6 Things Sump Pump Owners NEED to Know

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[Music] hey YouTube Chris with RC Wurst here welcome back to another great video today we're gonna be showing you six tips that every sump pump owner should know so let's get started okay so here we are with tip number one this one's pretty easy you'll need you five-gallon bucket and all you do take the take the cover off your sump with everything plugged up and energized ready for ready for action on any other given day and we'll just start dumping water in here until it activates the pump what we're trying to do is confirm that the pump is working the more critical the application that you have or the more likely that you could have a flood then the more often you're probably going to want to perform this check so we're gonna fill this up and make it work [Music] alright so here we are with tip number two you saw tip number one cycle in the pump tip number two is on a regular basis and and you're gonna learn as you go how often you need to do this but clean the interior of your sump out sumps that don't run as frequently or more prone usually to getting a lot of sediment and stuff and as you can see this sump doesn't have the best lid so things can easily get kicked into there so it's extremely important to clear stuff out we grabbed this little piece of dryer lint here and that's definitely something that's going to stop your pump up if you don't really feel like digging around in there a lot you can use something like a shop vac like a wet vac those work really well in these situations and in this particular instance instance the sump pump is actually on a gravel bed so underneath the pump is a bunch of gravel because this sump doesn't operate very frequently most of the water that gets introduced just saturates into the ground it's only in in real bad situations that the sump pump actually engages in this particular instance so that's why it's again critical to clean this out and make sure the pump is working for when those heavy and things come then you're not sitting there at the flooded basement so on to tip number three okay so tip number three here we are and we don't really have a lot to show you but if you are interested in what we're about to talk about we did make a video about this particular subject and we'll put that in the description below so what is that subject well now that I've left you hanging long enough we're talking about battery backup systems so in the event that you've got a sump pump that runs pretty regularly or in the event that you don't necessarily want to worry about the system in the long term they make battery backup systems where you would have a secondary pump down in your sump basin that operates off of a battery in the instance of a power outage that battery backup pump is going to run off of the battery when the primary pump doesn't have electricity or in the situation where your primary pump is not keeping up with the inflow and it does have power this backup pump can lend a little bit of additional volume so there's multiple reasons to have a battery backup system and I think that it's a great investment in the long term because it can definitely save you some money and you know save in your basement is definitely a priority for most people so here we go with tip number four okay so tip number four this one's pretty straightforward sump pumps like any other mechanical thing with moving parts do wear out from time to time now some pumps are kind of unique in a way that when they fail usually there's not a whole lot of time between the failure and when things start to go bad so being proactive knowing what pump you have and how available that pump is those are things to keep in mind when it comes to owning a sump pump primarily because you want to make sure that you're not finding yourself in a bit of a pickle in the event that something goes wrong so tying all these tips together this is just one more tip where we wanted to emphasize the importance of knowing what equipment you've got and whether or not it's working so that you can be proactive and keep things from floodings essentially so on the tip number six five on the tip number five so here our tip number five we're well on our way and only one away from the final and fantastic tip so what we've got for tip number five this kind of relates to tip number four a little bit but it's a little bit different at the same time so be proactive again with the ownership of your system knowing the workings of the system how it operates what each individual component is these are all things they're going to be things that help you to save money in the long run because the more you know about your system the more you're going to be able to troubleshoot and determine on your own and thus allowing you to save money and also preventing you from being taken advantage of by professionals one additional thing that I would recommend that everyone do when you have a sump pump system is take all of your ownership documents and receipts and everything that's related to the sump pump purchase and installation and put that in a ziplock baggie and hang that on the wall next to where your sump is so that you've always got easy access you always know when and where and what with relation to the equipment that you've got installed so keep that in mind and now we're on to the exciting tip number six okay here we are tip number six now if you recognize what this is then you're not in for much of a surprise but if you don't recognize what this is then aren't you glad that you stuck around through tip number six so here we are with an alarm system what this does is it actually mounts to the wall and it can be mounted close to your sump or it can be mounted a little farther away depending on where you are in your home in relation to where the sump is so these have a very loud audible alarm that will notify you when the sump has failed now this particular unit this is the original let's see tank alert one series now this one doesn't actually have a battery backup but they do have plenty of options with a battery backup so if you're in a situation where you want to protect yourself or no in the instance for example that you don't have a battery backup sump pump you would definitely want to invest in the battery backup alarm because if that something becomes full and starts overflowing at least then you have an opportunity to do something about it whereas this alarm just operates off a 120-volt if it doesn't have power it's not going to work but the idea is that when the sub pump isn't turning on you've got a secondary float that when it raises it's gonna sound the alarm just like that that's I think this is a 92 decibel alarm that's in this thing so very loud and chances are you'd be able to hear it anywhere within your house relatively easily and another thing that you can do once you have one of these systems or if you already have one of these systems is regularly test it with the test button to determine if the buzzer is still working properly just to assure yourself that you're gonna know when that alarm does go off so that's tip number six get a battery backup alarm system or a standard alarm system I would say a standard alarm system is going to be more than sufficient if you have a battery backup system in your home for your sump if you don't then I would highly recommend going with the battery backup alarm so that you always know what's going on with your system so thanks for joining us today have a great day we hope that you enjoyed this video and be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you did if you have any questions leave those in the comments below if you have any specific questions on equipment or need any of this kind of stuff give us a call at RC worst or visit us online at RC worst com have a great day [Music]
Channel: R.C. Worst & Co., Inc.
Views: 1,194,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water pumps, pump, pumps, sump pump tips and tricks, sump pump, basement, sump, what is a sump pump, sump pump maintenance, sump pump test, testing your sump pump, where is sump pump, sump pump backup, home flood prevention, sump pump testing, Sump Pump (Product Category), Sump maintenance, sump pump not working, water, sump pump installation in basement
Id: LAquntA5Ba0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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