7 NEW AI Automation Services to Sell as a Beginner (2023)

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in this video I'm going to be giving you seven new AI automation agency services that you can sell as a beginner and the exact steps on how you can deliver them nothing kills a beginner's enthusiasm for starting an AI automation agency quicker than spending weeks trying to build something I need to find out that no one wants it with so much bad advice being spread online but people who've never even run an AI automation agency I thought I'd come on here and give you seven untapped opportunities that you can take and start your own AI automation agency with on the right foot and really maximize your chances of success and these are all based on what I'm seeing work either in my own agency or within my community of 30 000 AI automation agency owners I'm fortunate enough to be in the center of this new and emerging industry and I can really see everything that is happening through my Consulting course through my sales course or my own agency and through my community this video is my way of packaging up all of the exciting new services that I'm seeing and sharing the latest and greatest with you all this video consists of seven new opportunities in total the first three uh new types of systems that you can apply to any industry before jumping into four specific examples of offers that you can take and start running as you start your own AI automation agency and at the end of the video I'm going to be explaining to you how you can get my complete cheat codes on how I would actually deliver these Services if I were you if you're new to the channel my name is Liam otley I'm the creator of the AI automation agency model I have my own AI automation agency and AI development company called Morningside that currently does around a hundred thousand dollars in Revenue per month I own the largest community of AI automation agency owners in the world who've just hit 30 000 members in my free community I'm from New Zealand but now based in Dubai and I'm currently in beautiful Thailand with my entire team we're here for a month and it's been a blast so far and on this channel we're all about building real skills building real businesses making real money and building a life if you truly love living now before we get into the good stuff I'm super excited to announce the official launch of my AAA accelerator to the public within the next few days I'm delighted to say that our initial 150 members of the accelerator sold out in under five minutes a few weeks ago and since system we haven't had a single person unsubscribe so that tells me that we must be doing something right now with this initial group of 150 we were able to iron out other kings in order to deliver maximum value and create what I can confidently say is the number one resource in the world right now for starting and scaling your own AI automation Agency for building a comprehensive AI skill set and for meeting other people who are striving to achieve great things while I'll always give away the education on my channel here for free so that you have enough information to have a crack at starting your own AI automation Agency on your own if you do want to invest in some cheat codes my AAA accelerator has all of the implementation resources you'll ever need in order to shortcut your path for Success you get to book in one-on-one calls with my coaches and Dev Specialists whenever you need them if you get to ask questions to me and my team directly in the Discord you get three hour long workshops every week hosted by myself or one of my team or coaches or even guests like Alex from Aussie and the founder of instantly who's coming in next week as well you get access to AI Liam which has all of my knowledge put into a bot so that you can ask questions about your AI automation agency to it you get access to exclusive templates for chat Bots and automation systems and finally you get access to a growing list of powerful tools that we use in-house in my own AI automation agency Morningside AI that we give to our accelerating Community to use in their own AI automation agency we have over 5 000 people on our waiting list and waiting for our public launch on Saturday the 2nd of September at 10 A.M Eastern there will only be a limited number of spots available because our coaches can only handle so many people at once so if you want to be notified about when the sale goes live so that you can secure one of the spots for yourself you can learn more and also sign up to the waiting list in the first link in the description if you can't tell I'm extremely excited about this and I can't wait to see many of you in there very soon but enough talking let's get stuck into the good stuff service number one is an automated referral system they always mentioned the first three services are more systems that you can take and use in different Industries referral systems are things you can set up that are going to automate the follow-up of customers who have sort of completed working with your clients business and asking them to say hey do you know any other people who may be interested in those services and they're sort of automating that process of asking and then also facilitating the sort of handoff and then paying customers back or giving them their compensation for that referral now these systems are nothing new but the way that AI can make them more powerful is by using any data that their business has on a customer to create a personalized referralism so you ask them for a referral but you include any sort of conditional information you have on them to make it more personalized and increase the chance of a successful referral now why bother with the referral system anyway firstly the past customers of a business are highly likely to know other similar customers so they can refer you to people that they know on their Network they may know other businesses there may know other people that fit the demographic and fit the problem that they had and that you sold for them so they're sort of an ideal place to at least check and ask if they know anyone similar and secondly past customers of a business who've had a good experience are the most likely to recommend your services to others now the key thing here and the big opportunity for you as an AI automation agency owner is that most businesses don't even