Target These Niches In Your Ai Automation Agency

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Hello everybody welcome back to the channel we are back with another AI automation agency video that has been highly requested inside of our community and it's going to be about what Niche should you be working with and why and also going to give you some really key information about the niches that we're working with inside of our agency and giving you the rundown of why we're working with them and what is going well now if you don't know me my name is Liam we currently have an agency that is doing over fifty thousand dollars every single month in the AI automation space and I make free content on YouTube helping you do the same now like I mentioned this has been a Hot Topic inside of the Discord group that we have lots of people have been asking me to make a video on this because it is probably one of the key elements to start in your own AI automation agency now you may be surprised when I start talking about what Niche you should pick that I actually don't specifically work in individual niches and there's a key reason for that now I know some of you are like what the you can't do that you can't make money if you're not working hyper targeted and down to a certain Niche let me explain now if you have an smma agency or you are offering in some sort of service based business or you're in a SAS business you are probably going to want to Niche down your workflow and your deliverables that you are offering your clients are going to vary depending on the niches you go into for example a restaurant is going to need a different setup of ads compared to an accountancy and if your software is specifically for a certain industry then obviously you're going to want to sell only to that industry now the way I see it with AI Automation and what's been working with us is I don't know ourselves down to an individual Niche I actually ended up taking a step back and really looking at what I was actually serving my customers and what we're serving them is AI Automation and optimization across their lead generation campaigns so once they generate the leads with whatever marketing they do we then help them bring that lead through a sales process that we type AI automations and optimizations into now the key thing here is that workflow doesn't really change those automations that we plug in don't really vary depending on the different industries that we talk to and it is something that can be taken across every single business but those businesses do need a set of criteria that we look at closely before deciding whether or not to work with someone so in my case we don't Niche down and I know that breaks a lot of conventional rules with the agency model but if you like our Niche or the problems that our clients have and we specifically Target clients based on the problems they have rather than the type of clients that they work with so let's quickly jump into this and go over some of the key things that we look for when we are reaching out to companies and seeing who we can work with so number one we want them to be generating leads I don't want to be walking into a company that isn't generating any leads and it has no sort of pipeline of leads coming through that isn't very easy to automate and that's something you want to avoid so I will always go for companies that have already been generating leads or are generating leads with paid Media or organic traffic through whatever medium that is preferably bringing in traffic already we don't want to be working with businesses that are struggling to make money and bringing in leads to a CRM so we work with clients that have the systems in place but but no clue how to run the automations through them using AI the next thing we look at is higher ticket products now obviously this is an obvious one every single dream client has a higher ticket product that is making them loads of money which means that you can charge a lot of money right but this is extremely beneficial when you come to lead Automation and Lead optimization because every single cell is worth so much for them all you need to do is help them generate a couple of paying clients every single month with whatever automations you set up and already you have proven your worth you have made the company so much more money which makes your retainer look tiny in comparison to the amount of money they've made from the services that you've provided and nine times out of ten these guys have a much larger budget to spend they understand the ROI on investing in teams and marketing Specialists to help them plug in smart processes and automations into whatever they're doing so number three this kind of ties into the first one but we want inbound volume with the clients that we're working with so large volume of inbound means automations and processes are crucial for success of their campaigns we've worked with a few companies where we have said you know how many leads do you bring in and they're like oh you know we get 10 15 leads a week and it's all managed by one guy well that doesn't really need to be automated because it's that one guy's job to handle those leads and there's not really too many issues that they're facing you know he's not spending a ton of time on it they're not wasting loads of money on managing these shifting leads every week therefore the automations aren't really needed at this point so also having a higher volume of inbound leads lets you show your worth instantly you know if you're working with a company that brings in 100 leads per month and you are optimizing that sales process for them well in order for you to show your worth it's going to take you quite a while through that month to actually get enough data through to show the conversion rates or the optimization levels that you've provided whereas if they are bringing in 10 000 leads every single month it's much easier for you to quantify the success that you've given that company based on what you've actually done for them you know you can actually see your automations working you run data through it and and ultimately you get to turn around that report faster and those analytics to your client now outside of automations we obviously have the chatbot route and that is really going to be aligned to a company in a support heavy industry so smart chat Bots with knowledge base you can obviously easily sell and automate that entire learning process so someone come into an accountant with hundreds of questions that is now going to be automated with a knowledge base that you can turn into a chat bot therefore removing any need for an employee to step in and actually manually respond to these people this solves the issue of people