How to Build a Baseball Cap

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hello everyone in this tutorial video i will show you how to construct a baseball cap from existing pattern and place it around the head of the avatar so before placing the patterns around the head of our avatar what we're going to do is create different types of fabrics that will represent the different components that are part of this baseball cap because as you know some parts are going to be a little bit more rigid than others and some others are going to be made out of plastic for example the little back strap so we need to create those materials beforehand that way we don't have to do that afterwards so i'm going to start by bringing some fabrics from my library so here i'm going to go into my fabric folder and i'm going to choose a couple of them so let's say that i want to choose a fabric for this front part so i'm going to pick maybe some kind of well we have a fabric called trim hardware which is made basically a fabric made for all of the different um or it's a fabric that represents all different kinds of really stiff and rigid parts so i'm going to select this one so it's going to be this one so i'm going to pick it drop it into my fabric tab in the object browser then for let's say the core fabric the ones that are going to consider the part that's going to be around the head i'm going to select a heavy canvas so here i'm going to look for my heavy canvas like that so here i have my cotton heavy canvas so i'm going to like this one place it here and then for the last part which i'm going to add is going to be this plastic fabric so because we don't really have a plastic i'm going to select something that is kind of stiff like that maybe somehow something like a leather so we or we could make even this trap at the back leather um that could be quite interesting so i'm going to select this one the trim full grain leather and i'm going to drag and drop it in my fabric tab here like that so i have my three main fabric which i'm going to use um on this whole baseball cap so once we've added um those new fabric in our fabric tab in the object browser now we can place them or assign them to the different patterns in our workspace so i'm going to close first my library here so have more space and i'm going to start to assign my fabrics to specific patterns so for the most rigid pattern so this one and i'm also going to make the front part of my cap rigid so this one and this one i'm going to assign my hardware fabric so this one so i assign here so now this hardware is on those three patterns for the core fabric so the cotton heavy canvas i'm going to assign those um other patterns so here the little top part as well as the band that's going to be inside my cap so here the cotton heavy canvas i'm going to assign and then for the last part so the little strap at the back these two i'm going to select and i will assign the full grain leather fabric that we have here so now that we have assigned all those fabrics i can start arranging the patterns around the head of the avatar so we might not arrange all of the patterns we might do a little by little so the first patterns that i'm going to start to place are going to be um the core so the ones that are going to go around the head the most evident ones so here i will go and focus on my avatar's head and here keep my patterns of um focus in my 2d window so here i'm going to bring my arrangement point so i select the show arrangement points option and i'm going to start to place the patterns around my avatar head so as you see here i don't have arrangement points that goes all around my avatar head so there's going to be a few tricks to follow in order to place the patterns properly so i'm going to select both of my fronts like this so this two and i will place it let's say um on my back but what is going to be nice is once i place them on my on the back in my property editor i will go all the way down and here you see that you can change under the arrangement tab the position of the y and the x so i'm going to change the position of the x and you see that they're going to slide and i can slide them to my front so the front will be a value of 50 like that and now you see that i have my patterns that are on the front properly placed and if i want i can even select them again and if i want to place them a tiny bit more up then here i select my position y and i just move it a little bit more up like that two maybe something like 90. here we are so then i can place my back so the back is a little bit easier so i can select both and select the arrangement point that is on the back as well and this time i don't need to move it to the front so i just need to change maybe the position y so then i can bring it up a little bit like that and if i want i can also change the offset if i want it to be a little closer to the head so here i'm going to make it a little closer like that and you see now that i can if i have a value of something like 26 that um the patterns are closer to the head of the avatar i could have done also the same thing for the front but i think for what it is it's okay so then again just select my side so this one here i will place it on my other on my right hand side i can do the same in my property editor when my pattern is selected i go down and i change the position of the pattern here so i go to 88 something like that or i can go to 90 in my position y and i can also make it a little closer to the avatar's head and by changing the orientation so here oh not the orientation sorry changing the offset so here i bring