How to Burn a CD or DVD Disk in Windows - Ask a Tech #43

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hey guys how you doing today it is Steve on the guru Brew 2 today I'm going to teach you how to burn disc CDs or DVDs on your internal drive now you probably have a computer that has a CD or DVD or both um a burner inside your computer and I'll put a picture up here and you can look at what the front of it will say generally it'll say CD DVD rewriter or a burner or it might just be a CD or a DVD burner but chances are if it's a newer computer it'll be both these are what the discs look like this is a CD and it's called a CDR CDR and the r stands for right and these you can pick up in a big pack at the store like this they're not very expensive just make sure that they're a CDR they also have cd RW and the w means rewrite and I don't recommend using those you can reuse them and that sort of thing but I don't find that they work that well now you can also buy these and these are DVD RS and these hold quite a bit more than the CD the CD typically holds about 700 Mega of data and this dvdr holds about six times as much it's a 4.7 gig so if you just have a little bit to save you know you can go with the CDs cuz they are cheaper and if you have a little more to save go with the DVDs I usually just buy the DVDs because they're not a lot more money and they hold quite a bit more and you know these are really convenient for burning and keeping pictures on And archiving away you can put these in a sleeve and then forget them and the nice thing about the way I'm going to show you how to burn them today you can read them in other types of computers you don't necessarily need a Windows computer to read these dis there's different ways to burn these but the method I'm going to show you today is called mastering and that's a technique that you can use so that it will be read on other types of machines okay so keep it in mind if you buy the DVDs buy a dvdr they can hold about 4.7 gig and if you buy the CDs buy a CDR and they're about uh 650 to 700 Meg and they typically come in these packs here's a small pack and large so I'm going to show you this on a Windows 7 today so let's go to my computer and get started okay so right away I'm going to go ahead and take my CD disc now the technique works exactly the same if you're using a CD or dvd it doesn't really matter I'm going to open up my drive and put this in okay I put the CD in the CDR in and I Clos the door you can see the computer's thinking and it pops up with this window it says autoplay and it's asking me what I want to do do I want to burn an audio CD or do I want to burn files to dis choose the second one I'm not going to go through all these settings but I'm going to show you the easiest way that works for all computers okay rather it will be read by by other computers okay so the next question is the disc title now you can just leave the date in there that they put in or you can type in your own title and we're going to use the second one with a CD or DVD player CU that's what we're doing right next so then you end up with this blank window and you can see here at the top it says CD RW drive and again R is read and W is actually right we're not using the RW disc we're just using the r but it still comes up RW anyway this blank window right here is where we're going to put the files that we want to put onto the CD and they can be any kind of file or folders or a mixture of each you can put music documents old emails music whatever you have you can put it on these disc okay so I have this blank window here and the idea is to bring things into the blank window and then when we're all done we hit this button up here it says burn the disc okay now if you want to drag things in let's say I wanted to drag this file all you do is you hold down on this with your leftand mouse button and you can actually drag it to this window and let go and you can see it made a copy of it and look down here it popped up it says I've got files waiting to be burned to the desk and up here it says files ready to be written to disk one okay and not only did it not move it but it made a copy so really this that's in there right now is just a copy of this so that's one way to get things in into this window now like I said before I can also drag things in as a folder now this folder right here actually contains a couple videos if I grab the whole folder again I can left click it hold down drag over and drop now you can see there's a folder in there and there's a file in there and inside this folder there's those two files now you can also do it another way let's navigate away from this window let's go to my libraries let's go to my pictures and let's open up this sample pictures I can individually pick these by clicking and holding down my control key and that will allow me to pick more than one you can see I can pick one or I can deselect it or select it as long long as I'm holding down my control key see how I can unselect or you can take and draw a window around them you can hold your left Mouse button down in a blank area and then hold down and drag and you'll get this window and if you put the window around the ones that you want to select let's say I just wanted these If I Let Go all these are selected and these are not if I wanted to select these two again I can hold them on my control click click now they're all selected I'm just trying to give you an idea of different ways you can select now what I can do is come on top of any one of these files that's selected and if I use my leftand mouse button click one time and navigate down to send to here at the very bottom you'll see there is my cdrw drive again and if I left click on that those files should be in my CD drive let's go take a look here's my CD drive here let's open it look at all those files that are ready and that's it and you can just keep adding files to this window until you get the ones that you want and then when you're all done you hit this button right here and I'm not going to do it right now cuz it takes a few minutes but that'll start the burn and once it's complete it'll tell you to remove the disc and label it and then once you're all done you can delete these files out of here with this button here and that'll take them out of there and keep in mind this won't delete the files this will just delete them from this area remember when we move stuff in here it's just a copy now I wanted to mention about the space limits I know it's a little complicated with all this selction and stuff but uh if you have to rewind this video and watch it again um you'll get the hang of it so thanks for watching bye for now I hope this video helped you out if it did please leave us a thumbs up and a comment if you wish if you have your own question that you would like answered please head over to the gurubu website click on the ask a tech link and leave a question and maybe we'll answer it in an upcoming show so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time bye for now
Channel: GuruBrew2
Views: 289,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repair, computer, lesson, fix, how to, answer, IT, ask a tech, DIY, tower, laptop, internet, dell, HP, acer, compaq, electronics, DVD (Media Format), Disk Storage, Compact Disc (Media Format), Microsoft Windows (Operating System), Software (Industry), Technology (Industry), Do It Yourself (Hobby), Dvd, CD, burn, master, create, archive, teach, tutorial, how, make, burner, disk, mp3, photo, document, save, saving, keep, safe, store, Simple, easy, cd-r, dvd-r, cd, dvd, audio, mail, send, send to, files, Rip, blank, empty, beginner
Id: yITiNgc1jeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 09 2014
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