How to Build a PC - Robeytech Live - $2300 Build - Ryzen 3800x / 2080 Super FE | Robeytech

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you what's up everybody that's really loud how's that in terms of volume that seems like it's really loud hopefully it's not ooh I need to bring up my actual sorry about that guys getting it set up there we go oh look at that oh wait it's not not sure oh there it is okay rip we got ya you can't see me right now I haven't switched it up yet hold on I'm working on everybody says fine rip headphone users yeah sorry about that touch loud on YouTube there's not a whole lot I can do in terms of changing volume on on on individual individual things so sorry about that if it's a little bit loud on YouTube I apologize turn this up a little bit there you go sorry about that guys just working through some stuff in the tech alright making sure it's all good it's always the best bet right make sure our tech is good how does the volume now is that better I changed it a little bit hopefully that makes it a little bit better that better fine here okay everybody says fine okay good okay fine awesome looks like that's fine trying to see they seems like my cameras are having issues if they what the deal is with my camera sir oh I know good everybody's getting okay looks like all the audio stuff is good we see one other thing and then we should be good I'm excited about today's build awesome okay okay we should be able to come onto screen now and be good what's up everybody what is up woohoo yeah what a day oh good look the cameras did work oh and all the the stuff work oh it's just sometimes sometimes I love it when technology goes well hey thanks very much for the bits ho ho what a day what a day 221 222 people guys I want to I want to start off by saying if my energy is low today it has been it has been a doozy of a day there has been there has been a lot going on and it has been there's just been it's been a crazy couple days and so I just want to say if I feel a little off it just I'm tired last night I got to bed about 2:00 a.m. I was up really really late actually overclocking a Titan custom water cooled and overclocking a Titan which was good work but it was just a very very just a very very trying time so I appreciate all of the support people are you telling me not to there's no BOTS on YouTube Oh what is that blondie just yelled isn't like is there there is no timer I don't know if she's telling me to do something let me check my I'm going to Reece I'm gonna go check my my thing and see what's going on here and see what's going on here all right guys I'm seeing something going on with with blondie and so I'm just trying to make sure we're we're good there I'm just gonna check my I don't know what's going on I don't know if she's happy yeah Oh was Oh was okay I was she oh she wasn't yelling at me okay well that makes you feel better okay looks like everything's fine there uh I was like I was like genuinely nervous like what did I do but it looks like nothing okay good it's working on Twitch but no timer bought on timer bought I don't know what the timer but okay I'll turn them I'm gonna turn the cloud bot off on all everything and go from there hey are we turning it back on okay I know the PC is not a giveaway we'll go through what the giveaways are for the day so we should be good and go from there though yeah I don't blong if you want to text me so I can know what exactly is happening I will I will get right on that um anyway guys for those of you don't know my name is gesture of I'm the host of row B Tech row B Tech is a show dedicated to PC building tech news tech deals and all of that awesome stuff sorry about well yesterday yesterday was a kind of a weird day had to move things around so we had to cancel last minute so instead of the build we did yesterday we're gonna do the build today this show happens usually wednesday thursday friday from 6:30 on every once in a while real life gets in the way and so that's when things like yesterday's shows and stuff like that get cancelled so I apologize for that sometimes that happens and I it always makes me sad when that happens if you have not liked because we have a lot of people watch these on YouTube afterwards if you're watching this show for the first time just so you know this is a live show I'm streaming two more just I'm streaming to more than just YouTube I actually stream to twitch and I stream like to my two viewers over on Facebook as well and so there are I'm always interacting with the audience I'm always trying to keep people happy I'm trying to keep things entertaining so and I make mistakes which is always super interesting so this is not a show in terms of us doing things like trying to figure things out like I figure it out versus Abad where it all looks like everything is going to go perfect and everything like that this is where you'll see me as in building and learning about things where I make mistakes as well what's what's gonna happen on the show today well what was supposed to happen yesterday and you're getting you're getting info now we're gonna be building a PC for Raymond who has been very excited about this build now for awhile she's been very patient this is a pretty good build this is like in terms of in terms of cramming a bunch in for the budget she has a really key I think it may be here I you know I actually never hey hey what's up DJ sippy-cup I never actually knew if if it's a good point to know if basically if even isn't I don't know but anyway Raven pretty excited about this build nice quality build 3,800 actually the 2080 super and probably one of my favorite cases that's just recently released from Coolermaster so I'm pretty hot happy about that sort of thing so yeah I'm pretty I'm pretty stuffed I'm pretty stoked on doing this this build today let's talk about the giveaways no matter what we're going to give away we're gonna give away a 25 no we don't yes we're giving away a $25 new a gift card yes no matter what we're gonna give away a $25 new a gift card as we get more subs that $25 can become a $50 gift card if we get to sorry if we get 225 subs that $50 new Waqf cards $25 gift card becomes a $50 gift card we get to 50 sub that becomes $100 into a gift card and then if we get to if we get to 150 subs then that becomes like a GPU of some sort you got like basically a 5,700 XD oh sorry at 2060 or a 5,700 so we always try and give away a GPU on every show it all depends on how much hype and stuff you guys end up giving over the course of the show so there and then on top of that when we finished a PC we always give away one year of Xbox game pass and then we'll usually do one if we get 500 likes on YouTube we'll give away one year of Xbox game past as well let's talk about how you can support me by the way if you don't have money your subs or any of that sort of thing but before I do that if you do want to sub and this is over on Twitch if you do want to sub you get extra entries to every giveaway that we do and so we got some pretty awesome giveaways coming up here so you may want to get in on that so things like we're gonna give way m2 drives we always give away a PC that PC I'll be giving away next week I started will announce the giveaway for that PC next week so there's a bunch of things that being a sub on the channel also gives you action as access to so it's worth worth your opportunity to some other ways you can support me is if you're on Twitch just hit that follow button or sorry that yeah the follow button if you're over on YouTube hit that like button hit that subscribe button it doesn't cost you anything and all of that stuff is always a big way to help me is this a good I have the same GPU and looking for an AI oh I don't know what the a IO is so nice hurricane 618 101 and m2 drought which is super awesome as well I want to say big thank you is we're going to grow the audience is gonna grow as we get to like more and more followers and stuff like that I think that is it I think I do want to let you guys know the minecraft build starts on Wednesday sorry Wednesday next week so we have Wednesday next week is when we start the minecraft build and then on Thursday next week is when we start to give away for the NZXT row be tech themed build then we're gonna be giving away over the month of July so lots to look forward to there as people are looking up to it my sub doesn't unlock until the night I don't know what that means oh my deep my day was good my day was very good it was it has been a very busy couple days I will show you guys on the next stream I will show you guys probably excited about the build that I finished yesterday it was for it was for work and so I will show that build off and I think you guys will be pretty happy when you see it it's pretty awesome doctor pain thing you very much for that sub appreciate it there is no PC giveaway today the next PC giveaway is next week we got new a gift cards and Xbox game pass ultimate which for those of you don't know Xbox can pass ultimate also gives you access to 100 games on the PC as well so you get snot just Xbox it's also in PC so we got some really good giveaways today I've curated some tech deals by the way if you do exclamation point deals I also put together a $1500 PC if you're looking for a $59 PC that we have some deals on we'll walk through that real quick and then we'll go through the parts we're gonna be building for rayvin and the PC that we're gonna be did he said he said it's hidden oh yeah so yeah there's a lot there's a lot going on and it's gonna be a lot of fun you guys ready to talk about so let's just do some short deals real quick show you guys through this $59 PC that's available on new egg this is usually a new egg now episode but because everything's gotten all weird I didn't want to do it half-butted though we'll have better deals for you later oh no bot is dead is the bot really not working I don't understand the bot did I turn the bot not die not turn the bought back on oh yeah the BOTS dead because I forgot to turn it on the bots back on sorry about that sorry about that guys bots back no BOTS back bots-bots-botswana stuff there you go there you go BOTS back sorry um oh man okay there we go so we have oh and then dead Dillinger Dillinger we have his build coming up in the next couple weeks we have some mother now but does not suck I like the bot in the pot helps the whole bot helps a lot tells you a bunch of informations all that sort of stuff so yeah this I like I appreciate the bottom ok let's talk let's go through let's check real quick let's check real quick what the the deals are and we'll go from there so I'm gonna log in and do that so log in real quick here and there we go ok ok thank you alright it's not letting me okay there you go ok we're all logged in this is the that's her bill that's his build I don't know which person it is ok and there we go right hey thanks for all those subs guys that's awesome 6 subs already and we're we're just kicking off ok let's go through and talk about this $1500 build um I like it i-i've been doing a sweet spot I'd love to like I'd love to know from you guys if for me putting a thousand dollar bills together or fifteen hundred dollar bills I try to find builds that are kind of in a good sweet spot for gaming and so some people have said 1440p some people have said 1080p so this is a great 1440p people are saying 1500 so there we go we got some some options there hey whats a pixel thank you very much for saying you love my videos I think you appreciate 1250 so let's walk through this build and all these parts are available today on Newegg so and most of them on sale the first and foremost and believe it or not we actually have an x5 70 board that is on sale this is the asus a.m. for tough gaming x5 70-plus really really great board we use this a couple times in a couple of the builds overall great quality and on sale right now for 189 we've got that fractal design mesh if I see black ATX case one of the best like airflow cases that's available between the P 400 a especially at this price range best airflow cases in this price range the TD 500 we're going to be using today in the cooler master in this bill today plus the fractal are some of my favorite and they have that really cool pattern they're actually the case that we're using today reminds me a lot of the fractal design mesh to find it's on sale right now for any nine for the your GPU you've got that EVGA geforce r-tx 2070 super black this one doesn't have a backplate or anything like that you can spend a little bit of extra to get something a little bit more graphically sorry a little bit more aesthetically pleasing the crazy thing about the super blocks is that there's not a ton of overclocking potential on some of these GPUs there there is still some but EVG has a tendency to get better dies which means you're getting a lot of power just right out of the box and this one you're paying pretty much for performance without with sacrificing things like backplate for looks for RAM we've got that Corsair Vengeance RGB pro 32 gigs right there this is one saw like 159 you've got 32 gigs it's 2 dims vs. 1 we've got a Western Digital we've got two in twos we've got a we've got a $5,500 500 gig and a 1 terabyte and so good for basically OS stuff so you just put your OSS and your primary programs on the 500 gig and then you've got one terabyte for all your games and all that sort of stuff so really really great really really great in terms of that and then you've got your EVGA 750 b5 which is actually in stock today grey EVGA cooler and then you've got your AMD rides at 7:30 700 X this is an 8 core 3.6 gigahertz AIO so good good i sorry gigahertz CPU guys I am sorry I apologize I have it has been a long couple day so I'm sorry if I seem a bit out of it but really great bill trying to keep it around 15 hour bucks this is a good deal I think one of things that I get a lot is like is it a good time to buy a PC and what I try to do is I try to put together a PC that's like if you spent the money on this PC you're walking away with something good you haven't been ripped off and all of these parts are in stock and sold via Newegg so there you go there's an option there awesome hey what's up going racing thank you very much for that $5 super chat appreciate that um no it's not what is saying no it's somebody saying no it's not not at all who what is he saying I don't know if he's saying oh thanks pixel I appreciate it greenie meet green meanie so for those of you guys who don't know if people are asking should I wait for a 3000 series GPU I actually just did a video on this it's been watched I think it's coming up on 20,000 views and released about three days ago pretty popular video and it's been pretty awesome so if you if you want to go check that out and you want to any want to answer that question there's actually a really good video on all that stuff but hey what's up how you guys doing but it's time to start talking about the build for today because that's that's why everybody's here everyone wants to see the build I'm pretty excited I think this build is gonna look pretty good now a couple of things that I I messed up on the picture that I have for the thumbnail is not correct we did make some changes here because when we were when I was putting all the pictures together the pictures are taken together for my team and when I put all the pictures together we put some incorrect part so I apologize for that but we will get that fixed let's go and talk about Ravens build here we go Ravens build is there and if you want to check all this stuff out it is go away look oh there you go if you want to talk about Ravens build it's all down below in the YouTube description if you're over on Twitch you're gonna actually see that via the bots the moths the mods will make that happen you guys can check out the PC build and all this stuff this build comes in just at $2,300 don't pay attention to the number at the bottom of this this is because a lot of the parts that are listed here are overpriced because they're sold by third-party sellers this part this PC we got 23 23 30 all in plus tax so it's like as right around where we actually ended up getting this build so for motherboard why do I favorite you see me use this board a lot this is the or as the gigabyte Horus x5 70 Wi-Fi this is an x5 70 board I actually had a V 550 board in there originally but that was actually for another build so my mistake there great vrm overall like the aesthetics of this thing I like the board in general apparently apparently this is the Chinese one this is check this out I don't know how I got this but check this out this is all this is like all in Chinese I mean this is the board I mean don't get me wrong but this is like actually apparently for some reason I actually got the Chinese version so if you are Chinese here's all the info on this so there we go this is said this is this is pretty cool this is pretty cool I didn't know that but yeah this is still actual original board it's still got a serial number all that sort of stuff got it from so yeah there we go and it's even got a 1-800 number so yeah you can if you had an issue or whatever it was that's pretty funny so yeah apparently they're running really low on stock or basically popped it in there but yeah gigabyte X 570 or or is elite Wi-Fi great motherboard used it quite a bit and pretty happy in terms of the quality of what we got here for the cpu we've got the risin 7 3800 X this is kind of like the redheaded stepchild of CPUs it's 8 core 8 core 16 thread just like the 3700 X we have a higher boot higher clock rate of 3.9 gigahertz with up into a 4 point 5 gigahertz boost clock 105 watt TDP I mean overall just a great one will run will will if we have time left to see how that the build goes because you always have an AI o in this well why is that sorry about that guys we will make sure that we will make sure that we show this oh yeah that's right because I've shown off the other board we'll make sure that we show we'll we'll run our our benchmarking against