it a little closer and last part so this one same thing i place it on the arrangement point right here and i can change the position y make it a little bit more up so i placed it at 90 and change the offset and make it a little closer to something like maybe 29 or 30. that's okay so once that is done then we're going to simulate for this first part after sewing but for the remaining pattern so these ones we're going to add after so first please select all of those patterns here and we're going to freeze them so that they don't fall on the ground so i select them all i do a click right here and then in my right click menu i select the option freeze and now we can start to do the sewing of those core pieces so first let's remove the arrangement points because we're not going to need them at the moment we'll bring them a little later maybe but here we don't need them anymore and we can start to do the sewing so here i'm going to select my free sewing tool which is located right here so i select it and i'm going to start to sew each side together so the sewing is quite simple i just go from all the way up to all the way down here the same all the way up to all the way down i do same on the other side all the way up two all the way down here again then the other one here from up to down up down then i jump to the back so here my back i say i go up down here up down and then i can go so here it's a little bit more tricky but not too complicated so i go from this side and then i'll go all the way on the other side here so i'm going to go from here up down and then here up down and then the last one that i didn't do here so i go all the way up down up and down so here we are so we have our pattern that have been sewn together which is quite good so um in order for it to have a nice shape um when simulating what i'm going to do is i'm going to select those patterns and strengthen them so the strengthen option is quite useful when creating such accessories because it's really going to keep the shape quite rigid so it's going to make it look very nice so here i'm going to click right on it on one of the pattern that has been selected and i'm going to select the option strengthen like that once it's strengthened then i can simulate and now you see that my cap has been placed properly around my avatar's head and so if you want you can replace it a little bit so that it looks better like that and in my case you see that the ear is a mixing a little bit so i just have to pull it here and pull it there so because this kind of accessory is also quite small compared to a garment you see here that um my some parts of my cap is kind of mixing with my ear and that's just because the mesh or the resolution of the pattern is um quite low because those patterns are quite small so which means that it doesn't have enough information to know how it properly drapes so with those patterns that we've already placed around the heads what i would suggest is to select them all and to lower down the resolution partially so not go completely to five which is a high resolution um um i would suggest to go halfway between 20 and five and change here the particle distance from 20 to 10. that's going to already help you a little bit define the shape in a way that's a little bit easier to work you know and gives you a better idea so once that is settled then we can go on and add the different parts so i'm going to start with the front part as i'm going to do the front part at the end um because this one is a little bit more tricky i mean it's we need to do a little bit more um let's say intricate drapes so that it really has this curved aspect that you see on baseball cap so first what we're going to do is we're going to start with the um back closing because this one is easy and we can work on the details and then afterwards add the band that is gonna be on the inside so first let's place um those two uh little pieces right here so i'm going to stop my simulation and i'm going to select my sewing tools as well so here i'm going to take my free sewing tool and i'm going to stitch this first part here so go from the bottom to the top and here from the bottom to the top so i'm going to stop my blue dot so that it has the right dimension i'm going to do the same on the other side from bottom to top here and bottom to top so now that we've created this first sewing connection for both patterns here i'm going to unfreeze them so i will select them with my selection tool i will select both of those pattern here with my shifts key i will click right and then in my right click menu i'm going to select unfreeze but of course make sure that the simulation is off otherwise the pattern piece are going to try to quickly go onto the baseball cap and it might bring some bad collision so once that is done here i can select both of my patterns again both of those with my shift key and what we are going to do is click right and select the superimposed side option which um it will place the those small patterns to the side where the switch connection exists so here i select superimposed side and now as i see it places the pattern somewhat okay so this one i'm just going to bring this one a little bit out so that it doesn't merge with the other one here and once that is done then i can simulate and as you see here we have our closing that is connected to um the core part of our cap but as you see here again the pattern is not very defined and that's because it's very small so what we need to do in order to have a better idea um is to lower down um the particle distance so to make the resolution higher and because this