know a lot of people just said to use it italian parsley using the curly parsley it's really a matter of opinion there's no right or wrong use whatever possibly makes you happy i personally think that the curly parsley has more flavor than the flat leaf parsley use cilantro use whatever makes you happy i hope you enjoy making this wonderful dish garlic shrimp extremely simple with a little linguini oh my god i almost forgot to eat it oh this is one of my favorite parts i don't know if you can hear them but they're crunchy oh it's so hot mmm they are crunchy they're almost like you're eating a little lobster they really are amazing [Music] i love my job remember you got to make this recipe don't forget to subscribe to our channel give this a thumbs up we look forward to seeing you next week thank you for watching delicious well they are delicious oh my god um [Music] they already are amazing [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 183,410
Rating: 4.9422636 out of 5
Keywords: garlic shrimp recipe, garlic shrimp, shrimp recipe, how to make garlic shrimp, how to cook, how to, how to make, how to cook shrimp, garlic butter shrimp, shrimp recipes, garlic prawns, garlic shrimp recipe pasta, garlic shrimp recipe easy, easy shrimp, shrimp scampi, garlic buttered shrimp, butter garlic shrimp, best garlic shrimp recipe, easy shrimp recipe, seafood, how to cook garlic buttered shrimp, garlic, shrimp, garlic butter, how to make shrimp, butter shrimp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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