it and then we'll see how this does with a 3,800 X in 220 any super so that should be fun if we have time I'm expecting if this goes well any time we've any I know it's kind of dicey when we throw that in there for hard drives BAM to Western Digital blacks is a 500 gig in a one terabyte these are the 7s in 750 s these are MDOT twos you know what did the 3400 yeah 34 30 in terms of read/write speed so great OS drive and of course also yes that is a bottleneck our Merman Armin man great read/write speed for gaming and for OS which it should be really good or Ram we've got the Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro we got two key sticks a 16 gig this is a CL 16 yep so this is CL 16 so you got good Catholic time as heat timing there we got two sticks and should look nice a width of the PC and everything else so it should be good I'm excited about that did I grab did I grab my cable extension side it doesn't look like you did uh GPU and you can grab that either oh no I didn't grab the GP okay here's the GPU give you I love these they always make me happy the GeForce r-tx 2080 super get it up a little bit higher so you guys can see that g4s RTX 2080 super if you're gonna if you're gonna connect if you're gonna put two cards together like a 1300 X or even a 30-7 higher 2080 super pairs very nicely it's like a nice bottle of wine with a with a with a with a steak or nice tender piece of chicken not like not like overdone pork or anything like that but even I don't I don't even know where I was going with that illustration but pretty happy about this it should be a very good pairing for this in a very nice powerful build overall really good deal to get this under 20 300 bucks for this whole thing so awesome there we need to delete the other PSU I am excited we're gonna be testing out some new fans today which I need to go get so I'm gonna go grab the fans and we're gonna grab the cable extensions real quick and then we'll I'll show you these these are the new fans by Dee cool and we're also gonna be showing them in the minecraft build as well but I actually ended up wanting to pick these up because they ended up being very highly reviewed so I wanted to get them into a build as soon as possible so here we go these are the MF 120 GTS know what happened to my people over there I was like where's my cable extensions I'm losing my mind today as Robie these are the aesthetic parts of the build I think they're gonna they're gonna look really good and they should look good inside this case we're gonna have to take all the fans out of this other case but here we go we got our age your horse black mix cable sleeves and then of course we've got our MF 120 s these are the newest newest latest and greatest from deep cool their ex design and then I like them in terms of the price when you think about the price for these are about ten dollars cheaper than Corsairs ll 120 s or m/l 120 s in terms of price they look very nice and I like the X design which I think will look really good in Friday's inside of the cooler master case so we're going to be throwing these on and then of course he's also got the AI oh that is also from being cool and that is the deep cool the castle 240 e^x one of the one of the easiest in terms of a iOS to install I really like the way these AI is installed are pretty straightforward especially on a m4 because you just can keep your use in the same bracket we use this entire Ethan's build heat well you didn't see it but tired Ethan actually upgraded to the white version of this one in his Lee and Lee K so like these a iOS these are newer and I'm pretty happy with those stuff so yeah hi this is a pretty good AI oh yes this is a pretty good I oh we've will test the thermals in this and test it all out and make sure it looks good but I expect in this case this will this will run very very a quiet and it'll also run very very cool because this this case has a ton of airflow which means we can we can really kind of push these these 120 fans I haven't played a lot with their controllers or anything like that so there'll be some there'll be some newness there and that's what if we can test their most will give it a go so yeah oh the Asian horse cables are good we're gonna test certainly they reviewed very well I haven't got to use them yet we're gonna do them for the first time on the show today so we'll show them today so you gonna be able to take and get a gander of whether these are good or not oh yeah so that's the bill today guys what do you guys think overall I think we did pretty good in terms of bang for bakken price so I think this PC is gonna come out I think this PC is gonna come out quite nice and quite powerful and should should run very well or Raymond Oh overstock I don't know what oh if people are just saying in talking stuff or 962 people already we're climbing like a boss six subs guys let's see if we can keep that sub train going did we get it have we gotten the height thing in a while like we haven't I haven't seen the height thing in like so long so I know what's going on in all right just do 3,200 you want a cookie oh people are just right writing about stuff and things like that Reisen 5 3600 is better than the rise in 736 yes yes that is true when waiting for the B 550 mortar I haven't played with that one we I I do have I do have a B 550 tomahawk we're actually gonna use the B 550 tomahawk okay thank you very much for the bits we're gonna use the beef by 50 tomahawk in the in the Minecraft build so I'm actually pretty stoked about them okay well let's let's open let's open our Chinese knockoff of the I'm just kidding it's not a Chinese knockoff let's open our R or s X 570 Pro or s elite and get this started here we go guys so getting in this I like this board this is a good board and I like its company so gigabyte has been a big supporter of the channel but the other thing too is they make good I make good good gear so there we go there we go I love that I like I like how this board looks okay not drop the board gonna do that and then we're gonna grab take all this out go ah smells like smells like sunshine suppose like news okay there's our game twos and this is our I'm interested in this is all in Chinese oh yeah there we go luckily you can download the PDF Raven if you're watching this you can download the PDF for the PDF for this in English so I don't know why they sent me a Chinese one but they did oh here's the multi look here you go they thought about this they sent me the multilingual installation guide so anyway there you go that's puts off the site is where we put all the extra parts then you send it to Raven later on there we go hey hi train incoming there it is there it is the hype trains coming in did I ever yes I give away full köppen rows next week we're starting the giveaway for a first full-blown gaming PC there we go hype train started yay what's a wise white who's crying you were crying thank you very much for the chit 300 bits yeah we have we have a give we have a giveaway that happens we have the giveaways to happen so we have the regular giveaways that happen during every show and those are like usually gift cards sometimes in two drives and then game Pass and then once a month we do the full PC giveaways but you can enter those both here on the show because we'll do like secret words and stuff like that and then you also get benefits from you also you can also enter them via the gleam and stuff like that all right level one are we gonna get to oh thank you very much yeah I like them I like the way this board looks are we gonna get to level let's get to level five guys come on we can do the height I know you guys can there are there are so many of you right now I'll tell you what if we get to level five hype we get to level five hype I'll throw in a game pass update so if we get to level five hype I'll throw in a game pass giveaway no we just gotta get to level 5 we want to see that I want to see that going in there you guys make it happen will will the will going on there oh yeah there you go I'm going to require my 8 plus students to start watching row B Tech there we go grumpy Grampy it's up to you guys though to unlock that giveaway all you got to do is hit that hype stuff going in there um let's install our CPUs here we go rise at 7:30 and hundred x are ready to go right here I gotta be pulled right you gotta be bold you guys make it happen where's my Darius okay that's good Jiu min so we'll do a little tour I like to do a little tour always like to point out where things are if how many people are new how many people are new there we go oh there at 99 there it goes level 1 done leave who's who's new to the show who's new to the who's new to the show for the first time um me okay we got some new people so let's let's show you guys let's walk you guys through what's here on our motherboard so this is a this is a x5 70 motherboard this is a UH this is a M he's like highest-end motherboard there were some that was specifically came out with Verizon 3000 they had the x5 70 and B 550 which just released difference between B 515 X 570 is that X 5 on B 550 only the top M 2 in the top PCIe our PCIe 4 on X 570 all of the PCI is is PCIe 4 and then both PCIe bridges are also PCIe 4 and it supports SLI and am sorry crossfire so those are the differences but this is X 570 which is a higher-end board these are this your am for sockets am for sockets been around while it's also going to be on 4000 series rising which is rumored to come out in September October time these right here these are your RAM DIMM slots so this is your RAM dims usually when you insult we're gonna be installing all four but if you're uninstalling to make sure you check your motherboard manual unless it's in Chinese to make sure that you're putting it in the right slot because if you only put exact you a dual-channel Ram you have to put them in specific slots it's usually a 2 and B 2 this is your motherboard power this these right here this is a RGB header and addressable RGB header this right here this is USB C this is your SATA right here these are your front panel connectors that right there is usually your clear CMOS these are USB 3.2 these are USB 2 this right here is TPM you don't know a TPM this is actually what allows you to do things like security for like BitLocker so this is a TPM chip again you've got RGB addressable RGB and non addressable RGB and they've got your HD audio for fan headers there's actually not a ton on this board there's actually only three there's one there and then two there oh there's actually a couple more actually there's a couple down here when kind of bad slots actually have a total of four or five fan headers and then you've got 1 2 m dot 2 slots 2 by 16 slots of which only one is actually by 16 and then you've got a couple expansions and plus you've also got this amp up audio so quality board thicker in terms of PCB pretty good vrm solution with with all with a very very massive heat sinks and then the other last thing about it is that you've got the integrated i/o shield which people really enjoy so it's a little bit more premium in terms of the overall look I think this board right now is about two hundred nine dollars and it is in stock right now over at Newegg oh yeah there you go umm where we're at hype 2 I don't know if we're gonna hit I to where you guys that let's get the hype are you I don't know if I don't know why that seemed like the right thing to do there we go hi I'm getting the hi Eve up ready to help do that help with the hype no no hype people are hyping I don't know if that helped with the hype is that additional hype uh typing thank you very much oh man this is Robbie tech on yeah this is me on low energy mode this is me on I haven't got enough sleep so now I'm just like I'm like just trying to use energy somebody oh man just trying to get the trying to get the energy but it's it's draining away as the as this as the hype train fails me yeah my hype is going away anyway I thank you very much for the four bits it's like makes you feel a little bit better I don't know how how does a bits how does the how does the height stuff work they the biggest thing is like donating donating and maybe it's donating Stubbs I don't know Trey's not here Trey's only on Wednesdays Trey's it Trey's only on Wednesdays okay so let's install our motherboard hopefully we'll get it we only have a minute left a minute left are we gonna unlock the giveaway you guys it's up to you you guys can make it happen uh I don't have neighbors cuz we have we have like a Karen in our neighborhood it was like you guys can't launch you guys can't launch fireworks on the thing uh bot is dead on YouTube you will need to inform YouTube viewers to join any giveaways on Twitch os I don't know what the okay looks like guys it looks like the bots is actually having issues on YouTube we don't know why I haven't seen anything about cloud bots on YouTube I'm gonna go check over here and see if there's something that's going on some and switch over to YouTube real quick and see if if I can make it happen I'm going over to cloud bot and turning this off and try it one more time we're gonna try it one more time to get the bot back on okay we've switched it over I've tried it again we're gonna see what this is if not guys if you're gonna do giveaways you're gonna have you may have to you may have to you may have to go over to twitch I apologize it doesn't look like we're gonna hit the high train nobody's gonna make the hype train happen that's okay okay here we go rising 3,800 ex here we go right here rising 3,800 ex I like these these one comes in the black we're like when you have like the 37 or the 36 oh there we go somebody already did it look at that I've trained successful you guys have all gotten the height the level one hype train route look bot is working hey that's awesome hey we made it work 3 subs 1216 bits see you very much guys I've never seen this thing or maybe it's over maybe that's Oso no that's it it's over it that was the end of the hype train like that's what you guys are like no it didn't crisis was not averted we didn't we didn't do it so there you go I think I don't think we got it yeah fun fact aliens are basically space Karan's there we go okay here we go guys so here it is right here if you guys have feedback on the bots like we can look at slowing the timers and stuff like that down here's my certificate of authenticity letting you know that this is a authentic Andy DPU just so you guys know I can write in my serial number and then it's authentic you can frame this if you want you can read it it's so much this is this is you can't photocopy it cuz this is made oh wait never mind that is that is not true um okay so we're just no any other stuff in here and let's show you how this okay when you install a right to CPU you see this little tension wire here will show it will zoom in so you guys can see a little bit better there boom zooming in zooming in there we go there you go actually let me try this let me try let me try this we go yeah Eddie here we go zooming in there you go I assumed that was magic so I was that for everything's was that was that was that entertaining where you guys where you guys entertained by the zooms oh oh man okay here we go so we're all zoomed in here so I'll share this what you wanna do is you would take this tension and you just want to put it off right to a 90-degree angle so it looks like an L then you want to open this up open it up you can try blowing on it but it won't open that way but you just want to open it up and then again you want to only touch the CPU by the side here are the ill they very the very famous pins and people like to tell me like I get this a lot some people ask me should I lick the pins no should should I put peanut butter on the pins no you should not put peanut butter on the fins should I call him a hamster with the pins no another thing you should not do you shouldn't do anything with the pins except for stick them in this slot right down here now you'll see in the corner right here there's a little gold arrow do you see the little gold arrow little gold arrow goes in this little arrow in the bottom left hand corner you're gonna do is you're gonna make sure that it's it's it's set up vertically not horizontally vertically you just set it down just like that and it just sits in there right easily I know I touched the top of the IHS you can wiggle it just wiggle it just a little bit let me hear you wiggle it let me hear you roar I don't know what the rest of words are and then you just pull this down and then boom your your CPU is installed and there it is thought that was how was that was that magical was that magical as everybody need a does everybody need a he's not here today does anybody need a cigarette after after that was that as good someone's hope for its fire yeah sorry guys I'm trying to be entertaining apparently like people like I forgive you because we think you're weird okay let's install our RAM real quick and get that installed and remember we have all four slots here so nothing nothing too crazy for the installation here should be Freeman do it do I just yeah gonna download more ram do I just need to turn it off do I need to just build this by myself in my in my fortress of solitude because you guys are like you are weird today Ruby if I if your computer electron after got zapped by a braided cable what should I do you might have some revocable damage dude you just need to figure out what could be broken I know it is weird isn't it that it's night it's not at it's not at the vertical I think that's I wonder if there's like some sort of weird copyright issue within till I don't know run check some okay here we go let's go ahead and install our stuff hey you guys doing okay we're gonna go and put in our RAM we're gonna RAM in our written we'll wait actually we're not gonna do that that'd be very bad no ramming in RAM okay you see there's a little slot here on the PCB that little slot lines up with the little slot here on the RAM like so I'm just gonna stick it in like that