Tactics For Winter STEELHEAD Bank Fishing. (I CAUGHT ONE!)

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foreign bobber down oh what's that got him got him what is that [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to another Edition fishing video today we're boots on the ground out looking for our first winter steel head still and today is a Bank Mission today's episode is going to be a ton a ton of tips techniques tying up showing you exactly what you want to do this time of year or just for winter steelhead in general so you do not want to miss out throughout this episode and I have a really good feeling other fish in the river because it is looking so good today it is the essence of winter right now all the leaves are gone the dogs are running so are the fish let's go catch one [Music] so as we all know walking around the woods is not always my favorite when it comes to Steelhead fishing but I must say early season it can poison as being the most effective way to do it I like to float in my rafter in my drift boat or in a jet boat or whatever I like to be able to Mobile on a river but early in the season when you have new fish coming in there's not a lot in the system sometimes it pays to be able to go back to spots so going on that Big Fish leaving the boat at home and jumping around to different Rivers different holes and like really investigating and seeing whether or not there's going to be fish in the area can make you a more successful early winter still had fisherman because we're looking for the Unicorn today we want one if we catch two it's a killer day but one is the goal I'm gonna be on foot jumping around and hold a hole and trying pretty much every method that there is under the sun [Music] foreign number one she is looking good she is looking real real good beautiful beautiful setting to catch the first winter steelhead now the hard part what do I throw first a lot of times I like to stick with a routine go with the most unintrusive pattern first like a bead then go to your Jigs and worms and then go to your Spinners and your Hardware because those are going to be what Spooks the fish the most there's more men odds of a fish running away from a spinner First cast that you make in the morning rather than running away from the beads so I'm gonna start with my beads I'll show you guys my setup here before we get started so the rod I use for my bead Rod I like to use a longer Rod this is a 10 and a half foot Rod this is the Okuma X Series this is a pretty spendy one you can use any bottle of raw but we love okumos here they're an awesome sponsor of ours so I go with a 10-6 this one's a 8 to 15 pound Rod I like or actually this one's I was wrong this is the nine two and we're not no 9 10. 910 that's what it is it's a 9 foot 10 Rod I like to use a little bit longer Rod when I'm bead fishing because I have such long leaders here what I have I have my a picture four thousand down to a little half ounce float I like to tie a bumper on that line so that I make sure my bobber slides up and down nicely and I don't get the resistance of the water so I have a half ounce a little Dave's tangle free pencil out here and these actually I like I've been a pencil lead guy my whole life but the lead sticks to the bottom and it hits the rocks it grabs the Rocks these things don't they slide right along and you can see how long I've had that one all the paint's gone I haven't been losing it so I got about a four foot leader down to my first bead just come with the pink bead our advantage bead hook size two down to a smaller bead same thing a little Incognito bead with a little clear bead underneath it does a bead stop and then again a little number two hook if you guys want to see the real in-depth tie up on this stuff go and check out in the tutorials everything you need to know to actually set this Rod up but that's what I'm using today to start for my B drug all right here goes nothing second first cast of the year I guess you could call it now the main thing even when if you're fishing beads always start close work to the middle and then go far on your calves you don't want to be jumping around throwing all the way across the river on the First cast pitch that depth right in front of you where you can't see bottom I can see there's a ledge here in front of me and then it drops straight off so I started my first cast about 10 feet of that that cast is probably a little too far even so I want to make sure to be systematically working this hole and when I am stuck on the bank don't be a hero and drift to the end of the hole because you will not hook the fish well you want to work with your feet give it about 100 feet 200 feet with each cast I'm going to bring the I could keep fishing that down but I'm not gonna because if I do hook a fish here odds are I'm gonna lose it so we need to make sure that we're working with our feet and not just our hands so in a few casts here after a little back and forth through my presentations I'll use different things then I'll move down to the next section River and work that [Music] start going just a little bit deeper now with each cast and not hitting bottom and then I've went close middle far I'm gonna go a little bit deeper start working on that same exact pattern again close middle far close middle far so I'm really obviously dragging bottom and then I know I've gone deep enough with that ow that made me cramp up that was such a good bobber down literally just crampy wampy wow that was crazy my hand seized up it's cold out here everybody it's definitely winter and that was a fish of some sort there is no doubt that was fit it is she wow that was weird old man Jordan and his old man hat over here okay here it goes same spot again damn it that was totally a fish fool me once Mr Fish I see oh damn it oh I know what to do I know what to do everybody can't believe I didn't do it to start the oldest trick in the book foreign liquid winter Chrome blend that is a must especially after getting bit like that fish coming in three two two and a half one [Music] man that felt steelhead don't know what it was I'm gonna make just a couple more casts of the bead and we're gonna switch over to The Jig a lot of times you'll get a lot of Whitefish bites when you're fishing beads a lot of