How to Build an AI Automation Agency: The 7 Steps

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in today's video we're going to be going over the key seven steps that you need to take in order to get started building your AI automation agency now these steps are crucial for your success and it is literally the exact blueprint that you need to take in order to make this work now for those of you who don't know me my name is Liam we run a 50 000 per month agency right now called unorthodox and we work with all types of businesses specifically helping them with AI automations within their business and coming up with creative custom solutions that we can then build and create for our clients now this model is fairly new and there is a lot of Buzz around it right now but inside of our Discord I'm seeing the same questions over and over and over again so I wanted to make this video to make it Crystal Clear what you need to be focusing on and how to actually identify it on whether or not this is the right business model for you so without further Ado let's jump into this I've got a short presentation to go through with you guys today hopefully it should help so number one is are you actually prepared for this are you the person who is going to be able to run automation agency now it sounds bad me saying it but I speak to a lot of people in the Discord and I speak to a lot of people in the DMS and have Consulting calls and there is a lot of people that just aren't ready to start something like this now that's not to say that you can't learn and you can't become someone who's ready to start this but right now they are missing the point they are trying to jump the gun they think this is a get rich quick scheme they think this is something that they can start overnight and see instant results with and I have to warn you this is not that business in fact every single business that you see online is not that business if your only goal is to make quick cash jump into something make tons of money overnight then online business just isn't for you it takes a very long time to get good at something and to get to the point where you've had enough failures that you understand what you need to do on the next thing that you start in order to not see them failures again I've been doing this for seven years now I'm deep in it I've made Millions with online business but I've also lost a ton of money and I've spent spent so much time I don't even want to get into it so the key question you need to ask is are you prepared for this is this the right business model for you right now or is there a lower barrier to entry model that doesn't take so much knowledge around businesses and understanding how they work because this model does require that you have to understand how these businesses operate you have to identify what problems they could have and you then have to come up with Creative Solutions in terms of how you can actually help them now once you get started and once you start fulfilling these clients then it does get much easier because you start to notice patterns and you can start to place in services that has already worked for someone else so it does get easier but you do have to ask yourself are you currently prepared in the state you're in right now and that could be based on experience or mentally you have to be prepared to jump full force into this this isn't like a part-time job that you can just do on the side and hope for the best so on that point it's going to take time it's going to take a ton of energy and it is going to take a ton of effort if you're thinking you're going to start signing clients in two three weeks it's just not gonna happen you need to put the time in you need to spend the energy and you need to put in that effort now I didn't put money on here because you can start this relatively cheaply or even for free there is no startup cost here and that is the beautiful thing about an agency if you can crack this the margins are super higher the experience you get from working and building your own agency is unmatched and the opportunities are endless especially with AI right now but like I said there is a lot of failure and there is a lot of hard work so bear that in mind before you say this is the right thing for me maybe you've got shiny object syndrome maybe you're not fully prepared and don't fully understand what's actually involved here this video will help you understand that though so next step we have understand what you actually offer a lot of people that I speak to are really confused about what they're actually offering their clients why would clients actually use them and why is an AI automation agency even something that people would consider integrating into their business so there's three layers in my opinion there's AI chat Bots there's AI Automation and there's AI custom platforms now I suppose typically work mainly with the AI Automation and the AI custom platforms but there are a lot of other YouTubers that are working specifically with AI chat Bots now there are no wrong or right ways of going about this this is just a breakdown of the opportunities that are right in front of us currently now this list could obviously get absolutely massive if you look at all the different types of AI tools that exist and all the different opportunities just with those tools independently but this is what we specifically focus on at our agency we use chat Bots to open up conversations we then charge for automations and upsell out Automation Services and then we also offer custom built platforms now you can see I put a price tag kind of next to all of these this is where we really see the value for our clients for us the type of clients that we're working with the chat Bots aren't the big tickets items that we're selling we're getting a lot of retainers from automation clients and custom platforms and when I say custom platforms we're working with businesses identifying exactly how we can systemize their operations and really step in and offer that bespoke service so we work with developers who then build out custom them solutions that you can't find anywhere else on the market and they're tailored and catered around our individual clients so like I said there is no wrong way to Target your services you can go all free or you can hyper Target and go specific maybe you just want to focus on chat Bots for the time being because if you can figure out chat Bots and you get a good template then you can replicate those chat Bots for different clients within that same industry without having to have the knowledge to go in and make custom ones for every single person so it's just something to consider what are you comfortable doing right now are you comfortable building chat Bots are you comfortable coming up with Creative Solutions for automations or are you comfortable going full in building custom platforms and working with a team of developers something to think about so if you understand number two you can now answer number three which is identify