stick it in like that that didn't sound right so yeah okay there's definitely vodka in the water bottle okay there we go just put it just like that and then you just stick it in slam it in the RAM RAM slam wow that's i I'm trying to think of really great catch phrases for when I do things okay same thing going in there and then you're gonna slam in the RAM there he goes it's pg-13 yes this is Peter about Ram get your get your minds out of the gutter okay last piece right here get it in there okay there we go all the Rams of salt man that looks so good I always like it when you fill all four Ram slots I think filling for RAM slots is just a satisfying satisfying thing every time next up let's fill all the in got two spots that's always entertainment now we can undo this one okay let's go ahead an undo we're gonna unscrew the m2 that you guys can't see right now hey Ken look at that we moved it here we go ready you guys ready for like sound effects Lu that's a terrible sound effect I need you come with a better sound if I got oh I don't know something 3,700 X is better I turn him off and turn him back on again oh man blonde e yeah well that's why you put in hurricane that's why you put in the four things in Rome you can use fur mustard as a thermal George you can and please let us know what the results are when you're done of what happens when you when you use mustard no yeah oh it's out its out it's hot remember kids you should try this at home I don't know why that's entertaining today okay here we go I need the thing yeah you should use water as a thermal yeah that's that seems like a really good idea oh thank you very much for the bits appreciate it oh there we go stay open there we go wait Bernie Gaddis already left Bernie's done oh no Bernie is like he's so tired he's so tired of me that I made him tired and Bernie's of Bernie's leaving me there we go this is I think the music is from sound strike you know I should put a link to the sound stripe so you guys can see what it is it's really good really good and you can basically you pay a monthly subscription and it's royalty-free but you well it's not royalty for you pay for a royalty for all these stuff and so this is just one of those play out with them tweezers ah did Bernie why didn't burn II leave me blondie should I take Bernie leaving me as something that like is is personal or is this just is this is it just bidness okay we're gonna leave the top slot open we're gonna put the top slot and we're gonna use that for our test drive which we always do so we can test this bad boy so it's already got games on it like fortnight that's not a game this yes this elite has a why this is the Wi-Fi version of this elite this is the x5 70 elite Wi-Fi ok so we go okay we're gonna go ahead and throw in our thing for now just to make sure we don't lose it okay installed remember that's not the actual drive he's going to be using the actual drive he's gonna be using is a 500 gig but we wanna if we have time we want to be able to test this depends on how quickly I can get this done so yeah there's our one in got to solder I'll show you how to install with this one so yeah we'll show you how to install it whoa broke off okay there we go throw that in the box and here we go here's our X here's our black I love the way these look and the one thing I wanted is something that like aesthetically also looks very nice with the also looks very nice with the machine so X 570 the black is just a great-looking m2 drive yeah so I'm glad you're learning a lot that's awesome I can see that it I can see the individual skin cells what Wow like yeah thank you uh I used to be a hand model not that's not sure I was never a hand model I shouldn't lie Roby tall tales as eternal says yeah the Wi-Fi I I don't use Wi-Fi very much but I've heard I'm not her to eat complaint well this teach me you can just essentially you can just essentially see what like what the stuff is I am a hand model there we go you could you could you could essentially if you wanted to I forgot what is gonna say I'm just gonna sit here and stare into the night there's not the one I want and what the thinner one this is the thinner one why is this not there this again yeah I was gonna say I don't know if that's true I but let's see what happens if pixel forging actually does do what he says he's gonna do um I doubt it but we'll see a box for case you could do that you can you duct tape your MDOT to you could I don't know if you shouldn't you should but you could ok Sears we're gonna do guys we're gonna stick this in you see this little slot in here it's like a PCB I'm gonna stick that little slot in there and then it's kind like a diving board so like it moves like a diving board so if like you were like a little like a little dude let's just say like this guy this is this is thermal paste John and thermal paste john wants to jump off over the lava like and then it's like a torpedo in his Shh there you go that was that was a story you guys got a full movie right there that's what just happened hey that's what that what Dad that's I I think that's the best compliment I've ever had my PC I do not know I'm just having a good time guys oh yeah shallow water everybody died everybody thought okay let's screw this down here we go I'm gonna screw that down and there you go it's nice and installing them okay so essentially at this point time the only thing we're gonna do is we're going to install I don't know why I was clapping but it felt like I like the right thing to do we're gonna install our bracket for our AIO as we know that the deep cool one requires that so if you're gonna get this 240 X then you want to follow this part this is the best part right here we're gonna unscrew the bracket who's excited wow I almost fell over who's excited for the bracket don't be dead inside we we miss you oh please let's do it here we go we're installing the bracket now here comes who's excited this is the best part right here as we oh look at how smooth that was when if you would rate my squad that's I was about to say if you would rape my screwing but that that is not don't rape that's bad I meant to say like my I don't even know the right thing my my handiwork oh no that was not the right that was not the right not the right that I do not think that means what I think it means work no that's not good either I've really kind of gone down a dark path we need to bring it back is a family friendly show family friendly okay let's grab are you a real quick and grab bar bracket family-friendly show there could be kids watching there may be kids watching oh thanks a real wait wait what oh man no it's actually five it'll be air-cooled so it's going it's gonna be that's going to be absolutely fine okay here we go it's gonna open up with here we go here we go I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it like this yeah here we go I'm gonna here's what we're gonna do guys we're gonna throw the knife up and then watch it's gonna let I'm just kidding that's not gonna happen I'm just gonna do it like this gonna use it like that see that was that was probably safer versus throwing the knife up I think blondie would literally call the doc it's like call the police if I was like good see what I mean like you don't mess you don't mess with blondie she's yelling at me oh she is she super mad she's super mad Oh blondie he's like this maybe if we may have to start a go fund me because blondie may be retiring from her community manager roll it over here at ro vtec she's like he is it's done don't put me on a timeout what does that even look like do I just have this doctor like sit on the ground I'm gonna timeout guys minute timeout hey guys I can't reach that I can't reach the I can't reach the cameras of PC can reach the PC okay it's timeout over oh that was one that was one squat look at this I actually got a she I got some exercise today called the get up one thing face I have to say I have to say I thought yeah workouts you have to stand in the corner like what is that what is that movie like Blair Witch Project you just come down the stairs and I'm like standing in the corner oh that was creepy I give you the shivers oh man oh yeah okay uh looking for the bracket here I'm just gonna take out the bracket and get that stuff away I just I'm not I'm out of the timeout everything blondie said so right blondie didn't you say I'm out of the timeout now am i out of the timeout oh the Outlawz one today note no four days off no more days off for OB what so I deserve my days off okay so we're all we want out of this is we want our little this is what I like I'm a huge fan of this AI Oh because of this so no to things that like I do like this AI oh I have a love-hate relationship with CI oh let me let me actually say that the thing that's so nice about the CIO is usually like certain a iOS you have to do like a clunky bracket thing and in this one all you have to do is screw these four things on and then the the AI Oh pump screws on to that so big shout out the pool we're kind of this satisfyingly easy it's the Latian process but then they have you do stuff like screw this on which is like come on so yeah it's like a it's like they they win some and then they lose some so to speak so there we go we're just gonna put these on and have them completely ready or the case installation okay it's okay Kent we can't all be perfect like me oh I'm just kidding this desk mount was actually made by a Cindy over at new egg and we give these away out on the show every once in a while last time she wanted if we got a thousand likes on a YouTube video on during a YouTube video then she would give these away we're actually gonna be selling them the hope is to start the sales in August we're working on getting him up on our new merch store that we're working on oh yeah is in x5x 570 I would say was better for risin nine for sure I would not do I would not necessarily do be 550 or a risin nine I feel I feel like at that point in time you're kind of you're kind of cutting corners in a way that you probably shouldn't them okay we're gonna put this back in there we're gonna use this a little bit later you're gonna go rising nine you don't want to skimp on your motherboard I mean it's funny because like the differences between be 450 mbx 570 and be 550 is is not as it's not as big as like be 450 versus x47 he used to be so it's kind of hard it's not like you're really kind of cutting a ton of corners but if you I mean if you're gonna do rise you're gonna spend that kind of money it's hard because you're like well I want more performance so why why spin it on the motherboard yeah I know that's a tough one I honestly I would say that's it that's a tough one I don't I'm gonna have a good answer I mean the difference in price like it feels like you you should push your your Rison ear um your your as much as you possibly can and the X 570 is gonna give you a better chance of that it's done oh I need to leave thank you very much pixel we'll see you later thanks for hanging out okay let's see what we got here oh this is this like is this old like I feel like did did maybe this is old you'll see when we do the giveaway guys we'll do it when we do the giveaway at the end of the PC you'll see that or unless we get the subs or anything like that okay let's get this out of the way and let's start prepping the case I love this pic whoa just drop whoa just droppin stuff okay motherboard is prepped and ready to go let's get our case out I just dropped like a keyboard okay I want a cam Lake here we go cool look at this case I just if you guys have watched the show before you know that our first water cooled the first ever water cooled live stream of an Intel on 10900 K was actually in the white version of this case we didn't all actor dark did bro wait till you see it now because that's I actually did a water cool Titan in that case I'll have to show you that we'll show you that next week so yeah pretty awesome tons of air flow this case was also very well refute well reviewed by gamers Nexus and so really really if you're looking for a very inexpensive air flow only case I cannot recommend this case enough especially if you get it at the $99 or even on sale $89 price point the other thing that's really cool about this I don't know if you could see it but the and this is this may be a personal thing for you guys but the front panel actually is is actually an etched tempered-glass this actually is like fetch which is pretty cool so I like the way this looks it looks nice it's overall it's just a very nice looking case with a lot of different options and it's very easy to work in it does come with three addressable RGB fans was just cool for 99 bucks we're gonna be replacing every single one of them so not as big of a deal for us but yeah easy to kind of take apart easy to manage it has a pretty good amount of room you can the other thing too is this does support custom water cooling you can do a 360 degree right here on the top I've been able to get a 240 with I'm sorry a 240 with 120 fans on there then you could stick a 120 radiator in the back if you really wanted to and then your room in the bottom is okay I have a tendency to remove I don't know actually I don't know if you can yeah you can't the only thing I will say is you do not have the option of removing the bottom does not look like you can remove the bottom drive trays so you can't keep those in which is the only thing I wish you did but I think they're used for structural integrity but all-in-all like taking like doing all the work on this case it's pretty straightforward actually it just kind of comes apart lose that you just the front just kind of pops off which is pretty easy yeah always hard the first time though there he goes now at the only - it's nice is this front it's like it's got a front fractal type thing which is also very cool which is good for air flow as well and it's like a wider one so it gets good air flow where's the easy but located it's called BL NZXT BLT maybe like I said 3 a RGB fans and then they funny because they're white one actually comes with a white version of these fans but you can't buy them only thing I will let you know is if you get this these bottom ones down here are actually installed via a via like a like a like a tube I'm sorry they're they're like strapped on ooh which is interesting cuz I got to put these back in when to put different fans that's off to figure that out so you do have to you have to install them a certain way and well I don't remember what that is right now but we will figure it all out together ok so first thing I'm gonna do is unscrew and remove all our fans because we're replacing all the fans with different fans we using those deep cool fans there we go it's got this I forgot how you do it though hey thinking very much for the bits it's better the elite or ultra uh I would say like for that price I was I think I mean I'd rather you get the elite and spend the extra money on try and get into 3,700 3,600 X okay unscrewing my fans that doesn't sound right I'm removing the screws from my fans that sounds okay really the screws from the fans okay yeah it's it's a plastic insert at the bottom and I've taken them apart before I don't remember what you have to do to do it but it's I mean you that's the same way you'll have to install have to install the deep coal fans does this won't have unlike when I did it on the when I did the custom water-cooled and I guess I could screw it into the radiator I won't have that option on this this building I think they just unscrew if I'm not mistaken there was something I didn't they just came out just remember what I did there they're easy it's just it's not intuitive and the uh thing too is like if you look at the manual for the if you look at the manual for the case it doesn't show you how to do it either so yeah how many USB there's two USB 3.0 USB see there is USB 3.2 gen 2 on the motherboard but there's only two USB 3.0 you on the front this is that's one thing that I that does not have is it doesn't have USB C on the front like for instance like the H 510 but again only a $99 case that's where you see that they did save some money is their game I'm trying to remember how I think you just unscrew I think they it literally it's like an unscrew or something like that yeah you just doesn't screw okay so for the pin do you just literally unscrew them and then the whole thing it's just an unscrew so the little plastic inserts that are at the bottom you just unscrew them a little pin just kind of comes out all you got to do is pull the pin out Laurie Stewart thank you very much 10 subs guys thank you very much for that and it's a little league I was able to do it with my able to do it with my fingers but you could also use a little pliers if you wanted to and there it goes and that's how you get the last little fan is there you and these just kind of come off ooh there we go and you wait sure if you're gonna do this you want to save all the parts for this so yeah must be a oh yeah they're still screwing you one screw when you're tired you don't see it there you notice it to them I think these I'm excited to see how these fans look inside of the case I think with the mesh and everything like that I think it's gonna look particularly good so I'm pretty excited about how this whole thing is gonna look when it's done okay all I'm doing now is I'm just removing the fans from the case altogether and this one has a fan extension it's only a three fan and then all the RGB kind of links together which is kind of cool but we'll pull that stuff out for now let's start to work our way through there we go big big ole legal bah mega stuff here maybe you know your bag stuff garbage garbage there's our extra stuff and then here's this all the RGB stuff if I was to continue to use RGB but I'm not going to I'm going to be taking all that away fans and last fan also connected RGB and the fan okay so ooh fireworks you're going off look out look out robee yeah so I'm not I again the new fans are gonna be putting into this I have not used before so