How To Build a Yard Drain System with NO SLOPE - Combo Installation

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in this video we're going to show you how to take a flat yard with no slope that ponds water that has a true yard drain problem where it's always muddy it's always soft it's hard to mow the grass you can't let the pets out you can't let the children go out and play until drought season you can't get your yard back until a drought we're going to show you how to take a flat yard with no slope how to create slope by building a yard drain inside a French drain that goes to an outdoor sump pump system we're going to show you every single part and piece this is going to be the most comprehensive video ever for yard drainage if you watch this in its entirety and you come armed with a shovel and some ambition you could DIY this project yourself we're going to show you everything that you need to fix a yard water problem like this we want to take care of both the surface water as well as the subsurface water so we are going to have perforated pipe at the bottom of the trench but we want a solid pipe for our inline catch basins the inline catch basins are going to catch all the water at the surface we're going to use our new six inch inline catch Basin we have a new grate that has more Inlet than any other six inch grate on the market and we have this system where as the trench gets deeper and your pipe has more slope you add spacers we have inch and a half risers and we're going to show you how we set these yard drains to grade everything is a quick connect we wanted this to be DIY friendly we want it to be cost effective to the contractor we wanted to have a system that required minimal tools and it was trouble free you come armed with a shovel and some ambition and you can put in a French drain yard drain combination like this the six inch riser for our six inch grade is made out of HDPE it has a flange the flange gets caught in the backfill when you backfill with dirt and Stone it'll allow the riser to stay anchored properly so when you pull the grate off the Riser doesn't come with it the six inch grate is the most aggressive grate on the market we have such a large sediment trap we're not worried about the sediment we have two perforated pipes at the bottom that are four inches in diameter the reason why we build our French drains like this when you hold to this tolerance you end up with a better French drain a much better French drain than just a single pipe then we have a solid pipe that we tape up every connection because we want to grab all that surface water but we want to flow that surface water all the way to the sump pump system to have the yard drain fit inside the French drain you cut the French drain pipe at the bottom to make room for the sediment trap because you have a two pipe system this is not going to compromise your French drain system the reason why we have two pipes is so that we have a lot of air we want to air prune any tree or shrub roots that might get in the system you can see the risers we add the risers to the six inch catch Basin as we have more slope you have to tape all the connections on your solid pipe for your yard drain the inline catch Basin is on a solid pipe and every single connection must be taped you can have it leaking into the French drain because you're going to have grass blades and different things that get inside the system you want to be able to float that all the way to your sump pump your sump pump is going to handle grass blades that's not going to be an issue make sure when you backfill you go ahead and put a piece of fabric over your six inch grate that way you won't get any stone inside your grade if you're going to drive a car over your French drain system you're going to have to backfill a stone and I'm going to recommend that you backfill with a large Stone because you're trying to create as many air pockets as you possibly can if you have a lot of air space tree roots and shrub Roots can't grow in it now if you're not going to be driving Vehicles over it I'm going to strongly recommend that you use this filter media it is not achievable to get this much air space with stone the air space that we're gaining by using this filter media is unmatched to any backfill that you can use with stone I strongly recommend it if you're not driving Vehicles over it we have two perforated blue pipes in four inch at the bottom for our French drain system we have one solid blue pipe for the r drain in four inch then we have the virgin white pipe no recycled materials all virgin we have the three inch filter media that we're using and in this example this section of the French drain at this depth we have four of those pipes keep in mind with the price of diesel fuel and it's been holding it hasn't been coming down you mine stone with diesel fuel you screen stone with diesel fuel you wash stone with diesel fuel and then you deliver stone with diesel fuel the bottom line you're going to build a more economical cost effective drain using a good filter media you're going to end up with a better French drain because of the added air space that you're creating and if you're diying this you're not wheelbarrowing all that stone the only stone that you're going to have to wheelbarrow is the top three inches of stone just use a three-quarter inch Stone I don't care what it is it could be crushed stone it could be Round Rock in our case here in this example we have three quarter inch round rock we're still going to have good filtration we're going to have good