This Stops 95% of AI Automation Agencies Making Money

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there is one major thing that is destroying all of your chances of building a successful AI automation agency now in this video we'll be going over what that one thing is and how you can fix it the truth is the answer is pretty simple now if you're just starting out in your AI automation agency the chances are you're fighting at least one if not all of these problems right now number one with all of the different Outreach methods for you to pick from and with all the different software platforms that you can build different solutions on it's probably quite confusing for you and pretty difficult to get in front of the right people who would be interested in your services number two you're probably struggling to land or close the clients that you end up getting in front of and getting for a call perhaps you've had a few calls with some potential clients and you go through the process of telling them the different chatbots you can build them and the different automations you can build them but every single time it ends up leaving you with a really confused client on the other end of the call who's definitely not interested in any of your services now lastly maybe you have landed your first client perhaps you're even working for free for someone that you already know to give you that experience or maybe someone's even paying you a small retainer every single month for a chatbot that you've been building them you're now probably scrambling all over the place to learn how to actually deliver for this client putting in the overtime to ensure that the end product that you actually deliver is valuable to them now these problems occur a lot with new agencies and I would say that 95% of all agency owners are going to bump into these issues and I have the reason why that is and I'm going to be revealing that in today's video so there is one key step missing now this step is a pretty obvious one but I see so many many people missing it even at our agency unorthodox we had to go through the fire to realize that we were missing this ourselves and we realized we were fighting a losing battle and losing thousands of dollars in misw workk in the process so let me explain people right now are over complicating what they are offering and it's leading them down to a path to pretty much guaranteed failure because how are you supposed to know what to offer when it's your first time offering it now you see smma doesn't have this problem because all you need to sell them is Facebook ads short form content agencies don't have this problem either because guess what all you need to do is edit short form content for people so yes these models are much much simpler than AI automation agencies there is no denying that but this is the reason why I love the AI automation agency model so much the market is endless and the competition is pretty weak and most competitors won't be able to keep up with you if you just Master this one skill when it comes to working with business owners most business owners don't actually realize that there's anything wrong with how they're running their business and trying to tell a business owner that they have something wrong when they don't actually they do have something wrong is a Sure Fire way to piss them off and make them turn away from whatever you're trying to sell them now if you're brand new to business and you've never run a successful business before then it's going to be incredibly difficult for you to actually be able to help someone else identify what needs fixing in their business and this makes it super hard for you not only to land a client but to actually understand what you're selling to that client right now everyone knows about AI but business owners have no clue how they could be using it they also aren't surrounded by other people using it making tons of money for their businesses so it's not like Facebook ads when there are literally endless amounts of case studies of people seeing success in their business with paid ads we don't have that luxury the AI Market just isn't there yet so there is a major education step that needs to happen in order for you to actually identify how you can help an individual business owner and help them realize the possibilities around using AI within their business so why is that important every single step of your agency from your Outreach to your sales calls to delivery all revolves around understanding the pain points and the issues your clients are facing and without understanding this on a deep level you're just going to be building tools and solutions that you've seen others selling or Solutions your client already knows about so if you're going in blind trying to offer business generic AI Solutions you're likely going to be missing the core problem the business has and there's opportunities in those problems to build them something that is actually going to transform their business and give them results as soon as it's integrated so there's a saying you may have heard it you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig and in the business world this is important because no matter how good your AI chat Bots are or how good your zapier automations are if the client's core structure of their business is ugly and messy then you're just putting a Band-Aid on them broken parts you're not actually solving the real fundamental issues there that Band-Aid is just going to get ripped off and it's not going to fix any of the core issues at hand this means that you're going to lose out on your retainer and you're likely going to have to keep hunting for new client new client new client new client so how can you fix this well as I mentioned we've been working tirelessly at our agency for the last 2 months trying to identify the best way to help business owners understand how to use AI in their business now luckily this YouTube channel helps us a lot but what's really helped us is our AI audit now the word audit for some is pretty daunting so for the example of this video let's call it an AI evaluation I think I hear you say what is an AI evaluation well let me tell you every single business that you speak to or end up working with Will will nine times out of 10 be different to the last business that you worked with now regardless of whether you're working in the same Niche it doesn't matter because even if it is in the same industry then businesses they will have a different team structure they use different tools different crms different software and the way that they handle their clients is usually very different to their competitors or other businesses so this is actually a massive opportunity for us your goal is to now identify how that business operates what software they use understand the pitfalls the pain points of each step within their business and then formulate a plan and a strategy around how they could be plugging those gaps you see the thing most people don't realize is trying to fix a problem without truly understanding the problem is not helpful to you or your client and the answer is the AI evaluation so every time we speak with a new client before we discuss what we can build them what they should be doing with AI or how much we're going to charge them we always want to uncover as much as we can to see if AI is actually something they should or could be using if you're trying to close a client on on the first call that you end up having with them then you probably have no clue what you're trying to sell them and how it