What is a pool sump and why MUST I have one?

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here we have a sub tube on a Moroccan 38 we put these on all of our pools and what it is is it's a 10 inch pipe that runs to the bottom of the pool it runs straight down we put a skimmer lid on it so that it otherwise looks like skimmer but during the rainy season such as what we've had here recently in Ohio I think seven inches we've received already this month the spring when we're concerned about the water being higher than halfway on the pool 3/4 max of course you never want the water around the pool to be higher than the water in the pool we're going to put a sump pump in here and this is our insurance policy just a regular old sump pump you want to make sure you have the kind that float that goes up and down you don't want the ones that have just a float that the waves around it's got to be on this on this slide setup here and what you're going to do is you connect your hose to the pump and you want to make sure that you've got the float away from the cord and the discharge hose and we're just going to slide that in about half way and we've got this electric cord tied off in the vault so it's hanging if you don't have a vault or something to tie it off of you can run it through put an OP through that that lid and you're all set it's below frost line it won't freeze in the winter and if the water should exceed halfway or wherever you hang that pump it'll pump it out this is very inexpensive to include when you're building the pool and it should be an absolute absolute must
Channel: Luxury Pools and Living
Views: 88,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiberglass sump tube
Id: r980exBfzb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2011
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