asking stupid questions and actually lets you automate that entire process which frees up staff members time and ultimately makes all of your inbound requests super efficient and really really lean so other than that there's loads of opportunities to use AI when it comes to companies that require a lot of support to their clients so I've spoken about it before e-commerce Brands so the other day I went to a bathroom shop and probably a year ago I bought this like shower screen right now whenever I get in the shower I I get water spraying everywhere it's super annoying so I want to buy the screen that fits onto my shower screen I reached out to the company where I bought the screen and I said hey guys what screen do I need to buy with this model of shower screen that I bought from you they responded by saying hey unfortunately Liam we're not actually technically trained so we don't know the answer for you I was like what are you on about you absolute idiots how can you not be technically trained you've literally just lost an opportunity to sell something to me for like 200 pound so why can we not upload all of the user manuals all of the data from these e-commerce websites plug it into an AI chat bot that is technically trained and then they can answer the questions for me they can then start recommending me to these products and start helping me fill my cart with things that I need based on what I've bought before and based on the interest that I'm showing with the questions that I'm asking so I think you get my idea there and that company is a prime example of someone who needs to integrate a buy it into their business but that leads me to my key point of this video and this is a role that we live by inside of our agency so are they making money yes if they're not then I don't care and I don't want to work with them because they probably can't pay my retainer number two do they value their time if they are happy to do all of the work themselves and they don't put any value on their own time then that client is not going to be for you the number three they actually want to automate they understand that they could speed things up they can be more efficient and they can be way more cost effective if they actually started using AI as a technology and create these workflows and automations those are free things this is going to save you so much time and so much pain getting on Discovery calls with companies if you know the answer to this already and chances are you will have to do some sort of introduction and Discovery call with them to find out but you need to be able to tick all three of these boxes are they bringing in a high volume amount of leads are they making money from them leads are they valuing their time or are they actively looking to speed processes up and optimize do they currently have tons of members of Staff working on their CRM and leads and is that something you can help them with so I think the key takeaway from this video and I'd be interested to hear what you think in the comments is do you think it's smart to Niche down right now or do you think it's smart to do what I'm doing where we zoom out we look at these sort of companies we look at the problems they have and the solutions that we offer the solutions don't change we don't look at specific niches we look at specific problems that companies have now nine times out of ten they make a lot of money from their leads and they have some sort of sales process already but it's just a matter of taking that entire process taking all the automations that we know that works taking all the optimizations on landing pages and in general just workflows and then taking it to different companies that sales process doesn't look very different for a lot of these companies I've seen tons of them it's all the same the only thing that's different is what they're actually selling their client but you don't care about that because you're not doing the lead generation you you're just helping with those lead management and some of you may be sat there thinking doesn't that affect my Outreach doesn't it make it incredibly hard to get in front of people if you're reaching out to companies on cold email for example then you need to look at how those companies structure their cells are they an e-commerce platform do they take orders straight up front or do you have to submit a form and request a quote it's predominantly B2B businesses that are going to be you know requesting quotes and getting people to fill in a form before they then contact them but that is all you're managing you're managing that sales process so you don't have to worry about all of that stuff that is my key piece of advice to you don't Niche down when you're first getting started by all means start to Niche down once you become an expert at something but when you're first getting started you are going to get bogged down and start procrastinating on what niches you need to focus you're going to start sending emails you're not going to get any responses and you're going to instantly write off that niche as a bad one and that is not the case we work with so many different types of companies right now we have law firms we have investment funds we have accountants we have Ecommerce stores we have YouTube content creators we have all of these different guys but their sales processes are ultimately all the same and all of our automations usually nine times out of ten plug in and do the same thing that they do for other clients guys hope this video was helpful make sure you join the free telegram link Down Below in the description I've been we're going to be throwing out so much value inside of the free Discord as well so make sure you join that we've got some incredible speakers coming up over the next couple of weeks who are going to help you level up your AI automation game and know that and I cannot wait to see more of you in there it's been really really good to get to know you chat to you on telegram all of that good stuff guys if you did like this video smash a like on the video subscribe to the channel comment see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 21,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation, ai automation agency, automation agency, best ai business ideas, how to make money with chatgpt, how to make money with ai, how to start an ai business, how to start an ai automation agency, ai agency, ai zapier automation, ai business automation, how to automate businesses with ai, liam evans, liam ottley, aaa agency, aioa agency, ai optimization agency, ai tools for business, digital marketing, marketing automation, ai tools for business 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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