EASY Match Subject with Background in Photoshop (2022 tips)

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this video is sponsored by envato elements okay i'm still tired but i'm getting better so today we will have a full step-by-step tutorial and you will learn how to put a model from one photo to another background match everything together add some effects and have something cool like this the trick is that the model is shot with totally different lens with 200mm lens and a background is shot with wide angle lens so let's do it hey guys it's neyman and welcome to another really fun photo manipulation tutorial you already know what we will do let's jump straight into photoshop and let's learn together some cool amazing tricks also today i will show you some new options in a new photoshop 2022 so let's do it alright guys we're here in photoshop and today we have these two photos the model with a book in the hands and with the background that is completely blurred as you can see this is shot with 200 ml lens and we have this library with the cool stairs here staircase and totally different lighting setup and this is shot with a wide angle lens so these two photos are completely different in a matter of perspective lens and the lighting setup so everything is completely opposite from the rules of photo manipulation but today i will show you how you can sometimes bend the rules and change something and put everything together that looks like it's okay so first of all we need to extract the model out of the background so there are so many ways how you can do it but in the new photoshop 2020 that i have here we have some really cool options if you go right here and choose instead magic wand object selection two we have some innovations here we have some new options right there at the top and i will show what they are so first of all if you go with the mouse over the subject it will automatically be selected so it will be in a blue overlay and that is controlled by here you can set different color you can set the opacity outline and so on and so forth i will not cover all of this but here are the options this will automatically show all the subjects in the photo all of them but if you hide this because if you have several subjects the photoshop decided this is the subject but you can see here the book the book is separate subjects so if you have more of the subject and we want to select all of them you just need to click on it and photoshop will select automatically everything if you want to add to selection just press shift and click and it will automatically add this the selection so this is amazing and it's really helpful tool to select several subjects or just one to decide which one is it and to save your time this is not a perfect selection we need to go here to select and mask and refine some of it so you can see the hair we can go and just click here refine and it will refine for us but this something that i don't want to have this here so i can do it here i can do it later also i can refine this part a little bit because it's a background and here we can do something things manually and so on and so forth but it's pretty good so i will press ok and if i go with the layer mask right there here we have it we have our subject let's choose move to subject completely selected out of the background but i will just do some quick as refined so let's go with some color that i don't know green or maybe blue let's go with the blue put it down below and blue is not so visible so some color that is cool to see the diff yeah this is now you can see the difference i will fast forward this i will use just a brush regular brush hard with maybe 70 or so percent opacity black color and i will just go like this around and i will fast forward this and come really shortly back okay so this was quick i just quickly refined some edges so now i will copy this and put it here in this document so you can see she is much bigger because this image is a lot smaller but now we will correct this first of all i want to make a copy of this unlock the background and put a copy down below just as a backup okay just to have it because on this one i want to get rid of layer mask because i don't need it so apply layer mask i will name it model and also i will right click and convert to smart object because in that way i can preserve the pixel quality so i can make it bigger and smaller whenever i want without losing the pixel quality so for example now let's see we can go with something like this let's see and this looks cool so i want the book to be the size of these books but these books are more further back so they need to look smaller so maybe something maybe something like this maybe a bit smaller i don't know but this looks pretty okay now what is uh wrong here is that she is she is uh photographed with the telephoto lens so the lines are completely different but there is a trick if you put a subject even in wide-angle lens in the middle then she will not be distorted like the edges here as you can see here on the shelves of the of these bookshelves so uh that's really cool because we can get away with that also i will straight up these lines here and there are so many ways how you can do it so i will go right here this is library and now i will go and press ctrl or command t and just by holding ctrl see i can move this up i will hold ctrl and shift and alt or command shift and option on the mac and do this simultaneously or or if you don't like keyboard shortcuts go here right click go perspective and just do this and now these are pretty straight so i will go back to the free transform and i will just hold ctrl and shift and just play with this one so i want to straight up this side so let's see maybe this one like that also you can go to camera and then you have the automatic uh edge uh how to say to straighten the lines automatically there but i want to do it like this also i can go and move let's make everything a little bigger and then i can move this up a little bit i don't want this because it's squeezed so i need to move it a little bit up like this and i think this is okay so let's press enter and also i