How to change any COLOR in Photoshop to a SPECIFIC color!

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today I will show you how you can change any color in Photoshop to a specific color that you need so let's start hey guys it's pneumonia and welcome to another really fun episode this is a topic that type in recently asked a lot about so here is a tutorial how to change color in Photoshop to a specific color that you need so without talking too much legend straight into Photoshop and I'll add a fun begin right guys this is our first image for today and just for example you have a request from your client to change the color of this balloon to a specific color to change the complementary color of those leaves right here so what is complimentary color you guys if you're not familiar about complementary triad colors monochromatic analogies etc please go and watch my tutorial about the color tier you can find a link right here color theory is really important for other guys who are dealing with colors painting retouching etc because you need to know how one color will impact another color how to change from one color to another what are the best combinations of the colors this goes together really nicely like a really nice color palette etc so go and learn color theory from my tutorial from other tutorials online this is something that you need to know okay but I will really quickly show how you can really easily get complementary color in Photoshop so in newer version of Photoshop I think it's from CC you have window extensions and you have this adult color team and this is a dog color team this is a color wheel and I will just move it right here because I like it to have it near the active color so we have active colors and this color team and here you have several things you can explore other colors all online from other users nice palettes that goes really nice together etc there ton of them you can even search for a specific one but we will not go through that today we will just go through some colors here so I will change from analogous to complementary because we need to deal with complementary colors they're the opposite colors on color spectrum on this wheel so complementary of this yeah is this blue etc so this is really easy complementary colors and release so now let's change the color of this red balloon to complementary color of the green so to find complementary color of the green we need to sample the green color and for that I will use eyedropper tool and I will set the sample size from one point here to 51 by 51 or to 100 by 100 depends so I think 51 by 51 it's enough that means that it will sample 51 by 51 pixels square and it will aware it those colors in that square so that's really really nice and you don't when you're doing sampling colors like this you need to pay attention that you don't want to sample from highlights or from shadows because there are much darker and and brighter colors different situation etc you need to find a neutral tone of that color that you're sampling so the best way is to sample from the mittens so somewhere here for this green and we have a color in our active color palette here now we need to transfer this color to a color wheel so you have those two options this one is to set select the selected color from active color this is active color so I'll click this and now I have this green right here and the opposite color of this green is this one here this purple or this purple so it's the opposite side of the spectrum I will use this purple maybe we can play with situation this is really cool and it's still complementary color so we will change the color of this red balloon to this purplish pink each time so how to do that there are several ways in Photoshop to do this kind of thing but I will just show you few of them today because otherwise this tutorial will be really long so the easiest way is just create a new layer and I will use elliptical marquee tool and just create a circle and then fill this circle weight this color this new color but first I need to set this color to active color so I'll switch to have white here and then I will play from this click to set active colors I reset active color and then I will feel it ok and you can see the shortcut scree here in the screen for filling layer then I'll create another layer another circle and here I will sample the color from the balloon because I need to change the color from balloon to this purplish color so I will again use eyedropper tool press I on the keyboard and again don't sample from highlights don't sample from shadows somewhere some mid-tones somewhere here and again I will fill it like this so we have red balloon and the purple balloon that needs to be come needs to become the purple color so now I will hide the background because I don't need it at all it's just distracting for me and I just want to play with those two colors so I will overlap them because when I match those two colors this will become one uniform color and I will use the first method first technique I will use hue and saturation adjustment layer and I will clip this adjustment layer only to affect the red color so now when we are moving this to only effect red color and we need to move hue saturation and lightness to match this really nice purple color but guys this is like trial and error so you can just move sliders and see very going if you're going to right direction etc but also you can use some helpers some helper layers and I will use two of them first I will use selective color adjustment layer that will help me to match the situation really easily and I will use black and white adjustment layer that will help me to match the lightness really easily if you're not familiar how to match situation if also please go and watch my tutorial about that right here I will not explain whole process here because I have separate tutorial on that so now I will set my selective color to saturation match I already saved this as preset I explained that in my previous tutorial about saturation match so now what we need to do we just need to play weight saturation slider and till those colors are same luminosity value though those are pretty similar I can just click here and not with the arrows dad I will hide this and show the black and white adjustment layer and now we need to play with luminosity slider until those colors are same luminosity well else this is good now let's uncheck this and now let's change the hue and you need to be somewhere close to this hue and then again play with the selective colors okay saturation is good brightness is not good so let's make this darker and now let's check saturation saturation now it's off so we need to play with situation a little bit like this check the brightness almost there almost there let's make it a little bit brighter like this and then let's see the course are almost perfectly matched they are actually perfectly match so this is it we change all those settings here and we change our red color from red to