is quite a small element it's not a really big gown that we're creating it's not really going to affect the speed of our project file so you're still going to be able to work at a nice space so here i'm going to select both of my patterns and i'm going to go up in my property editor and here lower down the particle distance from 20 to 10. so for now i can just place everything to 10 um for those just because it's um it's a good average let's say so once that is done then i can simulate make sure that they're well in place and then um so here let's say that i want it to be closed so that um i have usually in those cases i have little like bumps that allow us to close both of those straps together so what i'm going to do is i'm going to trace um those little circle here as a new pattern piece and then stitch them and create the effect as those are like little um dents or little teeth coming out so here i'm going to select my trace tool so select your trace tool select then all the circles around so i could just draw a box around all of those circles right here and we're going to trace them as internal lines so here i just either press enter or you can just click right on one of the highlighted line here so i click right and select the option trace as internal shape so now it will become internal shapes and we can select those shapes and because we want them to be a little bit embossed we're going to create new pattern piece which we're going to um which we're going to stitch on top of those internal shapes so here select them all click right on one of them and select the option clone as pattern and now you see that i created new patterns like that which then i'm going to stitch on those internal shape so here i use my free sewing tool and i will stitch them around so it's a little bit more manual work like this but it will create the desired effect so here i go around with my free sewing tool here i click and i click and i click so also one trick if you want to be really fast you could also double click here and double click there and you see that it will go around and why double clicking is because eventually you're starting and you're finishing on the same point so you're click creating two clicks so which is why you can just double click and double click and it will have the same result so here i double click i double click i double-click and i double-click so once that is done then i can select them all again all of those sewn tiny pieces so here i will select them all and here in my um 3d window on this on the yellow square of the gizmo i will click right because this is just a gizmo of that selected low selected piece i will click right and select the option superimpose over and now as we as you see here they have been superimposed over which is quite nice i can just simulate and now here we see that they're placed but again because this is really small really small pattern piece um and we see that it's not really well defined what we can do is lower down the particle distance of those pattern piece and because these are even smaller than the rest of the patterns we can even go down so sometimes when the pattern pieces are really that small sometimes i tend to lower down even more than five so here i can lower down to three first very small pattern piece like this three is actually quite a good number so here i lower down the particle distance to three so you see that when i change the value here um to something that is less than five uh particle distance you have this pop-up menu that or pop-up window that will ask you are you sure to you want to lower to five you just need to say yes and then it will lower down the particle distance to three um because here then as we want it to be a little bit more thicker we can add also some thickness to those patterns so i'm going to select them all again and i'm going to change the thickness rendering here from zero to two but as you see here they're very rounded so uh what needs to be changed in order for them to be not as rounded is we need to change the curvature percentage so if you are here what's you see that in the property editor when all those are selected if you go a little bit more up you can change the curved side geometry and under that you have curvature percentage so if i lower down so here let's say i put it to 75 you see that this curve becomes more less intense so i can change from 75 again to 50 and see and this looks a little bit better and i can keep it up to 50 and if you want we can even go down to 40 um and it looks all right um so yes so once i've done that then i can let's say that i want this to be closed that was the initial idea let's say that um i want to close each one of those little bit that is sticking out to the corresponding um other plastic closure so what i'm going to do is i'm going to stitch those so this part with this one this one with the other one and etc so i know in real life it's not supposed to be stitched but um that way in 3d we can create the appearance of it to be closed so here i'm going to go and start my stitching with my free sewing tool so same again i'll go from here a double click here double click there and you'll see that they will be stitched together and you just have to be careful because here you see that my notch or my stitching notch are in a different direction so i just need to be sure to reverse it so i can do ctrl b once this is already selected so here before starting another line i hear i say control b and you see that they're both going to be in the same direction so here again i double click then double click i see that those are in a different