Cora's Bees - How to Add a Super to a New Hive | Inspection #2 [Beginner Beekeeper Tutorial]

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or that's a good looking super [Music] you know what i'd like for you to do first pull that [Music] thank you sharp blade in between [Music] let me help you they've got her kind of stuck now don't they yeah you're gonna go get your gloves mama has sent the little beekeeper to get her gloves better safe than sorry we're here after work with core gene we're feeling pretty confident it's time to pull the entrance reducer and add a super take out a feeder if you remember last last check which was her first inspection found the queen brewed everything we needed to see um told you then we weren't going to give them any more feed we didn't but we are going to remove the feeder today it's it's rained here in arkansas just almost continuously seems like we got to get this done get another super on them before we got about six more days of rain so yeah you got it going just take it out and lean it back up against the corner over there where it won't fall slide it there you go now just lean it back up against it yep just like that okay help me run smoke for you that's a good question but talk loud so people can hear you what about the big ones though just regular old spiders not that i know of now remember you're probably stuck out in the middle so you're going to do what i get this one yeah scrape that one off as a casualty of a lid closure you're going to go on these two sides and then you're going to go then you're going to go in the center and raise straight up making sure you're not hung on frames as you look twist your tool twist there you go all right all your frames down okay i'm gonna give them a little smoke for you all right don't bang the inner cover you got bees all under there i'm sure okay okay you'll flip it over let's let's have a look for that queen on this center board they have been some kind of busy core we're definitely not too early running right on time all right if you don't see one lay it down don't don't play it directly down in there cross it yep okay now here's what happens when feeder tanks in here open they got a nectar flow coming we never put feed back in it but you can tell they got in there and started waxing because they needed this other frame remove your feeder go to the other end so you come up straight it's just like a frame okay just take it right there and pull it straight up yep yep straight up now does it get oh look at the bees it's got okay now i can see that comb down in there and i don't see any larva in it i don't see her on your feeder so is that bad that they started nah just something for us to have to clean up all right here's an important question are you going to put a queen excluder down or are you going to let her have run of this box you do want to no okay i thought you wanted them to roll yeah all right so let's lay this just you just hold that i'll tell you what you're doing this take your hive tool okay break this outside frame loose yep oh i see they've been coated yep they ever do everything gentle and calm okay now get it and get it and lift it i can see brood on my side straight up when you do it am i in your way my goodness look at the brood lay quilted on there what's on your side more more bro okay um here's what we don't really want to do and i know you've got your hands full i'm gonna lay this down right here on your on your box okay okay don't smash them i'm gonna try not to smash anybody i'm gonna lay this down right here and let them start getting into that super now what are we gonna do we've brought a deep frame okay you need to put that thing all right but you got brood on both sides of that i think she's doing the frame card so you want to do this i'm just kind of messing up your program is that what you're saying and so we're gonna put the new frame right here well there we go let's do it i'll tell you what let's do hang that one up okay now it's got brood on it we know that we didn't see the queen so we she may be there she may not be let's go to this frame oh just bg on b now you're all right now make sure you're not stuck here and lift that one straight up out of there okay have you have to okay now what do you what are you seeing on that frame a fresh comb okay fresh comb being worked on you see i see honey being put in it so the nectar flows on when they can get to it now can if if you'll let me help you here's what i want to help you with you've identified no brood in this just honey and they're working on that that's right okay coleman honey coleman honey and bees plenty of plenty of oil that really white stuff that is fresh you bet and that's fresh nectar and honey being put in all right so let's move it over here okay now let's take this brood can i put it right here for you okay okay now lift that frame remember there you go the heel of your tool okay now let's inspect it and see if you got brood in it or honey and pollen or what we've got okay probably in one of these middle things we hope so so we have some fresh clowns that's right and see how they're laying that up there like they are yeah is it and they're not bringing it on down deeper and heavier more than likely they're gonna let her lay there okay they're putting the honey up above and they're coming on down all right but but the right there is your mama see her right there she is laying i just can't see the egg see you're going right there coming to you come on towards me there lookie there okay now she's laying on this yes so we're kind of in that situation we got a call to make we're going to go ahead and leave as is we're going to move to the wall okay will that mascara no she's laying eggs they got enough bees they'll move over and cover them we're going to move her to the wall now put your extra deep frame that we brought right in there that way will they work on this next that's it okay now we know she's over here we know this is just foundation they're gonna figure that and start pulling comb okay so that means we know we got brood brewed brewed brewed brewed and we made a buffer with our our honey all right so that's gonna be bunches of bees when these all come come tearing out of here right so let's just kind of look right here so you know that they're not okay so you get you've had a bunch of a bunch of these hatch you've still got these hatching okay so we've caught these just in time they're not they're not congested they've still got room to spread out if you'll take your hive to them clean up some of this burke home it's time for you to add your box so why do they build it up on top well they've got a lot coming in they're getting close to having a lot of their work done but a lot of this comb was started when they were in the nuke box so once it's kind of started they just keep adding to it okay we will as soon as you put this other box on just pick it up and it goes straight on top now just leave your feeder you're okay yup just leave it sit there okay stand right here and grab the front side handles yeah great doing good you're good man that's 30 bucks can you hold it so what will we do with these now i'm going to show you i would just let you shake them up well now when they fill this one out we'll put your queen excluder on try to catch you some honey okay we're gonna just let her have this box just now hold on when you do this you're doing a mid-air stop so when you come down you're going to stop above the frame don't bang them onto the frames it'll take a little good little jolt like that yep they don't like what you got going okay now you got a whole pile of them in here what are we going to do with them take them all right let's shake them on the grass so we don't hurt anything okay you want to do it nope nope you got those floats in there they're going to come up too they've got floats pretty well stuck okay got that taken care of now set your inner lid just like it is up here on top cross it yep all right you just break it loose i'll pick it up so there you go a little side to side cut it right off there so let her safely stay there in your hand can you will this matter your hive remember i'm just a helper okay you're ready to flip it over and line it up always go a little further and drag back okay all right i'll try to clear beads and you can put your top on can i help you walk around over here okay you're good put it on [Music] okay you just added your first scooper we'll take that in but you put your brick back she'll fly in a minute we'll leave it outside she'll come home what about that we'll pick it up too all right let's let's tell everybody kind of what what went on this was cora's second inspection we told you from the first inspection everything you saw everything that happened she had her second box ready she put her frames in it we come out she went through it we just happened to find the queen laying on some fresh comb we moved them over there'll be enough bees to to go over on that frame with her and take care of any eggs that she's got laid they'll all that'll be fine this has got a great population of bees we dropped in that number nine frame and foundation between two they're working on she added her box she got bees out of her feeder all in all everything went well she cleaned up burkholm her next inspection now doesn't have to be for 14 16 days i mean it can be an easy two weeks uh all is well we got weather coming they've got space brood coming off more bees coming nectar coming when it's not raining uh she's doing a great job so far is there anything you want to add for nope we covered it all right we'll let them know until we see them again roll that be able to be footage thanks for watching all right grab your feet as well have mommy watch them chocolate [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Central Beekeepers Supply
Views: 28,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping 101, how to start beekeeping, new to beekeeping, honeybee, bee supply, beekeeping supplies, Beginner beekeeper tutorial, how to add a super to a new hive, beehive inspection, beekeeping for kids, kid beekeeper, honey harvest, happy healthy bees, add a super, hive progress, honey production, transfer from the nuc, Cora's bees, nuc hive transfer
Id: -9zjB1RPuVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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