your target client now I've spoken about this one a lot I've spoken about the types of niches that we work with and I've spoken about how we then Target when we're doing our Outreach methods to find these type of clients if you're just getting started and you have no data do not guess do not just assume that what you know is the right thing do not just assume that because you think that you know dentists are going to be the best people to work with because they charge a lot of money and they're easy to get hold of that they are going to be the best opportunity you need to start building up data and that's exactly what we do and maybe you have no clue about any of this you have no idea who this could be helpful for well the very simple solution to that is go into chat GPT and literally asking what is the best Niche for me to Target for AI automations or typing what businesses would benefit from AI automations the most and just see what chat GPT comes back with I guarantee you you'll be surprised and there'll be some Industries in there that you really wasn't expecting or thinking about use that as your base use it as a starting point and just start building a niche list or a Target Client List from there so number four is start in your Outreach now this one is obvious but it's often the most hardest thing to get started and people get really really stuck on this part because they just don't understand what is actually needed so in my opinion there's three main Outreach method there's email there's LinkedIn and there's Instagram now on Instagram that should really be social media because there of course is Facebook groups and Facebook DMS or you know Tick Tock even but for us email LinkedIn and Instagram keep it very very simple and there are methods of automating this entire process so you don't have to do it manually every single day the key with Outreach is to make your life easier you want to set up systems in place just like you're working with clients setting up their systems you want to do that in your own business so you that you can automate these mundane tasks you know you don't want to be sat there sending out 30 emails every single day or you don't want to be sat there sending out 20 connection requests on LinkedIn 50 DMS to your target client on Instagram every single day so what we need to focus on is building a lead list which then moves to an automated Outreach campaign I'm going to show you how you can do that so we use Virtual assistants so va's is virtual assistants you can find them on upwork you can find them on Fiverr these guys build our lead list we tell them our target audience we tell them what data we to capture you know name position in the business The Business website the business Instagram account the business LinkedIn page and then we get them vas to go out and start scraping data now on average we're spending 50 60 per virtual assistant that then pulls Us in hundreds of leads every single week now we set them really clear instructions so they know exactly who they're targeting and we can then adjust it and add new niches as and when we want but the key thing here is we've built up a really solid team of virtual assistants that know exactly what they're doing every single day they log in they scrape us leads and we then use those leads in our Outreach campaigns so most of the time va's are going to be using lead gen tools but you of course can skip this VA part and just go straight into scraping the data yourself now the tools you can use are the likes of Rocket Reach rocket reach essentially allows you to go on any website or type in any business name and you'll be able to find the owner of that business's email this is key you do not want to be sending blanket emails out or Outreach methods to people that are like secretaries or not decision makers in the business because the just not going to give a basically so we need to go straight to the top we need to go to the decision makers and we need to make sure every single ounce of effort that we put into this stands the best chance of work so you're going to want to Target business owners or Founders or Partners anyone who is higher up in the business and ultimately has a decision you don't want to be going for Monster companies we don't want to be going for JP Morgan or chase bank trying to sign them as clients it's just not going to work we need to be going for businesses that have you know 10 employees 15 employees a business is making money but also not so big that we can't actually reach out to them so yep you can use tools like Apollo Rocket reach like I just said or you can use a tool called instantly that also has a lead generation tool built into it as well I'll link all of these in the description now if you want to do the manual Outreach and you just want to scrape data by yourself and literally search for these businesses in your local area maybe you can just use Google Map find businesses that tickle your boxes and are part of your target Niche start collecting that data manually you can copy and paste that email I mean I don't know why anyone would do this considering the tools I've just mentioned can literally give you hundreds if not thousands in a matter of a couple of clicks but maybe you want to work slow and you actually want to take your time I'm sure go for it but the tools are better that's the manual way of doing it going around your local area looking on Google Maps so to automate these Outreach methods once we have our leads we are going to be using different tools across different platforms so for email we use instantly AI instantly lets you warm up email account which means when you send out your emails they're not going to be sent to a spam folder or just get ignored they're actually going to hit an inbox so instantly helps you warm those accounts up they've got tons of learning resources that are really really simple to follow so all you have to do is go and spend an hour setting up your internet account really understanding how it works watch some more YouTube videos on it I will be releasing one at a later date but guys this is really really simple and this goes back to question one are you prepared are you actually mentally prepared to and willing to put in the effort and the work to actually learn these Platforms in order to see your success so instantly is a great one this is where you can generate your leads then you can start automatic email sequences that happen every single day without you needing to check in on them so this is what we want we want automated processing another platform is Apollo now Apollo is a little bit more expensive but again same kind of deal with instantly you can scrape the leads you can send emails you can set up automated sequences it really is just a matter of personal preference I personally would recommend using instantly that's what we use I find it the easiest to set up and easiest to work with so I'm sure you will as well now with LinkedIn you can obviously use sales Navigator where you pay a monthly fee and you