direction so to ctrl b to reverse and here they're reversed double click double click here i do ctrl b and it's reversed same thing here double click ctrl b double click ctrl b and double click ctrl b so once that is done then we've done all of the necessary stitching so what we can do is we can use our selection tool and we can just use the gizmo to place them so that here our sewings are not going to create some intricate collision so here i'm just turning it a little bit like that so that i'm sure that the sewings are not intersecting each other like this and then once that is done then i can simulate and we have done our closure properly as you see right here so this part is done and now we can jump and add let's say the little top part here or the on the top of my cap so this one is quite easy as well so here we have it in our 2d window the pattern so um in the 3d window we can unfreeze it because at the moment it is frozen so i'm going to stop my simulation and here in my 3d window i select it i click right and i unfreeze so in my 2d i can start to stitch it around so because here it's one long line that is going to be stitched around with multiple lines this one this one this one this one this one so i could have to do it in with different options so either i use the blue dot or i can use a 1 2 m sewing so to make it more clear and easy for you to follow i'm going to use the blue dot so here i use my free sewing tool and i'm going to start on the shorter segment and link it to the longer one so here so click from left to right and i'm going to start from here so here and then i stop on my blue dot so here from left to right i start where i left and i start by my blue dot here from left to right and here from where i left and i start stop at my dot here from left to right then i jump again here where i left and to my blue dot then here from left to right then here i jump where i left to my blue dot and the last one which is all the way on the other side so here from left to right so always the same direction and here from where i left to my blue dot here we are so we stitch everything and now with the selection tool i can select this little top part click right and then select the option superimpose over so now you see that it has been superimposed over i can simulate and you see that this part is right on the top so when it's right on the top so what i can do is because as you see it's still quite angular because we didn't lower down the particle distance so what i can do is lower down the particle distance so i select this the little pattern piece and i lower it down to five because it is quite small and then i can simulate again and you see that now it's it's a little bit better and because in general on the cap this kind of piece is a little bit more elevated or embossed so what we're going to do is we're going to add a thickness so that it creates the desired effect so i'm going to select that piece and here in the thickness add thickness rendering i'm going to make it the value a little higher and maybe make it to three let's see what it how it looks like three looks good maybe even higher four four looks all right as well i can keep it too far it looks quite good yes so once that is done then we can move on and add um the last bit before adding the front part which is um this band that will go inside uh my cap so i can stop my simulation and start to add the band so here what i will do is i will add um the band um that is supposed to be on the front so this one i can [Music] unfreeze it so here i select unfreeze this one same thing click right and unfreeze so i'm going to start with this one so this time i'm going to stitch the long segment with multiple smaller segments using the 1 2m technique so i select my free sewing tool i start by the longer segment so that's going to be this one so i go from right to left and once i've done this first sewing line i press my shift key and i stay pressed until the end and i'm going to start to stitch the multiple smaller segments so here i'm going to do the same um direction so from right to left so here click right click to to your right by using your left click sorry click left then i click i click but of course this my shift key is still pressed so here click and then click so here when i'm finished with that line here i then release my shift key like that and you see that you stitch all of these different components this line to those different pattern in a way that distributes the length evenly so then the last part that i can add is going to be this one so from i can go this time from left to right and here i'm going to go from left to right so here click left i press my shift key so that i can link this segment and the other one on the other side as you see here then click left then i stay press on my shift key here i go from the right to the left and then once i've finished this line i can release my shift key and here we are so now that we've done that so we're going to superimpose this patterns these two patterns under so that it's really creates this pen that goes around the head but before doing that because we need the patterns to be folded on the lines that we've sewn so we need to select our edit sewing tool here select the lines that we just created so those two lines and then turn the sewing line type so that way those patterns will stay properly under this part that goes around the head so here then i select those two patterns i click right on one of them and i say superimpose under and now you see that the patterns have been properly placed under and if i hide my avatar you see that