How to Replace Color in Photoshop CC 2017 | Adjust Color Selectively

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only if one pill could cure all the diseases of the world you see unfortunately that's not the case and that's also not the case it's photoshopped vampire today and give me a five wave to selectively adjust colors in Photoshop first question question why you might want to selectively adjust colors tip 5 two reasons to enhance colors and to change colors first off in this tutorial we'll look at what to do when you have a lot of things going on in your image suppose you have red suppose we have blue stuff of your greens you have yellows you have a lot of things would you like select each color individually and adjust them no there's an easy way to do it next what if your image has an object say it is red and you want to change the color or enhance the color of that object but your image has another object may be a red building and you don't want to touch it what to do then we look at it next then we'll look at how to change colors or replace colors in a destructive way then in a non-destructive way don't get me wrong why I'm telling you the destructive way when you have the non-destructive way both has its pros and gone right both has an advantage over the other and at the end I have saved the best technique for the end are you ready for this watch whew if that didn't get you excited I don't know what would you see there's barely any tool that can make your object black or white with such ease so some of you might say why not just limit the tutorial to that kind of method here's why that method also has its aunts which others don't have so you need to know all the pills because if you know this one your disease might never be cured or worse so without any further ado let's get started so that was a bit powerful though let's get started [Music] the first method which some of you might already be aware of it's camera itself so whenever you import a raw image into Photoshop Camera Raw will automatically open but in case if it's not a long image I'll tell you what to do so this is a raw image girl on the phone if I drag and drop it into Photoshop or import it into Photoshop you see Camera Raw will automatically appear in case it doesn't suppose let's pretend that it didn't appear let's open the image then what you got to do the image is now opened and in case you imported a JPEG image or not not a raw image your image would have imported directly like this in that case all you need to do let's just unlock the background layer to unlock it just click on the lock I do it usually right click on it and convert it to smart object always do this whenever you are working with Camera Raw filter now go to filter and then Camera Raw filter why did we convert it into smart object well when you make changes suppose you change make changes make change to exposure then in clicked okay what happens is since this is a smart object what will happen is that if you double click on the camera filter you can tweak it again if this is not a smart object that would never have been possible see exposure is still on two point one that we have changed now about the color select the hue saturation or luminance / grayscale baxworth HSL stands for click on that this icon and the color panel will appear here you have every color just like a slider and you can edit them separately so here is the hue all you need to know is that you changes the colors right it does nothing it doesn't brighten the color it doesn't darken the color does nothing but changes the color suppose you want to change the red take it to the right take it to the left and it changes the colors accordingly you want to change the blues it right left accordingly what saturation does this is the saturation tab and what it does is it amplifies the intensity colors alright so if I take the slider to the right Reds will become more red if I take it to the left the Reds will become less red and all the way down the line it becomes black and white right take the oranges and it also becomes black and white all the way to the right 100% total intensity high power 100% alright okay so that was saturation also goes with blue whatever you get the idea what I'm talking about right luminous luminance is the brightness of the color if you take the slider towards the right you see the Reds getting brighter it's not increasing the intensity of the color neither it is decreasing but it's increasing the brightness much increasing the brightness decreasing the breakfast making it darker making it brighter now how to remember them well when you're in hue you see in the slider itself there are different colors if you move towards the right it shows that it's going to be orange if we move towards the left it shows that it's going to be magenta ish if you look at the saturation tab you can see that on the left-hand side it's gray on the right-hand side if the complete color so if you move towards the right the colors will increase move towards the left it will become grayscale or black and white in the luminance slider as you can see on the right it's complete white on the left it's complete black in the middle you have the color so if you move towards the right it'll be brighter if you move towards the left it will be darker self-explanatory now this method is good when when you have a lot of colors in your image you have a landscape and you have to edit a lot of colors this is much time-saving and this is an awesome thing this will do your work 90% of the time 90% of your images only in specific images you might want to move to the other four methods now what are the limitations of this the limitation is it doesn't say what amount of red is selected what amount of red are you tweaking so suppose I'm okay in decrease the saturation of it the some of the red is remaining right if you decrease the saturation of orange it also goes away but it also decreases the color of other areas so what if I want to determine okay this to this this red ok this shade of red to this shade of red I want this section to be selected and removed when you have a problem you cannot do this in Camera Raw one more essential thing you cannot do suppose as in this example as you can see you have this red ball okay and then I increase the saturation the red ball becomes more red but you see this red on the drawer I didn't want to edit it suppose I want to keep it as it is then you have a problem here so that's when you move on to the other steps so this was one of the steps let's move on to the next example in this example suppose I want to change the color of this slug what's the color of this flower imagined a pinkish right and there are other flowers of the same color and I don't want to touch that what I do we use select color range all right go to select color range in color range make sure you decrease your fuzziness to zero okay let's zoom in quite a bit and select the eyedropper tools right here click on the flower