want to crop everything so first let's move everything down i want to crop it in the 4x5 instagram ratio so this is how i like it let's move everything down right there and press ok and let me see this looks pretty cool so i'm really happy with this with the line sweetie everything now let's maybe make her a little a little bit smaller because it's still too big so probably something like this let's see so um yeah this looks better so what we can do now we can and what we need to do now we need to match the foreground and the background so you can see she is too bright for this kind of an image the background is lit from this window right there and obviously there is nothing so bright from the front side so the staircase are dark and everything else so basically we have a back a little room and we need to match her in that way so there are so many ways how you can do that i want to show one really cool new option to match the colors with the foreground and the background automatically using a new neural filter in photoshop so for that you have to have this 2022 version of photoshop and then go to filter and neural filters and then here just a few moments we need to wait go to harmonization okay and we need to choose a background uh actually the reference image that we want to match this with so let's move this right there and the reference image if we yeah we need to turn this on sorry so if we click here it's our library so this is it and see in a few moments look at her so this is it this is before and now it will calculate again this is after it's much better so what we can do now here we can add even more red tint to it a little bit so it will calculate again maybe strength a little bit less and maybe brightness a little bit down so let's see yeah this is really cool so this is our starting position and i pretty much like it and what we can do even more we can lower the situation a little bit and let's say this is okay so let's say okay we want to output it as a smart filter or as a new layer i want it as a new layer so i will show really quickly here it is this is before this is after new layer so model after filter let's say like that and uh let me see before and after before and after and now i will show you how to match lights if you don't have this neural filter if you don't have this new option which works even better on some other situations so if you have it right in certain situations works amazing in some situations like this is okay you can just do that manually by tweaking the saturation and the colors with for example human situation adjustment player and color balance that will work too on the model so try it like that before we continue i just want to say that this episode is sponsored by envato elements and all the images that i'm using today are from avatar elements also i am using about elements a lot you already know that if you're following this channel they're amazing basically there you can find all the assets for any project that you're creating they have millions of stock photos stock videos they have audio files they have bunch of sound effects really cool sound effects and what is for me really really cool and you already know that i said that several times they have amazing assets of 3d models and you can use those 3d models in photo manipulations like i did in previous photo manipulation with that frozen ship bunch of these elements are 3d models that i use there and uh amazing thing with 3d models you can rotate them and position in any desired situation that you want and then download it as the layers or as a png file and use it in your projects also they have a bunch of other things like premiere pro and after effects templates like intros outros a lot of cool animations and so on and so forth so check it out they're amazing you will get all these things unlimited downloads for just 16.5 dollars per month if you're going on the annual subscription if you're going on the monthly subscription it's double the price so annual subscription is always better and also everything is licensed unlimited downloads you don't need to worry about licensing you can use it in a commercial and personal project so whatever you want it's there check out the link down there in the description and sign up for avatar elements again i'm using them for a while i really like them so it's my recommendation to all of you guys right now let's go back to the tutorial right now that we match the foreground the background a little bit i will hide the model we have the model after filter and now here we are going to add a little bit more effects first of all model needs to be darker and need to have a little bit of rim light on the sides because she is lit from the back so how to do that again several ways i will go with the exposure and i will clip the exposure right here and lower the brightness a little bit let's say again i have a little bit problem with this huge doctor box that is blinding me out completely so i cannot see properly uh the brightness of it but let's say that this is okay let's say for this example let's say that this is okay and now i will show you the trick i will control or command click here on a model to load the selection then i will go to select modify contract and let's say five five let's say five let's see five pixels it's pretty decent and now let's go to filter and oh sorry to select again modify and feather and i will feather for let's say 13 pixels it's different for every image so this is something you need to try and test and now i got really nice feather edges and what i want to do now i want to add a layer mask to brighten up the parts that i don't want to be darker and if i paint now i will brighten up the inside of the selection so i don't want to do that i will press ctrl shift i or command shift i on the mac to invert the selection and then just paint everything around this so instead of painting manually i can just fill it with the black out or option and backspace i can do it several times like that and this is pretty cool so we have really cool rim light but it's not strong enough as you can see right there so we need to fix this so i will fix this