purple and now what we need to do let's hide all of this because we don't need it and unlike this drink by a background we need to make a selection of the balloon I'll lose quick selection tool and just quickly select a balloon it's really easily to do it so let's just select the edges here properly but for this example I don't need to be so precise this is it and now I will create a mask right here I will tell it with the black and then just disel act and invert with control command I and this is it now we have purplish balloon that is this purple color this is really easy and fun to do and now this image instead of having the red balloon and a green it has purple balloon that is complementary color of this green and we did what our client asks we match the balloon to exact color that our client asked us to do right guys that was our first technique using hue and saturation adjustment layer it's really easy and fun to do now I will show another method using selective color adjustment layer solids it ok let's switch to another image and here as you can see I already the colors this is the color from the pot here and the new color that we want to change this orange to this again purplish I choose purplish because it's complimentary of this green I love to have complementary colors but you can use whatever color you want for practice but I will not show another matter so first exactly the same matter that I did in previous example will give us this kind of result so this is really cool we have this color it's completely matched but now instead of that I will use selective color adjustment layer so everything is the same we have two circles there are two sample of colors I will hide this because I don't want to be distracted by that and then I want to clip the selective color adjustment layer to this orange circle to orange color because I want to change only that color to match this one so this guy's a little bit different you don't need to use any other helper layers etc you just need to play with some settings here so if you're familiar with the color theory know that this orange color is basically combination of red and yellow and we will just mess with red and yellow settings so let's start with red settings and here let's move this right here okay and now I'll just play with as you can see some some colors here I don't want to have I want to add some cyan here okay then I want to add some magenta here too so something like this maybe then I want to add some blue color here okay they are similar but they are not there yet because now we need to play with some yellow tones so here I want to add a little bit more cyan but just the touch maybe like this maybe a little bit less then I want to add a little bit more magenta as you can see we are almost there and some yellows too so not bad let's go back to the Reds let's let's change this this is really good let's go back to the yellows and let me see this is really cool red guys and we match those two colors using using selective color adjustment layer and remember that deciding is such absolute you can set it to relative it's a little bit different it will give you different results but for some examples for some color some materials etc some images absolutely will work really good for some will relative work really really good so you need to experiment and to see what kind of images what kind of colors etc will work with what kind of settings okay now let me show you let's move this mask right here copied and I will hide all of this and just reveal our background so this is it again we match this color right here but what is the difference between selective color and hue and saturation I'll show really quickly I will merge everything into one layer by pressing shift ctrl Alt key or shift command option here on the Mac then I will hide this in this and then merge everything that is visible right now so this is with hue and saturation and this is with selective color right guys pay close attention to the lightness so the lightness here and the original lightness is a little bit different it has more shadows and more highlights but this is a little bit more uniform like the highlights are muted a little bit and with selective colors it's much better it's more like original lightness I like lighting lighting on these spots was so this is with hue and saturation this is with selective color so this is the reason why you need to know several tools several matters how we can achieve the same result because sometimes one will work better than the other and opposite okay let's go to another example let me show and not a trick so we will go to another image right here and here as you can see we have again two sample color I already did this before this tutorial already created a mess because I don't want to waste your time creating the masks if you're not familiar in any case how to select anything in Photoshop and extract it or create a mask out of the selection or whatever you do want to do with the selection then go and check my tutorial about that right here and now guys let me show you another trick using the same technique the first technique with this hue and saturation adjustment layer if we want to change this dress to this blue color we will have something like this but for the images that are bad quality images that doesn't contain like really a good amount of information about the colors you will get some artifacts like you can see here on the screen this is before there are still artifacts but a lot less but when you change to some color you will have some crazy things going on here so here using another technique will make this a little better it cannot make like one one hunt clean and good but it will make it much better than it is now so that technique is really really is the easiest one so you need to you need to use solid color adjustment layer and sample the blue color that you want to use press ok and now I will just copy the mask right here and we have the same effect if I just use a brush with the blue color and just brush it over so this is it now we need to move to change the blending mode from normal to hue or to color you can see it's small difference but there is a difference I will put it to hue I like it better but now there is a problem this dress is a little bit lighter than this blue we can go inside of this adjustment layer solid color adjustment layer and no matter if we change it to darker or brighter we will not do anything we can only change the color here as you can see because we have this hue and we can only change the hue right here if we set it to color let me show real quickly we set it to color that we can't change it but now is this saturated now is too saturated and it's same left and right and also you can change the few so we don't get too much by change the color we need to do some other trick just below that layer just below it you need to create new curves adjustment layer layers exposure whatever you want I will use curves and again I will copy a