How to Catch Steelhead Bobber Doggin. (BANK FISHING TIPS!)

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you hey guys welcome back to another addicted fishing tutorial I'm Nick Popov and today we're going to be covering bobber dogging from the bank the different scenario so you can fish it in the set up the rod the reel stay tuned it's coming at you right now alright guys so we're gonna start out with the rod and the reel setup there's many different rods and reels you can use for this application in this scenario I'm going to be using a bait casting rod and a bait casting reel this is an Akuma ten-foot X series rod to things that are really important when Babur dogging from the bank number one the rod you want to have a long rod so anywhere the an ideal rod would range from 9 9 all the way up in some scenarios in big rivers to 12 13 feet people use so there's no specific rod I prefer the Okuma series myself but you can use any rod that you like next you don't want a super flimsy rod you don't want a noodle rod because a lot of these scenarios are gonna be caught you're gonna be casting way out into the water and trying to keep as much water line off the water as possible so having a long rod and then not super limber rod is is the two most important factors next I use a braided line this is the XTC v8 i use a 50-pound you can use 30 pound 40 pound 50 pound i wouldn't go much about 50 pound because then you get into a little bit of to heavy line for the application so that's the rod in the real setup next let's move on to the set up alright now for the set up guys i'm gonna show you what i would use and the different there's many different applications as well what you can put underneath the barber doggin set up I'll show you what my preference is but this is the setup from start to finish so and remember this is my preference so starting out I like throughout - bobber stops if I'm running the braided bobber stops like this I like to run two of them it's always good to have a backup on there so all you're doing is sliding it off of that piece of plastic not throwing your piece of plastic on the ground taking it home with you and you're just taking the ends of that barber stop and pulling each end nice and tight I like to pull them real tight because you want that thing not to move okay this is gonna be your gauge on how deep you fish and this is going to be very important in this scenario next I'll put on my second stop pull that nice and tight so now some people may think this is overkill but if you fish enough doing this you're making a lot of casts and this bobber stop is going through the eyes a lot of times so it puts a layer on that bobber stop and over time they will fail and the trouble with this is is if it fails now you got to cut your whole setup off just to slide another bobber stop on and you or you could tie a mono one on but they're they're pain to go through the guide so after I've got that on I'm gonna clip my tag ends with my Gerber scissors here I just leave a little about a half inch tag end then I'll slide my next one up just like so and then I will cut that leaving about a half inch tag end as well alright so now as you can see I have two stops on there just like that now I'm gonna slide those two stops together and move them up and down my line next is going to be the bobber stop bead so this bead is going to it's got him you got to make sure it has a very small hole and then it'll slide up on to that bobber stop oh we got a special guest I don't know if I listen to this guy's guys he doesn't really know what he's talking about yeah we'll see watch the last video so next we're gonna put on this bobber stop bead it's really imperative that has a nice small hole there's beads made specifically for bobber stops the idea of this is that when it hits the water and the weight goes down it's gonna pull tight against those stops that we put on there causing it to stop in one place so you can select your depth next I like to now this is not a necessity but this is what I do and I'll explain why here just a second I put a quirky on next this Corky is going to act as kind of like an insurance policy for your casting a lot of times we're using extremely long leaders you know 6 7 foot leaders on our bobert on our barber dog in setups and you're casting that in this but this Corky right here is going to be like an insurance policy because if it's casted properly and your deer goes into the water properly it's gonna slide up and hold perfectly in place like that now if it's casted and it gets tangled up it's gonna lay on the water all goofy like that and it won't be fishing properly so it's kind of an insurance policy that you know you don't make a long cast you got to reel in and recast after you've made a long beautiful drip through the perfect spot now you got to reel in and find out you're tangled so this is this is really important to me next I will go with my barber my barber dog and barber now this is another thing that's just like the rods there's a wide range of barbers there's there's anything from small little floats cut in half to a larger barber doggin style specific for this method of fishing I prefer myself a head or a bigger float I like to go up and weight a lot of guys use really small weight I like to use a little heavier weight so I'll go all the way up to 2/3 ounce sometimes when I'm Bob or dog in from the banks specifically so next we're going to slide our float on all right so we got our barber threaded on now now a lot of guys will tie a bumper on to this a mono bumper today in these conditions we got a higher water