How The AIAA Pros Actually Automate Cold Outreach

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right now you're sat there Googling what you should call your business or when in reality none of that matters but what you really need to be focusing on is your Outreach you need to be putting yourself out there that is how you're going to get clients and that is how you're going to start making money now my name is Liam I run an AI automation agency where we build chat Bots and help businesses automate their processes inside of their business now on this channel we put out free content helping you guys do exactly the same and teaching you the ways of the AI Masters so in this video we're going to be talking about how you can automate your Outreach now Outreach for some is one of the most difficult things it comes with a lot of confusion there are a lot of different steps and it can be quite crazy to understand now for our agency we're lucky enough that we get a lot of inbound through this YouTube channel but we also do have Outreach that goes out every single day that is connecting with people on email and connecting with people on LinkedIn and we don't have to touch it we set it up once and we check it every now and then maybe changing some scripts changing our for a little bit just based on the data that we're collecting and that is what I want you guys to do and this should be the number one thing that you get set up from day one so let's jump in this video let's go over what Outreach is what tools we use and later on I'm going to be going through step by step how you can get it set up and how you can start running it from today now with Outreach for us there's three different steps we have leads that need to be generated we send out cold emails and we send out cold LinkedIn connections and messages now there are more layers to this you could be messaging people on Instagram or joining Facebook communities and outreaching to people inside of that but this is going to be the easiest Outreach for you to automate because there are tools in place that make it super super simple one thing you need to remember is it is boring and it takes effort to set this up so if you are someone who just wants instant success and instant rewards move on because this video ain't for you but if you're willing to put in the work and you're willing to do some boring work and your discipline enough to do that then this video is going to help you and be an absolute game changer for what you want to build this is going to be you in bed sleeping like a baby knowing that your Outreach is handled every single day and it's set on autopilot so that you don't even have to touch it it's just happening in the background that is the key thing here we don't want to be manually sending out 200 emails a day we want to set up systems just like we're doing for our clients inside of our AI automation agency we set up systems where we automate these processes we strip away the manual labor part and we actually ensure that it is a well-oiled machine rather than it just being some dusty old tractor that just isn't working properly right so what do we use for our Outreach well we use instantly AI for our email Outreach we use dripperfire for our LinkedIn Outreach and we use rocket reach to find our new leads now jumping into instantly you can automate finding leads on this platform you can automate your initial emails you can automate your follow-up emails so you can set sequences and then you can Auto warm up email accounts this is a big thing a lot of people Miss they assume that Outreach is just copy and paste in emails or putting people in the newsletter and bulk sending the reality is you need to set up different email domains under different accounts that then send a certain amount of emails every day to ensure that they don't hit the spam filters and Google doesn't Blacklist your email account we will be going over that later today and I'm going to be showing you how you can get that set up secondly LinkedIn Outreach dripofire there are other options you can use the likes of octopus but for the purpose of this video we're going to use dripifier because I've been testing it out for a while now and I'm really liking the features and I think it's super easy to use but yeah you can automate finding leads on LinkedIn you can automate your initial DMS and you can automate follow-ups as well and the best thing about these platforms is they aggregate all of the responses that you get inside of the platforms so instead of you trolling through Linkedin or trolling through your email account seeing if anyone's actually responded to you you can just log into instantly or you can log into dripper fire and you'll actually be able to see what responses you've got and whether you've got an interested lead or not so number three is rocket reach and this is what we use to find our leads so you can find decision makers so you can look for CEOs Founders managing directors you can filter your searches so you can look at employee account turnover the niche of the business that they're in and then you can connect with campaigns so we can actually move these leads over to our instantly campaign for example and send those emails out to these guys that we scrape on Rocket reach then of course if you wanted to automate this part you can actually just automate it by plugging in another human like a virtual assistant and that's exactly what we do we pay for the subscription for Rocket reach and then we give access to a virtual assistant that we have in the Philippines where she charges us around seven dollars an hour and she does all of our email scraping for us and just keeps that lead List full now there's a key thing that you need to remember and unfortunately this is just the way of life and this is the way it goes