Turn White into Any Color in Photoshop (Even Black!)

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[Music] hi there this is animation fixin perfect and today I'm going to show you how to change white to any color in Photoshop so without any further ado let's get started so here we are in the magical world of Photoshop again and if you are go ahead and download this one follow along you know what to do check the links in the description now if you have something in color it's very easy to change its color have a look at this here is an example from a previous tutorial on hue/saturation which you can watch right here now since the color of the car was yellow we can easily Target that yellow and change it to whatever we like like we did over here we did it by using a hue/saturation adjustment layer let's open up the adjustment double click on the symbol of the adjustment layer to open up the properties now we can change it to anything keep in mind we targeted the yellows so from the drop down menu we're gonna choose yellows and have a look we had already targeted it we can turn it white black or any color that we like you can read we can go purple or whatever green it's very easy to do however then you have something in white have a look at this one it just won't work that way if we create a hue/saturation adjustment can have a look no matter how high we turn up the saturation no matter how much we change the hue that white shirt just doesn't change even if we check on colorize we can of course you know change the hue saturation and decrease the lightness to change the color of the shirt but that just doesn't look realistic there's another way to do it let me show that to you so first of all all you need to do step number one is making a selection of the white object in this case it is the shirt right so let's start making a selection by using the quick selection tool so in the toolbar this one is the quick selection tool just select that one and then just zoom in and make a selection of her shirt you can also use the pen tool whatever you like whatever he's a favorite just make sure the selection is nice and good so just make a selection keep in mind you can always refine it we're gonna create a mask out of it so just so her shirt like that here a little bit of care has to be taken don't worry so much about accuracy we can change this later yeah that's fine now have a look her open arms are selected so we need to subtract that hold the alt or option it turns into minus and then you can just paint on them to subtract just like this just subtract all of this you don't want any of this in the selection now with the selection active only need to do sometimes this might be the only layer that you might have to create create a solid color adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose solid color now select any bright color that you want we're gonna talk about dark colors later let's talk about bright colors so we're gonna choose something blueish and you can decrease the saturation by taking the picker to the left taking it to the right increases the saturation now going down decreases the brightness going up increases the brightness so I'm gonna keep it totally right this color is fine just hit OK and change the blend mode from normal to multiply just like this since she's already wearing white multiply will darken the white with that color have a look at this this looks absolutely fantastic now we need to add some dimension to it by adding some curves adjustment layer and all of that stuff however if we create a curves adjustment layer let's click on the adjustment layer icon and click on curves we will have to copy this mask to the curves as well and if we make a change to the mask over here we have to make a change to the mask over here as well and depending upon the number of curves adjustment layer you create you have to copy the mask again and again instead of doing that why not create a group out of it so select both of these let's hold the ctrl or command select the other one make sure both of them are selected then press ctrl or command G now keep in mind that a group can also have a mask right sort of instead of all those adjustment layers having a mask we give the mask to the group that way we don't have to deal with masks there so simply open up the group and drag the mask of the solid color adjustment layer and drop it on the group that they only the group has the mask we can just adjust the selection any time we like now time for us to adjust the curves so let's open the group double on the symbol of the curves and then let's make the darks darker it's very bright over here select the hand tool right there just click and drag it down to make it darker like that now it's looking realistic and we need to make the bright area spriter so these are the bright areas you're gonna just click and drag it up as easy as that how easy was that now I think the saturation is too high so we gonna just decrease the saturation by double clicking on the symbol of the solid color adjustment layer and just take it to the left like that have a look realistic nice and awesome now of course you need to work on the mosque simple select the mosque you can take the brush foreground color white and then you can just simply paint these areas in like that you can be careful or careless I don't know but you better be careful here anyway so fill up these areas you can take your time to do it but I gotta show you some more things as well now if you choose to apply a dark color you can do that but you also would have to apply some highlights to it let's say if we double click on this one if we apply a dark color like this we might need some highlights let's apply black now do keep in mind in the real world there is nothing which is absolutely black maybe the black hole or something like that but let's talk some sense your common sense have a look at this this looks black but it's not exactly black if it was completely black it would absorb all the lights that's falling on it it's reflecting light don't select absolute black right here if you want black color select a grey color just like this yes that looks realistic have a look that looks fine this is OK but it needs some highlights how do we create some highlights hit okay first here you're gonna create one more curves adjustment layer on top of this curves click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves now click in the mirror just take it up like that right now all we need to do is to double-click on the right hand side of the lane this opens up the layer Styles dialog box and take the slider of the underlying layer from left to right this hides the dark areas of the underlying layer or the layers which are beneath it from the current layer which is the curves layer which is brightening it right so we limit the highlights have a look but it's very harsh right hold the alt or option click on this one to separate it and now you can just work on how shiny you want it to be that looks pretty decent just like that and then hit OK right there now if you want more shine you can also do that as well create a curves adjustment layer one more time and take it up similarly double click on the right hand side of the layer or you can also right-click and choose blending options now I'll do the same hold the alt or option click on this one and then add some extra shine to it wow that looks awesome hit OK and have a look at it isn't this wonderful so let me show you the before and after so this is the after of course and this is the before white turned black isn't that amazing now you might have to work with masks a little bit you might have to take the time to refine it select the mask take the brush and then just paint white over here to kind of darken this area and you get the whole point and I took some time to refine the mask here is the before here is the after the final result and that's how my friend you change white to any color in Photoshop you create a solid color adjustment layer and then you change the blend mode to multiply multiply the blend mode which darkens since that is why it will darken the white with that color whatever color you select in place of solid color adjustment layer you can also choose to paint in with the brush different colors here and there that's absolutely your choice I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and no it's just subscribe ring the bells that you my friend don't miss any other feature tip trick or tutorial I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping Pixum perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for only support thank you for watching I'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 2,223,111
Rating: 4.9487224 out of 5
Keywords: change color in photoshop, change white to color, change any color, blend modes, blending mode, multiply, solid color, adjustment layer, curves, blend-if, blending options, change white to black, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: 1GiWmuJ4vdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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