a little bit of color to the water it's actually ideal steelhead conditions today so I am going to tie directly to my braids I don't feel like my line is gonna you know be a detracted attractant to the fish so I am gonna run straight to my braid you can put them on a mono bumper onto this I prefer not to I usually run mine directly to the braid also if you get snagged up you're usually gonna get your bobber and your set up back so if you don't have a huge surplus of bobbers I highly recommend tying straight to your braid this is a pretty important part and there are different ways to do this but this swivel is a three-way swivel so you got your snap in the middle your mainline your leader and this is important in the bobber dog and setup because it's gonna get your weight down and I'll show you once the full set upside but I just typically tie a Palomar knot so just overhand then take it back through just like that and I was a little excessive on my tag in but that's what these Gerber scissors are made for snip that off now another little trick you can do is if you were fishing a river with a little lower Clearwater and you're tying directly to your swivel you can just take permanent marker or or die or whatever you like and black out your line to give you a little more stealthy a little more stealth to your setup now next we're gonna go down to the business end today we're gonna be fishing a yarn e and a bead I will say that when your bobber doggin from the bank a lot of times you have trees and you know rocks and things in your back cast so you you gotta kind of use the application for your area if you have a really wooded area or stuff behind you you probably want to go with a single setup not a double so but I'm going to show you the double set up today so then we're just gonna tie it just typical fisherman's knot here don't forget to wet that if you're using fluoro okay now next this is our little bead dropper here there's some tutorials and stuff on how to tie the knot that I'm going to use I'm tying what's called a Duncan loop and it's going to attach directly to this you can just tie a standard fisherman's knot right to the shank of this hook if you like but I like to use this little knot because it's easy to swap out my it's easy to swap out my beads and stuff if I'm running a hard need so and then it all does is that loop it's just this little loop the creates on the line you just take it you slide it right over your top offering your yarning here and you just pull that nice and tight and now it's secured down the cool thing about this this particular knot is if you want to get this knot off to change out your bead it's super fast you can just back the knot off like that pull it off and just restart the process and put on a different color bead slide it right back on and you're back in business all right so we pretty much got the whole setup tied we got our B dropper or yarn e to our threeway swivel to our our B just to protect our not our bobber our Corky our bobber stop bead and then our bobber stops now the last thing you need is some sort of weight okay there's tons of different applications you can use I use the dave's tangle-free weight comes in all different sizes they got little little steelhead packs like this that come with a plethora of different sizes thirds ounce half ounce so on and so forth I like anywhere from when I'm Bob or doggy from the bank I like a little heavier leg it's gonna allow me to fish it a little slower pick apart the area and you're not moving with your bobber so it's really important that you're able to control your float which we'll get into here in just a second when we start making some casts so I'm going to start out with a half ounce float because we have this nice little tail out here that we're gonna fish so we'll clip our half ounce float on here or half ounce weight and then this is what the setup looks like alright guys so now we're going to talk about where to fish this setup okay this is one of the most commonly asked questions I get candy bar dog from the bank and the question is yes and we're answering that today and I'm going to show you the type of water to fish it in you got to remember with a bobber doggin setup it's not like a vertical flow okay you always want it moving you want that point bobber pointed downstream the idea is that your weight hits the bottom your bobber points downstream at an angle like this and just kind of chugs your gear down screen okay so it's really important that you kind of but figure out what depth it is and then you set your bobber stop to whatever depth you think it is and then about a foot deeper okay so if I'm fishing a six foot run I'm probably gonna have my bobber stop set at about seven feet the reason for that is I want that weight kind of dragging it down the river I want that weight acting like a dog pulling you know its owner down the river that's Mina down the walk when a dogs walking that's kind of like the analogy I like to use is you want that bobber working for you dragging your gear down the river so the idea that the ideal river conditions you want it moving you want walking pace water sometimes it can be a little slower and sometimes it can be a little faster the great thing about this is it's a super versatile setup you can fish it a little bit faster water or my favorite type of water would be something you know walking speed water you got few boulders out there but mostly smaller gravel and not a lot of snacks the idea is this floats downriver your bead rolls along to the gravel where those fish are slaying and staging and it presents it to them