trout bites but the way that hit you can see it kind of bounce up and down and start swimming away I think that fish just missed the hook or something but I've gone at least over a foot deeper since I got that bite not my bobber hasn't leaned yet I'm having not touched bottom so I think we can trick this one in the eat and there should be more than one steal it around especially if you're in a hatchery situation in a hatchery area there's always going to be a little abundance of steelhead around they don't come in by themselves normally they come in in pairs to Fours to sixes you know they're going to spawn so they're coming and spawning pairs a lot of time so if there's one there's usually two foreign [Music] okay time to go to The Jig and a good contrary to having you know a bobber and beats head up is having either a bobber and an evicted sink it series jig or a worm and I'm gonna definitely fish both today but I'm gonna stick with the jig first I prefer a jig because you can put some some bait on it the worms you can put scent on but I like having that little bit of shrimp or something to put on the uh the presentation that you have here is of The Jig that one's looking a little big so I'm gonna do take my little pliers here over my bag I'm gonna I'm gonna trim some of these hairs off give it a little bit smaller profile [Music] there we go now you know why the hair looks so good okay so on the end of this jig I'm gonna go with a little bit of puni turn on the hook maybe give the jig a little dip a jig dip just like that yeah deploying Jake [Music] okay so the same exact setup basically one thing I didn't explain about the last setup is the pound test of braided line that we're using here because we're float fishing we're essentially kind of fly fishing in a way with an indicator and and big lines so I like to use a 65 pound addictive enforcer braid for this because it sounds very extreme I know but the thing is that big line floats up on the surface and it almost acts like a fly line so it makes your mending and your line management very very very easy oh God oh my God what the hell that's got to be a steelhead you guys just got a fat bobber down and then it came right back up right as I went to swing you guys saw me and I same exact spot too that's a steelhead for sure I just know it is [Music] foreign [Music] now I'm going to do one last little clean sweep and that is with the spinner think about the Spinners you don't really have to fish it quite as long I'm going to make about five six calves go post middle far and each little angle 45 90 and then down at 45 below me then we're gonna move down to the lower part of the hole all right I'm going with a little blue faithful and I'm actually using my twitching Rod here when I'm on the bank and I'm fishing a small River like this it's not always necessary to have a super long Rod especially if you're casting like a more of a dead-on cast type of situation where like with the bobber I'm just flinging it out there trying to hit in the spot and then letting it float where this I want to hit pinpoint spots because it's a small River so I'm using all blue faithful myokuma X twitcher and we're ready to fish we'll make my first half about 45 degrees up keep my tip high and I'm just going to slowly walk the spinner down without getting it on bottom just reeling just enough to feel that blade thumping I'm just going to swing it straight across nice and slow and I'm really only going to make like four or five casts here if a fish is going to eat a spinner after all the other things that I casted and the odds are they're gonna do it in the first couple of casts so I'm not gonna have to really work hard to get these fish to bite [Music] foreign [Music] thing that's very important too it's very imperative when you're doing any kind of fishing like this this early in the season is always be prepared on those first few casts if you guys noticed each one of these presentations when I switched them up I got bit on within the first three caps so don't be the guy who walks into the hole on not ready with a knot in his line afraid leader and not even paying attention and cast into the hole and don't expect to have a little heartbreak so this time of year these fish are fresh they're aggressive and they're going to be biting quickly they're going to bite right out of the gate so a lot of times those first three casts are the most important so when you go to a new hole when you move to the tail out always be ready and don't get complacent on when you're actually watching your bobber and be in the mindset of looking for a bite on those first couple caps okay moving on [Music] [Music] okay got to the next hold down and this one is a lot faster much more ripply spot so I'm not gonna go with the jig first I'm gonna stick with the beads again because they're going to get down below that that fast current drag along the bottom and stay in front of those fish so first cast going with the bead let's do it [Music] start with that closed cast even though it's super shallow should be able to drag through there until it gets deeper [Music] [Music] Nike that was a nice bobber down cool definitely a fish of some sort didn't touch bottom again going through there I'm gonna just kind of stay stealthy I'm not gonna get too crazy and aggressive and I'm gonna stay above the hole and I'm gonna work down into them with a different method here in just a second but not until I cast to the other side of the river [Music] and you know everybody one thing about a beat is you saw those last two hook sets I really do believe that was a fish of some sort might have not been a steelhead could have been an old go or a trout or a white fish but the thing I found with the beads is less is more with the hook safe you can see I'm not throwing a really big hook set up in the air I'm just reeling down fast slowly lifting my tip and I'm letting that bobber swim away it's imperatively you let the fish eat the bead they're not going to usually Let It Go they're going to grab it and go back to where they were so as long as you bring that line tight you get a good hook set in the side of the mouth if you bring it across too tight that hook will just go wherever it wants to he'll hook on the lip or just on the bottom of the jaw and that