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oh there he is got him fish on oh my God [Music] got him got him got him B change worked B change worked oh don't do that to me he's pulling some tricks on me here come on no just stay away from that rock Hello everybody welcome back to another dick and fishing video today we're going back to our roots and we're taking some time to get on the river and show you guys the three things you need to know to go out and catch a steelhead River conditions are perfect everything is in the boat that we need to be successful and we're starting off today with nothing other than the bead why go with the bead setup especially first in my combo of three different setups is because it's a very very natural presentation it's uninvasive it gets in front of those fish without spooking them and believe it or not they really like to eat round things that are shiny that float down the river in front of them so the rod I have this on is a ten and a half foot Okuma guide select this is 12 or 6 to 12 pound Rod I love it because it's limber the cast well and it's a lot of fun to fight fish on 65 pound test C40 reel 15 feet of bumper if you guys want to see this in-depth set up go on the page go down below in the tutorials and you can see the step to step how to set this all up but I'm just breezing through it half ounce bobber pencil lead five foot leader with a split shot a bead and what is probably the most important section of your bead setup is having that glass bead in line with a size two addicted bead hook you can find a lot of the setup on addicted dot fishing so if you guys want to buy these hooks or any of these bobber setups go check it out after this video so what's most important about fishing a bead is your line management which is really what we're going to show you guys in depth today behind me I have a really fast run a lot of Boulders all kinds of different currents going through and I'm going to show you how to properly mend your line and hopefully hook a fish for you guys on camera let's do this okay secret of the trade using a little scent on my beads you can either use an ascent and my favorite is the addicted winter Chrome blend that's what I just put on there so I have a fast run out in front of me I'm gonna start close I preach it in every single video guys you start close you cast to the middle and then you go far so I'm going to make my first cast out about 30 feet out in the water most important thing at all here you can see instantly I get this belly in my line I start to get a horseshoe shape below the bobber I'm going to grab the line with my hand keep my hands at 45 degrees mend that line all the way back over to the middle of the river and let that thing keep floating I'm going to just completely take my hand off I'm not going to be touching the line I'm not going to be inflicting it at all with any tension so that that bead can float down river naturally and go all the way into the end of the tail out where those fish will be sitting come on come on okay next cast is gonna be about 20 feet farther same thing I'm going to keep my rod tip High lying at 45 oh there he is got him fish on oh my God all right oh okay that was a heck of a bite that fish just destroyed it okay I'm into my line tip up off the water oh I can't believe I missed that and you guys number one thing that I'm going to talk about in this episode is how I miss that fish is instant replay look at how terrible my hook set was oh there he is got him fish oh my God what I did wrong did wrong was I swung my rod instead of just closing my veil and reeling tight against that fish to allow that hook to sink into the side of its mouth instead I grabbed my line I yank my rod and I pulled that hook literally right off of his lips that is a mistake we don't want to make when you're bead fishing bobber goes down close the Bale and straight reel until you feel that fish on your line it's the easiest way to do it and honestly I found it to be the most effective to make my next cast a little bit farther and that key is once again line up Rod at 45 degrees tip up in the air and let that thing go out and what I really like to do to give it line is I take my finger off the line on my hand I give it about 10 to 15 feet and then I slowly follow that bobber down with the tip of my rod give it about 15 feet and then slowly lower that line to go out with the with that with that bobber so that I'm not inflicting any pressure against it once again which is going to pull me out of the strike zone I'm going to take five big steps down river mount it up covered it close middle of the far get a little bit different presentation of these fish [Music] okay here's something we don't talk about enough you guys I fished through the rest of this run didn't catch anything on my yellow bead or on my orange bead I mean so I switched to my pink bead so that's something to be said we're not going to talk as much today about color but we are going to talk about switching I obviously got a bite in the Run never got a bobber down in the same spot again never did hook a fish throughout the rest of the run so I'm not going to change too much about my beat other than the color on that situation so let's cast in I want to be prepared on the first couple casts to see if it works right in there that's where he was come on baby eat it eat it come on eat it eat it dang all right got him got him got him B change work B change worked I didn't do a goofy hooks at that time either we got him oh in the exact same spot he was guys that fish didn't move an inch let it be said if it's cold outside and you hook a fish in a spot and actually lose it or miss it there's a good chance he's coming back oh don't do that to me he's pulling some tricks on me here come on no you stay away from that rock nasty nasty guy you he's witty so first technique of the day paid off early in the morning B is on the board he's fine right there for this but let all don't touch it [Music] nice we're on the board [Music] all right pink beat for the win made that quick change from the orange bead to a different color something a little more subtle less light outside I'm gonna switch to that other bead later on in the afternoon once it gets lighter but there it is our first fish of the day and