it'll be this'll be it interesting this would be an interesting experiment because I have not done or used these fans before the ones that we're putting in today so these are these just came out not that long ago so pretty excited about checking out these yeah here they are right here like I said deep cool and 120 GTS Kara needs to say yeah Kara needs to set up her game little do they know actually I like apparently the rumor is like she went and talked to people in the coldest act like told little kids like Witten's ruined them I'm not in Texas I'm in Seattle you'll lead him what raspberry pickles what's going on either and 32 guys wow we're on our way house how's the hours how's our YouTube numbers doing remember we're trying to get to that I'm gonna get to that a magic 500 number there's are these are the new fans here how close are we to our are on our YouTube light number remember if we get 500 likes we're giving away a year of Xbox game pass ultimate only at 200 likes geez guys geez do you even care about what we tech super care can you care just that like button jeez jeez guys Charlie Charlie Halloween gee whiz I know know where my mind was going with that Turner fit there we go there you wasted my money knit now new to pill okay you know what what is it was it geez guys I'm not drinking drunk at all why why do you why do you think I'm drunk okay so we have some whoa we have some crazy oh there's a hub oh that's neat okay so there's a hub in here again we're learning we're learning there's there's some new learning in here we're learning together about what it takes to use these fans guys so we're gonna see here very shortly what it takes to use these fans there's some learning together what's that song like the let's go learn it no that's that's from all dogs go to heaven let's make music together let's make sweet harmony okay I think these are the front so there's look at these these are nice-looking fans these are the exes um lots of fan it's got like a dual fan blade option here and then overall very attractive-looking in terms of their look so we're gonna be putting these on here like a so you don't know how they hook up yet but we shall figure it out because we are masters PC build masters right guys together we will solve the problems no DMS on YouTube what who is trying to DM me if you want a DM like the best ways to DME is is like the dm's options are on on this cord that's that you and you should join our discord in general because it's just a great community there we go inter fans us all there's some twist here if you just all those fans band twist there we go all you're missing right now guys is me just screwing in fans getting them in here tightly there should be should look really good when we're in there it's like it'll hold three 120s or a single three one 20s in the front I don't see a kid do one 40s in the front it looks like for sure there's Griffin those and this this these case edges here I do have an electric screwdriver it's actually down there I never use it though what might I don't mind using that I gotta work I gotta get my workout in right I got my workout it's like this is like good for strong forearms like I want to look like Popeye from all my screwdriver ring you've read the bits guys yeah yeah one one in one fan is in guys going to the next fan mad fan installations happen in here guys mad fan installations you do that I mean let's see that works okay cool so the good thing is is because of these little pins like the third fan that's gonna go going pretty easily to get the first one in there yeah wonder how much time it would save if I used an electric screwdriver I don't like using electric screwdrivers unlike motherboards but yeah I think for fans it may not be a bad idea to use the electric screwdriver let's plug that back in yeah you guys aren't in our team when I sit here in screwin fans it's not like the most captivating entertainment experience on the planet how dare you sir how dare you here you don't think this is exciting yeah this is for rayvin guys now Raven is getting this PC when I'm done I give away the next PC giveaway for the community the community one is next week giving away a PC it'll it'll run through the month of July so get ready to span those entries I just wanted to use these new fans they're they're okay they're not as good as these these are more premium fans for sure though these are definitely more premium premium versus the ones that Coolermaster includes it's not that there's anything wrong with them that's just these these have like some additional airflow options so it should be just improved cooling we're also gonna be using these on the AIO as well duh okay there you go last fan on your last fan using you're a neat little no this is gonna be hard maybe I'm not gonna install the fans on the swoo doesn't really trying to use these little installation things but okay oh good I got it a little nervous there hmm you're like that much too short these are like thicker than the other ones they won't quite well maybe maybe this will work I'm gonna try I'm gonna try use the pin here and see if this goes through [Music] you know these might be just like that much too short for this bottom this bottom hole trying one more time I'm going home guys according to the song though I didn't have it okay yeah these are like just that much too big yeah I might just be able to do the top two screws then which is which just still hold it but top two screws worried man this is go these are like longer screws let's RGB wow these are crazy well that's four I was like where's this that's a coat this definitely has good airflow these are this this case has a really good airflow and then these these will help with that airflow yes this actually has like a little bit of I might be able to you actually use my screwdriver to get the bottom one you just have to go through the drivetrain you want to use this bottom fan here race fans are like I mean these holes are just that much this is always the stuff that slows everything down well if this gave me additional fan things let me see these are these are so these screws are looks like that much too big they gave me some other fan screws here you did not get try some of these other ones down here if these always an installation it was supposed to be faster not faster now so far and if this one goes in there these are like that much too small it look like they're actually like the right size but like they're not okay I got it through okay cool there you go you got it through got a push push a little harder than that how you solve all things brute strength yeah you just got to push it a little harder and then it goes in okay and insulation is not going well but I'm gonna solve that right now as I got you like they made the screw holes and because it didn't use there we go I'm in the brute strength it but it's in oh yeah and I'm in everybody rejoice give me RGB hype if you have if you're a sub give me that RGB fan huh fan hype cuz we got the fans in there we go there's that fan hype apparently you got to use these other screws to get it in geez guys like annoying so one big thing I'd say about the deep cool answers is that they don't like if you don't have just the right size a little difficult to get in but okay got it in no I wonder I'm gonna try others yeah that's just gonna have to be how it is it's only gonna get held by two screws yeah we're just fine it's not it's not going anywhere okay two years later yeah I know sorry it takes a while sorry fans it just took a little while to get the fans on Wow jeez judgemental sorry yeah there we go there's our three fans it took a little while longer than I'd hoped sorry about that but I think they're gonna look good with the case front we're gonna go ahead and get this in luckily the rest of them are kind of much easier we'll put the other three on at the end we got these in we're just gonna put these in and throw the front panel back on we're done Roby Tech nights so there we go I like that let's row BTEC night oh gosh being foiled by this stupid let go of the wire please zip tie thing there you go I solved it guys I am a genius I actually salts all day misty tie that is like not supposed to be this hard to get apart I lied maybe I didn't solve it what is up with this twisty tie most complicated difficult to use twisty tie on the planet okay twisty tie soft there we go pulling our screws in real quick there you go oh yeah twisty tie I'm gonna make sure all of our cable management is done in real time I don't know how to hook these up it'll be fine it looks like I only need one box which is like the Corsair so there's only a single kind of like even though if you order a pair three like you're actually good for six fans which is kind of neat I always like it when companies do stuff like that so I know that I only need one USB bought on my motherboard and then I'm good to go I think these will look good on them Nestle x2 yeah some good-looking fans I have to say good-looking fans you guys are good-looking fans too late or 69 late yeah Taurus these nine like nine hundred people watching what the heck guys what the heck all right are we and we didn't get the hype we haven't been able to do any good giveaways today try just do a giveaway just to keep you guys hyped up like is that what it is it's like i'm all hyped up but you're not hyped up is that what it is do we do a 3-month giveaway just to keep you guys hyped fine fine you're twisting my arm twisting my arm yeah we are doing custom water cooling SID we just did we didn't want it we didn't want not that long ago um giveaways will do three months of game pass remember subs does three months of game pass ultimate remember subs you get extra injuries to these things or anything giveaway now okay let's see we got the case is pretty much ready so we can actually put the actually put this the motherboard in them then we'll install our a IO and then we'll play some games it's going to be a riot it's gonna be a riot I like it but then again I kind of don't there we go going down we're dog your mind this and we're not going down we're not we're just going down the screen on that thing there okay cool there we go let's go to top down um oh I need to change the password we're doing that Ian this this should be Newegg not gigabyte there we go there we go zoom out a little bit is it's a little bit better there we go okay here we go time for some motherboard installation this is gonna look really good in here oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah look at that so beautiful it's so beautiful it looks amazing looks amazing okay I need screws which this one does not these are all for the installation later the add the RG the RJR jibba jabba are given flute improves performance tenfold that I've been told oopsie is ready for some Matt our Java okay now I need the screws needed to do the installation that's right this uses those funky screws like really big they look like power supply screws but they're not there's a one screw ooh you know what no this should be okay I don't know we mean we may need to actually front mount I actually had enough premiere buff to look at that because those these are thicker fans we may have to front mount or push our AIO pretty far forward but um we're gonna want to hook most of our stuff up before we mount our AI oh thank you very much for that sub thank you subs thank you for the subs thank you thank you thank you for the subs yeah just a little bit taller and then you I wish it was a little bit taller I wish it was a baller but this month that's what this case is saying right now if you mount 40 millimeters clearance if you mount on top yeah epic do you know if do you know what the fan Plus for the deep cool a IO is the 240 X do you know what the width is yeah it's thick fans those look like thick fans I mean we like sometimes you can actually like even though it says what it does like you can move it around like is I actually have like I put Q ELLs and a 240 millimeter radiator on the top or liquid cooling in this case and it actually fit okay but you couldn't get like like you needed to install like the the a lot of the cabling at the top first but I mean I have to worry like the only one I really need to worry about is the a IO which not as big of a deal right I just need to worry about the a IO one and and the EPS power connector which is easy to add right away okay there we go there's our last one right there okay that is all good to go there all these extra cob layers in here these mice these crews the what else we got in here I think this is RGB which we don't have to worry about I'm gonna take these for later that's RGB and grommets done and you're rid of that bag you don't need that bag this is a dar GB and then this is all I don't there's like it this is like this looks like a fan hub this might just be an RGB hub which is cool yeah these are the this is an RGB hub and then this is this might be a fan hub yeah this is oh this is cool so this is like a single fan hub look at check that out there's a four this is like a four fan hub which is kind of neat and that is your a i/o that's to do your sorry not your a i/o what are these well note a little heat generated in use okay trying to see what else is on here then it comes with a controller which we won't need because we're gonna use the addressable RGB know what that is if we want to go in there so we don't need this there's additional screws okay so that stuff we don't know yet if we need we'll have to figure it out when we start playing with the thing with all the fans cuz I'm pretty sure that I don't think the AIO actually comes with an extension you might actually just stick those two fans up at the top and then run or maybe run everything off of it yeah cuz we'll have to stick up to use that and this one we'll use that for the true these two extensions these two these I'm gonna run two of these which will give me four fans so we'll run those through real quick and then once I'm just me I need to make sure Oh let's draw winner guys here we go picking that winner whoops how do you get this off there hey picking a winner now here we go guys CP Joseph 77 CP Joseph 77 congratulations you're the winner of three months of Xbox game past make sure that you make sure you message blondie she needs to have it locked down before the end of the show you know what we're doing real quick guys we're just gonna hook up all of our stuff that has to go at the top we hook up our AI oh it's just good to go so I'm just gonna install these two fan headers I can run all six of my fans I'm gonna grab my other package here and then take out the fans so we'll need all this stuff out anyway let's go to can leak sorry yeah the package out anyway get the cam stuff out 922 it's just climbing guys I'm gonna do late for what what do we do what did I miss what did I miss I missed something what did I miss I'm sorry okay there's a there's our other package and we're gonna take out our other three fans so we're doing right now guys is because we don't have a ton of clearance on the top place where the AO goes we're gonna install all of our kind of our top stuff first so that way it's just kind of done and then when we install the AO I don't have to like remove the IO to do magical connection work is that it's a pain in the butt what we're doing is we're adding a fan hub couple fan hubs which come with a deep cool which is neat and then we're gonna add our like our rear fan real quick and stuff like that there we go oopsie one is in here put it in here Ren didn't okay let's take it over there it's fine oh no no come back and get and I got a yeah made more room in the garbage okay if this on our back fan back fan sounds bad hey Dulli birthday QA for being level two that's awesome because you have that post one we have a single I think tier three subscriber he's the only one I think it's he's the only one who has our tier three M our Tier three emotes pretty awesome Roby I didn't see it oh we're gonna tier three next month found hurricane that's awesome you haven't missed a whole lot we're just building just building a PC that's what we're doing Justin okay here we go okay the stuff is done I'm just gonna put this in like so so we have our cables run we're just gonna run like I said we're running all of our cables real quick and getting all that cuz that there's not a ton of room for the AIO up here so yeah when you fail at putting me the cables through the hole did not fail that time got it did it there we go and now and install our fan in the back install the fan of fans installing our back fan I like the way these look what do you guys think of the look at the front of the the fans I think the fans look cool I need to put a link oh there's a link in the new egg there's a link in the build link if you're interested in getting these fans will test the well they'll test a little bit of this this goes the fan slowed us down but hopefully those relatively quick from this point on and then we can actually test this look how this how this runs there's not a giggle there's a there's a screw nope there's a drop two screws I'm a winner winner winner winner chicken dinner drop two screws I need to get a screw counter as I I don't know if there's a way for us to do that because people like that how many screws I've dropped over a period of time oh the clocks not on where's the clock nothing it was done by the way did room the guys who made this actually reach down they're gonna send me a couple more products to check out so a lot of those on there so you guys can check them out so of more of those the clock o clock it's something there you go eight or nine Wow it's that time Wow time flew geez that one that one way faster than I thought I thought we'd had I thought it was only like 7:30 okay motherboards in okay we're gonna install one cable here oh we got it installed we got two more things to install and then we can put in our a i/o install our other fan hub and then we're gonna install our our CPU EPS power connector and that'll be kind of everything that we