get like premium filters and insights into different business owners you get really really good search function which allows you to just scroll through Linkedin filters and Search terms you can type in owners of accountants for example and you'll get a huge list that is in your area or in the Target country that you're trying to sell to we also have automated services like octopus there's a couple of others like dripper fire but Oxford is a really good one where it's literally an all-in-one LinkedIn automation tool so again we want automation so we can just tell octopus the target clients that we want and it will start reaching out to people opening connection requests and start conversations with those people people on LinkedIn the same rule applies to our leads that we have generated we want people in a specific position in that company and we don't want these companies to be huge we are not trying to reach the CEO of McDonald's trying to get him to sign up to our automation agency okay now with Instagram and social media is a lot of manual work it is mainly just sending DMS now this is just usually a copy and paste job so it doesn't take a long time and again it goes back to number one do you have it in you to actually put in the effort and spend 30 minutes to an hour actually sending out DMS every single day with cold Outreach is all about volume it is all about just putting in the Reps and making sure that you are constantly tweaking and refining your offer and what you're actually sending to these people in order to see results I see a lot of people you know they send 10 emails a day or they'll send a couple of Instagram DMS every single week and be like ah cold Outreach does not work guys this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you can make it work you just have to put in the effort but I guess in a way this is a good thing because a lot of agency owners won't put in this effort so if you are one of those guys who will put in the effort you will actually see results and the others will eventually fall to the Wayside and move on to the next shiny object like Drop Shipping okay so going on to what we're actually going to be offering people when we're reaching out to them is going to be that Free Chapel now I spoke about it in another video I'll leave a link in the description of this video but make sure you stick through the rest of this video because you're going to want to watch this before you go and check that out so you're going to be offering that free chatbot and then you're going to be upselling automations in my opinion and in our experience at on Orthodox we work with clients helping them with automations mainly and this is where we're seeing the higher retainers we're getting four or 5K per month coming in through clients just by offering these automations and working with them as almost like Consultants so going back to that slide where I had the free prices this is where our agency really fits in and this is where you can kind of tweak your offer based on what you actually want to start selling now of course if your main business is going to be chatbot then maybe you're going to offer them an audit or maybe you're going to offer them a really simple version of that chatbot and then your upsell is a more advanced chatbot or something completely custom to those guys and the exact needs and wants that they actually have so number five is signing your first client once you're doing Outreach and once you have it plugged in you have it automated and you're actually working on it you're going to start getting responses and people are going to come to you and you're going to get on calls with them and you're going to be freaking out probably thinking how the now do I deliver this service so this is it when you first get on that call which is your main goal by the way you're not going to sign up people and get them to pay just by speaking to them on email you're going to want to get them on a call there is no selling you are not going to be selling or pitching your services the only thing you're going to be doing is speaking to that client and just listening to the pain points and the problems that they currently have in their business this is the only way for you to really cut through and actually give custom feedback and custom recommendations to that client if you just went in and started selling straight away number one people don't like being sold to and number two these clients aren't stupid they're business owners that know how this works and they're just gonna think of you as just a Salesman you need to build trust you need to build an element of expertise with these clients as well so do not just jump on and start selling take info and build a proposal and on that first call you're just going to take info you're just going to take notes you're just going to listen you're just going to you know maybe ask a few probing questions like what pain points do you currently have or where do you get your most leads right now or how much is a lead worth to you how much time are you spending responding to support tickets and support queries through your website those kind of things you want to identify how much time people are wasting how much money people are wasting and what are the potential missed opportunities that they are missing just by not being around 24 7 which obviously a chatbot can help with so you're going to take info and then you're going to come back to them and build a proposal so you're not gonna have to freak out you don't have to worry about you know knowing all the answers on that first call your actual main goal is to get as much information and data as possible then step away take your time really research whilst you're doing this and put together a proposal that makes sense look at their pain points put something to together for that and say well this is what we could do with the chatbot or maybe we could work here and help you on this aspect of the business so just bear that in mind I see a lot of people freaking out about trying to sell them straight away you don't need to worry if you're not confident in Your Service delivery then slow down take time so you're going to come back to them within the week and build a proposal for them number six is delivering for your clients so similar to number five so like I said people are freaking out about this and you really don't need to worry the main thing is you don't promise the world do not promise them that you're going to 10x their business in a month with your amazing chatbot because we just know that is not realistic and it's not going to work so when it comes to delivering for clients maybe you're offering chat Bots and you want to work on bot press well if you're working solely on chat Bots why don't you create a bot that you can plug a knowledge base into depending on the client you're working with and it is kind of like a copy paste almost like a rinse and repeat method so you don't have to worry about always inventing the next best thing when you are reaching