How To Use Zapier In Your AI Automation Agency (Mini-Course)

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welcome back to the channel in this video I'm going to show you exactly how you can use zapier to help automate your clients workflows inside of your AI agency now for those of you who don't know me my name's Liam we're currently doing over 50 000 every single month with our agency and I create free videos to help you guys do the same thing so let's get started with this video so for those of you who are just getting started with your AI agency you may have come across the platform zapier now I've spoken about it a lot in my videos because quite frankly it is one of the best tools that you could be using to create automations and make the life of your clients super super simple now I've been getting a lot of requests to create this sapier guide and this zapier walkthrough and in this video I want to break it down into two parts and that's what we do inside of our agency we use it for two different things and in this video I'm going to show you exactly what those two things are and we're actually going to be building a custom zapier bot that I use for Legion with a lot of my clients and you can do the exact same thing you can literally copy my blueprint from this video completely free let's go so why is APO why do I Rave about this platform 5800 Integrations so they're connected to every single major CRM social media platform and then tons of different apps as well that makes it really really easy for us when we're jumping into clients businesses we're helping them with their workflows and their automations and they may be using different crms maybe you know One is using Zoho One is using HubSpot One is using Salesforce well luckily zapier covers so many different apps and platforms that nine times out of ten you're covered or there is at least a workaround to make sure that you can plug into every single client no matter what they're using so zapier actually has a GPT integration as well so they have a Dali integration and they chat gptu integration which gives you so many opportunities to create clever custom workflows paired with zapier zaps beginner friendly really easy to use and understand once you've spent enough time on it hopefully this video will help speed you through that process and you will leave this video an absolute expert on zapier you can also duplicate your workflows so it's really easy to do that and what this allows you to do is whenever you get new clients in the same Niche if you've already built the automations once you now just have to replicate those and hand them over to the new client and fill in the details connect the different accounts that your new client has and there is no lengthy process of going through the entire learning of what that workflow should look like if it's already working for one client why don't you just use it for the next client it's exactly what we do and another great point on zapier is the pricing model that scours so when you're first getting started you're not going to be spending hundreds of dollars to use zapier the pricing model is going to scale with you so the more successful your clients the more you're going to use APR the more you'll be charged but hopefully that means you'll be getting paid more by your clients because it's obviously working so it's super easy to get started with really beginner friendly and low cost to entry this means you can start going from today with pretty much no investment so like I said there's two parts to zapier there's two ways to use it you can use it as the connector or you can use it as the complete machine now this may make no sense at all and I promise you it will after the next couple of slides but this is how I look at zapier I don't always use it for everything that I do if there's some connections that need to be made and I can't figure it out internally I'll do that with zapier and then if there is a solution that the client wants and they want me to build something custom if I can do that entirely inside this APR then I will do that because it keeps everything in one place very easy for me to manage and I can make this APR the complete machine and the entire machine that runs all of the automations and all of the lead generation that my client has specifically asked for let's look at a client example of the connector super simple this is the zapier interface I just laid it out for you here just a quick example of what that could look like so essentially we are going to capture lead data on a client's site by installing a web hook that zapier gives us zapier is then going to send that data that is collected on that site to a CRM so in this case it's a HubSpot we can see it's connected there and then it's automatically going to store that data in a spreadsheet now this is just an example this is just a really really simple workflow maybe you're just sending leads to a spreadsheet and you just want to double up on your CRM but this is just to show you how simple it is and how easy of an interface it is to use so you see here catch catch hook in web hooks create and update contact in HubSpot create spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets so whenever there is a trigger these actions will then follow what are some other simple automation examples that you could do inside this APR so this is the one we just spoke about you could also do a new lead into a CRM and then that lead gets pushed into an email marketing software or you get an update in a Google sheet a form field in the Google sheet and that sends an automatic email to whatever email was left in that Google sheet and then that email is then added to your email marketing list or maybe you've got a new lead you want to send a notification to your team in slack and then you want to Auto email a canonly cool booking form to that email that you collected on that new lead or for those of you that are building chat Bots you can add a web hook into a chat bot like on bot press and you can collect that data from that chat bot send it to your CRM and then send an alert to slack alerting people that there is a new lead so you can see these are some really simple automations that you could do just a couple of ideas we will be running through a live automation shortly but I just want