they're right there properly here so before simulated what we can do is we can also strengthen those patterns so that they go around and they stay stiff properly so here i select this pattern and this pattern here i click right on one of them and i select the option strengthen what i can do is because this is also still on a high or like a like lower particle distance um or like a lower resolution i can lower down the particle distance number so from 20 to 10 so that it has a higher resolution and finally what i can do so as you see here the little bits is not stitched together so i can stitch those together so this one and this one for example so here i'm going to select my free sewing tool for example you could also even use your segment sewing tool it's okay so i'm going to go from down to the top and here from top to down because that way i kind of reversed the sewing lines and then i'm going to do the same on the other side so from this here to this one part so i'm going to go up down and this down up that's just because actually i reversed so you see here i started i stitched my um my band from the top to um from the top part instead of the bottom part so this is why here i'm switching just because it's actually the pen is reversed so this is why it can be a bit confusing and this is just a way i did it because then that way i understand better that this is going to be folded in so when that is on then you can simulate and they're going to be stitched together properly so then what remains us to stitch is going to be this front part of my baseball cap so i'm going to the stitching is quite simple so i'm going to stitch it or to unfreeze it first sorry so here i select it with my selection tool i click right and then select the option unfreeze then i can stitch it to my front part so here i have a point in the middle so i'm going to start from the middles and go to the external parts so here i'm taking my free sewing tool i go from the middle to the external part and why i'm doing that is because some part of this is going to actually be on the side pattern so which means i will have to link multiple segments so here then i will press my shift key to do the 1 2 m technique and then i'm going to start from the middle click left here click left and then i'm going to jump to this click left and then here stop at the blue point click this and then release my shift key i'll do the same on the other side from the middle to the side here then i press my shift key click left then click left and i jump here click left to the blue point right here click left and i release my shift key so once that is done then i can select this pattern click right and select the option superimpose sides and this of course is not going to always be placed properly so what i can do is i can just replace it a little bit manually so i just bring it a little bit out and i can strengthen that pattern here so i click right strengthen so that it replace itself properly so here you see that it will go down eventually and start to place itself somehow pretty good but we're going to um kind of tweak those angles the sewing angles a bit so that it looks a little bit more as if it's really a bit more extreme the curve so here i'm going to select my edit sewing tool and select the two sewing lines that i created so here we kind of want this kind of right angle that comes here but right angle is 90 degrees and that means that this part will go on the other side so the re the inverted value of 90 degrees 245 so here on those selected line i'm going to assign a fold angle here of 245 because it's going to be folded towards the right of the front of the fabric to the front so you see here it's a little bit more um defined so here if i go back to 180 you see that it starts to curve a bit more which is not what we want and 240 it's a little bit more defined like that so once we've done that so let's say that usually for a baseball cap here it's a little bit more curved so we can create this curvy aspect using the tack tool so this tool is quite used for a lot of accessories like also bags and with this what you can do is you can select different parts of a pattern and decide how what is the distance between those two parts so here i can select i can go a little bit down have a view that is from the bottom here select two parts of this side and then this side i see here um in my 2d window that is kind of a line and i can change the thread length so i see here that when it's straight is one it's 14.45 centimeters so i can lower it down to 13 and let's see what happens so here i lower it down to 13 the thread length and then when i simulate you see that this gets closer so here if i lower it down to 12 or you see that now it gets way closer so which is maybe something that we want like that so if so that way then you can really curve your um the front part of your baseball cap according to how you want it to be basically sometimes i also tend to add one here to here so that it kind of stays up a little bit so we can definitely do that so here i select another tack i'm going to add it from the middle point here to there and i'm going to define the distance so it's approximately 10 centimeters from having trying it a little bit multiple times so you see here they will always remain um the distance at 10 centimeters so which means that they will kind of keep it standing uh which is can be have the effects that you want here so here i can also put it at 11 let's see and you see how here that it will push it down so here 10.5 it will bring it a little bit higher and then 10 which is was what i had and here i can