but these tools call lost money nothing in life is free boys and girls okay you need to remember that if you want to have something that is working well you want to set up a business there is going to be a level of investment that you need to put in if you're not willing to make those Investments or you're not in a position to make those investments just yet keep grinding your ass off until you are because this is the only way that you're going to build and scale your business is by implementing these systems and these systems they cost cash hard-earned guacamole so what do we do inside of our agency when it comes to outreach well we're sending 200 emails every single day through instantly we're sending at least 40 LinkedIn requests every single day as well and then we're also collecting 300 plus leads every single day using rocket reach that we then feed into our email campaigns so you can see here we've got a very well-formed system that just ensures that we have our name being put out into the world every single day without foul so this is what you need to be focused on this is what you want to get to we could be collecting more than 300 leads maybe we could even be sending out more than 40 requests every day on LinkedIn but like I said our business we get a lot of inbound so we set this up in a way that is steady for us your business is going to be different it's up to you but I do recommend you make sure you understand the rules and implications of sending out 100 000 emails a day like it's not going to work there is a lot of work that is involved to get you to that point of being able to do that it's just you're not gonna be able to find enough leads do it at a rate that makes sense for you do it at a rate that you can manage and do it at a rate that if you had 15 people come back to you on email and say hey I'm interested you're not going to your pants and not know what to do so start slow start steady build it up gradually and then you will get there now inside of the Inner Circle which is our agency mentorship where we work with our guys and we help them build out their offer we help them set up their email campaigns we help them close business basically this is what we're seeing we're seeing two weeks of setup time and then a three to four week window so where they then start to receive people that are interested in the offer that they're sending out and then they then jump in on calls with those clients so this is the timeline you should expect again if you want results tomorrow it's not going to work mate you need to wait at least three to four weeks in this case without further Ado let's get set up together let's jump into this and let me show you how it all works so these are our email accounts now you'll see all of these email accounts are pretty much the same they're A variation of Liam at UK they're different variations of the domain our main website is but we also have a separate website that is specifically talking about AI which is now I would usually recommend that if your domain is then you don't actually use that domain to be sending out emails so in our case our main domain we do not send out any emails from and we only buy these separate domains to use for our email campaigns this is going to help you scoot under Google's radar when it comes to blacklisting you and putting to Spam folders and it's going to make sure that your core domain and your main domain is kept clean and you don't have any issues there so you can see instantly it shows you a health score these have been warming up for a while now and we've actually been sending out emails from these accounts we're getting people coming back to us now we have lots of instantly account set up with lots of different emails from our co-founder from our other team members we have lots covered in this account we're going to go through the process of setting up a brand new email domain so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to come on over to GoDaddy so first things first we need to now buy a domain that we can then create some email addresses for to then start running our campaigns now the rule is and take note of this for every one domain that you have you set up a maximum of free email users under that domain anything more than that it's going to trigger the spam filter for Google and you're going to see a reduced delivery rate so I'm gonna buy is aligned with what we do we build chat Bots and it has our core business name in the time title so I'm going to go to checkout and I'm going to pay for this domain like I said nothing is free you do have to spend some money I recommend using GoDaddy as well because it has the simplest Integrations and it's really easy to manage your DNS if you're like what the is the DNS don't worry I'll talk about that in a second we're going to set this to one year and then we are going to go through and click I am ready to pay so I'm going to go through this and purchase this and then we can jump onto the next step together cool our new domain has been purchased so the next step we're going to want to do is we're now going to want to go over to Google and actually register this domain in our Google admin console I know it sounds confusing just go slow and take your time once you've done that we can then set up our email account and connect it to instantly this is the hard and the boring part so you can see here on our Google console we have some domains connected already all you're going to want to do is you're going to want to come to and then it will make you create an account you'll set an account manager in our case it's just our email and then we can actually get this set up on Google so you're then going to want to come over to manage domains and we're going to click add a domain now in our case we just purchased so we're just going