to dive into one more example and that is the complete machine now like I said this is my favorite part because when you figure this out you feel like an evil villain sat in your lair who's just like mastered everything you feel undefeatable because you've just figured out the game and you are an AI whiz but in reality it's just sapier doing everything for you so this is what a more advanced workflow looks like again it's not super crazy but sometimes the more simple you can make things the better it is the less chance of you up and the more chance of your client being happy we have capturing data on client site now in this one we've used click funnels that's just a funnel platform that we use so what we do we collect that data that has been submitted in a form we then send that data to chat GPT we've trained this bot on the back end insiders APR and then we send that lead and data to Google spreadsheets after that we send the data to kajabi so in our case this is for a content creator that we're working with and their course and website is hosted on kajabi so we actually update their newsletter and add all the data that we've collected from this initial landing page into their kajabi which then triggers the newsletter automations that we have set up we then have a short delay just for 15 minutes and then we send an automatic email with the response from chat GPT so the delivery that GPT spits out for us on this workflow comes into that email and is sent to the lead that we collect we then add that lead into our clavio account where they're then added into a newsletter email flow as well and we keep it all in one place so some of you are going to be thinking what are you on about you mad man this makes no sense don't worry we're also going to be rebuilding this and I'm going to show you the exact lead gen tool that we use for this so you can literally copy it feel free so let's quickly talk about some Advanced AI GPT automation examples webhook data collected from landing page is then sent to chat GPT and that bot is then trained on how to answer the question with the data a response is produced by chat gbt and then it's Auto emailed to the client this acts as a lead gen tool so all the data is then stored on crms and contact info added into the workflows so you can see that is essentially what just happened on the last page we're going to be building that in the next part of this video so one key thing to remember zapier is the glue to your automations now what I mean by this is zapier is what is going to connect everything together you're going to be able to look and see what Integrations are available on zapier and essentially just plug it in to fill in the Gap and make sure these different platforms speak to one another sometimes they don't and zapier can solve that issue and that is really how you're going to create an automated process for your clients moving forward this is the real value keeping it all in one place you having the control on that and I've heard some people say you know should you be setting zapier up for your clients or should you own the account I would always recommend that you own the account because then the Automation and control is with you and you save yourself from having a client running away with all of the hard work that you put in when it comes to building up their automations and workflows so always bear that in mind you want to hold all the keys so one other point before we get started with the workflows is only use if it's needed otherwise use the local automations now what I mean by this is like I said some platforms don't have Integrations and they don't speak locally now when you make a HubSpot account for example on a CRM that actually has a lot of workflows and a lot of automations built inside of it some will feed into other platforms maybe it connects directly to your Gmail account or a spreadsheet or perhaps it automatically links into slack so if that integration is there you can use that and it saves you the time of having to connect up zapier apis but in the most cases I find that there aren't usually many platforms that do speak to one another says API always does come in clutch and becomes that glue for your automations so let's get on to the fun part let's start building this tool now for those of you that have signed up to my newsletter in the past you would have seen a solo printer tool that I made so it essentially looked like this the best online business for you to start in 2023 start business of the future fill in the below questions to receive a custom list of businesses that suit you and then there was a list of questions then there was a list of questions and a complete get recommendations Now button now let me tell you how this works and how I've set this up so this is just on a click funnels landing page the way that you're going to be able to feed this into zapier is by having a form some sort of data that you can submit whether that's through bot press and a chat bot or a landing page like Wix Squarespace all of that good stuff zapier has those Integrations so as long as you're collecting data on a form you don't need to be using click funnels you can be sending it from whatever platform you like so you could build one of these your clients and create a brand new GPT fueled lead generation tool so I'm going to show you exactly how it works how you set it up and how you can do the same so as you can see there are a ton of fields here we've set up the page and we now have a form that essentially Works what we now need to do is come on over to zapier and create an account that part's easy if you can't figure that out then go back to the drawing board start again from this video but we're going to come up here and click we're going to start our news app so we're going to click create zap and then it's going to open this interface up for us so let's rename this to start with this is going to be our Lee lead gen landing page bot there we go what we want our bot to do is every time this form is submitted we need it to trigger an action on zapier so like I was saying if you was working from webflow as your web platform you can connect it from that if you're working on Wix you can connect it on that if you're working on Squarespace you can connect it on that there are so many Integrations with this