also place it at 9.5 and you see it's a little higher but i think 10 was all good um a good length oops not 0 10 like that all right so this is um set again as you see here that the pattern is not really well defined so what i can do is i can lower down the particle distance so here from 20 to 10 so that it has a smoother edge like that and then i can simulate and here this looks a little bit better so here we have basically um the core um the core shape of our baseball cap so now we are ready to add all of the different top stitches and materials to to it i will first start by creating the different top stitches so let's go with the one that seems a little bit more evident which is going to be the ones that are right here so for that um keep the air coming in the hat so this is usually very tight uh top stitches so we're we're going to create a new top stitch line made out of the bark tack style so i'm going to go into my top stitch here and i'm going to add and i will call it bar tack this new one that i created so here i'll call it bar tag and let me change the style of the shape so here shape i'm going to select the bar tack shape and i can also change the color so let's say that i want it to be a little bit more a different color so here i can add it make it blue let's say could be interesting like that this blue which i'm going to add here and let me also change the offset so here i can change the offset and place it at zero like that so let's see how it looks like first so i'm going to add it here so first what i would need to do is i need to change this line here which is a baseline into and trace it as an internal line so i'm going to select my trace tool select all of those baseline here with my shift key so i'm selecting them all at once that way it's done here and then here and i'm pressing enter to trace them as internal lines so now i can add the bar tag on it so i'm going to select my free top stitch tool and i'm going to add the bar tag so i go all around to add the bar tag so here to here so i see it's not long enough so what i can do is in my bar tag i'm going to change the width here and make it long so that this part goes all the way and touch all the way the edge so i'm going to change to maybe set one 0.7 and see how it looks like and yeah that looks quite good or maybe it's a little too much let's see if 0.6 is better you have 0.66 can do the can do the trick or 0.5 let's see 0.5 can be good so i can add a second bartek line around where there is the hole so here i'm gonna select my free topstitch tool again go around and i added the second part tag so creating some kind of different effects that can be more or less cool but here i see maybe that's a little bit not um a little bit too far still so i can change maybe let's see change the offset to 0.16 the way it used to be and this looks a little bit better already so i keep it at the normal distance which is 0.16 i'll do the offset by default so i can do the same on the other side so on all of those different patterns here and then add it on both internal shape so here on both internal ellipse like that so that it creates an effect that is a little bit more full i go around here and around here and there i go around and around and here as well around and around and the last one around and around like that so yeah and as you see i have all of my little holes that i've been created so once that is done then i can uh play around with the other top stitch so here i can also trace all of those baseline that will be useful to add top stitches so i'm going to trace them as enter line so i use my trace tool i select them all here i double click to select all of the ones that are linked together here then here here and then here and once i've selected them all i press enter so that i turn them into internal lines and i can create another new top stitch this one that's going to be placed on top of my internal line so here i select i clearly click on add and i'm going to add a new top stitch which i'm going to call single stitch and i say zero centimeter like that so on this one i can also change the thread thickness maybe so that it's you we see it a little bit more and i can change the stitch per inch to something that's a little longer so that it creates a different style but it doesn't you're not bound to do it you can use your own do your own style um all of it is good here i'm going to change the offset so that it stays on the line so i'm changing the value from 0.16 to 0 like that and i can also change afterwards the color so that it has the same blue color as the bar tag that i created so here i go on to color i double click and i pick the color that i saved so once that is done then i can um add one test line to see how it looks like so here i'm going to use my free sewing tool and i'm going to add it so here so let's see and it looks pretty good so i'm just going to continue with that to here and i'm going to add it on all of those internal lines so here and then here then i'm switching so this side and this side this side and this side and then around right here to zoom in like that around and let's see if there's something that i missed yeah on that side here and then here yes so here i added most of my top stitch which is nice or i believe so i'm just missing this one side here like that and then i'm just missing adding one touch top stitch around like this that can look good and also adding a top stitch some top stitch on to my uh front part right here so i can um create a new top stitch this time so i can just copy this one and i'm just going to add a different offset so that when