need to kiss we need this a io is an all-in-one cooler it's basically a liquid cooler for your CPU is what it is so okay wash your hands a at home what you talking to me what what happened why am i gay why why why what did I do okay here we go and we have one cable goes right here there we go okay is that installed so now both of our phantoms installed and now we're gonna do is we're going to install our single EPS power connector this is gonna be so that way now and then all of a then our basically our stuff is plugged in and we're safe for our installation safe to put in our a i/o next which is cool I'm not going to take all this out I'm just going to take the CPU one out CPU one this this one then this one okay CPU ones out the rest is back we'll do the installation hoods later all right yeah and now we are safe to do our IO install cuz everything that we need to plug in up here is all plugged in okay cool so just so you guys know I'll show you real quick on the top down so you guys can see what I installed cuz we're just prepping or vio install which is gonna happen here in just a second so up here at the top we installed two fan headers these are fan hubs so we installed one over here one over here and then this right here is our EPS power connector remember we're gonna be sticking an AI up here which is gonna take up pretty much the whole front we just want to make sure that we we have everything installed already so that's what that's what we did is just to make sure that it's it's nice and clear so because remember our a IO is gonna have certain amount of clearance if it doesn't then we'll stick to fans and then we'll front mount it but I'm hoping that we'll be able to do it all here at the top so that's what we're getting ready to test right now okay I'm gonna get this out of the way and prep the a IO this takes a little little bit of time to prep it not too bad thank you very much for the sub by the way number 12 getting close to that 25 feel like we're gonna give away 50 our 500 likes for giveaway yep well I do both I don't agree with you but I guess that's a stance you can have a IO is for people who don't want to deal with the maintenance of doing a custom liquid cooling and being - is it still has the almost the same impact in terms of your cooling on your CPU and I do both I do both custom liquid and I do a iOS so there's a lot of people who don't have the time nor the nor the patience nor the ability to maintain something like a custom liquid loop that's you know it's funny because like even J or a lot of us say like if you're not really into it like there's not really a whole lot there's not enough benefit in doing a custom liquid gloop in terms of in terms of what you get for the amount of work that it takes to do that though yeah that's like that that's gonna be the front so these are gonna go like this okay yeah let's get our fans in real quick there's all my AIO stuff oh I took it out what I'm gonna do it oh did I leave it oh here it is it's like we're all my arrow stuff oh here's the thousand likes one I don't think we have anything for a thousand likes today if we get to a thousand likes then I'll come up with something maybe we'll do two giveaways or something like that okay here we go there's our this is what we'll have to screw in you don't need any of this okay so I don't need Intel go we don't mean we might need that these are all four clips yeah I don't need this I need this in 80 hours for the whole thing I do need all this need those well it'd be nice if deep cool allows you to actually connect your RGB do your other thing but unluckily we have to address of RGB so we're good there yeah that's all this stuff for the AO let's get our fans on there real quick okay I'm hoping this is gonna fit these fans are super thick though I call though and they the Vengeance RGB is not your least profile Ram what's going on here why did that okay well get it in the hole Robi jeez what are you tired we tired this is like barely Tsar like barely getting into the really getting into the holes No mmm yeah woman oh no problem weird there's like some sort of screw up or something like that I'm not home we go one more oh hey calm down there tiger moment of truth here in a second well this will this actually fit that is the moment of truth come out the heck screws are almost too big for the it's actually King with bigger screws I might hold on might actually just for the sake of it is it there's two screws that need longer screws here yeah actually gave you longer ones cuz it's like I think it knows how big these screws are yeah these are actually longer there we go I think it knows these are just that much too short might not bode well for our installation of our screw drop might not bode well for installation of our a io when we have to put this inside of this case hey Robi wow calm down there tiger there you go we go go with the longer screws may be a safer bet for sure go yeah okay I'm gonna truth here very soon how's this gonna go I was just gonna work is it gonna work okay that's the question everybody knows once you get kind of past this little part I think it's all downhill in the build once the AO gets in okay there we go and now all of our fans are installed get this stuff out of the way and then we'll lose that but you need to screw the bracket on okay there's my deep cool yes I need this these are the mounts no screws but Derek turn okay it's that okay if that installs now right let's see if this actually goes in there is the question home of the day you know we have over-unders on BET's for this thing and we need to untie these and twisty tie these the cool thing is they give you like some cool cool additional extensions for the and cables which is pretty neat I don't know I haven't looked at the RGB ease and all of these fans are all three header three they're not the PWM terms of and this actually oh never mind that's that's to the pump but okay I mean that's I was like wait a minute there's a PWM fans that makes no sense for this price they'd better be okay one more to go alright guys the twisty ties err in a kind of a pain yeah twisty ties let go of the the fan cables you know I'm saying blondie CP Joe Joseph said that he's having issues whispering you on YouTube he's trying he can't whisper you to get the prize info just FYI I'm come on finally geez heck of a twisty tie okay here we go will this fit is the question will this fit into the top okay we're going to do this I need to pull the cables through first and then actually before you even do that I need the this is cable okay I'm gonna pull these cables through but being like hoping with hope hoping beyond hope that this all fits in there and we're all good I'm doing it with I'm doing it with gusto and faith that's like these are like being painful the one cable there we go how many people have fireworks going off in their neighborhood right now I'm curious moment of truth guys Oh looks like we're gonna be okay yep we're okay whoo we're okay fits we have a room glad we hooked everything up early yeah if it's yay that's guys it fits you can see the screws like they line up just nicely we're gonna push it a little bit forward but yeah we're good I like fits yay you need to top that top mount will look nicer anyway Ravens excited she's like yeah or he's like yay he or she the Raven I'm sorry are you a he or she sorry do you mind let me know hey think pixel welcome back it is an AI okay he okay he's he's excited sorry Raven want to ask apologies please don't take offense I meant no no fit no offense I hope you know that there's an AI Oh on this it's what I'm installing right now thank you very much for all the support guys okay thank you very much for the bits yeah uh me surprised with the with the bits are we gonna get that we're at 13 we're the subs are just coming today thank you very much for all those subs guys oh we're gonna give to give that $50 gift card away Hillary thank you very much I'm glad you like it oh that's right Oh Kent was saying that okay I thought you were like mad that there was there wasn't one I was like wait what look at the put in a bit of okay hey here we go oh look at that and it looks like oh there's actually was more room on this than I thought it was well one cable didn't go in though oh shoot one cable did not go all the way through oh he's in for so I got to pull this and pull all the cables through hate that one cable ruins it for everybody there's actually good amount of room more than I thought there would be which is awesome there any guys gotta reinstall this so I can pull that one cable through ruined it for everybody I'm just gonna install our just like this is now right like the sail in place doing sailing yeah there are some deals there guys the $59 PC is by far really screaming good deal for $1500 rig and all this parts aren't stocked if you interested okay make sure all of this I mean no no cables here this cable what is this cable it was not thank you there you go now all the cables okay only one cable is back there now okay now we can put this on or reels those little it's like those little incidences that call ways cause the most problem right because you're like no I just needed to put it in it just needed it come on I thought I pulled all the cables through nope you didn't you are a sucker well there's actually one more cable I hope you can get up there though yeah we'll do that let's mount our we're not gonna screw that too much we're gonna mount our now it's our bracket here real quick if one more RGB cable we got to get up there I feel like there's enough room there we'll we'll get that on here real quick and it would help when we mount this whole thing actually have all this stuff up here you can reach up here yeah okay cool now we need to install our bracket which always have to look at this because the bracket for this is like it only goes it goes one way I want the a.m. for one everybody looks and instructions like Roby does because they want to do it right not in until then until I'm PMD one there you go okay so the cables are so this goes on the side where the cables are so okay the cables go on the so this goes like this and we need to grab these things I wish like I understand why they would do this I just wish you didn't like I like the other brackets like you get on like in txt or whatever it was we don't have to screw them in it's like you you do have to kind of have like some magical hands gonna do these once it's done like this is the only heart this like the hardest part of being this installation there you go you see it a thermal paste is already installed no no no dang it I knew that was gonna happen yeah there's two different ones gonna screw em both in you know goes over here got they're not identical so it does matter which which one goes on which side luckily I caught it where I had done them both you know it is you know it is hard if anybody's done custom water cooling you know it's you know what I will say is a is a is a problem for installation like for like for installation is a freaking EK water block like a twenty eighty to the 28th of the vector twenty atti their instructions are like anything but easy like I was like this is a genuine like I've done him before I just hadn't remembered in a while and so then I did him again I was like golly I remember why I don't like doing these you ever done one I think I've been up now I haven't been up that long yeah we what what's my halftime the prize on stream bills aren't cheaper because the thing Oh Josh hey what's up man Joe there it's the reason they're not cheaper is because demand if I did I have more demand so I like it's just if I if you want to have it streamed and you want the priority for streaming it that's why yeah and the parts aren't you yeah I don't charge for the parts but I mean I do charge for the parts like you have to pay for your own parts hey there we go here we go it's always like the biggest food you just gotta get one of these in because it's there you go yeah screw one in so the other one kind of holds it comes up there we go okay cool now do these last two and a I was installed this is always like a big moment because we're over halfway oh god oh gosh oh gosh this doesn't have the big screws to kind of work around to the like lower profile in terms of the installation so it's it's a bigger pump and like kind of overall housing but like in terms of cable management stuff like that much easier and kind of lower profile in terms of your AIO for these ones so I've kind of become a fan a little bit of a fan of the deep cool ones just in terms of it I don't think I don't like is their bracket installation there we go there we go there we go there yeah okay cool here we go gonna run our couple more cables up and then yeah oh is done then we just start hooking up cables and but our GPUs were like super close spot terms of finishing this build now awkward part where I have to get like this one cable in is that okay that is the kid lending if you use like your magic fingers oh I know what I'm gonna use haha this is where this is where this would be this is where I fix it comes in handy it was just too hard to run up there oh you know I might not I guess I threatened it with iFixit that's all it took it just kind of was like oh I want to be up here already let's get this one cable yeah we're gonna get all the cables up there you go okay there we go and now our cables are up so we don't have to worry about cable management let me know as much I'm just gonna make sure we look good let's see yeah okay cool I'm gonna go ahead and do one thing let's zip tie this bunch of cables back here together though we don't have any weirdness and all the cables stay together and then you can hook up our front panels and AI all our RGB fans and then we'll put in our GPU or PSU and then it's on it was like really like 500 steps left artist just kidding that's not there you go okay now all our cables are managed okay cool yay hey IOT's in it looks good boom oopsie there we go guys hey io is installed pretty good shape things are coming together nicely better than not that I did expect them to but it's always always nice and things I was a little worried that that a IO wouldn't fit but it did it fit nicely okay now put this thing back I don't know wake him up start working on this okay now let's figure out the part that we're working on now we're gonna figure out how all our RGB hooks up and fans and all that jazz this is our RGB for our is our RGB for our fans so I gotta figure that out and so our fans have it's actually looks like our fans oh this actually looks like the RGB or the yai Oh - there we go that's kind of neat and hit her in fact we have six fans or that would that would have been cool and we wouldn't had to use an additional RGB header but we don't you need a we need all of our GB headers all of our fans stuff there you go three easier - I have to say these are a little easier to connect than the in the Corsair ones is nice okay there's all that now we only need is if two more up here that is not - this is these are the two that I need for the these are the two for the fans I'm assuming because they're shorter these are the longer ones okay there's that weird it actually only supports five does he out when I supports five oh this is the hmm that's interesting thought that's due to because I am I'm gonna need two more I'm gonna need two more many two more but I might be able to if I do so I need to put one more in and then it's oh it's it looks like it's powered I don't I guess it's powered from the RGB stuff there's the addressable but we might be able to run it all off of a single RGB header which is actually kind of neat but we'll have to run two of these it says out though I don't know what the out is says out I got to see what the out is here real quick again remember I've never done these fans they're new there's our fan thing one it says one that's all for the 4-pin which is fine that plugs into either the remote which is fine let's see how this says look jigs out like this is this not confusing one goes out or here what does that mean no idea okay well we'll just hiccup to fine we have enough we have to RGB headers using two is totally okay and the cool thing is is like now we'll actually be able to have our stick this stuff do this here we'll have all our RGB kind of controlled separately we'll just put them right over here actually if I do this I'm going to do this disconnect these and then this will be just for three fans here okay there you go then all of our RGB for our front three frames is separate and it's okay can all be controlled by the same RGB header it's always the fun part guys welcome to cable manager this is where you make everything you've worked for look good I want to look like crud so in this you know there's our RGB right there there we go okay there's that and then this will go to the bottom one I'm trying to remember where I don't remember off the top of my head I'm gonna put those on throughout almost route they got more AI oh he's plugging it I want to remember where the argb headers are before right now okay there's one there and one down here okay cool okay so this one which is our gigabyte this one will go down here that'll go right there there's our RGB for that okay now and then the other one will go right here which is nice okay so this is the other deep cool this is for the other RGB we're gonna put this like this oh wait before we do that can this reach it make sure there we go one I just want to make sure I could reach the reach the header okay there you go one there's the other three things and then we have one more in the back there do three I mean one more i G B oh shoot okay oh good it's just long enough to get to - always a fun thing you're not where our wiring how our wiring is gonna work bring all this down beneath the Glee this can go into - okay you know all our RGB is hooked up now awesome and find all the all the header the fan stuff and get this separate yeah one fans not in with this I can quickly cable manage the fan stuff there you go