How to RIP a DVD on a Computer - Digitize your DVDs

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hey everyone today i wanted to show you how you could rip any dvd right onto your computer or external hard drive all you need is a dvd player so if your laptop or your computer already has one or i use the external one because none of my computers actually have a built-in dvd player anymore i'll show you that external one you put the dvd in you use a free software and it will rip that file digitize it and put it right on your computer so you could use quicktime or players like that within your computer to view it you no longer need a dvd player so i did this with all my dvds i basically digitized them because i don't want to store my dvds and i don't really have a dvd player laying around besides the one i'm using here i kind of put mine in storage so this is actually my own film that i'm gonna show you how to rip but the process is the same regardless of what video or what dvd you're using so let's jump into the computer here so i could show you the process with a free software and i'll put a link in the description to the software and the dvd burner that i'm using the dvd player that i'm using in the description if it's your first time here i make easy to follow tech tutorials five times a week so please consider subscribing let's jump in here the very first step in the process is putting the dvd in a dvd player that's attached to your computer in this case i'm using a blu-ray player i'm gonna put a link in the description to this blu-ray player if you don't have an external dvd or blu-ray player this one is great for the price it's also a burner so you could actually burn dvds with it so once it's mounted this is typically what a dvd looks like if dvd player launches just go ahead and quit dvd player but inside of any dvd you have these two files so you don't want to just grab these and put it you want a playable format so like an mp4 or something like that so you need to rip that in that format and in order to do that we need a software so let me go to the browser and this is the software that i'm gonna use it's called handbrake it's a great open source software it's completely free and it works excellent now i'm gonna use it on a mac but if you have other platforms like windows it should auto detect go ahead and download it for one of those platforms so i'm gonna go ahead and download it on my mac here once the download is done go ahead and launch it and install the application this is just like installing any other application the process is the same and this is the application i'm gonna go ahead and open it up here and if you get a message like this on a mac all you have to do is you have to right click and then press open instead of double clicking it it'll give me you the option to open i'm going to press open that's the security option in mac and that's how you get around it and now i'm just going to cancel this page this is what handbrake looks like and handbrake will take your dvd source and then turn it into a playable dvd that's ripping dvds on your computer so let's go ahead and open our source file so go ahead and select your dvd in this case here's my dvd you should see an audio on video ts file on just about every dvd and then press open this tells you that it won't support copyright protection it won't remove that so if you have a dvd with copyright protection this won't remove it and this is the page we get once the scan is complete so it shows you the title and if there's multiple things on the dvd there'll be a drop down so make sure you pick the one that's the actual movie if there's special features just look at the time here you want something that's closer to a length of a film an hour 40 in this case then you want the destination to where the file is going to be saved in this case i'm just going to pick the desktop here but if you have external drive or like a usb drive you could choose that and then for format mp4 is my favorite file format so i'm going to choose that i'm not going to optimize it for the web video encoder is fine a lot of the presets on this is fine so i'm going to leave it as is a lot of movies are shot in 24 frames so sometimes this is the best option 30 is a little bit different it's more like video so i'm going to change this one to 23 976 that's what most films are shot at and i know since i made this film i know it's shot in this frame rate everything else is fine i'm going to leave this constant and i'm not going to change any of the picture or subtitle qualities here but you could browse around here if you want to check out some of these other options here in this case audio for example aac is correct so a lot of these by preset are correct so all i did was open source pick the film and now i could either add it to q or i could start ripping that movie i'm gonna rip it in this case i'm gonna press start encoding and this process takes a little bit of time usually it takes about 10 to 20 minutes depending on the size of the film so i'm going to let this go and then i'll show you what to do next so once the process is done you should get a message like this it says put down that cocktail it might look like a pop-up here but you should get that message and it tells you that everything is complete and down here it says encoding is finished so let's take a look over here it actually encoded the movie file and this is what the movie file looks like let me just go ahead and press spacebar and i'll just put it on mute and just like that it's completely ripped the dvd from here so it took the audio on video ts file and he made it a dot m4v which is a playable dvd let me just go ahead and press command i here to see it so this is the dimension of the dvd that it ripped again you had those settings here that you could have changed so these are all the settings that i used to rip it it was standard def because this is a dvd and dvds are standard def this is the file size mpeg4 file that's the file format that i chose and it's right here on my desktop so now i could store this on an external hard drive i hope you found this useful and you could rip your dvds and store them in hard drives or your computer please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel i post easy to follow tech tutorials five times a week and i hope to see you on the next video thanks so much for watching
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 398,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to rip dvds, how to, How to RIP a DVD on a computer, how to rip dvds to your computer, how to rip dvds on mac, handbrake, handbrake tutorial, handbrake dvd rip tutorial, handbrake rip dvd, howfinity
Id: fdvEAYZn824
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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