bother asking in the first place they don't have a system set up to even ask these questions so they're just dealing with their customers and letting them go out the door and not even attempting to to get some referrals to continue and acquire customers through them by creating and selling a solid referral system to businesses within your Niche you are opening up a new acquisition channel for them to get customers and really drive through results think about these systems is that if you're able to set up the system how to get to one referral to referrals that's a very very tangible result that you've driven for the business which is why I love any of these sort of automations as lead offers that drive sort of sales or drive real money in the door initially rather than leading with a sort of time saving automation initially so how would you actually build and deliver one of these systems firstly you need to talk to your client about how they are managing their customer data in the CRM and sort of how they are updating the status of a given client within their CRM then you can go over to zapier or make.com and set up a trigger within the CRM so that as soon as someone updates the clients are being sort of bound and we've finished our work with them that's going to trigger a set of automations that you can build on next then within the automation platform you can create an AI step or a chat gbt step and you can pull information on their customer from the CRM you can use it to create using a prompt that you've put together carefully to Output really solid messages or a sequence of messages that you can send by email or SMS then once you have the personalized message or sequence of messages you can go to another step in your Automation and you can use an email provider or you can use an SMS provider to send out these these messages or these sequences after X number of days of them being marked as done service number two is an sop search chatbot an sop search chatbot is a system that I came up with when talking to a bunch of my friends who own digital marketing agencies and they said man it would be so great to be able to have a chat what they can allow people to easily access all of the SOP resources if you're not familiar with saps it's standard operating procedures so in many businesses and agencies in particular you have all of these documents which are explaining these are how we do the systems and these are our systems and this is what we do with this and in this situation everything in the business needs to be documented in terms of how they do it so that the business can actually work and the real work that you do as much from there and as the leader of the business is to put together these Sops in a lot of cases so you put in all of this this work into creating them but at the end of the day these Sops end up putting a drive folder somewhere or they are stored somewhere in multiple different locations and it's not easy to access for your employees so the way the system works is that you can take all of the Sops for a given business and you can either put all of the text into a knowledge base and allow them to chat over the knowledge base which is one option but then there's also the the other option which is say if you have a bunch of loom videos that your team has put together and they really show and illustrate exactly how to do it you can put each of those loan video links and then a little bit of information on each into a big document and then put that document into the knowledge base and then when you chat over it you can say hey I'm looking for some help on this and it's going to return the loom link and some other related information so that the employee can then click on the link and watch it so it's a quick and easy retrieval system for employees to get and find the right say loom video for what they're looking to do now this system is so important and valuable because human beings and employees are by Nature Lazy by making the correct information more easily accessible to your employees and your staff you're going to increase the consistency and accuracy of all the tasks done so whenever they have a question they can go to this and they can find the right information far more easily rather than guessing it and maybe just making it up along the way plus you're going to minimize the number of questions that are going from your employees your low-level employees up to your managers or even to yourself so there's multiple benefits to this and that's why the system's so good and this kind of system is especially important when you have new employees that you're onboarding and they're going to need this a ton more than the regular people so how can you actually create and deliver a system like this I explained the two ways I've seen work just before where you have either put all the information into a knowledge base and just sort of chat to it as text or you can take if you have things like Loom videos or specific resources you can put them into a document and then sort of Let It Chunk Up and then it's actually going to return the links to the resources and then send them to the right place so it's more of a a resource retrieval system than a sort of text to text answering engine then to actually build the chatbot you need to use a platform like voice flow where you can build the chat what you can build the knowledge base then you can deploy it to wherever your client wants they might want to Whatsapp one to the employees can tap away on WhatsApp and ask questions or more than likely they'd want to deployed to something like slack so voicemail has a tutorial and how you can connect your voice flow chat bot to slack I'll leave the resource in the description somewhere for that and our final non-industry specific system is a product matching system a product matching system is something that I've been working with and experimenting with a lot over the past couple of weeks and my case study which is up here if you want to start watching it but through that I've been able to see the need for a a new kind of type of chatbot that allows you to match up a customer given a few bits of information you collect from them with one of the different products offers that the business that you're dealing with from for example someone with a personal brand may have a couple of different offers they have like a free course and they have like a paid