Wild Bees From a Cedar Tree

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there we go it'll be all right so welcome back guys you see we've got a little swarm and a tree that we're going to try to get out today and what i'm going to do first is i'm going to wet them down with this sugar water solution and that'll do a couple of things it will give them something to snack on and it'll keep them from flying quite as much because it'll wet their wings down and it won't prevent them from flying but it'll certainly help a lot and then we'll just try to shake them off into into a little container a pretty decent sized swarm maybe a football and a half what i'm going to try to do is just get my bucket or my box up under these bees and jar the limb real good and i believe that that'll get them in there so there's quite a few still flying i don't know if they are deciding right now to go back go to a new spot or if that's just stragglers or scouts looking for a new home but i want to go ahead and get them before they do decide to leave and we'll take these home and put them in a hive and give them all they need to live on their own let me see if i can get the back of these as well so guys i'm just gonna mount the camera right here there's no way for me to get up there and hold the camera at the same time so y'all just use your imaginations and pretend that you're close up fall off they'll just fall into the bucket there's a big old wad i got you i'm gonna handsome i got it steve i'm just kind of yeah let's get a chainsaw let's make some rackets [Music] [Music] not yet don't try to hang out here until they come back because i lost a lot of them doing that they're doing they'll go back the queen's in here somewhere so they'll go back keep taking the ends off i think i think i will do that guys it was just a little bit messy but we did get them that limb jerked right when i got it cut through and uh there's still some flying around hopefully they'll actually see i don't know if y'all can see it i'll try to get closer but there's quite a few still up there pitching back in that tree so that's good we can get those as well yeah i got you okay good all right so what we'll try to do is we'll just try to put this in here real gently and cut the limbs off and uh that should prevent us from losing a whole lot more of these you got the lid good look at that right in the box good chance that if we left them open they would eventually find the queen smell the queen and go in there by themselves but i think i'll just try to get the wad that's up there and we'll go from there all right no stings yet um if you keep harassing them like this in a form they will end up turning on you there we go guys we got them pretty decent swarm now we just need to get home and put them in a proper hive and we should be okay all right guys so we are back at the house back in the ap area here at home and uh i've got the ladder there so i can use it as a tripod for the gopro but i'll show you what i've done here i've prepared a hive for them and you can see we've got the front entrance plugged up with grass we've got a boardman feeder on the outside and what i have done here is i've gone into a few other hives or two other hives rather and i've robbed some stuff out of those hives this is capped brood you can see that is pretty mature capped brood we've got some bees already coming out we've got some open brood which includes some eggs in places so if they do not have a queen which i think that they do they'll be able to make one and also that brood will give them some incentive to stick around and have something to raise but we've got this one let me see here we have got this frame which has some drone brood and some stores some honey some of this is probably sugar syrup from where i've been feeding we've got some worker brood and on the back we have got some pollen which will be very helpful for them and just some more brood and stores and so forth and we've got one more over here which has a good amount of honey in it so some good stores a little bit of pollen in there for them and uh yeah we should be good here this is going to give them a lot of incentive to stick around put these back in and see if we can get these bees rehyb i use all medium frames in my on my boxes sorry all medium boxes and that's just really for the sake of a uniformity and interchangeable for things to be interchangeable so you see we've got two medium boxes that is about the capacity of one uh probably one and a half deeps would be my guess and uh yeah that's just kind of how i do we've got our bees here in our box we'll give them a good squirt of um sugar syrup sugar water but so a lot of them don't excuse me don't fly away and see if we can get them in here so i'll set the camera up over here on this ladder and we'll get to it so what we'll do is we'll just bump them just to make sure all of these bees are down kind of in the bottom of this box hope you all can see this so we'll do that to get them down then we'll give them a good spray keep those wings wet and these bees that are flying around that you see they should come back to this box no problem they did travel very well as you can see this box has holes drilled into the side for ventilation and they did travel pretty well i would say that's probably a good package of these that would be my guess so so see some of these are not the best frames they're kind of been kind of reused this will work and that's gonna do it we'll get the lid on this and uh you see i'll show you all this right here what these bees are doing right here they're doing what you call fanning so the deal is the queen is in this box somewhere i mean i'm 95 certain she's in this box somewhere what these bees are doing is they're fanning the scent from the hive to all of the other bees so that other bees will go into this box they'll be able to smell the queen and uh come on back into this box here let's get a lid on this sorry this is not the best camera work ever try to get these bees out of the way also we don't want to crush any more than we can help i'll get back in the box i'll get back in course it's inevitable that you're going to smash a few but you want to minimize it as much as you can here we go so there oh look at that that one got me a little bit too aggressive with that one get that stinger out okay all right guys so that's gonna do it and what we've got here is we will keep this is some terrible camera work i'm sorry what we'll do is we'll keep this grass in here either the bees will remove this grass or i will come back in the morning and remove it but we want to leave it there at least overnight so that the bees are basically forced to stay in there and kind of get used to the hive for a little while um if you look back here this is a really good sign this is a really great sign these bees are trying to get into this box which means in all likelihood there's the queen in there and they're just trying to get to her but if you can see here these bees are trying to find a way into the box and maybe they'll find a way it looks like there's a crack right here they may or may not be able to get into i may kind of offset this box so they can get in because i've got i've got high confidence that these bees are going to stay they may not but there's a good chance i think that they will um so anyway that's really it um what we just need to do now is let the give these bees some time to get acclimated to this box and what i'll do is i'll come back later today and give them a good shot of oxalic acid vapor just to make sure that these bees are as might free as possible i think i will offset this just a hair ooh too much see how they how they deal with that see him walking in there [Music] um yeah that's a really good sign [Music] all right well that's going to do it i'll come back in the morning i'll try to get some footage of coming back in the morning and checking on these bees like i said i'll hit them with some oxalic acid vapor later today and uh we'll see how it goes thank y'all for watching i'm going to close this up just a little bit maybe just enough for these to get through and that's all there we go all right we'll check back in the morning all right guys so it is the next morning and uh all day yesterday i came back a few times and checked these bees out and what they've done here is uh they've kind of found themselves a hole in the uh in the grass here and they have really made themselves an entrance and an exit right here so i it appears to me that they are uh they have acclimated themselves to this hive and they're cool with it and i believe that they will stick around you can see that they have consumed a good bit of that sugar syrup that we left them so that's a good thing so i think we're in good shape here i think we're in really good shape i think they'll stick around they're pretty little bees seem to be pretty healthy bees i mean in general if they swarm they're at least healthy enough to swarm so yeah good deal good deal this was a success and uh it is supposed to rain today so it's real cloudy i hate to do this kind of stuff when it's cloudy like this because that actually looks like they're trying to remove this stuff i hate to do this kind of stuff when the bees are when it's real cloudy because they don't like this kind of weather and they tend to get kind of testy i know y'all can't see but i don't have my suit on right now let's get all this junk out this is gonna make them mad there we go i'm gonna back up [Laughter] back up and give them some space but yeah i think we've got a success here all right guys well i will see y'all on the next one thank you all for watching this one and uh yeah i'm glad i was able to share this with y'all see y'all next time actually real quick before we go here i'm going to go ahead and put an entrance reducer here this is what i use for instance reducers when i need one i just find a sticker that's actually a piece of a vine right there and i use that because it's just it's really just easier but anyway it is actually starting to rain right now so i'm going to get out of here thank you all for watching bye
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 175,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bees, honey, honeybees, honey bees, swarm, beekeeping, bee keeping, bee keeper, beekeeper, fall line ridge
Id: GaX4NipBY9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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