2 Catch Basin Collect MORE Water than 40 feet of French Drain

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hey good morning chuck here with apple drains we're here at lowe's and i just want to show you why and how this little catch basin is so important for your french drain system it's not a yard drain system it's for your french drain system and this little catch basin 15 bucks will save you thousands and thousands of dollars so you can see there's lots of different kinds of catch basins and they range you know the prices go way up 61 bucks for a 12 by 12 that's with the decorative great 55 for the regular and even with a steel grate 66 but this little catch basin right here is so well worth the 10 plus the five dollars for the grade so 15 bucks and it does exactly the same thing as these larger catch basins they are so important and you know you can add as many as you want they go into the low spot of your yard they are not for access they are to pick up immediate surface water runoff so we're going to buy a case of them down here and then we're heading to the job site hey good morning chuck here with apple drains let's take a look at why that 15 catch basin will save you so much money if you use that with a french drain take a look at this problem and i think you'll understand so we're out here just a few houses from the ocean and you can see this shed and what you can see right away is how wet this stays this just when it rains hard this just stays under water and they're concerned even though that shed is up pretty high they're concerned that during a hurricane or a northeaster is what we call them that you know we'll get 20 inches of rain and of course that would get up to the floor of the shad so what we want to do is we want to start this line with a catch basin and that will provide immediate surface water runoff so that as it rains hard water will drop directly down into that catch basin and be carried away to where we're going to discharge so we're going to run some some french drain we're going to use the easy flow because it works so good here in the sand we're going to come around and we're going to tie into an existing sump basin that's our discharge to daylight very straightforward something you guys could easily do yourselves and save thousands of dollars so you can see they've got one catch basin here but it's actually still this section over here is still actually a little bit lower than the catch basin but take a look you see that catch basin there is no debris that gets down to this cat space and it does not clog your system it has a grate on the top and there's a basin so there's a section down below that water stays excuse me that debris stays in the bottom and you just pull off the lid the grate reach in there or even use a garden hose and clean it out if you need to this talk about catch basins not being needed on a french drain is truly crazy so basically we're just cutting off some sod and i'm not that worried about the sand here in the grass when we clean up it's going to look great cut your sod off make your trench install your system and you're done so you can see we got one guy digging i'm going to go ahead and start to install this because by the time i get this installed he's going to have this all dug clear back to the around the corner there if you're doing it yourself it's still going to take just a few minutes to do this job we've got a lot of roots from these palm trees you see the palm trees they put out tremendous amounts of roots tremendous amounts of roots because they seek water everywhere okay you can see that groundwater and what i'm going to do is use a four and a half inch hole saw and drill a hole into our basin right here so using that four and a half inch hole saw simply drill a hole and now we're ready to install the pipe it's just that again take a look at that groundwater see how fast that's rising groundwater it's really tremendous here in florida in other places in the country too sump pumps best way to discharge water and to achieve proper grade and fall from your french drain and contrary to what other people are telling you you can run perforated pipe with a sock over top of it and it will work just fine this will help keep the debris out of those holes the slots and it will allow drainage it won't hurt anything it's just going to help promote drainage so again great applications for sock around the perforated pipe and don't be fooled by what these people are telling you there are great applications for this and it works great what it's going to allow us to do is grab a little bit of additional drainage as it comes into the sump basin no debris is going to get through that fabric it may slow down the water flow coming in but that's not what we're trying to do we've got the easy flow and catchmason's picking up this water this is just a small section of pipe to connect from the french drain and the catch basin into the sump base so you can see we got one guy digging i'm going to go ahead and start to install this because by the time i get this installed he's going to have this all dug clear back to the around the corner there if you're doing it yourself it's still going to take just a few minutes to do this job we've got a lot of roots from these palm trees you see the palm trees they put out tremendous amounts of roots tremendous amounts of roots because they seek water everywhere so using your hacksaw we want to cut a four inch slit five inch slit we're gonna squeeze this together so that it's narrow then we're gonna slide that into the sump basin and it will expand and snap in place and become so secure that you couldn't possibly pull it out okay you can see i pulled that through and i can tighten this up that's hard to do with one hand but we'll get it in there and then i'll pull this open and it's totally secure inside of here okay we've installed our pipe down into the sump basement remember this is our discharge to daylight you see there's daylight and the pump is going to lift this water up and it sends it all the way around to the front and you can see how low we are back here this is quite low again the sock around the pipe it works great you guys we're going to bring this around just a few feet and we'll probably put a catch basin here and the section of easy flow as it runs back through the trench you see we're digging back through there and look at the groundwater we still need to go deeper but look at that right away groundwater you know we're still digging back there but take a look can you hear and see that groundwater see how it's already running through our pipe it this system is going to work so good and those little catch basins that i showed you from lowe's or home depot or ace wherever you go to get them 15 and they are going to make such a difference when it rains hard that water is going to drop directly into the basin and be carried through the system it's not going to lose or put debris down your system