course and they have like a a one-on-one coaching Etc so these different offers that they have ideal for different people in different stages of the journey now your job with a product matching system is to ask questions about the customer and get information from them and then be able to grade them against the criteria given to you by the client and essentially slap them in into one of the buckets that that fits so if they have no experience they've got no money okay they should probably take the free course first but okay they've got ten thousand dollars to spend then great they fit into the bucket of the the ten thousand dollar coaching package then you need to provide the link for that so essentially this system is just learning about the customer and then providing them the right link to convert at based on their current situation this kind of system is great because businesses are interacting more and more with customers via chat now you have Instagram you have Facebook you have SMS Etc people are interacting with businesses more and more so by having these kind of conversational selling systems is something that businesses are going to need a lot in the future the real value that these systems can provide to the business is twofold really firstly by having a flexible AI system that's able to sort of take information from the customer and then present them with the right product for them at the right time is allowing them to squeeze every last strip of money out of the attention they get and secondly you're also setting up a system that can do instant follow-up so there's no longer going to be two hour four hour eight hour delays between when the customer first messages them and when they actually start getting closed by by having that instantly and being able to follow up exactly when they are their hottest and most eager to buy you're going to increase conversions that way as well and there's also a massive bonus here of the conversations that this AI is having it's extracting really really valuable information on that lead that can be associated with it within the CRM and set up all sorts of personalized follow-ups and things like this so it's just a really really good way of collecting information and also selling them on all of your different offers now how would you actually deliver this firstly you need to go to a platform like voice flow and start to build the chatbot there and set up a few questions that it's going to ask then you have one sort of final AI step where it's going to take all of the information you've given and then check it against a criteria that's been given to you by the client then you need to actually deploy the chatbot to the platform that the client wants it might be Facebook it might be Instagram you can use things like mini chat to connect voice flow to these platforms I'll leave a tutorial from one of my community members in the description if you want help with that then I'd probably even throw in a system to save all of the conversations that happen with the chatbot and then set up something to analyze them and sort of maybe assign it to a customer or a lead within a CRM as like a bonus deliverable food sorry to interrupt the video guys but if you are enjoying the video can you please hit down below and leave a like on it right now for me that would mean the world to me I put a ton of effort into this video and the number of likes basically tells me what kind of content you want to see more of so if you leave a like it's going to let me know thank you so much and we can watch the rest of the video service number four and first of our specific examples you can take and start your AI automation agency with is an e-commerce shopping assistant an e-commerce shopping assistant is taking what we just talked about at product matching system and applying it to a specific Niche so using the same underlying concept and Technology really of let's ask some questions and we'll donate them to the right product for them this is just applying it to the e-commerce Niche and doing all of the things I'm not going to re-explain everything we just they just touched on there it's kind of personalized shopping assistance for customers to e-commerce stores can be great because as I always say people are moving more and more towards chat they're getting lazy and they don't want to click around the site 10 times to find what they want they just want to say hey I'm the assistant help me find what I'm looking for so by having the system set up you can drive more conversions because people are going to get to the product that's best for them faster and again we have an amazing bonus here for the e-commerce store owner of collecting all of this really really valuable data on the client so what are they asking what are people looking for most often what are the sort of key demographics that people are coming to the store things like this you're tapping them into a new data source which can be helpful for all sorts of decision making throughout the business so one of the steps to creating and delivering one of these it's basically the same as the product matching system you build your chatbot on voice flow you get them to ask a couple questions and you take the questions and then you check that against the criteria and that's going to allow you to sort of map it to a bunch of different products that would be ideal for it so you can create a knowledge base that's filled with all the different products in the store hopefully it's not too many and then whenever they you can query that knowledge base you'll pull back things that are most relevant to what the user's information is once you've got this recommendation engine working you can easily deploy from voice flow to a web chat so a little bubble to put on your client's eCommerce store then let's set up the conversation tracking and data analysis part as well as a bonus deliverable for the client then if you want to get more advanced and do like a V2 version you can add a feature where people can chat to FAQs of developed the given product they've been recommended so you can create a knowledge base with the information the effect use of a product and then when they get recommended you can say do you have any questions about this product and they can say yes does it do this then you answer from the knowledge base based on that product and super easy upsell is once you've got this