PROVEN Winter Steelhead Fishing TACTICS & Tips (We SMASHED Them!)

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got it girl who pissed off no oh under the tree come around the rock up and around bring them over that's why it's always good to start with a small presentation first then work up to the bigger ones that catches big fish [Music] foreign good morning everybody and welcome back to another Addictive Fishing video today it's going to be a good one if you want to learn how to catch some Steelheads if you want to see some steelhead caught stick around we've got a perfect day perfect day for catching winter steelhead we're going to talk all about how to do it and hopefully find ourselves a few to take home stick around everybody it's going to be a great episode let's do it all right everybody we're gonna start off today with the worm and I'm going to talk you through a lot of today of process of fishing and fishing the right water with the right kind of gear while I'm starting the day with the worm even though it's a pretty big and aggressive presentation it's the kind of hole that I'm fishing this isn't what I would call Bead water it's kind of spinner water but this is the perfect spot for a bobber and a jig or a bobber and a worm so that's what I'm going to go with first I'm going to use the technique that fishes best in the water in those places and that's going to bring me more success so setup I got today guide select Pro 99 6-12 I like the 6 to 12 because it's a little more flexi and it's very exciting to fight these big fish in the fast water with this lighter Rod this time of year I got my addicted enforcer braid this is a 65 pound I use this because it's just like a fly line C40 chimar I got a bumper of 15 pound down to my half ounce float half of the half ounce float I got just four split shots pinched on the line a barrel swivel with some 12-pound test down to my addicted worm black jig head sloppy Smith the pattern we're going with today and like I always say if you can stink it stink it the scents that we make you guys the addicted winter Chrome blend and some of the procure Anise is some of the biggest advantages you can give yourself out on the river I just go a little bit around the back of that worm and we're ready to fish and remember everybody only fish this scent in places it's applicable if you're in Washington state and on a no bait River it's illegal to use scent in Oregon you can you scent just about everywhere but check your local regulations before you go fishing what's up let's set our barber shops I know I got about three to four feet deep out there I'm gonna start a little bit shallower than normal only about a foot above my barber shop let's go fishing so my first cast I'm going to make is just to the deepest part of the run it's really Sandy and it's kind of shallow on this enclosed so I'm cast just off of the ledge from where I can actually see the bottom a lot of times these fish will sit a lot closer to the bank and people give them credit for so you want to start close go to the Middle cast and then cast far [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it makes a good hope for fishing a jig or a worm is the speed and the depth of the run you don't want anything with any broken water on the surface if that moves too fast you can see this hole in front of me we got Boulders all the way through it it's not something that I could drift the bottom it wouldn't be very easy to drag a bead through here because it would keep getting snagged so this is a just over walking speed current anywhere from slower than walking speed to just like a fast walking speed like we have here is perfect for fishing a worm like this and especially if it's at four to six feet deep any deeper than that you're gonna have to add a little more weight maybe go to a quarter rounds jig head so you can get down and pass all that current but anything from four to eight feet deep is the perfect bobber run for using a worm or a jig in this situation [Music] okay you guys can see as this clip goes on further I end up farther and farther down on the tail I'm going to preach it only a few times today close middle far two steps close little far two steps doesn't matter what method you're using you want to work through the hole it's not efficient to stand at one part of the hole and let your stuff drift all the way to the end we call it hero drift nobody needs to be a hero out here use your feet or use your boat to move down the Run work it cleanly work it efficiently and then move on to the next spot [Music] what's up let me go over quickly guys what a worm box should look like and mine doesn't really look like the way it should but that's just a sign of the times and the sign of the season because we've been fishing a lot so what I like to do you know all these different addicted worms come in different packs I usually don't like to mix them quite as strong with opposite colors because you'll see these things actually bleed together but I just take a few out of each pack and put them in here I got the old school I got some with the old school pink I got a lot of our three inch our new three inch addictive worms these things especially with the water dropping right now low in Clear Water is going to work really really good I'm excited that we came out with these finally in all the addicted worm colors so we have pink Haze we got red Haze we got it all so I go with some of the classics I got my sloppy smiths in here I got some of my pink Haze I got some of the old Miss America's in the three inch but the thing is that you can see here is they have a