semi naturally so I'm gonna kind of show you kind of where I would start to fish this for me I like to start my casts in close and then work my way out so if I have a certain section a river that I'm gonna fish I'm gonna make a short cast first and then I'm gonna try to just kind of work my way down I'll make five or ten cast eunok out covering that spectrum of water and then I'll step ten to 15 feet down the river and make those same casting the idea of that is you're presenting it to those fish that are laying in there from a different angle every time when you if you were to just stand in one spot all day would you catch a fish probably but even in the boat when I'm doing this I noticed that if I move my boat and I'm reposition it into a hole ten feet down or 20 feet down that we almost instantly hook fish and I think it's because it's just coming out those fish at a different angle and it's giving them a different look every time versus sitting in one spot making the same cast over and over and over and over he gets competitive so start close work your way out I'm going to kind of show you guys where I'm going to how I'm going to fish this run here I think it's probably about five feet deep I beep so I'm going to set my bobber stops to about six feet to start and that's six feet above my weight okay the idea is you want to make sure that your deeper than the water you're fishing so I've got my bobber stop set to the depth that I want and now I'm going to make a cast on the inside here I'm inside of the run it's gonna let that presentation get down to the bottom and you will know that your gears fishing right when Bob radhaji from the bank when your bobber is pointed downstream if your bobber doggy float is pointed vertically then you know that you're not deep enough because that weight is holding your barber down and making your father sit straight up and down when you know you're the right depth you your bobber docking float will be pointed down the screen all right guys so another very very important thing when you're are dogging from the bank is line management I always say that controlling your line is the difference between you catching a fish when your bobber goes under and you not catching the fish you got too much line on the water you're gonna struggle to get the hook set okay these fish are grabbing these beads and spinning them out as fast as they grab them so managing your line as it's moving down current you don't want too much line on the water and you don't want to be straight to your bobber I always tell people and envision a candy cane shape behind your bobber so coming from your bobber in the direction of a candy cane back to your rod that's how you want it that's the amount of line you want to have on the water and you want to just free float that bother with no stress allowed to move downriver without impeding it all the time and let it run just straight down the seam so I'm gonna show you guys here kind of how I do that all right here we go so I've cast it out I'm controlling the line with my thumb here and now might you could tell your gears down because you could see that Baba pointing down the river so now I have that small amount of line and every time that I get a bunch of line on the water I'm just gonna do a small men okay keeping a very small panic in shape in front of my bobber that way if my barber was to go down right now I can stop the real real teal I feel tension and set the hook that is going to be the key to your success if you have a huge belly in your line you're never going to hook these fish because they're grabbing it and letting it go it's fast as you can the fact is you can have a reaction to it they've already bit that thing found out it's not real and they're trying to get rid of it so real important that you don't have too much line as you can see I'm just mending my line nicely keeping a nice little candy cane shape right in front of my bobber and allowing that bobber to move downriver unimpeded that is the most important part if if you're always pulling back on your bobber and moving your bobber every time you do that it looks unnatural that's why Barbara dodging from a boat is so effective is because you can just cast out and move downstream with the speed of your bobbers and never have to even really let line out or mend your that's why Barbara dogyun is so successful from a vote but that being said it can be every bit as successful from the bank I do it everywhere I fish this is my main technique so don't be afraid to get out there and try it for yourself all right guys there you have it Barbara doggin from the bank it is possible and it's very effective make sure you guys follow along we got lots more tutorials coming out if you haven't already go down here and subscribe and hit the bell notification it really helps us out lets us bring more of these tutorials to you and i'll see you guys on the water [Music]
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 219,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bobber doggin, bobber doggin beads, bobber doggin yarnies, steelhead fishing, bank fishing, bank fishing tips, steelhead fishing tips, how to catch steelhead, how to float fish steelhead, bobber dogging, float fishing beads, float fishign yarnies, steelhead fishing tips and tricks, how to, steelhead how to, steelhead, steelhead trout, steelhead set up, bead fishing, fishing, addicted fishing, addicted fishing steelhead, float fishing how to, river fishing, fishing tips
Id: R8jUoyCiNZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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