Beginners Guide to Using a USB Flash Drive - Ask a Tech #70

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hey guys it's steve on the guru brew we're going to get into some questions and answers today this one's vernon transfer from photo gallery to flash drive steve i'm 75 years old and i need your help i'm paraphrasing because it's quite long but uh they got a new computer and they're trying to transfer their photos which is on a windows vista machine using a flash drive and they're not quite getting it they're not uh let's see trying to figure out why they can't copy certain files i guess anyway um i did a a video on flash drives and how to use them for the beginner and i'll put a link up here and who knows maybe that's how you found me i've noticed that there's quite a few people that still don't know how to use a flash drive so i'm going to go ahead and basically just answer this question again and and maybe there'll be some some little thing in there that i say that will light up a light bob in your head and you'll be able to understand these it's really not that difficult so i'm just going to kind of ad lib it if you will with my flash drive i'll actually use this one this is a brand new one and i'll show you how to move files and move them back and blah blah blah so you get it hopefully and if you have questions after this video which i'm sure you will just leave them in the comments and i'll try to answer them but anyway um let's start out with this drive this is a brand new one now if you buy flash drives at the grocery store the checkout to walmart camera wherever you go you know you're gonna see flash drives and they all have one thing in common they have a usb plug on them it's this metal tip right here you know here it is again it's a different looking flash drive but it's got that same tip on it okay this is a usb drive this fits in a usb slot on your computer here's another style here and it's a little bit thinner actually but it's still a usb drive okay something else that uh most flash drive well all flash drives have in common is they're rated for a certain um amount of storage that they have and you can see that this one's a four gig that means that this drive can handle four gig now you know they'll be bigger and smaller and depending on how much money you spend is what you're gonna get basically the more money you spend the bigger and faster it will be i'm not gonna talk about the space today of how much it can hold because it's beyond the scope of this lesson what i want to show you is how to use these and how to move items back and forth on this as well as delete a better way of seeing what's on this so anyway let's go ahead and get started i'm just going to plug this into my computer now this is a brand new flash drive so it's not going to have anything on it when i put it in my computer i get this window that pops up okay so this window says auto play at the top and it's asking me what i want to do with my usb flash drive i want to open the folders to view the files is what i want to do that way i can see what's on it so let's go ahead and click on that one and you can see it says right here this folder is empty so there's nothing on this flash drive over here on my left side you can see all the different places that i can go and if you notice the last one here it says removable disk k and it's highlighted because it's grayed out on my machine that means that this the flash drive that i just put in the machine is called k that's what we're currently looking at and it's empty now you may have a different letter here yours might be d e f g h i j right on down the line depending on how many devices you have on your computer will determine the next letter that's available so what happens is if you got two hard drives you know the first one will take c the second one will take d now e is available and if you were to put a removable card in it would become e either way you have to take no of what it's called it's important so you don't get lost okay so make sure that you know what letter your removable device is at the time when you put it in now i want you to realize that if you put it in after adding hardware or something changes on your computer it can actually become a different letter just because it's k today doesn't mean it's going to be k tomorrow okay i want you to realize that so every time you put it in look and see what letter it is mine's k okay so the first thing i'm going to do is show you how to move things into this empty space right here okay now i'm just going to leave this window open and remember that my drive is called k alright so i'm on a windows 7 machine but it doesn't really matter this will pertain to vista on up through eight so i'm gonna look through my pictures and we're gonna play with pictures because that's what i have on my computer here are some thumbnails that i did for my videos and it's just a collection of files they're all pictures now this works with pictures and music and documents i'm just showing you with pictures and it also works with any mixture like pictures with music with documents it doesn't matter the type of file if it can fit on your thumb drive if your thumb drive is big enough to hold it it'll move over it'll copy okay so you can see i've got two windows up here um the back one is my k and the front one is the thumbnails on my local computer that i'm wanting to copy now the first thing that i can do is if i want to move them in one at a time you can see i can position these windows so that i can look at them both if i want to and you can grab the corners here wait until it turns into a double arrow hold down on your left hand mouse button and you can actually drag the window around so it's a good size now i've got this one size now if i click on this one i can move it over see that double arrow right there i can pull exactly where i want it no i like to get them so they look like this so you have the items on the left that you want to copy from and the item on the right will be the flash drive copy 2. now at this point you can just grab a file let's say i want to copy this 3d printers one the first one to to grab a hold of it i can just hold down on my left hand mouse button and it'll turn blue and at this point as long as i hold down my mouse button the whole time and just scoot my mouse over here to this window the k and i put it in this empty spot where it