variety to match water colors and conditions as the day changes and also I have different sizes of worms in here so I can try to attract a bite especially in high pressure situations so that's a worm box quick little tip for you guys throw them in a little box pack them to the river that way you don't have a mess of bags in your bag [Music] for the Wormhole number two this one here again you can see has that nice moving current it's about walking speed only about three feet deep so this is the same this is a hole that I would go with a bead a spinner or a worm something that's actually moving quickly but I'm going to stick with the worm because I have confidence in it today and one nice thing about fishing with worms and jigs is with that fixed hook and especially with these addicted must add jig heads they have a longer hook shank so that that hook actually sticks farther back in the worm whereas a normal one only goes to about right here probably to where our hook Point starts there's probably a whole nother inch of length of hook to hook that fish with which helps a lot so usually when you hook a fish on the worms or jigs you don't lose them so it's a good one to start with foreign [Music] time to go to the beat what I have here going a little fancier with this setup and a longer Rod is required for the bead setup I have a 10-6 x Rod this is a 8 to 15 pound Rod really great for fighting these big steelhead this is in the Pixar E40 Sam 40 series reel I like that reel because it has more line that can be put on it 65 pound braid bumper down to my float half ounce float again a little Dave's tangle free on a three-way swivel about four feet a liter with a split shot in between and a pink bead so and again one thing guys that you guys can pick up on our website are these bead hooks the advantage bead hook and they are an advantage I'm going to talk a lot about the proper way to set a hook with a bead today and hopefully we'll be able to demonstrate it so you guys can see exactly what I'm talking about about less is more you don't want to set the hook too hard but these beads really hold on to these fish that's the biggest pain in the butt sometimes with beads is you lose a lot of the fish so we add a little glass bead in between here this is a Cameron trick tied into the line with our advantage bead hook size two just below it and it's been working really well for me so let's get to fish in the bead one thing that seemed very apparent with bead fishing is that you always want to fish faster moving water things that are too slow are going to allow that bead to get down too close to the bottom that either the hook will snag up or that split shot that I have rigged on my line will snag up as well so fishing moving water like this is key sometimes to making sure that you're fishing the right spot with the bead [Music] okay so one crucial thing that I'll talk to you guys about today is how you give line with a bead mending and line management is very very key when fishing the bead I like to always keep my rod at a 45 degree angle these things are 10 feet long so that you can use them holding your Rod tip like this does nothing for the success of catching a fish all it does is allows her to be way too much line on the water and It ultimately drags your bobber Downriver too fast so I want to have my rod tip up like this the whole time about three quarters of my line off the water leaving a quarter of it on the water so that that bobber can actually use that line as momentum to pull it down through the snags into the Rocks so that is the biggest key today that I'll tell you guys the nut the other one is to manage your line properly with your hands don't grab up here don't hold the line any other way but just putting your hand on the bail so that your hands close to that Veil so when that bobber does go down when the fish takes it under all I have to do is close the bail grab my handle and start reeling no hook set no yanking just a straight reel to that fish until you feel it come tight [Music] okay everybody now this is what we call a fish anything kind of hole we have a beautiful beautiful run below us it's about five to six feet deep steady current all the way through this can fish a bead this can fish a jig worm you could probably drift fish a spot like this but let's try to get a fish on the line quit talking got to get a worm Fish Gotta Get a worm fish really wanna worm fish worm fish set your Barber Shop about two and a half feet and another foot deep yeah step on down there a little further so you can cast better and just a nice little flip just the other side of that foam beautiful yeah and it's gonna go down as soon as it settles down there in that tail out it'll get nice and slow it's all been big Bowlers be ready ooh dirty oh okay really ran and kind of Point your tip to the left a little bit if you can if it's not in those trees and just try to slowly reel back up so you don't spook the fish at all and in a real glassy tail out like that guys where it's nice smooth water it's only about four feet deep it's imperative on those first couple casts if you don't get a bite to reel back slowly so you don't Splash you don't drag that bobber down underwater and make it do like the plug move which will ultimately scare the fish sitting in those tail out so be nice and gentle bring it back out of the strike zone and then you can rip it back in after that very nice all right everyone another perfect jig hole time to get a worm back in here you can see again I got big boulder something spot where I really can't touch the bottom that's why I'm gonna go with the jig here this