Backyard Sump Basin! Watch It Work - Best Basin - French Drain - Catch Basin

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hey good morning chuck here with apple drains today we're going to talk about sump basins and what's the best sump basin to use in your outdoor system or your crawl space or your basement we're also going to touch on some catch basins and different sizes and how they work in your french drain and why we recommend that you install these at the same time as you install your french drain so let's get started okay catch basins let's just touch on that really quick because we're going to go over that we're actually going to install a small french drain it's going to come over here to the sump basin you can see i've already got it set up and it's going to lift it up it's just going to pump it out to a natural area out back there but let's start with this little 6x6 these are called six by six speed basins they they don't come with the lid you gotta buy the grate so they're about 15 bucks this is about 10 or 12 and this is between four and six dollars so about 15 bucks and it's really a great little basin to pick up that low spot in your yard as water comes across the ground it drops into the basin and is carried away most floods in people's backyards are actually surface water and not the underground water that the french drain is designed to pick up then we've got a 9x9 these are all made by nds and great these are so easy to snap together this was just a little bit bigger of a basin that means you can hold a little bit more water the debris as it drops in there stays down in the bottom and the water is carried away then we have a 12 by 12 and you can see the difference it's a lot bigger and again it just holds more water and debris at the bottom allowing more debris to be cat captured and that's really about the only difference okay sump basins these are truly the best basins for the diy or the contractor whether you're putting this outside like this or whether you're putting it down in a crawl space or a basement these are really the best basins available and they're everywhere they're in home depot lowe's menards ace all of these stores carry these things and they're all about the same price this is an ads basin you see the lid says ads on it and this is my favorite basin by the way i think this one is by far the easiest to use and probably works the best it's got all kinds of knockouts around it it's got a nipple that can be cut off it's almost preset almost every drain that you put in is going to come into this port right here and for whatever reason nds figured that out but really what it is is a french drain for example in the backyard is going to be anywhere from 14 to 20 inches deep and by the time you put gravel down in the bottom and yes you need to put gravel down in the bottom of that trench for it to work properly by the time you put that gravel down there it's going to that bottom of that pipe's going to come in right here and it's perfect almost almost every time but it has knockouts that you can cut with a four inch hole saw oh you can come way down here to the bottom and this is the lowest that you can come by the way it's right here in this basin with the m98 the zoeller m98 so that's the ads basin and again it is truly the by far the best basin it's all ribbed it doesn't collapse it's perfect for the outdoor or for the indoor sump basin this one's called the jackal and this is a little bit more solid but the reason it's more solid is because it comes with a lid i've already this is a used lid but i've already cut these out for different things but you can actually lock this down and it comes with the lid comes with grommets so that you can set this on there it comes with screws you lock it in place and it becomes radon tight so a really great one for your basement if you're concerned about radon and you want to put a radon pump down in here also this is perfect for that so two great basins that blow the others away i mean there's nothing that comes close to this and i'm going to dig a trench here put a french drain in and show you why these basins work better than anybody else's okay let's dig a trench you know if you've watched any of my videos i really do give you so much information and tips on how to install these systems and the first tip is when you're digging your trench lay out your plastic so you can set your solder on one side and dirt on the other side we're not going to worry about sod here always dig backwards set your dirt right there on the tarp so that you're easily able to put that back but the real tip here is if you're going to try to use one of these kind of shovels you're going to be hurting her really bad this is not the shovel to use to dig a trench it's too small you can see how far i'm bending over and by the end of a trench by the end of about 20 minutes your back's gonna hurt pretty bad this is not the shovel to use to dig a trench so back to a good sharp shovel these are razorbacks and that's my favorite shovel i get these at home depot we're just going to dig a little trench here they get back remember to dig backwards very important the reason why is that after you dig down your first pass we're going to come back and push that shovel with our body weight and clean it out and it's going to be at the perfect depth for almost every drain line real simple you can see how quickly i'm digging this stretch and it's going to be perfect use your body weight push it forwards and then just lift that dirt right out of there i'll bring the camera over here in just a second so you can see it go right up to your discharge in this case it is our sump pump as a discharge so let me bring the camera over here take a look at this trench okay for the first example i'm just going to use a piece of easy flow i like to use this this is self-contained french drain it's got the fabric around it and you'll because it's wrapped totally wrapped in styrofoam peanuts that's our base of gravel on the bottom if this is the perfect level look it slides right into our opening and it is at the perfect level for us to put dirt back on the top and sod it's just perfect that trench is absolutely perfect with one path okay fabric wrapped french drains this fabric is called stay green and this is the best fabric that i've actually found that you don't need to order and spend thousands of dollars for something that is being called punched and you know this stuff works great i've got a couple videos showing you how fast it works and i have had no problems with it at all it's very strong it's made from recycled bottle caps and it works really good but anyways so what you do is lay out your fabric there's your