Burn Video Files to DVD to Play in DVD Player #dvd #video

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consider this scenario you have this video file and you have a DVD you want to burn this video file onto this DVD and be able to play this DVD and virtually any DVD player alright we're back on my desktop and we are remoted into my media PC that's in my living room reason we're remoted into this one and going to be doing everything off this computer is because that's the only one that I have that has a DVD burner on it right now it's pretty sad isn't it so the video here is on the desktop is called movie for you it's just what I named it just to make a stand out it's an AVI file size is 1 point 17 gigs we're going to go ahead and just launch the application which is DVD flick now when you install DVD flick it's going to want to install image burn or it's going to give you the option install image burn I highly recommend image burn it's worked well for me over the years and so we're just going to go with image burn on this one um alright so let's make this as quickly and painless as possible at the top here we're going to click on project settings under the general tab you can give it a title if you like movie for you video I'm just going to leave everything default there audio everything default playback we're going to leave that default and then burnin now here you can see we have the option to create an ISO image which we are going to do or we can burn project to disk but that is grayed out for me now I'm not sure if it's grayed out because DVD flick is not recognizing my particular DVD burner or if it's because we're doing this via remote desktop I doubt it's because we're doing it because that RDP but just throwing it out there so we're going to in this case we're just going to create an ISO image we're going to just give it a label movie for you label just so the name stands out we're going to go ahead and accept that let's go ahead and add a title so on the top right up here click on add title you can see we are already in the desktop here so I'm going to go ahead and double click that bring that in it's an hour 20 minutes it contains one audio track so pretty much all you got to do is down here this is the project destination folder let's go ahead and let's put it right in movie for you and let's name it to this movie just to make it stand out okay and let's go ahead and click on create DVD now it's going to do its thing it's going to go this as you can see down the lid is going to prepare files encode video encoded audio combined sources add subtitles author DVD and finalize when it's done we will have a an ISO created for us and we'll just burn that use an image burn so standby and I'm back for just a second I wanted to show you this process priority because I'm doing nothing else with the system right now we go ahead and just bring this up bring up the performance we're going to go ahead and raise this to above normal and just let that continue to run you can see now it's going to start utilizing a lot more CPU resources and everything so let's just let it do its thing and we will return okay it's been an hour and 11 minutes and it's now finished okay so I'm going to go ahead and launch image burn and we want to write image to disk and let's go ahead and actually we'll just browse to the file and we're already in the directory and there it is right there go ahead and open it it found our DVD burner I don't want to verify and I'm going to just leave it on model there we go so let's just click that and it's going to burn so I will pause it and come back in just a few minutes when this is done and now we are done with burning it so should just be able to pop out that disk put it in a DVD player and and it should play if all went well you
Channel: PC-Addicts
Views: 1,614,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dvd, computer, burning, tech, burn, pc-addicts, avi, video, how to burn video files to dvd, how to burn a dvd, how to burn video to dvd, burn dvd, mp4, free video burn app, play burned video on tv, tv
Id: jhzOD22gyxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2011
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