those are all the fans okay this is all of our this right here is all of our RGB there you go RGB all hooked up you got to do is run a single RGB cable down into the onto the board run right from the back here easy peasy lemon squeezy that's gonna connect to this this is going to be I should have might just do this here we go okay here we go I zip tied to early guys did you hate it when you zip tied to early yeah I have to say I am impressed with one thing I am impressed about with cooler masters like you guys saw some of the other ones like the Maxtor cases and stuff like that and a number of zip ties they give you is like relatively small but coolermaster big props to them with a number of zip ties they gave you to the cable manager case interview there you there's all our stuff and then all we need is this right here this one we just need the gigabyte you know it's the Gigabyte one that's gonna go right there this is gonna go right here no I'll take care of that problem I don't want to zip-tie that quite yet until I know you sure that's tough enough zip tie that up here in a minute okay okay let's get this is we'll take care of that once we hook it up now let's hook up our fans we have fan and hubs that are here is that like the world's largest what is that and and and hub yes this does for we should actually do this one with all these will do the AO with all these four okay here's our fan and 1-8 fans it there you go fan 1 & 2 I have to say like for 119 bucks to get fan fan hubs and everything pretty dang cool like I have to say pretty dang cool and it makes it easy in terms of just being able to hook up all your stuff I have plenty of fan hitters they're all hooked up everything's good and I need this one actually pretty neat it put this right here I think fan headers right there we look good I might put it down here and hitter you don't know put the other fan header right here you still have room for additional fan others if you where they wanted to do cool okay now let's tie this stuff before I do that let's good ease out I'm gonna zip time a little bit different so they're easier to kind of recognize okay okay gonna get these oops here you go okay I start posting these up as best as we can this one is gonna be a bit of a bunch here this works just like the part where you Ryan kind of do the folds as best you can kind of get them all together build those fans and baboom go on get in the hole and I do it backwards even after I looked at it I still did it backwards guys okay I'm curious how many zip ties have done I've used doing builds there we go there's that the only thing we got left here is these little things which I really a whole lot I can do here because this the cables for the storks are pretty short it's always the problem when you have like lots of wiring is just getting wires bunched up you can just kind of have them out of the way hey guys next up is front panel connectors and then we're gonna install our GPU and our cable extensions and all of our fans are hooked up now which is always good I mean up this is our fix that here in a minute we get to the end there fans are all hooked up let's get our front panels hooked up and then you can put in our GPU and all that stuff okay this is HD audio goes down here your front panel connectors here just run this along the side here that'd be nice then we have our Jeep we have our two RGB and then this is power for later okay cool doing good okay awesome throw these things in here well the extra stuff that we don't need it's all our RGB will actually be managed via our motherboard is always cool we're cooler okay this is nice because that means you're only you only have to install one RGB program and that RGB program is the one for the motherboard which is kind of cool so zoom out a little bit sorry about that guys you weren't seeing everything there you go okay yeah we're gonna do now just hook up everything okay so we've got first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna grab our RGB here they're really Giga Byte it doesn't look like a gigabyte oh it's this gig this one's a soros right how's the rock h.265 that doesn't look like it actually next to orous gigabyte at all what gigabyte thing are they expecting you to plug into this is like a three pin ya have to look at that cuz this looks like it should just work on one oh here I can see hold on let me look at my light I'll see what they are be Gd 8a DG e RB there's enough GRB hmm I'm gonna look at the map and just make sure the thing real quick okay HD audio goes right here there we go USB 3 let's pull this out this is your front panel connectors here get a reset switch and hard drive switch eyes put in first there you go in power plus and minus and then power switches the last one I hate these ones go power plus and minus and power switch and then we're done right front panel connectors are in USB three right go sideways cuz it's a little bit cleaner forget that out here in a minute no I'm just be three is in okay the only thing I got to figure out is I'm gonna look at the book this says that these are actual for you could bite gigabyte this vgd vdg +5 fault D ground I think I'm gonna use the +5 oldie ground right yeah okay I'm gonna use the other one apparently this one actually supports MSI this one right here there we go we'll use this one yeah should it work it's addressable thing but see when we plug this in it should be fine [Music] any other hidden thing like that so I pull this one okay we'll go right here and then we're done we have all of the addresses little headers on push this through and then now we can do our GPU does everything else is hooked up yeah we're all hooked up guys we're all hooked up front panels are all hooked up our everything is ready to go all we got to do is do our GPU install and then run our extensions put power in and then we're gonna turn on in that amazing so it's nine o'clock it's 9:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. so in the interest of time I'm actually going to switch this out because I don't think we're gonna have time to test today I'm just gonna put this the real one in it will install the OS at least all right guys that took the AIO take a little longer than we hoped so we're gonna switch this to the 500 gig we go I always need to make these show I almost need to make these shows longer I just don't have a way to do that because I still work a day job I think if if at some point in time I don't know we're near now but if it's ever becomes like I don't do other work you know I might make the streams longer but given I can't do that right now sometimes you just got to go like oh I'm not gonna be able to do testing so yes we're just gonna throw in our other Western Digital black and then I'll show you guys in this tell you we're using essence 750s they're from Western Digital incredibly fast 3450 megabit per second m2 SSDs fast fast drives which is cool okay again we're gonna pop that in like this real quick no these look so good I love those inductees and there you go there's right master of leet Wi-Fi okay so now let's get out our aia let's get in our oh well real quick before he too far out of myself let's go ahead and before I forget let's put in our to our other I left these screws out because we were want to make sure if I needed to move stuff I could now that I know we're good I think this PC is gonna look super good I like I like how this is turning out it looks really nice I'm a fan there we go yeah there we go okay let's see in and pop this on real quick and there we go and pop this on real quick those are done these are gonna look super awesome when this is on I'm excited about turning this PC on okay let's put our let's put our CPU in who's excited everybody loves the GPU CPU insulation especially when it's a founders edition oh there it is guys founders edition oh look it matches my shirt like I wore Invidia colors today yeah in video color is GPU hype there we go how are we doing guys 13 we're 13 subs we're here now we're gonna finish it out I think we're gonna get a couple more maybe some maybe some maybe some gifted subs or something like that there we go cut right through that and here we go remember guys when we do that gift card at the end of the thing remember I substitute extra entries into those giveaways look at that I love the way this looks it's gonna look good with the silver and black kind of theme we have going on in here yeah that's gonna make it look even better yeah there we go boom okay you guys ready for some Peele hype we got a little peel hype for you ready we'll do top down so you guys can get the full peel action here we go ready it is that's a good moment right there there it is take it off you filthy card that's right okay if yous ready for installation well shiny and ready I'm gonna save this because we got to mail it to them there we go go oopsie anything here there we go go okay well here we go last thing but this GPU in it's gonna look super hot ready no I think it's a bit pushy it eight bits there we go it's in like Flynn ah see that looks so good silver and everything it looks really nice hey what's up ribs how are you welcome get our music started stop there first thing where's the music where's the music where to go what's on here there's there we go musics back on and then here we go okay time to get our cable extensions in and once that's done power supply and that's it I'll run them down ooh okay we're running back down here look okay we run them down here okay cable extension time need that one need that one we need that one less these go in here yeah okay yeah I miss Trey on days like this because it like it makes uh makes it feel better always makes like it makes it better because he's just like he's able to keep me keep me on the know especially during the times when when like I get into cable management and stuff like that it's always a little bit rougher because I get so focused they get so mentally mentally on it okay is the way we run it you know I'm saying I'm saying chill chill guys chill better get I'll get all the stuff going 23,000 night we're almost a twenty four thousand followers guys we're we're oh thank you very much for the cheer we're only a thirty three followers away from twenty four thousand it goes like this okay bit hype I have not seen them if you can you put a link in the the I've seen the leanly ones but I haven't seen the those oh there's a sub thank you very much for the sub appreciate it we're getting closer to where my mean it's like we're still a few away but we have some by the way we have another CLG stream on the 21st we're gonna have some pretty awesome giveaways for that we've got the seat we're gonna have some Seagate giveaways here next week on Wednesdays stream we're gonna have the CGA giveaways which would be cool woo and then so we'll be giving away some m2 drives and then we always give away GPUs during the seal g1 so there should be some good CLG and good giveaways during those so got some more GPU hype going on there 1510 away guys 10 subs away from actually unlocking 10 subs away from actually unlocking our $50 a gift card are we gonna do it are we gonna do it I think we can I think you guys are capable a room oh what's the battery thing oh look see and then look I can see the flare flare is on there the overclock I don't know if you guys saw the flare but the flare is an overclock symbol and then if you get the tier 3 you get overclock + RGB though you're gonna download some storage yeah the tier 3 and tier 3 tier 3 and tier 2 I really like I really like our like all of our flare and emojis like I love how Us PC focused it all is I think it I think Sean LaBrie did an incredible job just saying so myself oh there we go another sub there we go right here thank you very much for the sub you get all those emot-- those cool emotion mode emotes like I'm like boomerang on myself I'm also tired hope you guys had fun today I had a good time I've had a good time today we're almost like we're at the brita closing of the build now it's like always the kind of the the part when things kind of have to come down to the end here pull this through [Music] there's that one then we just have two more to go oh you guys can't see it that's what it looked like it looks good nice black and silver there hey that's awesome spider that's awesome thank you for coming and being a part of the family then yeah they're always there's always giveaways at the end of stream well I have a couple well they'll be one as soon as I turn on the PC to celebrate the PC will do a giveaway there and then we'll have the $25 then if we get like 9 more subs well it'll be a $50 gift card it increased one for fifteen to sixteen I can verify the subs that we're at now but I think it's accurate yeah it's accurate sixteen thank you super tech boy that's quite this thing I have a link for you do it up I have the link for ya ya do it in the oh thank you for this thank you for welcome to sub come on kicker mode awesome um do the do it in discord that's the best place to put it this Court is the best place to put it YouTube what's going on guys YouTube hit that thumb up guys if we get to 500 likes we do a giveaway there's nice 753 of you we should have like 700 likes there's someone who just doesn't cost you anything you just gotta like it remember that thing just hit the like button and we'll do a giveaway don't you want giveaways that like thank you very much for that following by the way in the Sun just like it I realize and I don't see my restreaming yeah don't angry I did there we go hit that thumb up rules for the giveaway is just you you'll see it when we go in there the only thing that's critical is that you reach out to blondie before the end of the stream that way you can so she can settle the giveaway we've had some issues with people like double claiming and stuff and so we we just need to make sure that that stuff is all settled before we end of the stream oh I think you shirt I'm pretty straightforward for the giveaways so rude was rude yeah like we had two people we had a person I think what happens I don't know blondie can explain a little bit sometimes we have people who create a same account and then they say oh I won and then another person says why one and then we can't verify it so then we have to forfeit it if there's no there's like no way to verify who actually won the giveaway but apparently blondie started this one so we actually are gonna give away that that GP at the second GPU the 2060 ko he has her ways yeah you can actually have the same name on YouTube but now there's a way that like the way that we're doing it now that that would be pretty much impossible yeah that's how many once we fill that goal then we give away we upgrade that to a 50 our new a gift card hey thanks Philip but that's only for subs that's only for subs on Twitch if you're watching on YouTube you're like why is it not going up when you that's for subs on Twitch it's always the peaceful part right I'm like at the lake putting in the last I mean the last cable combs after this we flip it over put in a power supply do a little bit of more cable management and then BAM it just turns on it's all there is to it it totally took this whole that guy yeah 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 yeah hey you brought those follows guys getting super close to 24,000 I'm excited 24,000 follows it's pretty crazy when you think about where my twitch was like not that long there we go No looks good awesome okay next up our supply then we turn it on see how it looks yeah well that's good you're drooling we're at the very weary we're gonna put on a power supply and do a little bit of cable management and then that's it actually not that much left here the cable manage that down you know why there's a one wire here yeah this one make sure that gets zip tied now we have all of our RGB and everything hooked up make sure that thing stays out of the way okay it's all this is all like this one what I do or what I tendency to do is just to be safe is why are these Zeus and why are these up the RGB on the way here there we go I'm excited to show you guys the water cool the Titan water cold build that I did I'm shy I think you guys are gonna love how that one looks show it to you guys a little later on won't be night but I think you guys are gonna be happy when I show it I in my car and I should have brought it up but I was in such a rush and have time to bring it up so I'll show it to you guys next week on Wednesday actually no I'm net Wednesday will show you the giveaway oh no that'll be on Thursday so I'll show it on Wednesday oh no I'll should they give I don't know we'll figure it out we're gonna show it it's pretty awesome all right let's get our let's get our power supply in looks pretty clean I think you do I could clean up those I think oh they one more one more cleanup and then yeah just so you guys know next week you're definitely gonna want to see you're definitely going to tune in because we're going to show off the PC we're gonna be giving away on the month of July and like I said we do a PC giveaway every month though with the transition to twitch we weren't able to do it this time but usually every month we do it get a PC giveaway and then it takes you can enter it's like for all the social and stuff like that so it's not just on stream but yeah you get there us things like keywords and stuff like that that you gain for on stream for those people who pay attention okay there we go let's get our power supply in this is a semi modular but I wanted to spend the majority of his money on getting his getting his a graphics card and everything I'll screw it away so it's not a gold though nice there you go okay and done last bit almost done almost done okay we need our in one of these I mean both these and these are two here right yeah that's two of them here okay our cables and stuff oh this is a hard stream guys not because just because of tiredness but I super appreciate a I want to give a big shout out to everybody who's super chatted everybody who bits who did bits