to type that in up here add the main and start verification we want it to be a secondary domain because it's not our core domain that we're using for our actual website so you can see here it's registered that it's on GoDaddy and we can click sign in to verify yes connect and then we just let it do its stuff for a couple of minutes it says five minutes left and then we will have everything set up now whilst we're waiting for that to happen let's jump back on over to instantly and let's look at some basic sequencing that we have set up for one of our Outreach campaigns so we set this up 15 days ago we sent 1 100 emails 619 people have opened those emails and we've received six responses now four of these responses were basically people telling us to go away and they're not interested but two of those we actually managed to book calls and we are in talks with these clients right now for potential work how does it operate how does it work what is our sequence Step One is super simple hello first name I hope you're well I'll keep it brief we help build businesses like company name which is basically taking variables from the leads that we put in and it's changing these fields based on the data right so their first name will change their company name will change we help them understand how to best leverage Ai and automation systems we've been significantly improving the volume and conversion of inbound leads by adding AI now this all depends on who your target Niche is and it also depends on what you are actually offering building out your offer is one of the most important things for your Outreach and for also just your business in general if you don't have a good offer you're going to struggle to sign anyone up and you're just going to constantly be battling yourself wondering why no one responds to you it's because your offer isn't sexy enough and no one cares about it so in our case we let them know that we've built them a chat bot you know I've spoken about this in another video before we talk about building a chatbot we say that we have it ready for them and then we try to get them on a call where we can then go over a demo bot and show them exactly how it works you don't have to copy this script you can if you want to because it does work but this definitely isn't the best offer so we're going to be spending the next few weeks refining our offer and really diving into what works based on the data that we're receiving there is no point doing anything unless you test it you need to collect data points and understand what is working and what isn't you are not an expert you can't just guess it I'm not an expert I can't just get it I have to do tests I have to collect that data and really just put things through the test before I can say yes that works or no that doesn't so step two if they don't respond within three days we then send another follow-up saying hey would you like me to send over that chat bot you can ask it questions you can also click emails data blah blah blah just again reaffirming that we want to show them this demo bot you probably should go on and add like three more steps here so you follow up again after another three days or another five days that is what is going to get you the best response rate but I'm just a lazy bastard and we get so much inbound that I just neglect our Outreach a little bit but this is something that I will be jumping on over the next couple of days and I highly recommend you do the same but that is essentially the sequence it's as easy as that to set up up inside of instantly now there is a monthly fee that you do have to pay so there will be a link Down Below in the description if you just wanted to go over there and check that out don't think it's an affiliate so yeah I'm not making any money of it don't worry but that is it you set up your sequence and then you can come back on either to campaigns and you can click run so let's see if our domain has been added perfect on is right there now our next step is going to be activating our Gmail so what we can do here you need to basically get your Gmail to point to the DNS which is the back end of this domain okay again sounds confusing but very very simple if you follow this video we're going to hit next and it's going to give you the steps that you need to put in on GoDaddy which is basically going to copy and paste a few things over and we will run that together so cool we've now got Gmail activated on our domain the next step is to buy user access for our emails so we're going to want to come on over to directory and click users now you can see here on these domains we have a few users we're going to come up here and click add new user you're not going to have any right now and we're going to need to buy licenses for these emails so like I said we want to use free email accounts per domain that we buy they cost nine pound 20 per month so they aren't that cheap but it's going to cost you 24 pound or 32 or something like that every single month to run this so you're going to hit continue we're going to buy this that's all gone through and now what we should be able to do is come back on up the two users and we should be able to create those users so my first name is obviously Liam second name is going to be Evans and then my primary email is going to be Liam at now in those other examples I gave you they were liam.e and then Liam e without the dot it's as simple as that if your name's Tom do Tom tom.m Tom M Tom doesn't matter you don't have to get crazy with it just keep it simple and then that is all we need to do click add new user and it's going to take us through the steps of setting up this account now on Google so hit copy head on over to Google and log in so you're going to click add account and then you're going to type in that new domain on UK click next