How to Build and Install a DEEP Sump Basin

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hey good morning chuck here with apple drains today let me show you how to make a very deep sump basin a lot of times we'll come up to a home even here in florida and that footer you know that foundation footer is quite deep and you can custom make one of these not hard i'm also going to show you the proper way to use a sump basin i just like you i love to watch videos every morning i get up and i watch lots of videos and they're all about rainwater drainage and you know to be honest i see a lot of misinformation out here about how sump pumps work how some basins work let me show you the proper way to install and how the how the sump basin actually works so this is a piece of 18 inch culvert this piece laying over here that's a 12 inch piece of culvert and by the way there is no such thing as six inch culvert it's just six inch pipe uh six inch should never be used as a culvert pipe that's just not big enough um not strong enough but anyways this is a this was a 20 foot section and it's been cut i'll show you it's been cut off because we only used 10 feet of it and you'll notice that it's smooth wall inside this smooth wall and the outside is corrugated so this is what they call a double walled pipe and let's take a look at some measurements here so this is 18 inch dual wall in other words we've got a smooth wall that's inside see and then it's corrugated on the outside very strong but just kind of wants you to see the inner diameter is 18 inches okay so this is called 18 inch culvert pipe and by the way there really isn't such a thing as six inch culvert pipe um there's really it's just six inch pipe there's no one would run a culvert with six inch pipe it's much too small so take a look at the difference you can see this is a 12 inch culvert pipe and that's really about a small a piece of a culvert okay a true culvert line that you're gonna find there is no six inch or eight inch 12 inch becomes the smallest culvert remember what a culvert is there's something that is underneath of your driveway but take a look at the difference in size you know we've got an 18 inch you know the big one and then we've got a 12 inch look at the difference that's just huge huge amount of difference there okay this piece of corrugated culvert pipe it has actually has a bell on it makes it really easy for you to make your connections if you're putting more pipe together we're going to make a measurement from inside where the coupling would stop which is here we want to go down four and a half feet which is right here right on this barb on this piece of corrugated spot so we're going to use the circular saw you could use a hacksaw you could use a jigsaw you could even use a sawzall but i'm going to use a circular saw because it cuts it really quick and very easy so once you find your measurement set your circular saw up to the deepest depth this one's two and a half inches should be able to cut through the corrugated and the smooth wall inside [Music] so you can see now we've got a four and a half foot section of sump basin we need a bottom this is just the lid of a regular sump basin and it just snaps right in place so yeah and what's really cool about the 18 inch culvert is you can snap a lid right in place and it stays solid this will be the bottom of the basin we can put set screws in here to hold this in place and it's all set to go okay before we start to set up the deep sump basin let's go over what a real sump basin is these are absolutely the best sump basins around there's so much misinformations about how basins work and talking about sump pumps not running as much but we'll go over that in a minute let me show you what a real basin that you can readily get anyplace home depot lowe's ace plumbing supplies and these are standard in the industry and this is what everyone uses okay so here's our basin that we're going to set up and i'll show you how to do that in just a second but these are standard basins and we install a sump pump every day i mean every day these are made by ads let's take a look they're made by ads and these are standard basins in other words they fit most every project they come with nipples on both sides you've seen me cut these off many times usually this right here is the proper depth usually that's the proper depth that you're going to be but you can always come in deeper you can see they've got knockouts you'll also notice that this knockout is not at the bottom of the basin it has to be up here the reason why is because when you set the sump pump down in here you need collection of water you need a reservoir of that water so your pump does not run all the time you could there's all kinds of lids this one is called a jackal if you had a basement you could bring your discharge from the sump pump come rip right up out of here and just you know go straight up into the to the rafters above the joist above and then go out through the wall up there and there's also some that are already pre-drilled the knockouts are already pre-drilled easy easy enough to knock out your own again we are talking about using this for a yard drain so our discharge is going to come out underground that means we're going to drill a hole here in the side wherever and our pipe is all underground you don't see anything except the lid standard lid so this is the standard lid and by the way this is an extra piece the basin costs 28 the lid costs 10. so you're going to spend 38 bucks 40 bucks for your for your sump basin but i like to use these they lock in place you can see me spin it and in place and then what we do is we just tape around the edge to keep it so no debris can drop down in and this is all the homeowner sees that's all they'll see is the top of that lid we usually leave this lip exposed so you know the grade when we when we backfill it comes right back up to here that's where it comes to and everything's underground the discharge comes out the side this is the perfect basin in 99 of all applications it works great it works great but there are times that we need to build and extend a basin so i'm stepping back so you can see how big this is this is an 18 inch culvert and we're four and a half feet down to where we need to be so we're going to set this up and we'll install this tomorrow on our job okay you will need