web chat thing on their website you can say hey look I'll throw in a a customer support system for you on there as well there's another three thousand dollars service number five is a car rental chatbot system now this is a little bit of a different example I thought I'd throw these in here just to show you how far you can really be thinking on this and pick up pick a boring industry like car rental and go hey how can I actually give some value here with some kind of system using a chat bot to do a bunch of functions for the customers and for the internal team if you've ever tried to rent a car you know how much of a hassle it can be and how horrible some of the companies can be to work with so this system will be hooked up to a WhatsApp number which is available on the site of the the car rental business obviously this is kind of small to medium-sized car rental business not the big really big sort of international ones but by putting a WhatsApp number on the website a customer can click on that and they can start a chat on WhatsApp and then once they're in the chat there able to go through the booking process they can ask where they want to pick up from when they want to pick up from the chat box and send a couple cars that are available Etc take all the information in terms of do you have the right license for this yes I do that basically doing the whole booking and like onboarding process for this car rental system if you want to get really fancy you can even take payment in there as well and send like a send a payment link for the company and say please confirm when you've paid so you can do the whole system and build it up within a chatbot within WhatsApp so that the customer can get everything done on their phone via WhatsApp it's all automated for the business they're basically not even seeing any of this happen and they stroll up to the business and ready to pick up the car and show their ID Etc so automate the whole process make it easier for the business and easier for the customer then as soon as the customers picked up the car and they're officially a customer then you can open up a customer support aspect of the chatbot so they can now ask questions if you've ever traveled and had an issue with a rental car you know how much of a nightmare it is to actually get in touch with them and organize any any customer support related issues so by adding a customer support feature into the chatbot as soon as they're actually using the car then they can say hey I've had an issue with this or hey what's the issue with uh returning on the on the tank of gas Etc all of the customer support can be 24 7 responding to the customer but also automated so that the AI is answering majority of the questions they're only sending them really tricky or emergency request to the business so how would you actually build and deliver this system or you'd start on something like voice flow in order to build the chatbot out into different steps involved and then you'd be able to integrate it from voice flow over to something like zapier or make.com and there's a lot of Integrations there at those sort of onboarding systems and stripe links Etc takes a lot of Integrations back and forth within the chatbot provider and your automation platform but it's definitely impossible it's definitely something you can do and once you've got a little built out and working you can deploy that to a WhatsApp number for the business Via twilio SMS and and voice flow makes this very easy to do as well and then it's just a case of getting a retainer deal struck with the client and then managing the system moving forward service number six is and don't laugh pool cleaning lead gen chatbot system this is another one of those unorthodox examples that I'm trying to throw at you into sort of broaden your mind as SGD possibilities of the kind of systems you can create as an AI automation agency owner I mean he never would have thought of focusing on the pool cleaning Niche but as I'm about to explain this new technology and chatbots especially open up new doors for interesting and competitive advantages that you can provide to even the most boring of businesses so the pool cleaning industry obviously pretty low Tech on the on the Spectrum there and probably low amounts of innovation going on especially in terms of how people are acquiring customers which is what we're focusing on here now I'm not an expert on pool cleaning but I would say that the sort of lead gen and customer acquisition strategies amongst the industry are fairly competitive and there's not many new angles to take so an example of a system that you could build in order to give a certain pool cleaning company the Competitive Edge in generating leads and customers is to create a chat bot and then have it available on their website as a lead magnet like claim your free pull testing kit here and they click it and it opens up a chat bot on might be in an SMS based one it might be a WhatsApp one it might even be on the web but the idea is that they're able to claim their free testing kit within the chat bot and then they say okay here's your address we're going to ship this out you want to make the connection so that when the customer sends their address you're able to take that and pass it off to the logistics system or whatever they're going to actually ship that testing cut out the idea is that when they get the testing the testing pool they're supposed to come back to the chatbot and say hey here's my results what do I need for my pool what kind of chemicals am I going to need and that's when you can use AI to analyze those results and match them up to a set of chemicals that are going to be right for their pool and then you can sell them a subscription a plan to purchase those chemicals every month or every three months or whatever the interval is so with that you can see a really cool kind of automated lead generation system going on there that not many other competitors will be able to do because there's a lot of sort of manual matching up work to do and a lot of conversations that we have this is going to give your pool cleaning company a competitive advantage in terms of generating leads and customers when using the system just for about it so how would you actually build and deliver this those steps I just went through is exactly what you need to do but you need to get something like voice flow as the sort