and area where the color is even now once you click as you can see just one point is selected now what is this this is the area which shows which in Riyaz are selected which areas are not selected black are the areas which are not selected white other areas which are selected now this just picked up just a point we want to select more of the flower we want to select more of the color what do you do then press and hold shift and many hold shift watch the eyedropper tool changes to an eyedropper plus or what you can do you can select this ayat of a +2 but you won't have the versatility of jumping from plus to minus and to neutral all right so let's select the eyedropper tool press and hold shift start clicking on the areas which are of same color protip you can even drag it you can even draw on the colors so press and hold the mouse button left mouse button and start drawing and bingo you have it right you have selected all the colors instead of just clicking once once once once just hold the mouse left mouse button hold shift and draw a line okay you see most of the color is selected but as you can see the selection is a little harsh okay then you would increase the fuzziness the fuzziness is the smoothness or the transition between the areas which are selected and the areas which are not selected okay increase the fuzziness to a point where whole of the flower is selected but if you increase it too much what will happen is other parts will also begin to be selected as you go ahead with increasing the fuzziness more similar colors come into the selection all right so you have to be at a happy place but just the flower is selected but as you can see some of the other flowers are selected as expected we'll take care of that click OK all right now the selection has been done delete the areas which are not required select the lasso tool press and hold alt or option you see it has turned - then select the areas you don't want okay go on amazing now you have a mask right what I mean by that we'll get to it in a minute create an adjustment layer this one is I can for judgment let create an adjustment layer of hue/saturation now as you can see the hue/saturation adjustment layer has appeared with this mask okay now if you change hue/saturation click on this to bring back the properties if we change hue saturation it will only affect this flower isn't that amazing one of the other things that you can do is you can check the colorize option that way what will happen is it will discard all the previous colors that this flower has and you can color the flower from the very beginning this is the hue you can change the hue is this is saturation the intensity of the color this is lightness this is same as luminosity the what we had in camera this is one of the ways now what are the advantages of this way well the biggest advantage that this has is that now you have a mask suppose you want to increase the contrast of the same area same area of flower so suppose you want to have a brightness contrast and you increase the bright okay you decrease the brightness increase the contrast but you want to limit it to just this flower you can copy this mask to this adjustment layer press and hold alt and drag this mask over to this one and leave it replace layer mask say yes now as you can see if I click on this properties of brightness and contrast if I increase or decrease it it will just affect the flower so the biggest advantage is you'll have a mask of this particular area and whatever you want to do with it you can do with it okay so this is about using color to create a selection when your selections are difficult to create you can use this method to select the color and then allow that color to make a selection you want to make either to remove even a remover background if a background is completely blue you can use this method to totally remove the background all right that would be a great thing to do let's move on to the next method and the next example in this example we would do it destructively why this has its own advantage what advantage we'll get to that in a minute all right there is an option in image adjustments called replace color exactly what we need but here's the thing this is a smart object all right if you go to image adjustments you see replace color grayed out the biggest problem with this is that it doesn't work with smart objects I wish Photoshop would work on this soon but for now this is 2017 the latest version I have what feel do is will duplicate this layer and make the duplicate raster to do it right click on it the rasterize layer it rasterizes fill it now you go to image adjustments we place color it's same as select color range but non-destructive doesn't give you a selection all right eyedropper tool select the color you want okay selected and as I told to you hold shift drawn the code okay make sure the fuzziness is zero start drawing okay all right you see most of the code is now selecting or jacket I don't know what it's called it must be a coat night jacket all right okay so as you can see it's fairly selected now you can change the color you have the hue saturation lightness if you have everything right here we can change whatever color you want now what is the advantage of this ok this area is left so I might want to select it all right the plus let's select this area ok this area is left out let's select this ok one of the advantage of this the biggest advantage that replace color has is that you double click on it watch you can select any color in the world you want you have the full control you don't have to mess with you you don't have to mess with saturation you don't have to mess it like that you can select the color you want okay now once you wear your color is decided you happy with it you click OK and then it's there and it's the biggest drawback of this you cannot change the color unlike the previous method that you can always go ahead go to the properties tweak the hue saturation lightness in this you cannot do any of it so that's why that's the biggest drawback but the advantage is you can select any color in the world you want all right so let's move on to the next example this method works amazingly and awesomely and you should use this method when you have mainstream colors in your image like red green blue cyan magenta yellow then you might say why to use it when you have the option in Camera Raw or Lightroom here's why this gives you the option of masks suppose there are other red objects as I told you before that you don't want to be affected you have the option to select it out right that all you need to do create a hue/saturation layer alright next change from master to Red's that's all you had to do now change it however you want maybe you want it blue all right decrease the saturation just a little bit decrease the lightness now here's what happens as you can see this has affected other parts of the image also which I don't want to be affected so you would simply go to the mask take a