BEGINNERS Winter STEELHEAD Fishing SETUP | Float Fishing With Bobber & Beads

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what is going on guys Nick here with England addict specific Northwest welcome to the channel if this is your first time if not welcome back uh so we're going to continue talking about soft beat fishing uh we've been covering different ways that you can get your beads pegged uh covered the bead knot and a few other topics when it comes to soft beat fishing so what I want to do today is get this whole rig set up for you guys from start to finish so you guys can actually get out there and start doing some fishing so first off if you guys have not checked out any of those videos and getting your bead pegged is still a unfamiliar concept go back check out one of these videos and get yourself on the right track come back get the rest of your rig set up so you can get out there and start catching some fish too so I've got my rod set up over here we'll cover the specifics on that after we get this rig set up but when it comes to uh float fishing whether I'm fishing with beads I'm fishing with jigs it doesn't really matter I really prefer this High Vis yellow line so I can actually see what my line is is doing in the water and it makes it a little bit easier to get things mended so now starting out with our line which is coming off of our Rod here the first thing that we're going to need to do is put on one of our bobber stops so now whether you want to use one of these typical little bobber stops or you want to use one of the stops that you can get with your packages of Bobbers you can use those whatever is going to get the job done so we're just going to use what is out here ready to go right now so what you're going to want to do is take your tag end and you're going to feed it through that little straw piece right there so now what you're going to want to make sure to do so you don't end up doing this backwards is you're going to want to grab onto that stop with one hand and on the other hand you're going to take that plastic piece and you're going to pull it away so now what we're going to do is just kind of slide this up the line get it out of the way and it's got those two tag ends on it so what you're going to want to do is grab a side of either of those tag ends and we're just going to pull that guy tight and we're going to end up clipping off these uh tag ends once we get a little further along here so now that we've got our bobber stop on there what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to take one of our little beads that'll usually come with those packages when you buy them if not you can use a three mil or four mil those will usually be the right size to get the job done so we're going to take that bead we're just going to slide it up our line now when it comes to bobber selection there's a there's plenty of Bobbers out there I know people that do bobber dog with this setup I prefer Bobber Dogging from a boat so if I'm from the bank and I'm fishing this setup I'm going to be using one of these I always just call them torpedo floats there I'm a big fan of these uh clear floats but I also am a notorious for using these guys here both are great Bobbers so we're going to want to do is going to take our bobber go to the top of it with our tag end here and then we're just going to feed that tag end through that hole in the bobber and we're just going to feed it down so it pops out the bottom there we go I'm going to pull that up we're going to get that out of the way so now we're going to add another bead below that bobber now I've noticed with these Bobbers that hole is a little bit bigger so if I were to use that same diameter bead that I used up top down here on the bottom there's been a few times when my bead has actually kind of got wedged in there and I've had to pop it out so I'm going to go with a slightly bigger bead for that guy what I like to do because we're running this this setup so low in the water column is actually adding on another bobber stop so for that I actually prefer using these little uh bobber stops that have that little soft bead type on there as opposed to the uh that other string type so we do not need the bead so basically what this is going to do obviously some of you guys are going to know but if we end up snagging up down at the bottom and we end up popping off our three-way with our weight and all that we're not just going to leave a loose open end and have our bobber float freely I'm sure there's plenty of you out there who have been standing out on the bank and watched a bobber or two go floating by so adding on a bobber stop down at the bottom is one way that you can help prevent that from happening it doesn't always help but a lot of the times it does so now we're getting down to where we can add in our three-way swivel or you can add a regular swivel I actually prefer the three-way so when we add on that three-way uh when it comes to braided line especially I like using the polymer knot there's plenty of videos out there it's uh one that I highly recommend if you're going to be out there using braid it's time for some new Clippers now what we could do is move that bobber stop you know down and just let it rest right on top of that knot all right and that brings us down to the business and so as mentioned at this point you should already know where we're at with uh how to get this bead set up so what we're going to do is we're just going to take our setup here and