and we're going to paste in that password that we just copied and it's going to take us to a page where we get to change our password what I recommend you do is you keep all of these passwords the same across all of your Outreach accounts the only reason you're using these email accounts is to do Outreach on so you just want to be able to log in and access them you don't want to be thinking of 12 different passwords for all of these different accounts I just keep them super simple there you go we've set the new email and then that will take us to our login cool so we now have our email set up so the next step is for us to now go back over to instantly come to our email accounts and add a new email account now we set it up with Google Now what you're going to do is follow these steps it's really simple you just hop back into Gmail click the gear icon go to all settings forward in and pop an IMAP tab in the IMAP access enable IMAP super simple you can go ahead and do that yes IMAP has been enabled I've already done that now what it's then going to do is get you to authorize instantly as like a trusted app for Google so again there is so many guides on how to do this but I will show you so you're going to go to your workspace admin panel you're literally going to click that button and you're going to see that we've already got it added but you can click add app you're going to basically type this in and then you're going to copy and paste that into it and then you just click save and it adds instantly again really simple if you can't figure it out you're going to struggle with this business cool we're going to hit login and we're going to log in to our email account that we just made I'm going to hit allow and it is as simple as that so we should now see Liam on all connected up nicely now one thing we're going to need to do and I've already got this set up so you're not going to see this is we need to set up our dkim and our dmarc you need to set this up for every single new domain that you purchase so I'm going to show you quickly how we do that again there are so many guides on instantly if you can't figure it out from this video just go and open one of their guides but using GoDaddy is the main provider here are the specific guides so setting up dkim for Google workspace accounts we hit that here is an overview and we can now follow these steps so we've already added the domain to our Google we've made the users we've done all that stuff we've set up MX records but now what we have to do is we have to go into our GoDaddy and add these to our DNS I do recommend you do take your time on this don't take your time to read through these instructions because you do have to get it right okay so all you need to do to set up your dkim is come to this step this is for GoDaddy right this is what we signed up with this is where we bought a domain we are going to hit this link it says use this link for the authentication page so we're going to click that and it's going to take us right here now the domain that we're working with is in this case yours is going to be different but we can generate records here that we need so hit generate and then hit start authentication we can head back on over to the instructions and then it will tell us to do that and then what we have to do is go to our GoDaddy and actually edit our DNA this bit is going to be confusing for you guys it's still confusing for me I don't fully understand it but I understand how to do it gonna go through this setup stage I don't care about you building my experience so I'm gonna come to manage domain and then you can see we're on the on Orthodox bot domain on GoDaddy and they're going to hit DNS and we can see that we have an option to start adding some confusing stuff to our domain now we can go back on over to our settings and we can see that it wants us to add a text record name and that one that we just got is that text record so our text record name is going to be Google domain key I'm going to click add new record text the name is Google the main key and our text record value is going to be this now I should get an error message and it shouldn't let me do it because there's likely going to be already text messages oh no it did work so sometimes if it doesn't work it will be because you have multiple records that conflict with one another so bear that in mind it may be a case of you having to go through and deleting some but sometimes it worked and it worked for me this time so we should now have our dkim set up so you go back and then you click authenticate start authentication and then Google's going to run its check to ensure that it is working so right now it's ticking away it's checking that and whilst we're waiting for it to happen we can go through and we can set up our dmock so use this website again on the instantly instructions you just click it and follow along our domain is our Orthodox bot on we're going to choose what email our dmarc reports are sent to you can put whatever you want I usually just have it on the email that we're setting up so in this case Liam on and then I'm going to hit generate now again this is going to give us our dmarc record so if we go back on over to the instructions it will tell us how we then set that up so we've got to go back on over to GoDaddy hope you're still following along we're going to click add new record and we are adding another text type record the name is going to be dmock and then our value is going to be this one that we just set up on that easy dmarc website come back on over to GoDaddy paste that in and then we're going to hit save and that is updating our DNS records success so now if we go back on over to instantly and we check that this has been set up we can see that our dkim has registered now that our dmarc still hasn't so we now just need