wouldn't really suit a bee the bead can't work around those Boulders the way this worm can so let's see if magic will happen foreign [Music] now difference in between this and the bead you saw how I got real yankee poo with that one not always the best but doesn't hurt as much as you it will if you're fishing a bead The Jig is one of the only things jigging the worm is one of the only things that you can actually set really hard to hook on enjoy it have your fun with it get your frustrations out but it bit me in the butt that time that was definitely a bite kind of caught me off guard a little got a girl got a girl [Music] got him the bike twice cleaning up behind me guys now we did that one in opposite this time we did the worm first got bit you guys saw that but it came in behind me just lost the fish on the First cast second cast fish on yep [Music] yep yeah he's here straight up in the air straight up in the air oh pissed off no oh another [Music] dang it that's the old middle fin right there son of a gun well it's worth the workout process worked again all right baby here you go go fish the pink bead so everybody couple key things to bead fishing the things are is having a good bead box a lot of people talk about my favorite beat my favorite bead well this bead does better on this River this beat does better on this River and honestly I gotta save for the most part it's because it's actually true more than any other lure presentation more than any other kind of setup it depends on the size and the color of the bead that you have to how successful you're going to be fishing those beads you need to have a bead box that has a good range of colors a good range of sizes you need to have up to your 16 to 20 mils and all the way down to your tens and eight mils a lot of times it really will help you be more effective when you're traveling different Rivers especially but once you find that bead that works for you keep that thing in your pocket and always take it with you and have confidence in your bead that is really the biggest part of bead fishing is one having confidence in your setup and two having confidence in the bead color that you've chosen foreign after that cast make maybe one two more in close and then uh let's walk down to the tail out [Music] okay next part of the tutorial how to stay fed on the river today I have one of my favorite recipes great way to stay warm great way to stay happy and keep the girlfriend happy too we got to cut to spicy Ramen yummy yummy in my tummy as well as a little bit of my homemade canned fish already snacked them a bit you guys missed that part but we had to stay had to stay full of nutrients while we're out here so let's get this thing started [Music] [Music] foreign fish is an absolutely amazing way to preserve your fish throughout the year guys it's better than just smoking it and then put it in the freezer highly recommend if you have some fish in the freezer because they guarantee you if you throw some stuff this fall by January it's starting to get a little freezer burnt so do what you can to make the best of your fish don't let that stuff go to waste so we're definitely going to make the most of these fish we got here today hey John gotta go got it girl Brookshire's has got one while eating lunch let me get her soup ready we'll go net the fish good job good job patch contact bring him over nice good job baby that's the line out that's a huge one out yeah baby [Applause] Lunch is ready look at that that's what we came for Holy Smokes look at that girl's fish that sounds good or not [Music] that Advantage beat hook all the way in the mouth look at that look at how that thing was hooked everybody the way we shaped that hook really really helps get that thing in there it doesn't have the bend in the eye so the hook doesn't sit cocked while it's fishing sit straight out you can see I just tied a normal fisherman's knot and that thing was not coming off look at that I'm so proud of you thanks see guys a little bit of teaching a little bit of persistence and hard fishing and you can catch some fish your dreams just like Brooke just did yeah just like that that's better there it is yeah got a big old scar on that side too right there [Music] so as you guys can see using that systematic nature of the Beast starting with the bead I was just up there cooking lunch Brooke walked down started officially the hole started it with a bead then we'd go to the worm then we'd go to the Spinners or something a little more aggressive paid off this time who knows we might get another one by switching to another different kind of presentation too so that's why it's always good to start with the small presentation first then work up to the bigger ones because it catches big fish here you go you gotta keep your nutrients up fighting all these big fish there honey and salmon Ramen thank you well I only brought one fork naturally [Music] yum you like that with the fish yeah [Music] cheers all right everybody now for the moment we've all been waiting for spinner talk the setup I'm going with for the spinner here and guys there's a different tutorial style of video that we just did recently a few weeks back and that tutorial really covers a lot of the Jigs and the bead salad fishing and worm cell fishing today it's obviously a little bit different we're kind of covering different tactics so go back check some of those old videos out or go into the tutorial section in the YouTube channel here on Addictive Fishing you can see tutorials of all kinds of all different methods so but what we're doing today we got our spinner we got our X Rod this is