we're going to tie that onto the other end of that swivel there not the uh not the clip and when it comes to tying on my leader I always just do a fisherman's knot all right we're going to cut off some of these tag ends because we are about about their so before you end up cutting off these tag ends of your bobber stock make sure you've got that on there nice and tight the worst you know worst case scenario you don't have it tight enough and you end up clipping off these little tag ends and now you don't have enough tag in left to be able to make any adjustments and you kind of just got to do that all over so that's going to give us bobber stop B down to our bobber down to another bead down to another bobber stop to that's our our fail safe there you've got a three-way swivel running down to our leader which has got our bead and number two Gamakatsu hook which I'll cover a little bit more on that in just a second here so now it's going to bring us down to weight what are we going to use to get this bad boy down there in the fish's face and what I like using are these p-line Dragon Balls there's some Dave's tangle free out there if you don't want to use that three-way swivel one thing you can do as well is use an inline weight that's not my preferred method one that's a little bit cheaper because you can go out there and buy this stuff very cheap is a lead Hollow core and what I've done with this one is I've crimped the top as you can see there then we've just punched a hole right through the top and we can feed that onto our swivel here or what I've done on this guys I've actually ran some two pound line through there just doubled it up and then I crimped that in there and we can just add that on now if this guy gets caught down on the bottom it's really just going to end up pulling out that line and you get your gear back you're not losing everything but these these uh p-line dragon balls have been my go-to I really prefer using these guys so all we've got to do is open up that little clip down there put our weight on there and that is going to be our setup from start to finish we've got our float we've got our beads we've got our weight and we've got our bead down here at the end with that little Gamakatsu hook now I mentioned it uh earlier I'll cover it really quick the two biggest sizes of hooks that are used for this setup are a size two and a size four now the two is a little bit bigger than the size four for those that are not familiar with it I do a lot of my fishing with beads granted it does change up quite a bit 14 is usually where I always start out at so if I'm using a 14 I'm going to be using that size two if I use 14 a 16 and 18 up to the 20 mil beads I'm going to be using a number two now if I start using uh say a smaller bead and I go down to number 10 or a number eight then I'm going to start using these smaller hooks that little number four so you're just trying to kind of match up this Gear with the size of the bead that's going to be out there it's going to give you a good float present station and just be where it needs to be in that fish's face getting you some strikes so this is my setup here when I'm out there throwing beads it's a nine foot eight Okuma Cascade pro rated for six to Fifteen pounds quarter ounce to three quarter ounce I've got that paired up with an Akuma Helios hsx 40 which has been the ultimate setup for me I really like how everything feels in the hand really all that matters is having a rod that's going to be long enough you can make those mins in your line to just keep that proper float through the river column I'm going size 40 on the Reel because I want something that's going to pack a little bit of line and if I get a fish that's going to take off on me I know that I've got plenty of line on there that's going to build a handle that fish making those long runs before I get that thing landed on the bank and bonked over the head then again just that high Vis yellow line because this is one of those setups you want to know what your line is doing you don't want to have big long bows in there and having that high Vis braid is going to make it a lot easier to see what's going on and get you on the right track to fishing it correctly so this has been my soft B tutorial if you guys have missed anything go back check out some of these videos get yourselves on the right track in the next video I will be out on the bank fishing this setup showing you guys how I fish this setup and how most people typically do when they're out there and across my fingers we can also get on some fish so again thank you for watching this video I hope it helps you guys out if so please hit that like button hit that subscribe button if you're not already subscribed to the channel as always you all best of luck to you and I hope to see you out on the river
Channel: Angling Addicts PNW
Views: 57,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steelhead fishing, winter steelhead fishing, steelhead fishing tips, winter steelhead fishing setup, steelhead fishing setup, winter steelhead fishing tips, steelhead setup bobber, bobber fishing steelhead, bobber fishing steelhead rig, steelhead bobber fishing setup, winter steelhead fishing oregon, winter steelhead fishing washington, steelhead fishing with, how to set up for steelhead fishing, fishing for winter steelhead, bank fishing winter steelhead setup, bank fishing
Id: _lvk_6aqJVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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