trench lay out your fabric down the trench cover that whole trench up and then you push it down to the bottom and just keep that off to the sides and what we're going to do is we're going to put a base of gravel down here and i'm just going to use gravel by the bag you know for the diyer it's the best there is if you've got a truck or a trailer great but if you don't gravel by the bag works really good so this is just drainage stone and just rip it open and we're going to put a base of gravel down here on the bottom of the trench you don't need much two inches is more than enough we're just going to spread that out [Music] all the way through our perforated pipe section i'm just doing a small drain to show you but you got the picture so again if you're going to use perforated pipe that has holes in it remember the holes must point down into the gravel because the way this system works is water floods up this system is designed to grab underground water subsurface water it's not made to catch water from the top so this actually floods up into the holes of the pipe and the pipe carries it away so we stick it into our basin and back here we're actually going to put a catch basin remember i said that catch basins are very important and they allow the surface water to drop into that system this is perfect this little six by six they'll go right here into our low spot that's just perfect right there so we're going to go ahead and pour some gravel in here let me set this up a little bit better yep let's go ahead and cover that pipe with gravel [Music] one more bag take your scissors and cut this off we're just going to fold it over and you could pin it if you wanted to but i don't think it's necessary just like that then we're just going to throw some soil on it and cover it up perfect let's cut the rest of this fabric away okay now just backfill it a little bit to help hold everything together because again you could pin it but there's not really any reason to there's no need to that dirt's not going to go anywhere then you'd put your sod back on top there if you had it and it would settle really nice so the reason you put that tarp out there is because you can easily pull it over and just dump it right there or you can haul this whole tarp away whatever you want i usually mount mine up a little bit high because i know that it settles dramatically so i just put it all on there then we'll come back and take some away as needed okay really quick a lot of people ask you know what if this line's deeper than this particular basin well i've showed you that you can buy this insert and you can cut this off to any level you want to extend that catch basin to any height that you want and it's going to work exactly the same so that's just a real quick tip there but what i want to do if i can get it out of here is go ahead and just pour i've got some water in that basin i've got some water in that basin gopro set up i'm going to flood this area here and you can see how this system works and you're also going to see how well that sump basin works and why it's the best one on the market okay as i flood this area what you're going to see is water flooding this area out here and water is going to come into the basin drop down the sump pump's going to lift it up all right go ahead and dump this [Applause] notice that the water is going into the catch basin it's not going into there it's going into the catch basin this is surface water now it's going down and into the gravel because i actually kind of eroded it right there but catch basin is so important you got to have them on your system and you can see it traps all the debris no debris gets down in there and any debris that does you reach inside and there's nothing in there but you reach inside and clean it out catch basins on your french drains very very important okay notice what happens here as water comes across the ground most of it goes into the cat's basin as it enters into the sump basin this is why this basin is so much better than anything else there the water drops down to the bottom of the basin and the pump lifts it out because of the depth of that basin no water is left in your trench and there's no backflow there's no there's no water at all it is totally gone that sump pump the m98 is very fast and very powerful it will take that water out of there in a matter of seconds and there is no more water left in your drain line whether it's a solid pipe or whether it's a french drain underneath of the gravel it's dry it's totally gone remember that water level goes up and down in the ground so even if there's water under your pipe under your trench this french drain is working great and the sump basin is the key it is the discharge to daylight it has to drop down and let that pump lift it up and send it out okay just for fun let's open this french drain up let me pull this back and let's see if there's any water in that trench there's our gravel in our fabric you see this is dry as a bone no water comes down from the top into your french drain it's virtually impossible let me dig some more of this out i'm just going to destroy it to show you i'll have to dig a hole over here on the side you see that i'll bring the camera over here you can see it there's no water in that trench at all can you see that that's dry as a bow no water lays in the trench or in the gravel after this drains out into the sump basin this all drains out into the basin and is carried away gravel is a must underneath of your pipe okay a quick review i gave you a lot of tips there you know one was digging backwards using this shovel not to use that little shovel because it'll hurt your back catch basins extensions all kinds of little tips there but i've worked up a little sweat so let's go ahead and look at some real installs some real life examples of what we're talking about i think you'll see even more and understand that those two basins by far are the best basins out there on the market hey this is chuck with apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something i guarantee you can do it have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 27,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Drain, Crawl Space, Exterior, Foundation, Waterproofing, Apple Drains, Gravel perforated pipe, yard drain, trench drain, sump pump, How to install a french french drain, how a french drain works, french drain tips, DIY, channel drain, pool patio drain, micro channel drain, how to replace micro channel drain, Sump Basin, Downspout Drain, Best Pump, Best French Drain, Raleigh NC, Orlando FL, Live Help, contractor
Id: p4IC-c3QnfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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