out to these clients and signing your clients you already have the this template set up it works now whether you made it or not or you paid someone else to make it for you it doesn't matter but systemize your offering systemize your delivery this is going to allow you to actually start to understand things at a steady rate rather than having to stress out every single time you sign a client because you just don't know what you're doing don't over promise under promise and then deliver them a chatbot that works whether it's through a template or a Dev team that you're working with it doesn't matter now I am going to leave a link Down Below in the description you're going to find free resources there like email scripts and also a chat bot template as well so make sure you go down to the description of this video if you want to download all of that feel free it's completely free that's going to take you over to the page where you can do that now obviously it doesn't just stop at chat Bots like I said we offer Automation Services so we do Xavier workflows with lead generation and Lead management so this may look completely confusing to some of you guys but don't worry it's very very simple I do have a full video on this as well talking about zapier and how we use that for our clients but essentially we captured data data on a client site we then send that data to GPT that then stores the data in a Google sheet that then updates a contact on one of their platforms and then automatically sends out emails and then adds that email to a marketing email list now again probably does sound confusing but it's very very simple and this workflow right here saves so much time and it is an absolute game changer for generating leads we've generated tens of thousands of emails with this exact method and I have a full video breaking down exactly how we did that but after this even if you are still worried or concerned about actually delivering for your clients let's do it for you do not worry just come to us reach out to me on our Discord or click the link where you can schedule a call with the unorthodox team we are more than happy to help assist you jump on and actually white label our services to help your clients so if you really aren't confident in delivering there is always that option too that leads me to number seven which is scaling your agency now the key word here is agency do you want to be a freelancer or do you want to build an agency I personally want to build an agency because if I'm a freelancer that means I'm doing all the work myself and it gets incredibly time consuming and you just get bogged down on the day-to-day tasks of managing clients and before you know it you're working 14 hours a day you have no time for vacations you have no time to spend with any loved ones or family and you are just selling your time for money so what we want to be doing is building an agency we want to bend the idea of being a freelancer and we want to manage a team so what we do on Orthodox we work with developers we work with ideas people and we work with admins so the developers of the guys who are building the platforms and serving our clients with the custom platforms that we're offering those guys are also the ones building the workflows and the automations for our clients too now the ideas people is myself I'm super creative when it comes to figuring out new workflows and new ideas for our clients so I like to jump on this our schools I like to speak to our potential clients and anyone that books a call with us so that I can really understand their business and then give feedback based on my experience to those guys so my main role within the business is really coming up with the ideas being a creative figuring out smart ways of how we can automate different businesses so next we have admin these guys are the ones who help onboard clients they're helping managing sending out contracts they are scheduling payments and chasing invoices I don't want to be doing that stuff therefore we hired an admin team in to do this so this is essentially our structure we have developers who handle the work we have ideas men which is usually the co-founders who are constantly thinking about ways to push the business forward and actually start building a team around them then we have our admin guys who are basically the one ensuring that the business is moving in the right direction and everything is being kept under control so the key takeaway from this is you always need to be learning do not just get complacent do not think you're an expert there is always going to be someone bigger and better than you and you always need to be up to date with the new ideas and the new tools that are out there that could make your clients life easier so always be learning remember that now how you learn doesn't matter it could be through YouTube it could be through podcasts it could be through reading books or it could just be through trial and error and actually getting involved and stuck into these different tools that you're offering your client I personally do all of those and again there is no shortcut to this it just takes time in the game unfortunately but if you are willing to put in the work and you are willing to spend time effort and energy to make this work I guarantee you if you come to me in three months six months time you're going to be in a much better place than you are right now if you do want to learn more make sure you join my free telegram Down Below in the description you can also join our free Discord where we have weekly master classes and amas where we're going to tell with you guys on how you can build your own AI automation agency now obviously you can download the free resources that I mentioned down below as well and you can also join our newsletter where we give you weekly updates and advice on building your own agency and how to automate the businesses that you're working with thank you so much for watching this video I really hope it has helped some of you out there there is going to be so many more videos that I'm launching out over the next couple of weeks that is going to be that I know is going to help you structure your business and actually start moving it forward but in the meantime good luck out there start putting in the work and I guarantee you you will start to see the results thanks for watching guys bye-bye
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 19,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation, ai automation agency, automation agency, best ai business ideas, how to make money with chatgpt, how to make money with ai, how to start an ai business, how to start an ai automation agency, ai agency, ai zapier automation, ai business automation, how to automate businesses with ai, liam evans, liam ottley, aaa agency, aioa agency, ai optimization agency, ai tools for business, digital marketing, marketing automation, ai tools for business 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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