How to Split a Honeybee Hive (creating a Nuc).

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hi I'm Derek Wolfe in its April 4th and I'm making a split I've got a hive here that has four boxes and it's got a lot of bees in it as you can see so I'm going to basically pull off four frames of egg and capped brood and I'm going to put it into this nuke box it's a five frame nuke box I've got some of last year's honey a big frame of gooey honey and this is going to be the food for them and I've opened that up a little bit and I put it up against the side I'm gonna put four frames in here there's a lot of bees here so it won't bother them to lose four frames of bees and I may even shake in a few extras so the real quest of this of course is to get a couple frames enough cap brood so when the cap brood comes out they will be the nurse bees and then become the foragers and some uncap brood so the nurse bees can do all their business and we have sort of a longer life and of course we want at least one frame that has day-old eggs which is the little eggs standing up and of course we want to make sure we don't bring the Queen with us otherwise well yeah anyway here we go so I've gone through the hive and I've got four boxes so I'm down sort of in the middle two and there's a nice combination of different sets of frames with different variety let's have a little look so take one out in the middle this one's got a lot of drone combs so I'm not really going to take it um and so I'm gonna leave this one here I really want to find a couple frames that are nicely capped so let's just have a look around this one here is nicely capped and there some drones on it it looks like there's no Queen and on this side here there's quite a few day old eggs and so they could be drawn into queen cells so I'll just look for the Queen and I don't see her and I've got two sides of capped brood as well as day old and some larvae in there as well so here we go this one goes inside I don't shake the bees off I just take all the nurse bees that are on it and put them in I'm gonna take another one here that's beside it and this one's got beautifully laid out nice pattern lots of bees and you can see day-old eggs you do have to be a little careful because if you take a lot of day-old eggs and you might find yourself with fifteen Queen cells and that's not so great either so you don't really need to take too many for them to draw they'll know right away that they don't have a queen and they'll start lay out pulling out Queen cells just going to look for the Queen here I haven't marked her I'm color blind anyway so all of those markings don't help me so no Queen we can pray [Music] and in that goes nice to take them from beside each other their friends and so on are right with them there's two gonna take one right out this from the slide that one as well again these are beautifully laid lots of bees on it and what I can see no Queen now if you take out a lot of brood that's not captain there's a lot of larvae here you have to make sure that you shake in enough nurse bees so that they will take care of these and they won't just let them die so [Music] lots of young little freebies they are so cute I will name each one there's three so I'm going to put in the frames I'm going to put in one of undrawn I'm just gonna move these I'm actually the ones that I brought I clean these ones up she can lay in there that's perfectly ready to lay that's gonna go right back in the middle there's a good chance she'll discover this and she'll start laying here's another one that's got you can see the brood from last year where it was so that was a beautiful one it's got a little bit of honey on it and that will just go in the middle as well and this one here has some drawn comb on it now clean that up she can lay on it so I'm basically putting three or four frames right back in the middle of the hive great for her to start laying on this one has nothing I can put it I'm going to move my frames in a little bit and put this on the outside for now this way they have a placement of new bees to make wax [Music] here just going to pull out one this again pull a capped brood so these things will all hatch out and they will help the whole situation there's hunting on the outside there's pollen on the outside I'll put a poly Pat up Paul one patty on here as well looking for Queen and there's lots of bees here dishing them as I push this in I'll just shake these girls in gently get most of them off and then I'll put that down it's a lot of drones on the bottom so I'm just gonna scrape those off cause I don't really want the drones I'll take out the if there's any varroa and I'll take them out I don't really need them where I'm taking this to there's a lot of there's a few hives just can't say a lot of eyes a few hives yeah see they will here we go and so there'll be a lot of drones were that where they're going so I'm basically going to take one frame from the outside look again for the Queen there's no Queen here I'm just gonna shake a few of these in and that way we'll have a nice full nope there we go lots of bees drop on [Music] go [Music] actually one thing I didn't want to do is wanted to put a pollen paddy in here just in the bag in case they need it they've got it [Music] and there we have a split so I believe that they'll start I hope they'll start drawing out queen cells and within 16 17 days a new queen will hatch out shake me to mid April maybe a week for her to get her legs and fly and go out so maybe by the end of April this will be a fertilized queen I'll put this back together and we're done that's a new
Channel: Bee Keeper
Views: 103,958
Rating: 4.7581396 out of 5
Keywords: Beehive (Building), Beekeeping (Interest)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2015
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