of Bot Builder and the environment in which you build it and then you need to do these different Integrations like sending the information when you get the address off to your client and one of them to ship the package you need to get a lead magnet set up on their website or get the client and customer of yours to actually promote it so that people are coming to this offer in the first place then once you've made up the chatbot it's just deploying it to whatever platform the client wants what's our SMS Etc and then you can sign a retainer to manage the system ongoing and finally service number seven is a restaurant chatbot system now there's nothing too fancy about this it's basically people want to know about a restaurant they want to know about its menu they want to book in and this can all be done through WhatsApp now you may know depending on where you live America is not very big on it but the rest of the world is a lot of restaurants are already using WhatsApp to handle questions that customers have or handle bookings as well so your job is just to automate that process to allow people to check availability for a given time and then if it is to be able to book it in automatically in the system so restaurants already have if they do have a WhatsApp number or they have someone on the phone taking all these dials that's a lot of time that someone is spending and the goal for you is to be able to automate all of that process bookings cancellations Etc but also allowing people to chat to the menu so you might have a button and you your home menu which is hey I have a question about your menu or well I have a question about your business Etc then you can use a knowledge base nothing fancy put information about the menu put the information about the business opening time Etc put it all in there and they're able to ask questions to it but the key thing here is that you can deploy it not only to Whatsapp you can also put it in the igdm so a lot of high-end restaurants these days are using Instagram as running promotions of course they take photos of the food and they get a whole bunch of business that way so you can have a DM me book or something like this to trigger a conversation so they can actually book and Via Instagram or at least just get information about the menu as I just mentioned how can you actually deliver this it's the same sort of process you use voice flow you build out the different steps and then you're able to deploy it to your given platform the point to Instagram does take that tutorial that I mentioned before so if you want it it's from one of my community members how you can connect manychat up to voice flow in order to get it working on igdm so that's available in the description the reason I wanted to throw this one in here is because I think it's an opportunity that everyone has a chance to really jump on because it's one there's so many restaurants there's like millions and millions restaurants around the world and you have a sort of unique opportunity to just Waltz into these restaurants and try to get a conversation with the manager and say hey how much time are you guys spending on answering all these messages wouldn't it be great to have your managers spending their time doing things that's actually more valuable to the business and you can use a little psychology trick in order to get a chance to talk to the owner by sitting down having a meal at the restaurant which is a great excuse to go out and have a dinner with yourself with your partner but the reciprocity factor of when you've paid them and you've you're eating at the restaurant they kind of have to come and give you two seconds to talk to them in a lot of cases so go to a restaurant sit down have a meal and say hey can I talk to the manager or is he only here I'd love to talk to them about something so that's a bit of free game on a straight you can use in person to try and close some of these restaurant plans so that has been seven AI automation agency services that you can take and start running in your own AI automation agency today I hope this has been helpful I hope this has been valuable I really really appreciate you watching my videos and taking advantage of my resources they're all in the description if you want to start an automation agency I have my free Discord I have my newsletter on AI automation agencies I have my AAA accelerator which as I mentioned earlier is opening up soon so if you are serious about starting one of these and starting with your best foot forward you can join up to our waitlist in the description there I'd love to see many of you in there in the near future and for those of you who have went around to the end I am going to be giving away a resource for my sort of cheat codes on how to actually deliver all of these so if you've waited around your reward is that you can go into the description I'm going to be hiding the link at the bottom so if you want to get that free resource it's going to be down there that's going to give you more of a step-by-step breakdown of how you can actually deliver all of these different deliverables so that's your little reward and before you go if you have enjoyed the video or gotten any kind of value out of it please sit down below and leave a like on the video it would mean the world to me and also way down there you can subscribe to the channel if you like me and you'll want to see more content like this about AI automation agencies and how you can start your own and while you're down there if you have any feedback or questions for me you can leave them in the comment section I want to be answering them as soon as possible thank you so much for watching that's all for the video guys I'll see you in the next one thank you
Channel: Liam Ottley
Views: 47,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 NEW AI Automation Services to Sell as a Beginner (2023), ai automation agency, ai automation, automation agency, how to start an ai automation agency, how to automate businesses with ai, ai business automation, how to make money with ai, best ai business ideas, how to start an ai business, how to make money with chatgpt, best online business for beginners, how to make money selling ai chatbots, how to build ai chatbots, ai agency, best ai automation agency services
Id: fPCCc1X6_d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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