How To Catch A Honeybee Swarm In Seconds / Natural Beekeeping, from tree to hive in one move!

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i want to go i think this top bar has swarmed today and despite the best efforts of giving them a nuke box hidden in this tree which is a good place unfortunately bees being bees they have not gone there and instead this is where they are it's quite a nice little swarm in the apple tree it's really tiny apple tree right next to the aperi now i did know that there were queen cells in the top bar but the top bar is not for honey it's just for be here's the swarm i caught the other day yesterday there was this really wonderful swarm but it flew over the whole garden much to my sadness and um flew off to the woods i think it was from a feral colony in a neighbor's roof this i'm pretty certain is the top bar sworn and i think that little one that's actually not so little came out of hive one so i have a kind of desire not to stop bee swarming because it breaks the varroa cycle but you do lose your honey so we're going to put this in a box and give it to a friend so we've just got a a nuke box and with one old frame in it which is a bit ruddy but uh it will just give them something to clean up and start working on and tim's going to put it underneath the swarm shake it literally shake it in with a really firm shake just very delicately yeah put the lid on and leave the lid a little crack open so they can they can make their way in and you'll see whether the queen's in by how they speak keep your eye on the apple tree so there's quite a lot of bee still on there because this tree isn't very uh easy we want to see is them oh they're all ready i think they're already speaking i think they're all red oh i can smell the pheromones wafting i think that um tim's just making this level they're actually exposing the inputs more you can actually smell the smell of the bee pheromone so i think despite the fact that now if if they're if they're doing that don't sweep them in because they're telling the other bees where to go so that's yeah they're already they're starting to go in the entrance as well just to show you [Music] you might use a little bit of smoke just to tempt them off the tree but we'll see and we'll also keep an eye out on the tree branch to make sure that there's no sense that there's a queen up there we've got and it's a pheromone and it tells the colony where the queen is and the queen is unfortunately in the box and they're all beginning to gather around the little entrance and they're fanning there too we might give them a bit of help but it's nice to catch them with the most minimum intervention it's lovely a few minutes ago it was a real cluster up here but now they're beginning to know that the queen's not here slowly we need to begin to close that hive entrance without hurting we haven't used any smoke at all you can really see them walking down there's a very small entrance [Music] very here closing the lid i've shut the lid and the only way to get in now this is a traveling new pop so it all screws together and shuts down that is literally catching a swarm in about 10 minutes no smoke straight into a nuke so we're just easing the lid on so just a few minutes later the lid's on and last bees are going in there's just a few bees flying around the branch where they originally landed most of them are coming into the hive there's only one frame in this hive an old comb frame so we'll come back and we'll put more frames in and then we'll send them off to their new home a few miles down the road to another apron [Music] can only
Channel: Permaculture Magazine
Views: 7,668
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: naturalbeekeeping, beekeeping, honeybees, swarm, swarmcatching, bees, permaculture, gardenbees
Id: 6wd3IOomHSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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