he's a beauty all right so because this is the Hatchery fish and we're gonna take it home we're gonna make sure to clip it skills right after we get our pictures done start getting all that blood out of the meat so that we can take this home and have the nicest meal possible thank you thank you to the Creator for that one and you a little fish thanks for sacrificing yourself wow that's freaking cold that's got to be close to 40 degrees at least that is frigid until I ate the bead a lot of times with that colder water those smaller presentations can be very much more effective but we're going to be fishing different presentations that are a little bit larger today too so super excited to get our first fish of the day item number one checked out the list [Music] foreign [Music] number two that we're going to talk about today is one we haven't really covered in any of the episodes lately and that is The Secret Series jigs when the water starts getting cold like this and everything gets low and clear and you have holes like you have behind us which are the perfect scenario for catching a fish on a bobber and jig it's hard to not use it go away from the worms because the water's clear and go with a little bit smaller presentation like these to get serious jigs this one is a quarter I think this is an eighth ounce jig they're 16th and there's quarter ounce eighth ounce is perfect for this time of the year so I'm going to actually add a little bit of secret sauce on this and that secret sauce being a little chunk of prawn gonna run that right through the hook the rod I got this thing on today is a 10 and a half foot Okuma X Rod 10 and a half looks pretty nice for this sort of situation especially if I'm in the water on the bank I can get that line high up off the water got a 4000 series reel 65 pound test and of course my 20 foot bumper with my half ounce sled on there and all I've done is take three split shots put that on the line with the barrel swivel our jig below let's go show you how to catch fish okay set it before I'm gonna say it again everybody close middle far is how you fish with this sort of presentation you can see in front of me here I got a little Sandbar and then starts to drop off and then there's a point where you stop seeing bottom I'm always going to start my cast there I got my barber shop in about two feet so I can tell it's about five feet deep out there I am going to account for that depth underneath my main weight of that jig I want that jig to be this far off the bottom or even sometimes hitting rocks as it flows down so you can see out in front of me here bobber straight up and down going directly with the current I didn't even have to mend on that cast and mending is very important with this you want that jig to be jig head pointing up River and hook pointing down that's the that's the correct way to present that jig to that fish or else if it's pointing down river it's going to be going too fast it's going to be getting pulled down at those fish and those fish aren't going to turn and grab it on a cold day like today first cast is closed so second cast out in the middle [Music] all right now that I made that second cast we're looking pretty good now that I'm going to cast further out where there's multiple different currents let me be laying my line across The Mending and the line management is going to come very very important or else you're not going to get a good presentation so I'm going to go across again about 12 o'clock straight across the other bank you can see instantly that line starting to get grabbed on that inside current all I'm going to do is lift my tip up and very abruptly and quickly lift my line up and put it up River of my bobber so that my bobber continues to lay straight up and down as soon as it starts to point down river again like this you see it start to lean I'm going to mend the line again and what I like to tell everybody is If You Mend it the first quarter of your drift which is about the first 20 feet and then you mend it three quarters of a drift which is about 100 feet down below you shouldn't have to make more than two men's adrift so again that's out mend at one quarter drift and then mend at three quarters and you should be able to not have to bend more than twice which is going to make you ultimately have a better presentation and so again you guys cast a quarter Upstream about 45 degrees have your wrist Rod straight up in the air at a 90 degree angle mend at the first quarter of the drift the first 50 feet lift the line up throw it to the right let it fall let it fish and then one more man right down here at three quarters of the drift and we're effectively fishing all the way through this run all right we made our close middle forecast now we're gonna move down river about five steps so just like fishing with the bead if really anytime you're fishing with a bobber after you fish the section in front of you like to take about five steps Downriver so let's do that [Music] all right [Music] [Music] goodness me look at this thing everybody oh everything the guy could ask for look at it [Music] [Music] and strong to boot look at that everybody what a specimen sinking series sticking out of her nose first hand of the day too she's got a good personality look at that fish [Music] now the moment we've all been waiting for the third and final setup that completes the only three setups you need to catch a steelhead this one is the spinner obviously and what I'm really going to talk about in today's episode with the spinner is how to fish fast water a lot of people like to throw Spinners and all different kinds of water I personally like to fish them in fast water the very most but for me if I had to pick one style of water to fish in it's this fast water right behind me here I love it especially on a sunny day like today when it's nice and cold these fish are in the shallow Waters signing themselves with that nice bubble curtain over the top of the sticker scene here behind me so I'm going to step through here I'm going to show you the technique of fishing fast water like this see if we can't get a fish so the rod I'm using here today is yokuma X Rod I got an r b spinner on here with a black body and this is a 93 8 to 15 pound Rod I really do like this Rod the most it casts very very well