to give it some time let our dmarc register and we should be good to go we can start sending out these email campaigns now this video is getting very very long and I understand that but this is a long process to set up and you only have to do it once so once it's done it's done there we go boom our instantly account is all set up and ready to go so to follow those steps do what I just did and now what we're going to want to do is come on over to our new domain and hit enable warm up now what this is going to do this is why instantly is so good it automates that email warm-up process rather than us just spamming out emails from day one it's actually going to send fake emails and then it's going to open those emails in a fake inbox and send us fake emails back and it tricks Google into believing that this is a real email account that has genuine activity and people open our emails so that gets us out of the Spam folders and into inbox that is why we see such higher open rates with instantly now unfortunately you do have to go through this process with every single user that you create on your domain but you do not need to set up your dkim and your dmarc every single time that is just for every new domain that you add but for every user you do have to go through Google you have to come up here add user create the Google account and then connect it to you instantly but what I recommend you have is you have three different domains three different users per domain and a total of nine email accounts sending out emails every single day so that is how you set up your instantly campaign that is how you start warming up your emails and we've gone through the sequencing already now let's take a quick look at leadfinder and show you the possibilities that you have here so inside of instantly you can actually find your own leads as well so we can actually come here we can type in United Kingdom we can type in managing directors managing director CEO maybe we want the CMO as well and Industry we want accountants now obviously yours is going to be completely unique now what we want to make sure is that these companies aren't 1 000 employees right because we're never going to be able to break through we're never going to be able to actually get on their supplier list and actually do work for them so 0 to 25 25 to 100 might even be pushing it but you can see here we now have leads starting to generate we can now down the revenue we can lock down keywords we can change the job titles that we're searching for but you can essentially select these and add these to your campaigns simple as that now I will be going into more detail about this on another video otherwise this video is going to be two hours long and I know that most people's attention span isn't cut out for that so we're going to leave this for now but this is a great feature of instantly it does cost money but it's well well worth it that is how we also collect leads as well and it's just another way for us to funnel in leads to our campaigns funny enough we just got a message back from a new potential client so he's responded saying sure thanks best Daniel cheers Daniel that gives us a lot to work with but I'll now go back and I'll request you know to book in a call with this guy and just run him through the bot that we built him that we built him we haven't actually built him anything yet but we will now that he's responded remember sell first build after there is no point you building all these Bots for every single person that you're reaching out to it just doesn't make any sense for you to do that okay you now got your email automation set up let's now move on to dripper fire and show you how this works now LinkedIn is fairly simple we all know how to use it some of you may be working at jobs currently so maybe this isn't going to be the best thing for you to use but for those of you who are self-employed and you don't give a about your LinkedIn you don't care if people see you marketing your business then this is another great way for you to potentially get new business all you're going to want to do is you're going to want to come to campaigns once you've made your account again this does cost every single month you're going to hit new campaign and you're going to add leads so you can now name your lead list we're going to call it marketing agencies and it's going to be from a LinkedIn search so we're going to come up to LinkedIn we're going to come to search and we're going to type in marketing agency owner again you can filter this down if you've got sales Navigator you can get really detailed with this but we're going to search for people and we can see we now have a list of digital marketing agency owners and all of these different types of business owners now I am kind of rushing through this part because it's fairly simple and very straightforward you just follow the guides on tripify I'm going to paste that search into here you can obviously get as detailed as you want and we can see that it's found over a thousand profiles so for this I want to add a thousand users to this campaign so I'm going to create this list and it's going to give me that list of a thousand people that are connected to that LinkedIn search that we just did so I'm going to hit next and then going to click lead generation select template and you can see it's giving me a template of things to do so first things first it's going to send out an invite to connect with this person we can customize that message so the invite message is going to be something like hey first name it's going to use first name we would love to show you the AI bot that we built for their company cool save done we're then going to go through all of these different steps now I don't really care about endorsing their skills but what I do want to do is send out