says this folder is empty i just put it anywhere where it's blank here where it's white and then let go of the left hand mouse button okay so this file is now here as well as here so what i've done here by dragging this file is i've copied it over let's do it another one let's grab this one so again i'm just going to put my mouse on top of it i'm going to hold down my left hand mouse button i still have my button down and i'm going to simply drag it over into this blank area you don't want to put it on top of this just put it in a blank area anywhere and now this file has also copied so now i have a copy of this and a copy of that let's do one more let's grab my logo here hold down drag drop bingo now that you've learned how to grab them one by one i'm going to show you how to do a group of them let's pick these four items right here on the second line starting with this one and ending with this one if i click one time and let go on my first item i've single clicked one time it highlights a blue but i want to get three more of them here so locate the control key on your keyboard okay now hold it down and just stay like that don't lift up till i tell you now what i'm going to do is i'm going to come over to my next one that i want to copy and i'm going to just click with my left hand mouse button one time and let go click now i still have that control key pushed down okay and you can see both of these are blue i'm gonna do two more i'm gonna continue holding my control key click on the next one and let go and same with the last one okay now that i have my four selected i can go ahead and let go of my control key okay so i'm not pressing anything you can see that these four items are now selected and i can move these with one swoop so what you do is you take your mouse and put it over any one of these four so it's on it i'll just pick the first one click with your left hand mouse button and hold down don't let go yet now we're gonna move over here to our area that we're going to put on the flash drive you can see that it's attached to me and there's a number 4 on the actual file that's being moved over i'm going to go ahead and let go now and those four have copied from over here all right all right i'm going to go ahead and close my thumbnails from my local computer and just leave the the folder open for the flash drive this is what i have so far now now that i've showed you how to copy them i'm going to go ahead and show you how to delete them now i'm still on my flash drive on k let's say i want to delete this first one that's called 3d printers what i can do is i can click on it once and let go now i click on it again with my right hand mouse button and i'll get this little thing that pops up now i can just drag my arrow down until i get to the delete left hand mouse button click it'll ask me if i want to delete and i can say yes or no if i say yes that file is now gone from my flash drive and it's ended up over here in my trash now if you've adjusted your windows like i taught you a little earlier with this you can actually move it over and see your trash and your folder at the same time so let's say i wanted to throw this one away i can click to select it let go and then i can click it again with my left hand mouse button and hold down just like we're dragging and i can actually drag this to the recycle bin and i still have my mouse button pressed down but i'm over top of the recycle bin and you can see that it turned blue now if i let go when that's over the top of that recycle bin that'll ask me if i want to throw it away i can say yes or no now just like throwing these away i can also move them to different locations on my computer let's say i wanted to move this file from my flash drive to my desktop i can click once and select it and let go and then i can click it again and hold down my left hand mouse button and then just like we were dragging this over to the trash this time i'm going to drop drag it and drop it right on my desktop and i can pick any spot i want i'm still holding down on my left hand mouse button i'm going to go ahead and put it right here and i'm going to just go ahead and let go and there it is it is copied that file from here and put it here and i can throw that away just like i would anything else if i wish so anyway i wanted to go ahead and show you this play with those if you're new to flash drives and then see if it helps and then get back with me in the comments of further problems that you might be having with this in this video i mainly wanted to focus on resizing windows and the basic copy and delete commands now there's other things that you can do with it but that will be a future video leave me what you want to know down in the comments and we'll try to answer them actually it's best if you have a specific comment that you want um click on the ask a tech guru bruce site and ask your question that way it'll get answered in a lot more timely manner a lot of times i can't respond to all the comments even though i try so anyway i hope you enjoyed this video i'm still getting over my cold thanks for all the well wishes out there it's been a tough winter so far it seems with all the snow and i think i just wasn't prepared for it caught up with me and gave me a cold anyway i'm coming out of that and thanks for caring and sharing we'll see you next time bye for now i hope this video helped you out if it did please leave us a thumbs up and a comment if you wish if you have your own question that you would like answered please head over to website click on the ask a tech link and leave a question and maybe we'll answer in an upcoming show so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time bye for now you
Channel: GuruBrew2
Views: 1,833,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repair, computer, lesson, fix, how to, answer, IT, DIY, tower, laptop, internet, electronics, USB Flash Drive (Media Format), USB (Invention), thumb drive, Tips, Tutorial, Tricks, Help, ThumbDrive, memory stick, pendrive, jumpdrive, portable storage devices, micro cruzor, Kingston, Transcend, GP, sony, Voyager, pen drive, A-Data, sandisk, vistaprint, Flash Memory, Technology (Industry), pny, lexar, EP Memory, Centon, Corsair, Verbatim, toshiba, music, documents, photos, pictures, email, dummies
Id: vo2X5fqsr9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 18 2014
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