Installing two yard sump pumps (dewatering pumps)

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little Valley here and there's nowhere for water to go everything is uphill from here on all directions we're gonna have to install our pump over here so we're probably going to put it right about here at the low point maybe right here at the low point and this one is we're gonna pipe this gutter over here okay across here and into it we're going to pipe this gutter into it and same kind of thing we're going to dig a hole we're going to put our inch and a half discharge line and that one's going to have to go all the way out so I think I'm so we are going to be installing a this is gonna be a sump basin so what we're gonna do is we're going to dig a hole right here we're gonna line it with gravel we're going to install this basin it's gonna be lower than the level of the ground just like catch basins it's very very crucial that you get it lower than the ground this is not so bad because it's got perforations in it we're gonna pipe this gutter and we got to figure out what's going on over here but we're gonna pipe it and core into this just like a regular catch basin we're going to pipe that gutter mm-hmm across here into it as well you know that got nothing no that gutter and that gutter both of them W both of them is coming here and then so probably we want to find the low spot so probably like right here maybe and then we're gonna take and I've already set this thing up because you have to put you have to this is a check valve you have to put a riser on there all that good stuff so buddy set the two pumps up and I've drilled my hole here so we're gonna have to position this to go and that's going to go under the ground and we're in a core into the curb okay so I brought my big core drill and a couple of core bits and I'm like Santa Mike and that's the tube it's actually a inch and a half yeah and then a good point the 2-inch line is going to be for the for the cord so we got to make sure we position this number where the cord will reach to go got to go to the grip water vein right here and it's just for whatever reason it's kind of low but it's worth mentioning that this is a perforated basin and so it is going to collect water groundwater as well and so you would not want to put that in there if we were on a crawlspace but since we're on a slab we're good with a with a perforated Basin if we were at a crawlspace we would be putting a solid Basin in there instead of appropriate see you don't back it [Laughter] I wanted to show you what's going on here look at all that standing water in there I don't know exactly where this is trying to go but since we're in a basin here it just looks like this corrugated is in here for show so we're going to go ahead and give that water someplace to go which is into our sump basin and then our sump pump is going to carry it right over there to the street how long probably need to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful look at that blood [Music] no it's okay all right know what that is I like that bike weights are everything it's just easier to use isn't it inch and a half this is actually inch and a half pressure pipe not drain pipe and well it's worth mentioning that these are also inch and a half pressure fittings so they're much much deeper this is a coupling here much deeper it's meant to have pressure on it so a couple extra cents but you get the right pipe [Music] [Music] we got this first gutter caught into our sump basin so you've got lots of good fall right there great fall right there as well and we are up above the level of our pumps switch so we should be in really good shape there as well [Music] [Music] now we got it I know what you're trying to say I know what you're thinking we got it [Music] [Music] [Music] you got this loss cutter caught in here really good fall going into there and so obviously get some gravel surrounding that and we'll be good to go but in the meantime we're getting our extra dirt loaded up but one of the cars is a bit low getting some gravel putting that hole and we're about to start digging our second basin this waters been going for a while now so we've really filled up this basin so let's plug it in here I wanted to show you to the electrician is going to come in here and wire up an outdoor receptacle so we just gave them some 2-inch pipe with the cord running through it so we just got an extension cord hooked up for now let's see how we do [Applause] so there's our up ball that pump will pump about 55-gallon drum a minute and you can see because we've got all this gravel in here turn off and then we've got a check valve right there and that is a solar brain check smile it's got a metal flapper if it applies to flapper well I think it was gonna work pretty good for her get this water out of here she was there plug it in see what happened look in plug in D hopefully this won't blow apart by not soon enough it's not sucking from the bottom is it it is yeah yeah this pump Duncan can handle quarter or half inch solids the hole that we had dug completely filled up with water so we had to use our pump to pump out the water before we even put the basin in so this just shows you how strong this pump is I mean it is uh it will throw it emptied up that emptied out that hole in no time that's why it sucked off works.we a test we filled this up with water just to see how fast it will empty this water if it's raining hard enough to overpower that get your boats ready you can see here the water that cut went alva holes into the rock that means any water that puddles up here at all it will find its way down to the lowest possible point and will finally play through the holes into the basin and we are finished with this job and just couldn't cleaned up let's take a look I thought one out ball that's our second outlaw so we got this one over here and that one's tested and working we left the cord sticking out right here so the electricians going to come in and put some outdoor receptacles in for us or for the homeowner I should say and we've got this one over here same thing got it good so we got our cord over here - waiting for the electrician to put his outdoor receptacle in for us
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 464,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yard drain, sump pump, coring curb, yard drainage, kubota kx-018
Id: b_kxIGYPeG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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