fish won't stay hooked and you'll lose a lot of fishing on beads so less is more tip down real fast and then a slow lift while you're reeling don't want to stop reeling so didn't work there but I catch and land a lot more fish by doing that so keep that in mind got a fish of some sort here might be a really old Coho you see what I mean didn't even set the hook on that one the bobber was down it was swimming away and I just brought I started just reeling against it and that's what ended up hooking the thing so we don't know what we have here feels like it's probably an old old Coho he's just swimming with me definitely got the bottom bead oh it's just a rock yeah see you just gotta reel them in just like that Catch of the Day okay we all saw the head shakes unfortunately it's a native we can't take this one home not real pretty he's pretty old you know it's not a fresh one and he's got like holes in him you know so let's let him go see you later buddy First Catch of the Day [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay just showed up to an absolute sex bucket thing looks amazing right now saw another angler coming so I had to beat cheeks down to it but I found another hole where we closed a really good chance of having a fish there's no sense sometimes your bag's just too big you know I sent up my wormy worm just a little bit less attention in my pocket this time here we go [Applause] foreign about four feet each there was a little weight behind it when I sat a little bit of a difference with the uh the worm or the any sort of jig setup is you can get away with swinging on the hooks that's kind of the fun part of it so we saw it reeled down there gave it a big old whip nothing behind it it was a little heavy though but I think I see the boulder that I hung up on so but Lord knows as we're fishing near that Boulder huh did not oh no mechanic I'm Gonna Go Far Side of that Boulder okay so one thing I really have to brag about this year is how amazing my jukebox looks look at that and I just feel like guys it's very important to have an assortment of colors a variety make sure you have different sizes colors you know tones you know octaves all the things all the things you want to have them but I got a really cool jig box going right now I have a lot of the 16 000 I found has been some of my favorite um we have some normal eighth and then the quarter ounce also works really really good it catches a lot of fish but I just broke my jig off so I'm going with this one now [Music] oh what the hell was that came up before I could really lay into it got him got him what is that noise everybody freaking ate it twice oh that was awesome thing went down bobber went down came back up floated a little bit further and then just drained doesn't look like a winter steelhead looks like an older summer you can tell by how sneaky he is he doesn't have a lot of big there's not a lot of fat and stuff on it but we got him we got a steelhead that counts all right look at that thing wow there it is not the first winner of the year but the first steelhead on the line of the year look at how beautiful that thing is just a beautiful little old summer steelhead you can see his Hatchery clipped beautiful fish and look at that jig in his mouth we just came out with these guys on our spring drop right before the summertime so be on the lookout for these jigs I absolutely love these little guys I feel like with the way the worm Works throughout the season the Lamprey which these imitate get bigger and bigger and bigger so they start small as they start to grow these things come and spawn in those in the winter in the summertime so they'll get bigger and bigger as long as they're here but nonetheless oh there he goes first fish in the Indiana Jones hat first fish on the micro worm heck yeah everybody well everybody it was a valiant second effort at a winner still had this year not bad though for December 12th I'd say we're doing pretty good we saw a real winter steelhead swim about five feet from us do not know how we didn't hook it and we got a summer so we accomplished the goal today that was catching the steelhead hope you guys learned a little bit on this episode and in the spirit of fish porn we're gonna add in one of my favorite clips from last year of the fish of a lifetime that I caught it's kind of a long clip but you guys will enjoy it it's very exciting it's very awesome be sure to ask some questions in the comments below you guys if you have any questions about these winter steelhead setups and also go back into the video logs on our playlist and you can look up all the tutorials on how to set up every single piece of gear you saw me use here today so enjoy this next clip can't wait to see you guys next time you all stay fishy we'll see you out there [Music] oh we're good we're good we're good I got him that's a big fish it's big I tip rap so bad everybody that was so scary wow yeah it's way bigger yeah gosh [Music] he's completely wrapped around his head right now here we go here we go Phil here we go pop it I'm on dude get over here I haven't seen a big fin yet oh my God it's huge please come unwrapped please just come unwrap that's gonna break it right here this is it right here yeah oh good job Phil great job buddy oh my God there you go oh my god wow yeah I just said it I said I need to catch my real wild Steelhead and here it is 20 19 and a half 19 and a quarter I think you could give him 19 and a half 20 yeah yeah he's just a quarter shy of the 20 girth the 39 by 20 let's just call him I say it yep wow 39 by 21. [Music] thank you
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 76,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tactics for winter steelhead, tactics for steelhead fishing, tips for steelhead fishing, steelhead fishing, winter steelhead fishing, bank fishing steelhead, bank fishing winter steelhead, addicted fishing, steelhead, fishing, river fishing, bank fishing, bank fishing tips, steelhead trout, steelhead fishing tips, winter steelhead, fishing for steelhead, how to catch steelhead, addicted fishing steelhead, fishing tips, catching steelhead, steelhead trout fishing, fishing vlog
Id: -C4N-lJBC60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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