mask right here because I want to effect with the curves adjustment layer I want to affect only the dress and now just make it darker until those two colors are matched also you can put it in luminosity those curves because you don't want to change the situation but this is our key to saw this is really easy fast and easy trick how you can change the color to specific color this is before this is after and this is before this is after actually opposite so guys with the hue and saturation adjustment layer we have a lot of artifacts but with this trick we have much less artifacts than with the previous techniques so this is before and this is after and with the hue and saturation a lot of artifacts right guys those are three simple techniques that you can use to change any color to exact color that you need this is really useful in a lot of situations so make sure to master this and it will be really handy from time to time ok let me show you all three techniques on just one example one more time and we are done ok let's switch to another image and let's hide this color team because I don't need it anymore and this is the image doesn't want to show you all three techniques how differently can impact the same image so I already did everything that I showed you before I had my samples here green and yellow and I want to switch the green color to exact this yellow color so I already made all the necessary adjustment layers I will not go to that again because I already showed you how to do it and I will just show you how different technique will differently input the color but before we do that let me show the difference between those two doors first this door is really smooth nice and not so contrasting and this door right here has the for in texture and it's more contrasty and like it has more clarity alright and this door right here are a lot darker than this so if you don't believe me let me just show you create quick black and white adjustment layer and you can see these doors are a lot darker than this so this is something that you need to have in mind okay let's delay this and first technique that I show you today it's using a hue and saturation adjustment layer and this is the result so result is really decent really good is the same color exactly the same color but because of different texture and more contrast it doesn't maybe look like 100% the same but it is then another technique using selective color this is what we will get using selective color with let me just make it bigger with a relative setting so this is how the relative settings works but if we do exactly the same thing with the absolute setting again it's not it's not the same like I change it right here I need to create a new adjustment layer because different different settings of the slider will be applied this is really absurd so absolute settings for selective color will not work on this image it will create some crazy result with greenish tint all over the place so the relative as you can see will work better so that's something that I told you before need to change switch between the relative absolute depends of the image and the type of the colors etc texture etc so this is it and the third technique is just by applying certain color and then creating a curse adjustment layer down below that and make it brighter so this is it and the technique that I like the best for this example is maybe this one and human saturation so maybe this is this is definitely the best one for this example but for for this I like better selective color because they preserve more luminosity information and that's much much better and then you can use any kind of images you can change the screen to from Santa clothes actually change the red to this green or whatever color you want or you can play with the cars and I just change from this yellow to this red using hue and saturation adjustment layer really really easily and really quickly the selective color will not work good here and curse you can even use curves adjustment layer to do some changes but that's a little bit more complicated I will not show you today I can just show the principles and you can practice on your own you can just go with a curves adjustment layer and clip it to effect for example only this yellow color and then you need to play with the brightness and then play with things like channels red green and blue so you don't want we want to remove some green from here then you want to play with the blue channel a little bit depends what we want to achieve them with red want to add red and then like this change these colors a little bit here and there here and there until you get really nice a match of this red color right guys and we are done for today I really hope that you liked this tutorial and it should learn something new and useful from this one I just show you three different techniques how you can change color in Photoshop to any specific color that you need so this technique is really helpful and it can be really handy in a lot of different situations so just practice master it and you will be able to play with the colors even better than before also if you have any questions regarding to this episode please leave it down there in the comment section below I will be glad to answer it and if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can support me with my patreon page the link is down there in the description and even one dollar per month means a lot and you will also get some things in return also guys just one working because I caused this episode in case you didn't saw I partner up with the shoutout and we made our first photo contest where you guys can win an actual money price so if you're up to playing with some photography the topic is levitation photography that I already did tutorial about it's really fun creative and you will be able to win a money price check it out the link is down there in the description too so you can enter you can enter the contest and all more about that contest all a lot of information you can find on video right here red guys thank you again for watching this episode if you liked it if you appreciate it press that like button share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and also ring that bell to be notified about all the future episodes have fun experiment and see you in my next one episode bye bye you [Music]
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 108,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Color change, Color Match, How to change any COLOR in Photoshop to a SPECIFIC color, Nemanja Sekulic, Photoshop tutorial, Photoshop CC, How to, how to change color photoshop, change color in photoshop, replace color photoshop, apply exact color photoshop, How to match colors in Photoshop, How to change color in photoshop to an exact color, Best color match, Tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic tutorial
Id: g3nVDAXehWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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