brush and start painting with black what's happening okay white is selected let's select black X okay press X to you know change the black and white foreground background you get what I'm talking about okay let's do it and you paint over the areas that you don't want to change this is a bad example I know because if there was greens and yellows in the background that wouldn't be affected and since red is also there on our lips and some of the red on a face it was affected but you get the idea right let's move on to the next example I won't do this completely am super lazy today alright the next example where it is where it is and let me take a cut you know why this is my favorite method to selectively adjust colors in Photoshop because this is the most accurate most non-destructive and this can give you the quality of color adjustment that no one else can give no other tool can give and no other method can give and as I showed it to you in the beginning it can make an object black and white right and none of the color adjustment methods that I explained to you just before this can do this right let's so let's jump straight in so similar to other methods here too you have to create a hue/saturation layer but there is something different here instead of selecting red green blue sans magenta yellow whatever just zoom in suppose we want to change the orange color of this car click on this icon and eyedropper tool will appear with the eyedropper tool click on the color of the car you see a selection here okay let's make it a little big so that it's easy for you to understand you cannot see my face I know because that's replaced that but that's fine my face is not that beautiful all right now your objective is to change the hue all the way to the left or all the way to the right just for the indication zoom out as you can see this car is also being affected and other things are also being affected in the background we have to make sure that just this car is affected that too in a very smooth manner your second step would be to make this selection this is the range of colors which is selected now let's take a moment and understand what these two bars are this is the input bar this is how the color normally looks and this the bar which is below it it's the output bar as you change the hue watch what happens in this section watch what happens it changes right just this section changes so this is the area which is the output this is the input now selecting the perfect range is the biggest challenge and once it's selected here the god of color alright so decreasing now what are these what's this okay I get it this is the range now what are these extra things think of it as fuzziness you might remember fuzziness from the select color range right you had a fuzziness slider increasing that slider made the transition from the areas that are selected from the areas that are not selected a little bit smoother right so as you increase the fuzziness the more of the range would be selected and more smoother just transition would become so for now as in that step make the fuzziness zero from both the sides even make the range a lot smaller now the color of the car has returned to its original now move the range from the middle stop at the point where whole of the car is selected okay if I take it a little bit to the right the car is again beginning to be dis selected so I'll take it to the left okay so this is a happy place to be now as you can see the selection is still very harsh now you might want to increase the selection from here increase the selection from here just a little bit okay and then once you're happy with it just increase the fuzziness just a little bit and you have the selection of the car now watch watch what this does you can have any color you want alright any color you want you can have any saturation you want it won't mess up any saturation you want you can have any lightness you want this is so amazing you want a black car there you have it a black car you want a white car there you have it a white car isn't this amazing if that's not amazing go ahead and dislike the video but if that is you got to share this video you have to you that's a compulsion all right now as you can see if I make this car white this guy is also becoming silver why because this cars color is similar to this one Relin you know or instead kind of family brothers so let's DC like that let's remove that from the math that's the biggest advantage advantage of this it gives you the adjustment that no one gives advantage number one advantage number two it's non-destructive if you want the change to be a little less you can decrease the opacity advantage number three if you want a certain area to not be affected you can do that because this has a mask all right so let's zoom straight in and let's start deleting it how do we do that select the quick mask tool and start selecting the areas of this scar okay so try doing it a really quick job alright it's a pretty good job right and okay amazing job right there we don't want this area to be selected okay so now once that separation is selected all we needed to select was the separation the outside areas can be brushed upon very easily but separations need to be selected now this area is saved if I take a brush black color mask is selected paint over it boom you have the color of the car back now you can go ahead and paint the other areas very easily as you can see the faces of people were also affected but you can simply brush it up okay so that's pretty good alright so we have it I think you're pretty much done with the video hobby is there anything left you don't say you didn't understand so I forgot this was a video not a live class so that's pretty much it for the video see you as my next one tails and check in and make sure that it keeps creating and also don't forget to subscribe like and share the video I'm running out of words okay let's end the video right now thanks a lot for watching please you know what I just wanted to make this video in one take and I forgot to and one little thing don't just subscribe click on the bell button so that you don't miss anything and that's finally the end hope you enjoyed the video and if you have any questions do we from delve in the comments below and I'll get back to them as soon as possible [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 341,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piximperfect, photoshop replace color, photoshop color replacement, photoshop select by color, photoshop selective color, photoshop change color, how to change the color of an object in photoshop, how to change the color of something in photoshop, selective color, photoshop change color of image, range of colors, color adjustment photoshop, color range photoshop, replace color photoshop cc, edit photo color photoshop, adobe cc color, photoshop color management
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2017
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