can actually help that specific client now on our first call with every single client that we have it's purely a discovery call where we probe and ask questions to that client trying to understand their business you know what's working what's not now after that call the only thing that we offer them is a free evaluation where we then step away send them a questionnaire form with a long list of detailed questions for them to them fill out and then once we've received those responses we then analyze and formulate a strategy of how AI could be used within their business we look at the different software that they currently use the sales processes that they have we even look at how they handle their customer service and pretty much everything in between now we've actually tried charging a small fee for these evaluations in the past and we've also run paid ads for them as well but what we found is using the AI evaluation as a free lead magnet is the right approach and that works best for us so what this actually gives us an opportunity to do is to now come back to every single potential client with a detailed list of solutions and AI use cases custom to their business now before you say Liam that's crazy you're giving away the entire game plan why would they still work with you when you're literally just telling them what they should be doing with AI well I've said it 100 times convenience sales most business owners could literally go out and run their own Facebook ads tomorrow off of the back of watching a few videos on YouTube so if you're thinking that it's just a limitting belief and you need to get over it so going back to the evaluation so once the client has a clear explanation of what they should be using AI for within their business you can then break down in individual cost towards specific Solutions on that evaluation document not only can you provide pricing on that document but you can actually deliver timelines and give them clients a hierarchy of recommendations so that they know what should be built first and why the key is to try and understand every single potential client that you ever meet going in blind just trying to sell a chatbot will work for a few clients but without really knowing what's causing pain within that business you will struggle to scout from there so this step in my opinion is what takes takes you from $55,000 per month to $30,000 $50,000 per month think about it if you're Building Systems for other people that help them streamline become more efficient and automate certain elements within their business why would you not ensure that you have a watertight system in your own agency that gives you data and resources to then move forward with offers and proposals that clients would be stupid to say no to now I know most of you probably want an example of the type of questions that you could ask on that initial Discovery call or evaluation questionnaire so here are are a few if you did want a full list of questions the network members which is our AI automation mentorship Community will be receiving a full list of questions that they can ask their clients from our resource Hub you can actually join the network by clicking the link Down Below in the description there are limited spaces left so be fast but we want to ensure that the questions that we ask are General to the industry we're trying to speak to so this means that we can actually send the same questionnaire to every single potential client without needing to change the questions every time we speak to someone new so some example questions that you could ask would be describe to me the current sales process of a new client maybe it's what happens to a new lead that you collect through your website or what is the average lifetime value of a client maybe it's what methods do you use to remarket to existing client and if you really get stuck you can actually paste those questions into chat GPT and ask it to give you more examples who would a guest AI can actually help us inside of our own agencies the important thing to understand is you don't need to over complicate this this does not need to be a 500 question form it's there to just guide you on what Solutions should be provided to each potential client and it's there to help you understand that business from Back to Front you always need to try to lead your proposals with data it makes it so much more harder for someone to say no to you when they fully understand the reason behind you actually offering them solutions for every single client that we work with we collect as much data as we possibly can and as an agency that wants to build long-term Partnerships with our clients we're not looking for oneoff builds where we make some quick money build something that isn't right for the client and then just walk away what we have actually want to do is work with every client over a longer time Horizon we want to be there as AI consultant helping them understand what tools software and different solutions they could be using to fix problems X Y and Z but like I said all of this does come with experience and for most people watching this video starting off with simple customer service chat Bots and time Saving Solutions is going to be your best bet so my main point is you don't need to be trying to solve these crazy complex issues when you don't fully understand them yourself you know there's some business owners that I end up speaking to where they try to explain these complex problems and I run for the hills you can just tell sometimes that the systems that they have in place are so broken it would just end up being the most painful client to work with ever so there is no shame in turning down work if you're not ready to take on that project or you don't fully understand it if you manage to master the art of being able to understand Business Systems like lead generation lead management and sales processes and you can critically think about how to increase efficiency or streamlining processes within those businesses with the help of both Ai and non- AI Solutions then you are going to make a huge amount of money and the best way to become a master at this is by spending time speaking with these business owners and seeing what Solutions exist for the pain points that they have so I could probably make an entire video breaking down our client evaluation system and showing you how we identify different solutions to different problems so let me know in the comments if that's something that you do want to see I hope this video helps you understand the key step that 95% of agency owners are missing right now and the step that takes you from AI automation agency Noob to Absolute AI automation agency Legend all right if you are still confused of what you could be offering your clients I spoke to over 150 business owners and found out exactly what they needed in this video right here so check that out
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 15,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation agency, aaa course, automation agency, ai chatbot, ai agency, ai automation, how to start an ai business, how to start an ai automation agency, how to make an ai chatbot, smma vs aaa, ai business automation, getting clients for my ai automation agency, automating ecommerce stores, ecommerce ai solutions, ai automation agency course, ai services to sell, best ai business model, chatbot builder, ai automation services, ai automation business, liam evans
Id: DpSwYSXgBmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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