3 Ways To Setup Soft Beads For Winter Steelhead Fishing | Float Fishing Or Drift Fishing

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what is going on guys Nick here with England addicts Pacific Northwest welcome back to another episode today we're going to continue talking about soft bead fishing for steelhead and specifically three different ways that you can get your uh beads set up on your line so you can get out there catching some fish yeah yeah now as always when we're talking about bead fishing and our uh our setup what we're going to be using here is an egg dropper loop it's just a good setup to have your hook on there and it actually keeps things nice and straight in my opinion it gets you one of the best hook sets on there now this is a super simple setup but for those of you that are new to bead fish and some of this when there's so many different things out there you kind of gotta it becomes overwhelming for the most part so what we're going to start out with is your typical bobber stop now you'll get some of these when you buy a little package of Bobbers or you can actually go out and you can purchase just the bobber stops which I recommend because for some reason I seem to go through those uh rather quickly now what's nice about these bobber stops if you can see on the very tips there it has a little tiny Loops so it's going to make it easy to take our tag end and we're just going to run it through one of these Loops it's always a bit harder on video but we've run through as you can see right there it's so now we're just going to grab onto that little stop we're going to leave the bead because we don't need that bead and you can see now it's starting to pull off there so we're just going to grab it finish pulling it all the way off so now we've got that little stop on our line so now we're just going to take it we're going to run it all the way down towards our hook and we're talking about distance between a bead and the hook the two finger to two and a half finger rule is usually a good one to go by it seems to be what everybody out there is doing and specifically those that are actually out there catching fish so if I run back there you can see we're actually probably about three fingers so we're going to bring it down just a little bit more let's mentioned two to two and a half fingers so that's good there what's nice about this is we can still make an adjustment if need be so now we're going to come back up here to our tag in and the first thing I want to do so I don't forget about it so when you pull those things off the uh the little holders there puts a little kink in your line which I do not like so let's get that off of there and then I've got some of my beads set up on the sewing needle here because not all Beads come with that hole already in the middle so a nice little trick is if you have happen to have a sewing needle it's me the same concept though where we're just gonna run the tag end of our line through the eyelet on this uh sewing needle here so that's on there we can just pull that bead off Maybe there we go so now I've got that bead on there so now we can just take that bead and we're going to run that guy all the way down to that uh little stopper down there I'll let it rest just on top of it there you see that is our finished product and as mentioned if you want to move it further than the two fingers we have there we can just kind of back off that soft bead pull up that bobber stop kind of get it re-set back on there and that guy is good to go so for this next one is going to be kind of the same concept this is one that I did on a video before this for the BNR soft beads specifically so this is a nice little bobber stop or nice little bead stop that they have already got on there so we're just going to run it through pull that whole fella off of there so now it is on our line and run that guy same thing we're going to run it all the way down to about two two and a half fingers away from our hook there we'll again grab another bead you can see how it puts that kink in the top of your line up there so we're just going to run that back through our eyelet grab our pink bead and then we're going to run that guy all the way down or line and it's going to take a little bit of pressure once you get to this point to push that tubing inside here but what you can do if it doesn't want to slide down which is nice I'm actually applying quite a bit of pressure right now and that bead is not wanting to drop you can see it sits on there really nicely and again if you need to you can move this thing up down wherever need be so that is that setup so there is another setup that I will use I'll do in a different video it is the bead knot with a little like three mil glass bead that you get tied onto the end of your line and it just works like one of these little Stoppers down here but for our third guy here again just gonna beat up now what's nice about this one is this setup works when you don't have any more stops and you're out there and a lot of these beads will hold in their place but you don't want it sliding down a lot of you've probably seen it when you cast out you run your bead through and you reel it back up your bead is sitting all the way down there by your hook and uh just having that too close to your hook is not gonna catch you some fish now we're just going to back up our bead away from that hook so it gives us a little bit of space here because what we're going to do let's take that hook and we're going to run it right back where our line went through we're going to try and stay behind that line we already ran through there because what we do not want this to do is uh when this bead rips apart when a fish puts all that pressure on it it's going to rip this bead apart and what we don't want to do is create a knot in the line so we're going to give it a little bit of a spin now you see we've just got this Loop there we're going to get our bead to where we want it to be there's two fingers so we don't want to go in any further we're going to hold it in place and there you go no stop needed so what's going to happen is when the fish pulls through and it ends up getting hooked it's going to put enough pressure that it's just going to end up ripping this bead apart so that is a a good setup if you're out there and you're out of uh little bead stops or anything so that is three little setups there that'll get you out on the water and fishing I hope that helps some of you guys out a little bit if so please leave some comments subscribe to the channel if you aren't already but as usual you guys best of luck to all of you and I hope to see you out on the water
Channel: Angling Addicts PNW
Views: 61,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to peg a bead, how to peg beads, how to peg soft beads, how to peg a hard bead, how to peg a soft bead, how to set up beads for steelhead, how to set up beads for steelhead fishing, bead fishing, steelhead fishing, winter steelhead fishing, bead fishing for winter steelhead, how to set up soft beads for steelhead, float fishing, steelhead fishing with beads, bead fishing for steelhead setup, float fishing with beads, winter steelhead fishing setup, steelhead fishing setup
Id: PsKn9ZgPVLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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