another message saying I'll give you an example of a message that we send we'll change that to first name hey first name hope you're well I'll keep it brief we've trained a custom AI chatbot to use the content from your website to answer respond to questions from users and potential clients we'd love to send you a demo at the bar happy to help you integrate it completely for free perfect now they don't respond to that I'm gonna wait three days and same with our email campaigns we're going to add another action so I want another message basically following up with them essentially saying this hey first name thanks for connecting would you like me to send over that chatbot you can ask it questions about your business and it will use AI to respond and give you custom responses based on what we train it you can also collect emails data from your website visitors plug in directly into your CRM so again you can get creative with this put together a offer put together a real plan and just test the waters but once with that's now been set up we can now hit next and we can name our campaign marketing agencies and we can choose whether we want to push this data into a HubSpot what we do is we connect it with zapier and send anyone that responds back straight to our HubSpot so that our team can then keep track on people that have responded to us and we don't just lose that lead into the void of many messages that we're sending out we can also set stuff here like no photo and leads profile we'll skip them we'll skip it they have less than 500 connections all of that stuff I usually just keep it open and then high five our campaign is now launched so that is now going to start sending out connections every single day up to the point of the limit of LinkedIn which I believe is around like 50 connections per day if you have premium it's a lot higher than that but yeah I'm going to turn this off because I actually don't want to contact marketing agencies but you can see here we have a pretty good acceptance rate and a response rate from these campaigns that we've been running and if we go into inbox we have a few people that have come back to us interested in Booking calls so that is a massive win because all automated it's done automatic whilst we sleep we do not have to worry about it and it's just another way for us to fill a pipeline into our business now the final step that I want to show you guys is going to be rocket reach Now Rocket reach is another useful tool that we use to find our leads so the reason why rocket reach is so good is because it has a lot of leads on this and it allows us to actually find contact details from businesses that we maybe want to manually scrape just like before we've instantly we can come through and we can set up different locations say I want to go in the US I want job title to be CEO owner maybe even managing director and I want them to be in the financial Now Rocket reach is now going to do its thing where it goes through and it finds all of these leads we can see there's 147 000 results there now obviously I do recommend you going through and you change more details like employee account maybe even revenue or get ready really really detailed with the specific type of owner that you actually want to contact right there's no point you messaging the social media manager for fragment's sake you have to be going direct to the decision maker so we can now come and we can collect all of this info now this app does cost money again you have to spend money to make money but you can then funnel these leads into your instantly campaigns and you can also find in LinkedIn details that you could then put into your dropify campaign so if you want to automate this entire process you can just hire in a virtual assistant from upwork that's what we do they are everywhere it's super easy to find but that is another way for you to automate your Outreach guys that is essentially it that is how you automate your Outreach it does take a while to get used to it will take you some time to get through it there are elements that you need to adjust and fix as you progress as well so it's not just a case of set and forget unfortunately you can set it and forget it for a couple of weeks but do recommend you jump in you check that data you cross-reference you see what's working you split test and then ultimately you're going to left with a killer campaign that is closing new business on autopilot whilst you sleep guys if you want more information jump into the free agency Discord down below you can also join the Inner Circle where we hand hold you through everything we have a course that you can follow along with and then you also get direct access to me where we jump on calls and we just help you build your agency thank you so much for watching this video go out there kill it this is not a get rich overnight business this is a business that you're going to be building for the next six months to a year and I promise you now if you put in the work you're going to make the money thank you so much for watching guys like the video subscribe all of that juicy stuff catch you in the next one bye
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 28,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chat gpt 4, smma ai, ai smma, chatgpt, chatgpt 4, agency chatgpt, chatgpt aaa, chat gpt smma, agency outreach, aaa live outreach, live cold outreach, live smma, outreach smma, how to outreach smma, smma outreach live, best outreach methods for AI Automation agency, Ai automation 2023, how to get AAA clients, how to get clients, how to land AAA clients, email outreach, live email outreach, ai email outreach, auto gpt, smma, liam evans, liam ai automation
Id: oWrwTVPyk5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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