anything over nine foot is something that you're going to want or eight and a half feet don't go with a real short Rod when you're spinner fishing unless you're on a really small River the 9-3 in my mind is the perfect length for fishing just like this so I'm gonna step through here and we're gonna go right right back to the basics looks like I've talked in every other one of the spinner videos or any of the videos that we've showed you how to fish a spinner in the past few weeks first we're going to start close and when you're fishing a fast water like this where you know it's only about Knee Deep close means about 10 to 15 feet I'm just going to throw the spinner about two to three Rod links out in the river keep my tip down and I'm going to allow it to go right down to the bottom obviously it's not deep so keeping your tip pointed right at that spinner and keeping the most amount of contact in between it is what is imperative for staying off the bottom and cleanly fishing your spinner through the zone and catching those fish that are sitting in that shallow shallow water so I made that first close cast I'm going to go a little bit further in the middle got my tip pointed right out I'm engaging my spinner blade as soon as it hits but I'm not just reeling it back in I'm following that spinner down through I have my tip pointed low walking it along and as soon as I feel the bottom or a fish just like I felt there I'm just going to lift my tip up and bring it to the surface as soon as I lift that tip to 45 that spinner goes right to the surface of the water because of how fast it's moving and now one thing that can be really important is making sure you have the patience of a fisherman when casting into a section like this there could have been a fish there there wasn't there could have been another fish there and there wasn't but I know the best spot is further out in the middle having the resolve to cast close in class to the middle and then cast far and cover that water is ultimately going to help you catch more fish in the future because you're not going to cast past this one right here when there's multiple fish in the hole so we're going into the sweet spot now this is the glory right there oh that felt fishy you can see now that I cast it up at like 45 degrees upriver I'm gonna need to reel just a little bit faster to keep that thing from snagging up on the bottom putting that sidewash hook I have a two watt must add sidewash on the end of the spinner and that really is what keeps me from snagging too much those treble hooks that come on spinners tend to grab the Rocks a lot more than these sidewash hooks do all right so I made my clothes little far cast now I'm going to take two big steps Downriver okay so now we have a big boulder that we're trying to fish this is probably something that people have the hardest time fishing when learning how to fish a spinner the key is is to just choose the portion of the rock that you want to fish you can't ultimately fish in there all the way to there effectively on one cast so use your spinner cast Over The Rock and fish five feet of that Strike Zone and then make a cast down river a little bit further not so much that little far we know the destination we want to be so we're going to make the same cast but make that cast in steps going down river so I'm going to cast all the way across past the rock right into The Sweet Spot I'm going to make sure I get that nice first 10 feet or so behind that Boulder where those fish might be sitting then I'm going to keep that tip low now I felt to go through that soft water I was reeling a little bit faster to get through that soft water and I'm going to let it swing to the end I might have just hooked one and pulled it right out of his mouth at the end there you guys see that okay second cast a little bit further down swinging on over and strike zone and then my third cast right in the meat of The Rock all right nothing behind the big rock let's keep moving down okay now we have a completely different style of fast water we have a big island on the other side and a big rock on the inside I can see that right in that little pocket behind it just that soft little area that's kind of green and I can't see the bottom it's going to be the only place the fish are going to be so I'm going to Target that spot first fish through it and be ready on my first couple cast for this fish to strike oh that was fishy couldn't even talk took my breath away that was really fishy okay cast number two I'm gonna cast the exact same spot all right I'm just repeating this all the way down through this hole making sure to move at a quick Pace take about two steps after every single cast and try ultimately to get an effective cash behind every single big piece of structure that I can see [Music] bottom bottom it's a good one too it's a good one all I had to do is cry about a little bit fish on oh wow in-state jumpage yeah out another one oh another one wow this fish likes it out of the water much more than he likes it in the water that's for damn sure beautiful little Steely oh another one jump count jump count [Music] yeah baby look at that what a creature well that is a wrap for today's video everybody I want to thank you all so much for being along for the ride and I hope you learned something hope you take something from this video go out and have some fun chasing these amazing fish that we call steelhead if you guys want to see more fun and informative videos just like you saw here today go up here and click this link to the next video go down here hit subscribe turn those bells on give this video a thumbs up and comment below and you can be the comment of the day just like this person right here thank you all so much for being here everybody you stay fishy we'll see you out there
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 93,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 best ways to catch steelhead, 3 most effect ways to catch steelhead, how too catch steelhead, 3 proven methods for catching steelhead, steelhead, steelhead fishing, addicted fishing, fishing how to, steelhead trout, winter steelhead fishing, winter steelhead, fishing for steelhead
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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