the 932 8 to 15 pound perfect perfect Rod this is a 9-3 and I like any rod that's above about eight and a half feet for the Spinners you can use shorter rods for fast removing smaller Rivers for bigger water you want something a little bit longer but you don't want anything too long over 10 feet for my spinner choice I got an r b on here Spinners are very important to the style that you're fishing to the different Waters it's good to have a good range of colors a good range of sizes and a good range of types of spinners and that being the torpedo bodies the Bell bodies and then the weighted Spinners the big heavy ones that get down in the fast water so with all that being said let's step in the water let's talk some of the techniques so Spinners you guys are incredibly versatile the thing is when you walk up to a hole and you see it's about three to five feet deep perfect walking speed like you see out here in front of us the same depth across most of the entire hole that's when you know you got a perfect spinner spot so after you've identified that the hole is a good one for using a spinner you want to start using the process to break down this hole like a like a pie chart almost you want to go close First cast is going to be about 50 feet out there I'm going to swing that across I got my tip low pointed right at this Fender the whole time and I'm only reeling enough to make sure that Blade's spinning it's not just a straight reel back in they're not trout they don't want to chase the spinner they want to be attracted to it by hitting them in the face or AE lack thereof being attracted to it it pisses them off it's going to come floating down it's going to get in their mouth and they're going to try to hit it just to get it out of the way a lot of the times so that first cast was close second cast gonna be a little bit further again tip pointed right at my spinner and I'm going to control my depth with my spinner tip or with my rod tip if I want to go up to the surface I raise my raw tip if I wanted to go down to the bottom I point it down towards the bottom and I still keep that line tight the whole time once I feel bottom I can reel it back up and recast again so that's my second cast of The Middle Third cast is going to be far I'm going to throw it all the way over there keep my tip pointed right at the spinner following it down river the whole time you don't want to keep it in the same spot and let your line swing you want to follow your spinner with the rod tip and almost lead it a little bit that way you're getting that spinner down in the face of those fish and it will create a nice level swing so that you're not snagging up all the time one thing I'll show you guys you can definitely see is a big part of how I fish Spinners is that I change every single one of my Spinners to a two out must add sidewash that's this little guy right here that's a mustad hook it's a two watt side wash and it's perfect size for the steelhead in the winter time and the shape of this thing is an absolute killer it's unbelievable how well these hooks will hook these fish so with all that being said I made my close middle far cast I'm gonna take two big boy steps Downriver or I'm gonna pull my anchor up and I'm gonna float down a little bit and I'm going to cast again first one of the close second one to the middle [Music] and the third one to the far [Music] and then repeat and one last thing I can say is extremely important about my setup I have the C40 Chima on here and I have a 30 pound test that 30 pound enforcer braid is honestly the best thing I can find in the world for fishing Spinners and that's not just a hopeless sales pitch this line cuts through the water so much better than a heavier braid and it's very smooth so you can see how easy this thing casts all the way across the river I just flick my tip and with that Rod see it's all the way across and one just effortless little swing and it's unbelievable how sensitive this extra Rod is for this is nine three in particular they make this in a bait casting and it is spinning both work really good for throwing Hardware like this but having that Hive is enforcer braid is probably the most important part of this you can see that I've tied a bumper onto the end of my line I got about 10 foot of bumper so that the fish aren't seeing that extremely high Vis line that's about 10 12 feet of 15 pound test tied directly to my spinner but it's the way that you can see that line and fish the different structure that you have in front of you using that enforcer braid is what makes it such a good Advantage you know I could see my line and exactly where it's at exactly where my fish or my spinner is fishing as it's going through the strike zone which is very rare you don't want a dark colored line or a brown line of any sort because you're not going to be able to see it blending in with the water and the structure down below your line you want that high of this line so you can tell where your spinner is at oh I feel like I'm gonna get one in this tail light though I do I do lemonade bug s [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] the big one you didn't do nothing wrong tell everybody what you saw there was a fish pulling a trick on us Rook did everything right as I was talking about earlier with fishing the beads the hook set is less is more she did everything perfect because the river is Flowing so hard through this section as soon as she closed the Bale on that fish that fish took off and got hooked unfortunately it threw a couple big head shakes did a 360 and it spot the hook but let that be said less is more on the