by going with the curves flip it to effect only the model alt or option and drag the same layer mask right there but i need to invert it why well let me show if i brighten this up it will brighten again the inside so i need to invert it and now we have this pretty cool so i can do that and also if i hide this i can just have this as as a mask as a thing so you can do whatever you want you can use both so i will use both in this this case just for fun and now we need to refine it so let's go first with the curves so let's go right actually let's go with this i don't want to have the effect of rim light right here so i will oops i will hide it from here a little bit from here too not too much also i don't want to have it here and this inside part is too much so let's let's hide this a little bit this is just a little adjustments here and there or also here i don't want to have it too much maybe here is okay cheek is okay so this is something that you need to spend a little bit more time i'm rushing here a little bit because of time sake of this tutorial but again this is pretty decent and let's go turn this on and again with this i want to be a little bit more patient so here i want to remove a little bit from this part of the cheek okay maybe a little bit from here again yeah i don't want it here too much just just a touch of it okay here i don't want it at all and this looks pretty cool again this would be a little bit less and let's see i don't want it from here need to remove it this looks pretty cool decent decent okay the cheek here maybe it's too much the ear this part is too much and let's say that this is okay we can brighten the hair and do that but for time's sake i would say that this is pretty cool i just want to i'm i'm assuming because this is the better way of seeing some imperfections so another way is to go and add black and white adjustment layer over the top and see everything like this so let me just see if i need to brighten this down a little bit more or not so see this is too much but maybe maybe like like this and this looks pretty decent and pretty cool maybe it's too dark i don't know i'm not sure but let's let's say for now that this is this is okay so we started with this and we got this with this effect so it's pretty cool so before and after also i want to go ctrl command t and just go with the background and straighten up this side a little bit more also what we can do we can blur the background and we should blur the background a little bit i will go right click convert to smart object because i can change the blur then easily as a smart filter so gaussian blur and let's see if we blur it a lot this is bad but if you blur just a little bit just to get that effect um i think this is cool 3 pixels so before after yeah blur is pretty okay right now what we need to do here is to play with the color grading and uh we can add few effects i'm not happy with with this so let's let's go and hide this and yeah and this a little bit all right and we can play with the saturation let's see if she's more saturated than the background so there is really cool uh way to check the saturation we can we can create a new layer and we can use selective colors as a saturation check so here i have already preset as a saturation check and i have a full tutorial dedicated to that if you want to understand how that works check it out on the link right there but here i will quickly explain everything uh is based on the brightness so it this is doesn't matter the colors it doesn't matter what is brighter it's more saturated what is darker is less saturated so as you can see i want to see this this is like a red color red color red color and this is red color and red color pretty similar saturated i can go here with the hue and saturation adjustment layer clip it to effect only the model and go only with the red and if i desaturate the red it will be darker but i want to match this and this brightness with the skirt so probably something like this i need to have in mind that this part is less brighten so automatically it will be on an image a little bit less saturated so something like this seems cool and everything else i think it's okay so let's hide this and let's see before and after it's just subtle different difference but it's really cool now let me show a really cool trick let's go with the new layer let's go right here white color and i will just add this and this and this and this is really cool what do you think guys really cool effect maybe you don't know where i'm going with this maybe you know i'm not sure but i will do it like this and then i'll surprise you so this is it maybe one here one here why not okay now with that we have these i don't know dots or whatever white color i will go to filter and then i will go to blur and radial blur and i will go to zoom instead of the spin i will go to zoom the amount all with 100 and press ok and this is it but i need to repeat the filter so i'll control f or command f on the mac so i will repeat it several times i'm pressing on the keyboard and i'll just repeat and repeat and repeat a few times this is almost barely visible but then i will press ctrl or command j to make this more and more and more visible like that and i will select all of them press ctrl or command e to merge them into the light rays and this is it this is really cool i need to put it all the way behind the model and now we have this really cool effect i can transform it and rotate it as you can see however i want maybe maybe something like you know what is cool i can make a copy of it ctrl command j then rotate oops then controller command t i don't want this i messed up ctrl command t and rotate the copy so maybe maybe something let's see maybe something like this is cool and also then i can put a layer mask right here and remove what i don't want to be visible or at least not so much visible i don't want this but i want this here maybe like that and now i again i can group these two together in a group control command g and name light rays and i can add a layer mask and with the layer mask and with the some of these my custom made cloud smoke brushes let's see this