a lid this is going to be your bottom and this is going to snap right in place you can see it goes right in and fits snugly inside of the 18 inch culvert then what we're going to do is take a set screw just a seat metal screw or you could even use a sheetrock screw it doesn't matter but we're going to go ahead and drill and secure it and i'm going to put three or four of them all the way around just to make sure it's secure you don't need to worry about this being watertight because again it's not going to make any difference at all you could seal up the inside with tape if you wanted if you want to make it watertight but letting water drip out the bottom it's not going to hurt anything so i just put three screws in here that's more than enough and basically this is going to be the bottom of your basin it's just that simple so you might ask why do we need such a deep basin why do we need such a deep basin to install well the footer of the home that we're working on is down about three feet so that's somewhere right around here our sump basin needs to sit below the footer or some pump needs to sit below the footer so our pump's going to be down here but remember up here is the footer okay so we need water to come down and it'll drop down into the basin and get down into this reservoir down here and then the sump pump lifts it up and sends it out so that's how the systems work when you're trying to achieve more fall in your yard of course it's simple you know i've been saying this for years and years install a sump pump it's just that simple you can get as much fall as you need and you would basically you know bring your lines in at whatever level you want they'll just come into it you drill a hole in that's where your pipe comes in water goes down to the bottom and the sump pump lifts it up and sends it out same thing occurs on this one and these are more you know pretty much standard like i said 99 of the time you just need the standard um ads sump basin and everything is pretty set i mean if you're in a basement that knockout that's going to be right where it needs to be just under the floor and it's just that simple okay i apologize for being all sweaty and hot it's probably you know 8 30 in the morning and it's already 92 degrees it's quite hot here this time of year in august in florida so bear with me but anyways so we're going to set up the m98 first and then i'll show you how things work and why we need to do certain things with this very deep sump basin it's a little different but when you get your m98 by the way these are now available at lowe's so i thought they were different but they are exactly the same so you could go to lowe's i think they're 300 plus somewhere in there but when you get your pump in the box it is heavy it's about 40 pounds pull it out of the box pull it out of the box keep your box because inside the box this is your warranty card and it's also instructions but if you read through it you can see the little barcode you scan that you register your pump and it's got a three-year warranty it's manufacturer's warranty they'll replace it for you within a week so make sure you hold on to that warranty card your pump comes out they come with a nine foot cord if you had a very deep basin this thing is capable of lifting 25 30 feet so if you have a very deep basin you could call zoller and actually order a 35 foot cord or however long you want up to 50 feet but these come with nine foot cords we start you can see the threaded port threaded port we start with a male threaded inch and a half adapter and that screws right into the port you want to put this down on there as tight as you can with your hand you could put a wrench on it but it's not necessary just as tight as you can with your hand next we cut a small riser and this we want to get above this protection bar the protection bar protects the float you hear that kicking on and off that protects the float so you need just a little piece and again if you are in a basement you can send this way up high and put the check valve exposed above ground but we are all underground we're different we're doing a yard drain you know a french drain a foundation drain so the only thing you're going to see is the lid so anyways we put the small riser on next we need to drill a 3 16 inch hole yes i'm going to glue all this together but i'm just showing you i'm going to draw a 3 16 inch hole and it's going to be below below the check valve it has to be below the check valve if it's up here then all the water that you're trying to stop with the check valve is going to leak out so it needs to be below the check valve just a little 3 16 inch hole and this is a pressure relief and the pressure relief keeps this pump is so powerful that you know it sucks dry it sucks it dry and this pump the pump is so powerful that you need this pressure relief because the valve here keeps the water from coming back but the pump is so powerful that when the pump pit goes dry it sucks air so we need the air to blow out and then it will pull water after that so this is a 5 16 nut driver okay that's pretty standard on all these these clamps these are called no hubs this is the check valve and you'll notice that it's got arrows telling you which direction that water flows okay you notice they're pointing upwards make sure they point upwards and then we can install the check valve it just slides right on top of the inch and a half and you'll tighten that down with your 5 16 inch nut driver we want to make it just as tight as the drill can make it perfect next we tighten these down that one i've already tightened this one we're going to leave loose because we're going to add more pipe to this once we find the measurement to come out the side of that pit so we need to find that measurement before we go any further but again you would glue this and i like to use this fusion it's all in one glue so when you glue it in fact i can glue this up i know this is ready to go remember this is for a job tomorrow so we're just setting it up a day in advance save a little time on the job site push it twist it and hold it just for a second because it does try to push itself back out but within just a second it's solid it's glued it's welded on there okay now we're going to go ahead and set this down in the basin and get the measurement for the next riser to come up and we're also going to