APR it's really hard to find something that is actually not connected to so in our case we're working on click funnels so we're going to click our click funnels integration now it's going to ask us to choose our event now with a trigger there needs to be an event and like I just said our event is when people submit the form so we're going to come down here and we're going to click new contact activity whenever someone submits that form a new contact is made in Click funnels so that is the trigger that we're looking for so we're going to hit that we're going to click continue and then we're going to choose our clickfunnels account so this is super simple I've connected it before with other clients so all you're going to want to do connect your account whatever platform you're using super simple you just log in then you're going to hit continue again and then we're going to select what funnel in Silo click funnels we're going to want to use as a trigger so again this is going to look different for you whatever platform you're using but it's very very easy to follow so in our case our funnel is called example bot zapier and the final step that we want to track is going to be the first final step so you'll be able to set all of these parameters inside of the platform that you're using but in my case these are the options that I have because that is what I named it I'm then going to come on over to this form and just fill it in so chances are you're building this for your client so you can just fill this in just to get some test data for us to use in our zapier setup so in our case I'm going to use my email I'm going to say I'm interested in Drop Shipping yes have you ever made money online yes what businesses you find most interesting agencies United Kingdom and my budget is 500 to 1000. now obviously I've set all of these questions and you can do the same now the reason why this is so beneficial to a business is I'm collecting so much more data than just a full name and an email I'm collecting in what businesses are they interested in what is their budget where are they located have they ever made money or seen success online before now obviously this could be whatever you want it to be whatever Niche you want it to be in but for my example this is specifically targeted for people that are looking to create businesses online because that is what our client was looking for now I'm now going to click complete and get recommendations and then you can set the thank you page up to be whatever you want it to be in our case it's just send them through to a YouTube channel now we're going to come back on over to our zapier setup once we've got that information so test trigger and if all worked well we should be able to pull the data that I just submitted into zapier and there you go so AP has managed to pull all of that information through everything that I just typed in including all the custom answers and questions inside of there so continuous selective record that is now going to be our test data that we're going to use for the rest of this set so the next step we're going to want to do is now Port that information over to chat GPT so chat GPT is right here we can select an event we can install a conversation because that is what we want to do we want to ask chat gbt some questions and we're going to click continue now again you're going to have to sign up to chat GPT I do recommend that you create a premium account and you pay for chat GPT it's going to give you way more options you get to use way more of the features and it's super simple just to connect up now you're going to get a box that asks for your API key so I'm going to show you how to get that so you're going to want to come to and you're going to need to get your API key from here so we can come up to our right account view API keys and create a new secret key so in this case it's going to be a zapier bot example doesn't matter what you call it and I can just create that key there go back on over to zapier paste in my API key and you can leave this bit blank it's just optional whether you want to name that bot so yes continue to chat gbt so that is as easy as it is connecting zapier to Jackie BT just like that and this is where it gets fun this is where it could get a little bit confusing so if you need to pause and stop this video and just re-watch stuff make sure you do that now this is the part where we ask Chachi PT the question so in our case we want to go back to whoever filled in this form and give them business advice and tell them the best online businesses to start based on the information that they provided so to do that we're going to come up and we're going to type in hire my name is and I'm going to click their name I'm then going to kind of follow the questions that I asked methodically and add in and add in the data where it's relevant so I'm going to say hi my name is Liam Evans I am interested in and then we're going to come down to our interest Tab and we're going to say and I have a budget of this much what businesses would you recommend that I start online so that is all it is you can get as detailed with this as you like you can bulk this out as much as you want use as much data as you need but just for the example of this video this is what I'm gonna do so you can see how it works you're collecting that data from the landing page that you've made and that form submission and you're inputting it into this prompt for chat GPT so with this I just leave this blank I'll leave this blank and now this is the most important part you now need to train your chat GPT Port so for this I'm going to speed it up and show you to where we ended up otherwise you're going to be here forever so you can see I've fed the bot saying you are an online business Expert you help people come up with the smart with smart online businesses that they can start based on their experience and knowledge you make sure it works with their budget deliver your responses in a bullet point format simple we're using chat GPT turbo that's completely fine that is all you need and then we can use the memory key as their email so this is essentially going to be able to tie their email to whatever responses they get so moving forward if they fill it in again they're going to get similar responses because they've already received