one i can go with maybe 30 and start erasing this effect from these black parts because this will definitely block the effect i don't want simple round brush because i want this it's more organic so i like this a little bit more see and make it smaller and just erase from these these parts let's see from this to and this and this and let's see this looks pretty decent um i don't have let's see if i make a copy of this and just add a black layer mask and add a light ray just here just emphasize this a little bit more that's cool and erase it from inside here this is pretty cool so i really like it now what we can do is let's play with this even more why not so i will go all the way up let's see if i i do something more add this add this to luminosity and let's see if i can play with this and play with the colors let's or if i put just the model now let's let's do the whole image a little bit darker let's see before and after and this this okay before and after look pretty decent so a little bit of 50 i'm just doing this for fun so this is pretty cool now what i want to do i want to add even more magic and i will do that because i can with onlyric plugin i talked about this plugin and use it in several of my episodes so check this episode out if you want to see what is working uh with this image so it's basically adding a glow you can do it manually but i love how this plugin works it's from my friend mario so this is it this is before this is after and also i can colorize it and with colorization it's even more interesting i don't want red i want something like orange like a sunset or something like that and also i can go with accura x-rays and boost up the threshold to have even more parts affected so let's see like that go back yeah this is amazing so let's see before and after i really like it it's it's really cool so what we can do let's press ok and wait for a few moments for photoshop to generate it for actually this scenario to generate the effect we are back in photoshop okay and now we can go right here add hue and saturation we can change the color to whatever we want so i want to have something like this we can also change the saturation of it more or less but i don't want to change it actually i like it and let's see we can go and also change the brightness of the overall effect if we want also we can go from screen to color to linear dodge if we want more like uh glowy effect but again for this i will go with the screen and this looks pretty decent to me let's see let's go with a little bit less like that and now i will merge everything together shift ctrl alt shift command option d on the mac i will go to filter camera filter and do just final things there and let me show you one really cool new addition to camera the new camera has something really cool so if you go here to the filters there is subject select sky select etc so we can again select subjects here in camera and apply the effects only on the subject so this is really cool because here it is we have subject and it's the icon right here it automatically selected the model which is amazing and now what we can do right here with the subject we can just make her brighter darker etc what i want to do here is just to go with the shadows even more so check out the skirts and everything i want just to make it a little bit more darker here and basically that's it i don't want to maybe boost the highlights a little bit like this and then i can i can go again right here to i like to add vignettes so to the effects vignette a little bit more vignette there feather it out this is pretty cool also i can go back to basics and maybe open shadows a little bit of the contrast a little bit of the clarity and lower detect actually i will lower the clarity and add textures a little bit so i will go opposite i can go with vibrance a little bit more so something like more punchy look and also we can go with calibration and change the colors a little bit over also i want this punchy look so this is pretty decent pretty cool uh what we can do even more we can go to color grading go to darks and you know that i usually love to go with the blue tone to the shadows and it can be cool here but i want to add actually red tone to the shadows so a little bit orange red but a little bit just like that and i had a balance let's see like like this and highlights let's go highlights a little bit let's see not blue now it doesn't work but this red orange just touch so this is before this is after really cool effect maybe it's too strong again this slide is uh blocking me to see pretty much uh good this image but i think we are done with this it's pretty decent uh there are so many ways how you can do the same effect but i'm i'm showing you these guys with the new photoshop options with the photoshop 2022 there are so many other cool options there uh i'm recommending you if you are on a subscription plan download it and use it there's so many cool things also i really hope that you're inspired with this video and that you learn some new tricks tips and tricks to create something on your own and that you will subscribe now if you're not the subscriber because there are 80 of you watching this episode that are not subscribers so subscribe to this channel because we have a bunch of cool things here a lot of photo manipulation tips tricks and tutorials full length speed arts etc and also don't forget to ring that bell and to get notified about all the future episodes have fun experiment and see you in my next one bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 22,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to match foreground and background, how to match photos with background in photoshop, how to match photos with background, how to match the lighting of two photos in photoshop, how to match two photos in photoshop, Envato Elements, Envato, Nemanja Sekulic, photoshop 2022 new features, photo manipulation photoshop, Photoshop manipulation, Photo manipulation, Tutorial, Photoshop 2022, how to paint light, light paint in photoshop
Id: fBYEMTm81Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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