all of you guys are incredible I'm super thankful for how you guys support me from week to week to week you guys are honestly like I don't care what anybody says I don't care what blondie says you guys are really honestly the best community and I'm super grateful to have you guys be part of my life every week and even when I'm tired I get energy I'm just how awesome you guys and I want to give a big shout-out to my mods my tech specialist and all of you who helped make Ruby tech happen every week I know sometimes you guys just get you guys are probably like Oh row be streaming again and he's just gonna be crazy and so I appreciate you guys being here every time regardless rain or shine or even when I have to do it like a last minute cancel you guys are always here so thank you very much for being so awesome and being so incredible about just being an awesome community it really honestly you guys make it you guys make it great every time I come thank you I know I get a lot of support and all that sort of stuff but I always never want you guys to know that I'm not grateful every time when I come on the show I do this show and over a thousand of you show up most of the time so thank you very much for that guys seriously thank you for the bits to Bernie I thought you left this Bernie did Bri not leave that was Bernie lying to me like with Bernie here the whole time just waiting for me to say something nice was I don't know a typical male I don't know who wouldn't want to watch it but I'm grateful that you guys do every week seriously big shout-out to you guys ace pixel appreciate it for some reason I saw me miss maybe that was from like last night or whatever like from the last show that he was saying I gotta go to bed or something like that but I was like what there's always like a big moment the power supply because like the power supply is like basically this is like the end of the whole thing at this point right like it's just like we're gonna install this and then the power turns and then the PC turns on that's all there is to it like nothing really else to do because I kind of cable manage and do everything as I go so it makes it a whole lot easier what week it what week of the year is this right now does anybody know just out of the top of their head like what week it is is it like the 12 24th week or whatever it is like I'm just curious what what week we're in okay we only we don't need a whole lot we need oh that's I'm missing my CPU cable I guess it doesn't come with the CPU cable it's like oh the semi module is like literally just very limited semi modular interesting need to find my CPU cable 27th week okay so 27th week just curious here so so far and this is just me rounding averaging three pcs a week I have built 81 pcs this year that is a lot of pcs I've built 81 pcs this year so far that is and that is probably it might be a little bit higher because there's like a couple pcs that I haven't built on stream but 81 pcs this year so far I will do it at the end we'll do the drawing at the end I'm assuming where I'm already at the last eight yet I'm hoping we're gonna get the last eight last eight subs and do the 50 we're getting close to the end guys if now's the time to get in on that if we're gonna eighty-one pcs that's lion yeah not to like thank you duper TV feels like I only built one okay this is always the interesting part is like this is like this this okay come on it's like they just barely don't give you enough room you very much for the subs there we go Oh get in there like just that much too short for this there we go okay let me do it okay installed now you bill yeah I like I just like to build too I mean I just enjoy it right like even when I have like a long day like today it's like there's a bit of peace in like terms of just sitting down and making something and every time I like it because they always come out so nice and they're always come out so different there's always some little touch or some little thing and I and I always get see I'm like grateful to the companies who allow me to get to like deep cool for giving singing me the fans like I have them for the there they're one of the primary sponsors for the Minecraft bill that we're gonna be giving away but I'm grateful that companies send me new things so I can like check it out so it just makes it different every time and you're like oh I statically this is gonna look good or whatever it was and I just want to take my time I love that I get to build these for people and it brings them joy so I know I'm lucky I know I am I know that there's other people would love to do that 39 likes to go guys will do the giveaway oh I'm sorry Neil linkster yeah that's happened to every once a while I know it's one of the guys like tired Ethan the guy who he built a PC for what okay I gave him it I gave you an extra I gave you a SATA in case you ever decided you need to install drives anything I did install a SATA for you Raven but tired Ethan like he just got his PC he just got his PC and he just texted me and he's like hey my PC like my USB and my I'm not getting a an image on my PC and so that's always like that's always a bummer right but we know like we know it works because we test it when we're on stream but yeah he this PC arrived and he turned he went turn on it didn't work he's always sad so I got to go help him try and troubleshoot what happened there they'll use one of the commission bills that we just finished let's tie these clothes I always liked it better when people get their PCs and they just work I mean we ship them we packed the crap out of them and then we make sure we don't put the GPU in when we install it when we sip them but you know you just never know sometimes a shipping but I think he's the first one that I like I think I had one other guy who did in his was actually like physically like really damaged but outside of that most of time I'd say 99% of my ones that I get like Bernie blondie all those guys no problem they got them no issue whatsoever this is our this is our EVGA here it's just down like this and they're going to take this there we go and then this is the last I think I'd to do is took a VG after this and then we're done it was only it was like seven something something like that it wasn't it wasn't I don't he wasn't 900 that's like just the third party pricing - no I don't think I'm not gonna zip tie that actually okay the big thing is you want to make sure that these have lots of room so what I do is I pull these out like this oops you guys can't see this remember that I'm gonna pull these out these are like because these are the ones that you need for these ones are specifically for the graphics cards and I want to make sure that these have movement so you can make sure they look good what I do is I do that and then when I hook them up that way I can move them back and forth and they have movement there we go there you go thanks for all those subscriptions guys especially on YouTube how are we doing a likes you clothes want to make sure those have motion okay that's it guys PC sucked up oh you know I do have a little bit okay good one more I that down gonna keep that flat looks good from the top nice and clean now we'll grab our cable tie cutter that I don't know what I did with their other this or is it that is go okay okay that is it I think is ready PC is ready to turn on oh jeez that's terrible yeah the 10900 it's like the nan k i think new egg had it in stock for like a brief minute and then that was it I haven't seen it ten nine eight K has been incredibly hard to get okay here we go guys going to can't link this up okay he's ready to power up we're gonna make sure posts there's power all these things are important oh no stop hit a button come back yeah get those post emotes ready you tier few subs there we go we have lights oh yeah there you go it's gonna it's good Turner no did the question is there's RGB going to turn on I wonder if I have to turn RGB on on the fans or something like that please do it these have lights he's do not this is the interesting thing like a Oh what no no the fans turned on oh there's lights oh there's fans oh cool oh the Auris it's all orange okay so it did the auras colors okay yeah so it's getting the Auris it's getting the orange from the Auris that's neat those are cool look at that from the front it looks really neat like the front of that that's neat yeah there you go it's like seeing your newborn baby there you go good amount of air coming through there I like that or like the orange looks really good these are these are all wacky baccy but we can fix that usually fix those I didn't fix it this time it's all up and it is posted it does post look here we go guys there's the post so it is posted so here we go let's do the giveaway let's get that post type going get that post hype going and then let's we'll put an OS on it yeah there's the post right there post hype come on guys post type let's do the giveaway yeah I think it looks really good I love the orange like I've never thought about doing orange but orange like you'd have to turn this off maybe but like the orange actually looks it's like very Oris looking in the fans like good amount of air I mean out of those fans there yeah let's put a cam Lee we'll start the install process and then we'll do the giveaway when we start the install process so let's get that going here okay we're gonna do one year this is the post this is the hey we're celebrating the post giveaway and then go from there so here we go celebrating posting post giveaway Club button one year of game pass there you go starting that there we go and the orange I really like the that orange with the deep cool logo looks really good and the cool thing is with arm right no sorry with the mother that's right this doesn't have arm recreate this is that's ASIS like gigabyte had something I don't remember though ac's has armory great but it has that gigabyte App Center and so you should be a little install it all it's like a separate app it's not a Windows app like some of the other ones had done like MSI and those guys have gone to Windows apps okay let's bring this up so we can okay let's grab our monitor thank you for the bits under bits thank you very much for that appreciate it there you go card our monitor there you go he's a proper brute device is what it says to do with others okay yeah I think it looks really good I love that I'm a huge I love you I'm a huge fan of the fans the fans themselves in the in the RGB is subtle which is actually kind of cool and I like that it's all controlled from the it's all controlled from the same stuff which is kind of neat from this it'll be all control for the same giveaway thing thing it did I still make it gigabyte I need to fix that eight seconds left guys remember subs you get extra entries we're seven subs away come on guys let's get those last seven there's seven of you who haven't sobbed you're set we can do seven gifted subs let's sell let's finish this out let's let's get a my guys I want to make I want to make this spectacular let's see if we can do that let's finish this and give away 50 bucks the giveaway is over now hey picking a winner now Dani Lucero Dani Lucero congratulations you are the winner of that one year of game pass ultimate that is the that is the PC the PC post hype giveaway there we go there we go wkm keeper thank you very much for the sub I'm gonna fix this giveaway thing by the way Danny make sure that you make sure that you reach out to reach out to blondie you gotta talk to her by the end of the by the end of the the show Oh new eggs there I wasn't doing no oh I guess blondie got in there yeah sure he did never mind I've been needing to do that forever Thank You blondie shout-out to blondie who's incredible man this PC looks good guys it does it looks really good we'll take photos of it early next week and before we get it all out I guess you can use all you have to use IQ you have to use IQ oh I actually know I think the aura stuff you can change the Corsair Ram will change I would turn off the green light you can turn off the green light on the GPU with the EVGA one but man this this is a Norris this is if there's a Norris looking build this is a Norris looking build especially with those fans show the airflow airflow is oh you mean well I don't know if I have time guys its way it's already 943 bot is broken what can you bots broken oh hold on some of them okay hold on let me fix that let that thing off you needs a cigarette oh hype trains activated Oh I'll throw in another giveaway if we get to the hype train but there we go 20 let's I'll give another giveaway if we get to the hype train we need one it looks like one more sub for the giveaway for the thing thank you bro this up we're one sub away guys flag mastis swag masters our only tier 3 sub come on guys let's get that hype Trey we're level 3 hype train let's get the level 5 and in the thing with we've posted we got level 5 let's do it come on let's do it it should stop right there yeah the giveaway stopped I do I'm watching the cherry now there we go there we go tier 2 there we go we're on to tier 3 right what is pod what does pogs mean I don't know I've seen that before it going in there level 2 complete guys onto level 3 oh we're 28 subs oh there we go it's just it's still going crazy oh okay level 3 guys now 500 likes k so we got the 500 likes 1 we're good we have hike going crazy there we go yeah baby you guys are hyping it up hi hi hi hi there we go all the hype hi there yo that's awesome there we go level 3 done we'll do the last gig wait come on let's get to level 5 let's do it let's let's unlock it all come on we can do it I'm enjoying this you guys make it fun yeah this is the giveaway for this is the giveaway for umm this is the giveaway for a 500 likes on YouTube come on guys oh we're doing it we're doing it let's go let's go hype it up come on hype hype work we're installing windows installing windows hype I'm telling you man more stuff happens when I install Windows than anything else 16 there we go look at you guys there we go 96% 32 subs geez remember well remember guys if we get 250 if we get 250 subs that's $100 into a gift card if we get 250 subs that's $100 new a gift card well that 150 are you a gift card becomes $100 a gift card if we get 250 subs just FYI i 96% come on we can do it you guys can do it we can do it come on we're 98 98 98 % we're so close and there we go there's another sub everybody's height high heap come on one word come on leave 98% we got I don't even know how many minutes we have left or I can't tell all right looks like this is that much too low there's some more cheers right there two feet there we go there we go level four done and we're on to level five this is the end three minutes we can do level five come on here it is this is where it this is where it's all gonna happen can we do level five let me up for personal use next offline account level five hype train here it is we got a minute can we do it before the end of the show we can come on we can do it right let's finish it there we go stuff coming through but sky level five final level we got four nineteen whoa there we go whoa boomer boomer with five subs we're so close let's get it Roby checkers we're on a roll it did is that all boomer was like boomer giving up all the is boomer doing all this stuff but we're really wants to use again the 37 thank you very much for all that boomer and boomer with the thing come on guys you guys can Oh boomer out we're at 88% there it is 105 percent what was the last one who did the last one oh that's awesome thank you very much boomer boomer you're the man is that just because I'm a boom cuz I was like all this stuff okay guys that is hype and we'll do another giveaway we'll do another year a game pass after this and wow we hit level 5 there you go part with that we we did it all there it is right there Oh picking a winner you have two more giveaways and we're close to that or close to that level we're only what twelve away from $100 a gift card Angelo Santas Angelo Santas congratulations you won one year of Xbox game pass we'll do another three months after this that'll be for the level 5 hype Angelo think of all those bits guys keep completing that and now we're doing our level this is for thus the level 5 hype you guys are incredible and then we got one more we still got that we're at 50 we're to do the $50 a gift card after this and then we're done os more it looks like more subs are coming in though yeah you guys did it thank you very much man look at all those subs you guys are incredible look at all those Robi techeuns so many Robi techeuns Arthur just subscribed there's a hundred bits from robee tech i tecnine tech Knights are weak tech Knights you guys should let us know let me know in the description below let me know in the description below what you should what do you what should we call our op beat our audience Roby tech Knights like what would you vote for yeah welcome to Windows guys we're gonna let we're gonna let it this is like it's the PC is up and it's running just have to overclock the RAM the only thing we still got to do but um same for updates then we go to the store no don't sticky ah not now no I wanted when you hit the wrong thing I want store does I just want to update this store cuz this has stuff like game bar look at all those like bits coming in all that sort of stuff hitting nacho there it's just it's just catching up there's so many stuff rowboat technicians robee robee technicians I like that one Roby technicians I like that one yeah when you touch the wrong thing it's sticky that's that's dirty oops that's why I went I want hard drives okay new simple volume next next oh let's take this out cancel new simple voice oh there goes there goes the it installing the GPU oh it looks so much better already new simple volume next next next games 33 seconds left guys and that's awesome 932 by the way I think we capped out at 986 not quite we might have hit over a thousand in and see for sure if it's still 986 today that's a pretty good way