a response from our chat GPT bot so temperature I would leave this for now but you can play around with it this essentially means you can change it from zero to two and the lower you go the closer it is going to be to your prompt you basically give chat GPT more freedom the higher the number so for this example we're just going to leave it at that we're going to click continue and then we're going to test our action so let's see which activity comes back with so here we go highly and great to hear that you're interested in starting online agency and have a budget of 500 to a thousand dollars based on your interest here are some businesses that you can start with your budget social media management agency content marketing agency a virtual assistant agency SEO agency web design agency but no AI optimization agency which isn't great but anyway okay you get the point Chad gbt has now come back with this incredibly powerful and valuable piece of information for someone who's just getting started with online business and has no idea where to focus or what businesses even exist so you can really start to think what other niches can you use this in what other businesses could find this valuable maybe you're giving out tax advice maybe you're giving out law advice and just letting people know what the current laws are in the country that they're asking for advice in this really is Limitless and I just love the idea of being able to provide data like this to someone instead of having to like download your free ebook or PDF here we now have a living breathing bot that does all the heavy lifting for us we set it up once and then we forget about it let it crack on and just deliver value to our potential leads and clients so we now have chat gbt making a response for us but that isn't where we stop now what I've now done is come on over to Google Sheets and I've set this document up I want to be able to see the chat GPT responses that come through on everyone's forms Mission I also want to be able to see all of the data that comes through for every single lead because that's what's valuable being able to read that data and segment People based on their budgets or based on their interests that is what is going to be powerful to your client now you don't need to use Google Sheets you could use a CRM but for the ease of this video and for the ease of testing this is what we're going to use so all you're going to do is going to come and create a Google sheet I've called this one zapier bot emails and I've just added all of the form fields that we collect on the website and what I'm going to do is I'm now going to get this APR to populate all of these form Fields with the data that is collected every single time a new lead fills in this form one thing I would do is add this little Dash because that means your your text is going to start from there that's just the ocdme I hate it when it's like right up there um but yeah let's jump on it so we're going to click this plus button and it's going to allow us to add another action to our chain now in this case we're going to do sheets so Google Sheets and we're going to select our event now we want to create create a spreadsheet row so it's columns that are like that and then rows that are like that so I messed that up a few times before make sure you create a spreadsheet row I'm going to click that click continue and connect my account so I've connected my account I'm now going to choose the spreadsheet which is the zapier bot emails the worksheet is just sheet1 so we can come on down here and you can see it's sheet1 then we're gonna get the list of form fields that are there on that spreadsheet you can see how crazy zapier is it's so so powerful so our name we're just going to take from our landing page the data that we collected from that form so our name goes there our email goes there and let me speed this part up for you cool so we filled in all the data from that form that's now going to populate the spreadsheet there but we're going to want to now fill in the next part which is the GPT delivery so instead of clicking our funnel or wherever we've got our form located we're now going to click conversation in chat gbt and we're going to come down to the part where it gives us that custom feedback and that message so assist Student Response message is what you're going to want to click cool we'll hit continue and then we can come down and click Test action now what should happen everything on that spreadsheet is now going to be populated and we should see that lead on that spreadsheet cool and we do we see all their data we see their chat GPT response and essentially we now have our chatbot set up if we were to now hit publish on this give it a version name new save that up if we come on over to our list again and we just fill it in again maybe change our email so I'll add number two there and say I'm interested in online courses we're going to submit that it will take us to our thank you page and what will happen is zapier is automatically going to get triggered it may take a few seconds to come through because the chat GPT response takes a little bit of time when it's prompted so if we give that you know maybe five to ten seconds that should come in and there we go our new lead has now populated our spreadsheet and we can see it's also been given a custom response from chat GPT we can always drag that out so you can read it more and it's completely different to the first one based on the interests that I've left here so what else can we do with this well you would have seen in the example of the document that I went over earlier I also added it to an automatic email so what I'm I want now to happen is now we have the lead and the data I also want the person who filled in that form to receive an automatic email with the response that came from Chachi BT this is what creates the entire bot this finishes everything off so we're going to come back into edit zap and we're going to hit the plus button and it's right there Gmail for the example of this video I'm just going to send an email from my email but of course you can select it with your client's email or maybe set up a custom email for this type of landing page but all we're going to want to do is send email so I'm using my Liam Evans media Gmail account I'm going to hit