tie a rope on to the handle make sure you don't tie it onto the bar you need to tie it onto the handle um that's what the handle is for you hold it onto that bar it's going to pull it off so we'll tie this all we need that rope because it's so deep down in the pit that if we have to replace the pump we need to be able to pull that pump out so that's really that quick to set up your pump it's not hard to do and i promise you that you can do this um if you can't do it you're here in florida you're in our service area of course we'll be happy to come out and help you do that but you can do this yourself and save a lot of money okay i'm standing up here on the deck because this will simulate how deep this actually is and what we're going to do is we're going to take this pump and lower it down into the sump basin make sure that you do not pull on that cord i've got the rope on there and we're just going to lower it right down into the basin it's deep set it down in you can arrange it wherever you want at that point now we're going to make that measurement you can see the top of the check valve the measurement and we're still going to come out underground okay two inch hole saw make sure that you've got a deep one if you're going to use a culvert pipe because these ridges are pretty deep so we want to make sure we can cut clear through make sure that it's clean you have no debris or other uses inside of your drill and notice that you know as as installers we have always carried two drills but this one you know always has the 5 16 bit and this one is for the hole saws remember we're also going to cut an inlet line for the footer pipe or the french drain and it's going to come in quite deep in the bottom but we won't cut that today because we don't know that exact depth yet but anyways right here remember that we want to be below grade you can see it's a nice two inch hole right there and you can see it's a perfect two inch hole slides right in it's very tight no dirt will get in you could put tape around it but i never do it's not going to get anything and it's perfect now we're going to make the measurement from the check valve to this pipe right here and we'll be able to get this all set up i pulled the pump back out and what we want to do is i want to loosen this clamp up right here and then we'll put our inch and a half riser temporarily in place nice and loose set our riser we're going to secure this clamp so that it's nice and tight and we'll set this back down into the pit and then we can make the final measurement to the discharge just as tight as that drill can make it and it can flop around it's going to be fine it's very secure very secure okay let's set this back down in the pit remember that we've got to use the rope we'll also guide it with this as well so we set the sump pump down into the pit and you notice that i already stuck a 90 on here because we want to make this measurement right there to the inside top of that coupling we can cut that and then we're ready to glue it all together so we made our measurement inside now i'm going to cut it off perfect we're ready to install okay here's how it sets up we made a perfect measurement from the top of the check valve which i tightened that clamp down brought it up come straight into the 90 make sure your measurement comes to the inside of the coupling okay now because this is so deep we need to make sure we have a rope on it it's tied to the handle down below so if we have to pull this pump in the future we've got a way to do so next the final thing is to put another no hub here so that you can take this apart and pull that pump so it's very important to put this no hub in here once once the discharge comes out it'll go we might use gravity or it could be straight pump you know being the lift station and just send it wherever we want to go but nothing's glued together except for the bottom piece because all this is going to be installed tomorrow and we'll put it all together have all the pieces ready to go record installed you know coming up out of the pet you can see we put the lid on and remember that grade is going to be right here so we could cut this off and we might we might cut this off around here but just letting you know this will be grade right here you can see the discharge line as it comes out and this pit's ready to go we're ready to go ahead and install that tomorrow morning once we dig that and then we'll go ahead and find the depth of the inlet line which is going to be somewhere down here deep that's why we've got such a deep pit because the footer tiles are very deep on this house okay remember how this is working we've got this is the bottom of our basin and the footer is about right here we need this much area to collect water and it has to be below the footer so that our inlet lines can come in at whatever level we're not going to drill that yet but you need a four inch hole saw and my guesses are going to be about right here but we'll wait till we trench all that and install it but remember our sump pump sits down here at the bottom we need an area to collect water so water comes in drops down to the bottom of the basin fills up and then the pump kicks on it's not it can't be right down here it cannot be at this level the inlet line cannot be at this level it has to be higher somewhere up in here but we've got tremendous fall tremendous fall we could add so many things to this downspout even if that yard came down down down down we could bring it into the sump basin that's how you achieve fall in the yard hey this is chuck with apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something i guarantee you can do it have a great day [Music] so [Music] do
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 52,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sump Pump Basin, Sump Pit, Build a Sump Pit, French Drain, Crawl Space, Exterior, Foundation, Waterproofing, Apple Drains, Gravel perforated pipe, yard drain, trench drain, sump pump, How to install a french drain, how a french drain works, french drain tips, DIY, channel drain, micro channel drain, how to replace micro channel drain, Best Channel Drain, French Drain Installation, NDS Channel Drain, 2 inch Channel Drain, paver channel drain, Build a French Drain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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