drainage we're going to tighten up all that piping with this finer Stone and the Grassroots can grow through our double punch fabric into the three inches of stone and it's not going to air prune the Grassroots off this is a two yard system we're showing you the first yard and we still got to finish up the second yard this trench gets deeper and deeper as we wind through these two yards we're adding slope toward the bottom of our trench we want the water to flow freely all the way to the sump pump system we're going to take all of this to an outdoor sump pump system and then we're going to pump it up and out to the front yard the only way a system like this dries out a yard and the only way it works is if you run it through the lowest points of the yard and that's going to be where you have standing water after a hard rain that pretty much tells you everything you need to know as far as how to lay out your yard drain system you run that right through the heart of the problem we're at 32 inches deep and we're really close to where the sump pump system is going to be now how do you determine whether you want one percent slope on your system or two percent slope it depends on the length your system is if you have a really long system I don't see how you can go two percent in most cases you're going to be so deep it's not realistic to dig six seven eight feet deep for an outdoor sump pump system that's not realistic remember always put your perforated pipe on the bottom our French drain is at the bottom that's where the perforated pipe is on top of that perforated pipe is a yard drain that's the solid pipe that merges but you can see the perforated pipe that has holes in it is at the bottom keep in mind as your trench gets deeper your six inch catch basins are going to end up deeper these inline sediment traps that you're going to have collecting all that water they're gonna get deeper so you're going to have to add risers the deeper you go the more risers you'll need so you'll start out with one Riser and then you'll go to two risers and so on every time the trench gets a little deeper you'll be adding a riser it's a super easy system you don't need any tools slip fit doesn't get any easier than this make sure you leave that grate a little low because you want it to catch all the water that's why a sink or a bathtub has a drain in the lowest point same reason so that there's not any water left behind make sure your six inch grate is a little lower than the grade around it this inline sediment trap needed four risers each Riser is an inch and a half this needed to be lifted six inches to bring it just below grade no tools required these flanges these rings on these risers that's what holds it in place it gets caught up on the backfill it gets caught up on the stone or the dirt that you backfill these inline sediment traps with it's super easy to take the grade off and clean the sediment traps out there's no screwdrivers there's no tools needed comes apart and snaps together super easy we took our 35 plus years of experience and we put it into each and every part that we designed for the system we wanted to make sure that it was easy to assemble we wanted to make sure it was easy to maintain now keep in mind that your outdoor sump pump system needs to be a foot deeper than your trench so however deep you ended up at the end of your trench you want to dig the hole one foot deeper let me explain why this is so important if your sump pump system is sitting at the same level as your trench and it's not deeper than your Trench you're going to fill your trench up with water before your sump pump turns on it usually takes 10 inches of water to trigger the float on a sump pump system so what can potentially happen if your sump pump was at the same height as your trench is you can end up with six seven eight inches of water left in your trench after a rain now trees and shrub roots that are designed to seek out water will find that water and take out your French drain system this is a great cutaway of the top of this French drain system we have three inches of three-quarter inch Stone and this locks together all that tubing it holds it all in place it also gives the Grassroots a place to grow leave your stone three inches shallow so you have room to put your sod back you want to cut your sod off with three inches of dirt do not fill in any of the low areas these low areas are great these are the collection areas I love when I have a yard that's set up like this the water is away from all the structures if you fill in these low areas you're going to chase the water back up to the structures I see it all the time if all you wanted to do is get rid of the standing water that's all you cared about was the standing water then take out the perforated pipe take out the filter media take out the stone take out the fabric and just run a solid pipe through all those low points with the inline sediment traps and just keep dropping them so that you have slope every time you add a catch Basin an inline sediment trap you put another Riser on it that way you're guaranteed to have slope and then just put a sump pump system at the end of the line the reasons why you would consider a French drain system with your yard drain is because after the bulk water is moved the yard is going to be spongy and Squishy if you have children and you have pets or if you want to go out and mow that grass the next day you're going to want to consider the French drain system the perforated pipe is what tightens the yard up when you cut the fabric out