hooks that you'll lose a lot less fish on the bead if you don't set the hook so darn it he'll bite again there'll be two of them here he is got him got him again what hold on a second [Laughter] well something to be said about cleaning up with a spinner Brooke unfortunately missed two strikes on this fish as they spat the hook each time she was consistently yelling at me to get out of her fishing hole and I really it was on accident I caught this one I wasn't it was an accident I promise everybody I did not I high hold my girlfriend we said it in low holder a lot of force on this fish right now it just goes to show you guys how using multiple methods on a biting fish a fish that's aggressive and ready to eat using multiple methods not leaving that fish because you didn't eat your bead again can be very important I went up through here made three castles of spinner and got the fish that we'd already caught before yeah he's way down there still I don't it's a big one show you guys I'm in fast water I got a big fish and you can see since I've started this fight my tip has not moved from right on the water surface I want to keep this fish as close to the bottom of the river even though it's shallow as I possibly can that way he's not going to want to run down river any further you can actually get a belly Made In Between the Lion and the river to where that fish starts to feel like he's being pulled from behind which will ultimately make him swim up River I haven't moved in an inch this fish has drawn blood we got blood driven out of the hands true warrior status come on buddy come on I'll bring him to you bucket of the net a little lower there you go a little higher there we go just like that okay now just close it good job baby [Applause] yeah baby nice net job wowzers mcnowsers that is a steelhead that is a hat tree steelhead right there oh baby product of a brute Stock Program right there everybody if you want good fishing on your Rivers promote Roots talk talk about it share it with your friends share it with people on the river because this is what comes back when you brew stock fish wow the addicted landing net works perfectly I don't know if you guys have seen these yet they got little these are our new addictive Landing Nets made by mustad new cotton-free mesh so it doesn't hurt the scales of the fish especially if we're catching releasing Wilds you got your measuring tape on the inside now so you can see exactly how big your catch is no line let's see what's this one at wow only 29 inches and you guys saw that fight sorry baby there it is get to the left rip the rod rip it out of your hands didn't it all right if this isn't obvious enough Brooke took the spinner went back through there and got fish number two and it's way bigger than mine we got him right where we want him too this is going good oh stop that stop that stop that see what happens as you get to that shallow Edge he doesn't want to go any further so he stops so he's going to keep doing that until we get him tired enough yeah and once he's got exactly just like you're doing once he gives it up just straight reel on him there he is right there keep coming keep coming keep him low keep him low straight up in the air straight up in the air nope never mind oh he's trying to kill me he tried to kill me okay straight up keep going keep going roll them over nope tried to kill me again can't be trusted that's perfect though we just got to wear them out if you start to get him on his belly take an extra reel and keep lifting so he flips over backwards so guys the land of fish in this Landing that has to be up River of the Lander or of the NetSpend so she's getting up River up River up River now she's going to pull it to the surface and right out the net one straight up back towards me got it yeah and it's another Hatchery we got her boyfriend wow little get out of there look at that thing chunk a monkey well done baby I have a spinner so it goes the show to be versatile you guys we've been using three to four different methods every single one of these holes and at the end of the day the spinner paid off okay here comes the truth I can just tell by trying to hold this fish's tail that this one is definitely bigger than the one I just landed oh yeah by three inches 32 inches 31 and three quarters nice fish [Music] hello everybody I hope this video today helped you maybe learn a few things or at least got you amped to go out and Chase the winter steelhead this year almost all the products that you saw as catch fish on here today can be found at addicted dot fishing on our website so check the stuff out if you need some tackle we need some gear it's all there for you as long as some cool swag if you guys want to see some more cool videos just like this one go up here and click this link to this next video right on here hit subscribe turn those bells on give this video a thumbs up a comment below to give you the comment of the day just like this guy right here thanks so much for watching Everybody you all stay fishy we'll see you out there foreign [Music]
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 61,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Winter steelhead fishing tactics, Winter steelhead fishing tips, Winter steelhead fishing tricks, Winter steelhead fishing how to, Winter steelhead fishing techniques, Winter steelhead fishing methods, Fishing for winter steelhead, catching winter steelhead, Fishing, Addicted fishing, How to, Fishing show, Fishing vlog, Fishing how to
Id: IPP0m0rL2Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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