continue and then I'm going to see these form fields and I'm asked essentially what I want it to say so the person will send an email to is going to be that contact that we collect our from is going to be from our email our from name is going to be from Liam Evans and our subject is going to be your business recommendations now obviously this is going to be completely unique to whatever client you're working with or whatever type of client you're working with is going to be different but the idea is all the same our body of text is now just going to be our conversation from Chachi BT so again assistant response message we're going to hit that and when that email sends it's going to populate that information inside of this email I'm then going to put a bracket there and say I hope this helps regards Liam now you can put whatever you want in here I've got clients that have Shopify affiliate links I have clients that have course links or YouTube links we also have clients that upsell them into services like accountants and that kind of thing so the opportunity really is here this is your place to shine this is where you have to get creative and see what sort of message you want to follow up with for this video we're just going to do this and you can also add attachments all of that stuff so we can hit continue and we're going to test our action so what should happen we should now receive an email with the chat GPT response that we got from this app and here we go it's literally just came in zero minutes ago your business recommendations hi Liam great to hear that you're enjoy interesting to start an online agency and have a budget of 500 to a thousand Mike drop please we've just built a fully functioning bot using zapier that connects to businesses and acts as the most insane lead gen tool there is now can you do this with Bots can you do this with chat Bots absolutely you can but I prefer to be able to use zapier and have complete control over the landing page that I build if I can connect this to forms and make it super super simple it does it means that there isn't a bot functionality that people need to speak to in order to capture data they can just go on a normal website fill in a form and still receive something you know people are used to filling in forms some people don't like chat Bots some companies don't really want chat Bots they want to be able to use something like this so this just gives you so much freedom and it's all done using zapier the whole thing is automated now I can go in I can fill in that form every single time everything's going to get populated and email is going to get sent and then of course you can go deeper and you can just keep adding layers to this I can add it to my email marketing software my clavio software or I can add it to my MailChimp email marketing software and then from there maybe your clients want to set up automatic email flows once they're added into that email list I'm sure you understand the power of this and how simple it really is you can go as advanced as you like or as simple as you like but it is just a matter of just playing around with zpr getting to understand how it works and just seeing what Integrations there are you can see that the main bulk of it is actually just connecting up accounts there is very limited apis and coding that you have to do there's practically nothing and it's just a matter of working with what they already have built unfortunately like I said they don't have a partner affiliate program otherwise I'd be a very rich man but down below in the description I will link you to some more zapier training that they have made which is incredibly powerful and super helpful highly recommend you check that out but guys if you manage to watch this entire video you're a Champion you're going to go very very far in this and I hope this idea sparked some imagination in you and you go out there and start offering this to clients this is literally a game changer we've collected hundreds of thousands of emails for clients over the last few months and is all because of this exact blueprint I'm literally giving you everything that I have here this is going to save you so much time and like I said zapier can be used in two ways you can automate things very simply or you can go detailed and make full Bots out of it so hopefully this tutorial helped let me know in the comments if you have any questions ask them away I want to know does this help you does this type of video really help you push forward with your agency there's so many of you right now that are hungry to learn more and I'm trying to get videos out at a much much faster rate but I do want to ensure that that quality stays higher no point me coming to you and just creating shitty little videos that don't help you as much I want to get in I want to get detailed and I want you to really understand and take value away from these videos so bookmark this video come back to it use it as a reference point and and hopefully one day you will sign your first client using this exact method because I've signed many clients using this and you now have the exact blueprint guys thank you so much for the support over the last few weeks smash a like on this video if you liked it join my free telegram down below I have Consulting calls you can book with me very very limited because we're super busy right now but yeah cannot wait to see you in the next video make sure you join the free community as well we're always helping people out in there guys you're all legends you're gonna make it work but you have to put the work in you know that so on that note get to work I'll catch you later bye-bye
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 66,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lead generation tools, ai lead generation software, zapier tutorial, zapier automation, marketing automation, automation agency, lead generation strategies, lead generation software, b2b lead generation, ai automation agency, ai agency, liam evans, liam ottley, how to start an ai automation agency, iman gadzhi, zapier for business, zapier automation examples, complete zapier guide, ai lead generation, ai chatbots for business, chatgpt, zapier tutorial for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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