How to burn a CD, burn a DVD or data disk using Windows 10

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so you've got one of these and maybe it has one of these that's right the CD DVD ROM drive remember this thing maybe you want to make one of these it's a CD or dvd but you've forgotten how to do it or maybe someone hasn't shown you how well in this video I'm going to show you exactly how easy it is to burn onto a CD or DVD this is wrestling with tech where I wrestle with tech so that you don't have to so I promised you easy and it really couldn't be any easier the first thing you have to do is make sure that you have a blank CD or dvd next thing you do obviously is open up your drive then once you do that you put the disc right in the drive you push it in you're going to hear it start up and then within a couple seconds you're going to get a prompt on the screen and then you take it from there okay and here's the prompt it's asking me two things I can either use this as a USB FL flash drive which means it's going to become a data dis and with that data dis I can import files photos um pretty much using it like a flash drive and store things on or I can select to burn a CD DVD which then allows me to either play this if I'm using music to play this in a CD player or if I want to uh Burn video I can set it so that it will work with a DVD player okay so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to select that I want to use this as a flash drive so that I can transfer some photos onto the disc it also asks me to name the uh the data disc so I can name it whatever I want Alex's pictures family vacation whatever it is so now it's formatting my drive my CD to uh to match the data disc and that'll just take a second so now it's formatting my disc to be a data disc and all of a sudden I've got this great little window here and I promise you simple let me show you how easy it is I'm going to open up my pictures folder because this is where the photos are located I'm going to take this folder that says my Pi I'm going to drop it in there and now all of a sudden I've got that in there so now that I transferred my piic into the folder I can decide if I want to transfer more files to it or I can just very simply take my files and delete it or move it and this acts as if it was a flash drive which means that you can delete files and you can add to it so that's a really nice feature to have okay so to burn a audio CD or a video DVD you put in your blank CD DVD into the ROM drive there and then within a matter of seconds you're going to get that prompt again asking whether you want to use it as a USB flash drive or with a CD DVD player now you have the option it's asking asking me for a disc title I can change the name so I can make it Alex's mix if I wanted to and then I'm going to select CD DVD player now I get this screen again it's very similar to the screen before but let me show you why it's different I'm going to open up my music file so I've got a couple songs here I'm just going to select for the sake of making this quick I'm just going to select one file for now that's it and then I need to go to share and when I go to share I hit burn to dis and what that is going to do is it's going to burn all of the music files that I have onto my CD and now I have an audio CD that I can play in my car or play uh in any type of CD player just keep in mind that you have to choose whether you want want to make this a CD or a DVD there's two different types of media that you can buy you can either buy a CD or buy a DVD so make sure that you're purchasing the correct one for your particular needs so that's it now you have your very own burnt DVD or CD if this video provided value to you please make sure to give it a thumbs up and if there's something that you want me to make a video on please leave it in the comment section or message me on social media and I'll do my very best to do so so until then I'll see see you guys next [Music] time
Channel: Alex Abrahantes
Views: 602,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex Abrahantes, HP, Widows 10, wrestling with tech, software, windows 10, video, tutorial, training, microsoft, micro, ms, online, edge, learn, introduction, how-to, dvd, cd, guide, home, course, classes, class, basics, basic, courses, download, dvd burning, burning a dvd in windows 10, burning a dvd video, burning a dvd disc, burning a dvd movie, burn dvd, how to burn dvd, burning a dvd on windows
Id: -K8Q-Po0gyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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