around the six inch catch basins make sure that you cut that a little small as if it was for a four inch round circle drain and not a six inch round circle drain that way you have some fabric to tuck underneath it this is for best results the grass is going to grow right through that fabric into the stone and the Grassroots are going to survive and it's going to thrive look at this yard that we finished this crew is amazing this is the after after all that construction and installation all that excavation the men recessed this French drain system they recessed it so there was room to put the turf grass back and the six inch catch basins are lower than the turf grass so all the water is going to be drawn to those low points this is a beautiful system done by a team of professionals now if you live in the North you do not want to put a check valve in your outdoor sump pump system because that's going to hold water in the line and it's going to freeze it's going to split the line during the winter time you want to go uphill gradually and then come back down ideally you don't want to put this underground you don't want to run it to a pop-up in the north if you can avoid it because more than likely that's going to freeze up come winter time if you can run it down the side of the garage or house or fence and then let the water just drop and run across the green belt out into the street let it dissipate this is the best practice for running an outdoor sump pump discharge line in the north considering this yard was a muddy swamp when we got here the men did a wonderful job piecing us back together in no time this grass is going to knit together at the seams after a rain or a watering any dirt that's on the grass blades will be cleaned off it'll be really hard to tell that the memory even here now make sure when you're trimming your fabric that you don't have a heavy overlap remember our fabric is double punched it has all these needle punched holes in it for better drainage if you overlap it those holes cannot line up so you're not going to get the same results with the Grassroots growing through it and the water filtrating through it the men are using six inch fabric pens they're using a rubber mallet to drive them in this is going to serve you well it's a lot better than pushing them in by hand now at the discharge end of your sump pump system make sure you add about five feet of a larger diameter pipe if you're using an inch and a half discharge like we are in this example you want to go to a three inch pipe for the last five feet of your discharge the water is going to spread in the displacement of the larger pipe and it's going to Mellow it out we like to put a splash block right where the water breaks just so that we can avoid any erosion issues now remember during a rain you're going to have water coming off the roof you're going to have water coming out of the downspouts you're going to have water pouring down the driveway there's going to be water running down the street there's going to be a small river running down the street curb so nobody's going to take notice to this that's not what's going to happen you're not going to have any issues with neighbors this is not a site violation of any kind matter of fact we're far off the road the way they want us to discharge water many villages townships and cities want you to discharge the water allow it to dissipate throughout a Grain Belt prior to making it to the storm drains that's how the code books are written in a lot of cities townships and villages the guys did a beautiful job running this right over top of a gutter downspout real clean job put together the landscape put together the yard just did a really amazing job this is truly a professional crew they've been working together for many many years they have a lot of experience and they are good trade hands this two-yard system where these neighbors work together to build this yard drain system and use just one sump pump system took us a day to put in the men were very efficient they came in with a game plan they executed if you do everything in the right order you can very efficiently perform an installation like this keep in mind this crew never double handled any of the dirt as soon as you start double handling dirt you just turn this job in this project into something much bigger and you're gonna regret it if you are putting all this dirt all the spoils in the pile at the apron in your driveway and later on you're gonna borrow a friend's trailer or you're going to hire somebody to come and pick this dirt up it always becomes way more work when you do that don't dig it out of the trench and lay it next to the trench either same thing you end up handling the dirt twice or three times make sure you take that dirt as you remove it Shovel by shovel and you wheelbarrow it right up into the trailer if you found any of this information helpful give us a thumbs up it supports our Channel I'm your host Robert Sherwood and until that next video
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Keywords: french drains, how to install french drain, french drain problems, french drain pipe, perforated drainage pipe, how to build a french drain, what is a french drain, french drain cost, yard drainage, french drain system, french drain diy, french drain installation, french drain depth, french drain cover, yard drain, yard drains, drain a flat yard, french drain no slope, yard drain no slope
Id: F1MNegA1yMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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