that's such a bunch of baloney when setting your cat space in it's really simple we want to be just a half an inch or so below the existing grade so that water can drop into the catch basin pretty simple look at that ground water you'll also notice that i like to use a double outlet basin basically we just use a good vinyl tape close this off and our line is going to start here and run around to the sun basin but they may want to add more to the system so simple we can just come over here remove the vinyl tape and continue the trench so plan ahead you may want to add more to your system and these little tips they're they're gold they're golden tips so i've got all the trucks out again and just got the crew you know half a crew here with me he's got one guy he's got his truck got the other truck here the other guys are out installing we are working as fast as we can so get on that schedule installing the nds is so simple remember what this is is a contained french drain and so it's all everything's contained it has styrofoam in there instead of gravel but it's all contained so simple to install snap it into your catch basin get your proper depth stretch it out and you're done i mean it's that quick you guys this is a great product especially here in florida where it's in the sand it works good in the clay but in the sand there's probably nothing better so we've got one cat space in here next we're going to put another catch basin onto the end of the french drain that's going to allow even more surface water to drop into our system and then we'll use the perforated pipe with the sock to connect to the sump basin perfect system these catch basins these little 15 basins they are so well worth the money and people that are designing these systems without some type of surface water collection their systems work so slow i can't imagine if i was a customer i'd be calling them back the next day that it rained so remember what a french drain is doing it's collecting subsurface water and we need you can go deeper you could go much deeper we're down about 18 20 inches but you could go deeper if you go deeper it's going to pull out more water from your yard things need to grow for example you see these philodendrian they need water at the root level about a foot deep if you talk about crops out in a field you know the farm corn broccoli whatever they need water at the at about a foot deep so the you want you don't want to put the field tile or the french drain down so deep that things don't grow and it's really important remember french drain whether it's easy flow or gravel perforated pipe it will pull water from about 15 feet on both sides of that pipe it's going to keep that dry so if you had a really wet yard for example you could run different laterals they need to be about 30 feet apart and that will be perfect putting four or five pipes in a trench does nothing except cost more money you just need one drain tile one french drain cutting through the sock with a good hacksaw still a little bit tedious you've got to cut that fabric but once you get it cut you'll get right through it just stretch it out cut it use your knife scissors whatever you got and then we'll hook this up and this is ready to backfill so remember what a french drain does it collects subsurface water a catch basin it collects immediate surface water runoff how does it save you money by installing the catch basin you will no longer have flooding or pooling of areas of your yard put those catch basins in the low spot this is picking up so much more water than the french drain you do need the french drain as well let's talk about ground water so our pipes down about eighteen twenty inches and do you remember all the groundwater we saw in this video if we go deeper yes we can pull more water you have to have a discharge we talked about that discharge to daylight but more importantly we don't want to go too deep because things in the yard will die sod will die those philodendrian will die your landscaping you need to have some water in the ground when farmers drain their field they lay their field tile at the proper depth allowing one foot or more of a root system from each plant if they take too much water out those plants will really suffer so it's the same thing in your yard a french drain a single pipe of french drain will gather water from 15 to 20 feet on both sides so if you look at this yard you can see we just need a lateral every 30 feet putting four or five pipes into one trench does nothing it grabs the same amount of water 15 to 20 feet but that catch basin is really needed in those low spots you can see how low this area is here in the backyard catch basins solve problems so one of the quick notes people talk about how easy it is to dig in sand you know when sand is wet it weighs two times maybe three times what clay weighs be careful as you dig and as you backfill this stuff is very heavy save your back always remember to bend your knees things like that all the things that you already know but when you're back filling just backfill you don't need to step on it you just backfill okay let me show you one more tip you know like i said we show you so many things in our videos no one even comes close to all the how-to tips professional how-to tips on how to install all these rainwater drainage systems nds pop-up emitters here's a common problem and how to find another common problem that we find is that the pop-up of course when those downspouts when it rains hard all that roof water comes down and it pushes the pop-up off it blows it off in other words it just pulls that whole piece right off the top simple solution we're just going to put a set screw right down in here and hold that together when you do this of course you've got to you know open an area up to get your handy dandy drill down in there so remember the secret is to get enough room that you can get down in here and drill stay close to the top start your set screw secure it and that won't come off again so nds makes a great little pop-up but it does pop off just that simple we'll go ahead and cover this up and that little project's done hey this is chuck with apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something i guarantee you can do it have a great day you
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 177,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french drain, how to install french drain, how to install a catch basin, sump pump, Zoeller M98, yard drain, Crawl Space, Exterior, Foundation, Waterproofing, Apple Drains, Gravel perforated pipe, trench drain, How to install a french drain, how a french drain works, french drain tips, DIY, channel drain, Charlotte NC, Orlando FL, French Drain Installation, remove water from yard, backyard sump pump, build a french drain, slotted pipe, NDS, ADS, PVC PIPE, Install sump pump
Id: 1KqFlGd5pCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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