to end the week oh thank you very much for being so awesome guys don't do that let this go here and then we just gotta get retry again and we'll do our thing so yeah this is it the pcs pretty much outside of we just got to put kind of put the Auris the Auris App Center on here which lets in do or this the graphics the sorry the coloring stuff and all that sort of stuff but for the most part if you've you're pretty much ready to go pretty quick though apples end up guys 38 subs the Fuji 69 over on Twitch congratulations Fuji 69 you are the winner of the three month and the hype entry six six six wow that's a lot of people chat like six six huh okay guys $50 a gift card we're gonna do that giveaway in four minutes we'll do it wait what alright I just got a I got a text okay whoa hold on hold on so I got a weird no don't do this one where's my phone okay there it is yeah weird tweet I just got to see what's going on here okay all right there we go looking at that okay we still are close we're gonna do the last one and just let this finish are we gonna be able to I'm just why you're missing your why are your here because that's it's fun we still have one more give away guys Fuji okay and this is for the $50 gift card we're gonna I'm gonna give people does anybody but okay here's a diol let people vote and then they'll be up to let people vote we could let it sit for another two minutes see if we can get those last number of subs we're only 11 subs away and we do $100 gift card if someone wants to donate 10 subs or 11 subs and we do $100 a gift card or we can just let it roll oh man is it still doing that thing I really wish that would stop I will talk to I will talk to freaking cloud but it's it needs to stop that I don't know why it does that it just it won't stop maybe I just might giveaways are too amazing boomer with the number with eleven substudy oh you have swag you've said I've seen him I'm not I'm not I'm not saying you have it I'm just saying we're I do we want to let it go or do we want to just go for the 50 I knew of gift card it should stop I just turn it off and turn it back on give it to boomer I know it's socks dude it sucks gosh stop I really wish this thing would stop it's like I turn cloud butt off yeah I'm gonna let it go for a little bit more stay a little bit I'm gonna then it's can't handle the Robie awesomeness for sure it's annoying I'm letting it I'm turned it off so I'm hoping that the cloud bot just stops and then once it stops I wish that's like the one thing I don't like about cloud BOTS is to give away stuff it just sits there and keeps running and I have completed it right yeah the giveaways complete so it's not going in there boomer you call boomer you call I'm waiting for boomer boomer you say do we run the giveaway now or do we go it people are saying give the $50 card to boomer I'm gonna let boomer make the call on whether we're gonna do that I'm not gonna give the board that's not the point of boomer right like we're not gonna do that though every sink it - boomer I can't guys like it I can here's what I could do I could do this I can't do giving the fit I can't do 250s that's crazy but I could do 25 I could do 20 how about this I give 25 to boomer and I give - I give 25 away I could do that okay why don't we do that okay we'll do that we're gonna give 25 to boomer so congratulations boomer we'll give you 25 and we'll give 25 we're gonna do a $25 doing gift card now okay okay cool you guys seem happy about that starting that giveaway now 25 oh you can't do that because the cloud BOTS not on here we go it's starting that giveaway now this is for $25 new a gift card there we go and see unlocked it okay $25 a gift cards happening now oh no it's got that weird error no luckily when we're done installing we'll be done Oh can't believe we got it done guys another PC done that that the arrow and that took a little bit of long at the actually that the thing that slowed us down the most on this one was the fan install it just was a little bit slower okay there we go last giveaway for the night I want to say big shout out to 900 people hung out with us for the end of the stream which is always incredible thank you for hanging out today then after this we'll we'll say our goodbyes boomer you're awesome thank you very much for the support today boomer and not it's just that oh yeah dependent I actually I don't mind them they're easier they're less they're less painless to install a soap mix I have lots of people have done give what guys just to understand boomers awesome absolutely credible thing for the 11 soaps today we have a lot of people who do gifted subs a lot so I mean people like also arc like where it is arc light I haven't seen arc light in a couple streams has anybody seen our client I haven't seen argillite in a couple streams because arc light has done donations up the ying-yang like a lot so arc lights a big supporter here you seen are quite uh we've seen arc light blondie we heard from it's easy yeah I understand it a typical and I've had him snap on me was he your Sunday yeah I think I've something yeah I saw him for the last I saw him for the last mixer stream that that definitely was okay so it's just a delay between so somebody's saying it's a delay I just got a notification that there's a delay between twitch and win the bottom ounces and when you tube is much much faster so it's it's just guys it's only it only it's the that sounds like it's actually not the but bought being crazy it's just there's a delay in terms of how long it takes you're going there nice waiting waiting Newton thank you very much for buying that man I appreciate it yeah leg yeah a little bit yeah that makes sense it does yeah mixers gone not on there anymore I need this I need to migrate my settings over on dream labs from MIT I like I use mixer to log in and I need to get off of that so 24000 not yet I have 23 989 I am 11 away Roby Tex oh I'm sorry out a typical male yeah hey rent yeah restart and we're gonna we're gonna overclock our RAM oh nice with 24 24 let's get 24,000 follower hype in the channel 24 K hi guys I'm gonna pick a winner here in a sec no wait for the giveaway to stop and I'll pick a winner 24 thousand followers that's crazy I like Robi technicians that one I like a lot - yeah boomer reach out to blondie don't yeah make sure that you reach out now she'll get your information guys don't forget also to make sure that you also check out our discord channel discord hangout in discord we have a really great community who loves talking about pcs and food and Tech and all that sort of stuff you should come together where's all thousand-plus people they're a great community if you are part of watching the show on a on a constant basis you should definitely come and check out you should definitely come check out when the discord as well though I do um yeah slash Ruby Tech that's where the majority of my audience actually watches yeah okay guys okay we're gonna pick our winner now congratulations to sandy sanim a anime s anime or Santa may congratulations Santa may you're the winner of our $25 new a gift card congratulations appreciate it welcome to and welcome for that sort of thing yeah there she is oh that's awesome you won the $25 need a gift card Dischord link don't link it can we get a discard Lincoln channel anime s anime one the one to give away you guys should see the announce here pretty quick hello yeah it'll guys it just takes it just takes a little while for it to catch up so sorry about that okay here we buddy got here we got this is all updated let's go ahead and throw the only thing we're going one thing we really gotta install is almost been install this hey we'll see you later not rapid we'll see you later what does this does when I hit this button what happens there's a there's a what's an ad there's an ad break what does the ad break do no it's gonna it's no it's gonna come back it just it just it's lag gaiz Oh okay good cuz I've always I was like what is I was like why would anybody do this yeah guys it'll catch up just dance standby it'll catch up oh thanks hidden wares getting all of his stuff updated so he's ready to go you can take pictures of it and then it's basically done brave browser I don't know what that is guys don't worry it'll catch up it's not it's not it's actually not broken it's just slow okay let's do the last thing were to do is NVIDIA GeForce experienced there we go and then he'll have everything and then his is his RAM is overclocked he's good there there we go hey we'll see you later whiskey-tango-foxtrot yeah guys we're just like fish the things at the very end now I'm just gonna finish this last thing and then call it a night okay there we go prize a sign completing that congratulations uh I don't know I do not know I do not know there there may be one more stream this weekend I don't know what day yet we have to make up the stream from Thursday we still have a commission to build I'm so you've one more Commission to build so we're trying to get that squared away I don't know where we might move it might either be Sunday or Monday but there is gonna be one additional stream to make up because I don't want to have somebody who's basically waiting to have their build built so once that's done so just stay by follow on Twitter if you should always follow me on Twitter because that's the best way to get information and that's a @ro BTEC you can follow me on instagram at Roby tech I'm also hip with the kids at tic toc at Roby Tech so yeah if you wanna if you want to go check that out that's the best way I don't have the info and quite yet when that's gonna happen I just got to get it figured out so and then if not within we're for sure we're back on Wednesday for when we're gonna be building starting the minecraft PC brought to you by deep cool Seagate and EVGA and then that's stupid why did you do it Seagate deep cool and EVGA and then we'll and then Thursday we're gonna be doing I think Thursday I forgot who's Thursday's builders but Friday is the Ryan McCaffrey build we're gonna be building Ryan McCaffrey specie on Friday if you want to come to watch a cool build next week we're gonna be building a PC for Ryan McCaffrey which would be cool if you don't know who he is he's one of the editors over at IGN okay last thing that I'm doing tonight I'm just gonna download this driver D later unknown creator thank you very much it's okay guys it's like it's the last bit I've done all the giveaways people are starting to bow out for the night I'm grateful for all you guys it depends on it depends on what for swampy I mean honestly you still like in terms of just pure gaining power intel still top in terms of price performance AMD but you know there are people like I'm building PC specifically like we just we I have built pcs and a ten nine hundred K because I know that I need just sheer gaming performance so installing this last thing you let her Chris oh nice some wow geez Dan amazing AMD again Andy is right there definitely the hotness right now and it's hard not to like Andy is the one that I build most of my systems are AMD because when people literally like well the choice between a ten seven hundred and eight twenty eighty super then that makes it easy but if you're gonna build like a high-end like say for do you want to build the best gaming PC you could that'd be a ten nine hundred K with a twenty eight ETI right like that's there isn't nothing this this can run Crysis yes there's no give way at this time guys giveaways are all done for the night we're at the end we're just installing we're installing our last driver and call it calling in to break and I'm gonna shut it down and we're gonna say goodbye there we go Bernie there we go thank you for the Robie hype it's not no it's not hi Pierre I know is it no no okay oh look at that OS is installed we're ready to go we can just basically I think the only other thing is I got it I got to do that goodbye one thing that's not mine I want gigabyte global products motherboard service and support x5 70 horas leet Wi-Fi go to utilities is what you want right here App Center well let me just draft this here this is so you can change all this grass change all this lighting yeah they think for now we'll just make it all orange cuz that makes the most sense and then we'll have that'll make the light go orange I do need a long sleep after this it's been a long it's been a long day it's all good I mean III enjoy the peace and then that way Raven can go to bed knowing that his PC is completely ready to go we're gonna take some pictures of it we always take pictures of the all the builds we do really good pictures and then we send them off hey yeah happy fourth of July to so many people oh it is oh it this is the wrong day this is not right like not it goes it goes that's right happy 4th everybody happy America's birthday what happened - what happened - who got what it what thank you very much a typical male installing the new app center she's always a little slow no there it is yeah gigabyte Dobbs so the only thing I really kind of put in here is I put the go down hey I want to install the so the only thing I care about is this I'm not gonna install this or this or this or this or the backup but I will install the fusion you can do the other ones it will let you like update your bios and stuff like that which is cool I'm all I usually I usually do that before I'll do that before I ship it though I had an interesting thing where I updated the BIOS the other day I updated the peipus yesterday and it bricked my system I had to like do a cue flash bios to get it to work again it was brutal here we go now we're gonna make it all and then we'll end it with all orange here we go it all match - to the GPU yeah let's go everything orange didn't go the right orange there you go or sarin nobody I don't I don't think I have to do IQ I might have to do IQ o there you're there you'll apply no I might have to do IQ for that one dang it I was hoping not to hey those are all fine no that's unfortunate okay we'll have to do IQ for that one will install IQ real quick then get the RAM to give you the right color forgot me sometimes like that's one of things I like about the fact that uh or Asus will work with IQ I'm hoping that more companies will just let you use IQ because then he just goes Olli honestly most of the RGB control software is terrible it just didn't know it just its corsair it just happens yeah I know Santa me like a messiah like mystic light is some of the worst I agree swampy IQs not bad like it's in terms of just it's the ability to do a bunch with it is it's cool that's one things I like about IQ is just how easy it is I mean how much customization you have but if you're not gonna use all Corsair stuff it's just kind of weird I like I wish that you're just like this makes the RAM orange please you know I mean I haven't actually used it which is funny like I haven't I've never actually used Oris Ram yeah absolutely it is absolutely completely green and polychrome is also pretty bad I think polychrome though you can use with chroma which is nice oh man but that dude you have to admit swampy that their commander software was terrible like the customization that you get the customization that you now when you use IQ is better than what you used to have with the commander yeah I agree atypical of that that's I mean that's that's usually some of the smartest moves because like you really not Icelandair not what anyone in the fusions there the set the thing I'm worried about is that we might end up with oh yeah we might end up with a fight between the two this is the part that kills me but I mean I can uninstall one of the things I'll do is let him play with it if you have problems with your stuff by the way I would say I would recommend prostatic color and I'll do Orange let's do orange there you go then a little bit more red orange there we go all right that's better that looks good there we go look at that so I end it with this and call it from there okay so we're gonna unplug we're gonna turn this off and we'll end with the PC all set up and looking nice and then call it a night so I want to give a big shout-out to everybody specifically to rave and congratulations on your new PC we're gonna get we're gonna obviously we're gonna do some buy it we're gonna do a BIOS update first I'm gonna read a bank sure the bias doesn't do what it did to me I do a BIOS update make sure that's good to go and then take some pictures on Monday and it'll go out next week congratulations to Raven on being another one another one of the happy I hope happy Robie tech customers and then we'll and then we like I said we may stream there may be a stream there may be a stream tomorrow it's gonna be sometime in the next three days the latest probably Monday so we get we have one more bill that we got to get done yeah there we go look at that yeah it came out beautiful well you guys went it well in with a little like the green I wish you could change the lights for the GTX but let's turn the lights a little bit and then we'll say our goodbyes I wish you could get like a little bit of like this side views and get that that front the front looks really good come on okay here we go come on come on there goes there we go you get that all orange glow there how do you think of that that looks really good yeah I'm West Coast I'm in Seattle okay guys oh yeah you could do it that way okay guys well I hope you had a great time enjoying the show my name is Roby tech we are back no matter what late is Wednesday next week have an absolutely awesome awesome July 4th be safe don't blow your hands off and we will see you guys sometime in the next three or four days bye [Music]
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 104,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, pc build, pc building, robeyetech, robeytech, robytech, tech, technology
Id: D5ye3PpXSDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 58sec (13498 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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