i place it on this border it will go a little bit more up so here i select it i copy i'm going to rename it instead of 0 centimeter i can name it 0.5 let's see how it looks like and here i'm going to change down the offsets from 0 to 0.5 and i'm go again with my free sewing tool i will follow the edge so here so that looks quite a good offset and i'm going to add it around so here here here then here and here and then last bit which is this side right here and the lattice top last touch top stitch that i'm going to add is going to be on this front parts so here um sometimes it's styled with like some kind of embroidery or more top stitch than just one line so let's say that i want to add a different style that has five um top stitch a line uh next to each other so i'm going to select this line here or this single stitch here i'm gonna copy it this time and i'm gonna singles i'm gonna called five stitches and then one centimeter because it's going to be at an offset of one centimeter so here i remove and i'm going to change those settings so here the offset i'm going to switch that to one centimeter then i'm going to go all the way down and i'm going to in the under configuration number of line i'm going to add 5 and then the distance between each line i'm going to change that at 0.5 and now with my free top stitch tool that i can add these new lines around so here i'm going to go around here starting like that and like this and i didn't select the right top stitch but that's okay i can select this one and then add it here like that and for some reason it didn't add the five so which here i'm going to change again number line five differences so you see here that the effect that it creates so i'm going to say 0.5 and it's closer like that so yeah so this is quite nice this is what i want let's say that also let's want to change the offset because it's for some reason it stayed at oh it's because i went back yeah i have to go back a few times so i have to i guess i have to recreate it it's deleted itself that's okay so i'll copy this one i'm gonna call it five stitches um one centimeter and then i'm going to change the parameters so here one centimeter and at the bottom i'm gonna say five and here 0.5 in between each and so this one i can drag and drop it and place it here and now here you see that i have my stitches that have been added on top of my cap so yeah so we've added all of the stitches so now let's say that i want to fine-tune um the cap and add some kind of thickness here and there so that it looks a little bit more realistic so i'm going to select this and usually this part it's quite rigid and there's sometimes some kind of cardboard in it or some kind of rigid material so we can add some thickness to make it appear or to make the rigid part look a bit more realistic so here i'm selecting this pattern and i'm going to change the thickness rendering here to two and you see here it's becoming a little thicker which is nice i can select all of my other pattern pieces those here and also add a thickness but no need to add two because two is quite big so here i can also hide my avatar and select the band on the inside and i can add a thickness of 0.5 and that should do the trick and then the last part i can select those plastic bands and add a thickness of each for each of one so that they look a little bit more thicker as well yeah so we're pretty much done with that then we can also bring this whole cap on high-res mode because now we finish with all of the major construction detail so we can bring in high-res so for like accessories like this with different types of because we've changed the particle distance to some materials and others have remained too ten i prefer doing uh placing this cap in high resin manually so changing all of the different components myself because then i know i'm more in control of the stability of the simulation so here i'm going to select all of those big pattern piece this as well as this and these and change the particle distance here from 10 to five so that they're a little bit more defined once it's changed then i can simulate and once we've changed that then we can change now um the uh collision uh thickness collision so uh we didn't change any of the thickness collision of all of um of any of those patterns so what we can do is we can select them all at once this time and change the thickness collision as you see right here from 2.5 to 1 which is the one that we usually have in hierarismos and then simulate and you see that the patterns are closer together and then finally what i can do is i can change the skin offset of our avatar so i select all of the components all of the avatar by double clicking then i change the skin offset here from three to zero and then i simulate and now you see that the cap is a little bit more closer to the avatar's head so yeah so we're pretty much done so uh the last part so if you want we can also change the color of the fabric i will keep it simple and let it be white but or let's say i can make it uh get rid of the strength uh strengthen um aspect and yeah so then we can change if we want the color of of the fabric so here for example the front part i can make it some kind of nice color maybe black for example so i'm going to select my cotton uh my hardware and make it some something like maybe a dark grey that's good enough like that and then the back part i can put it something like maybe a light blue or something like that so i select this back part here color i can select a nice blue like that or maybe i'll just keep it some kind of off uh some kind of a white or like a lighter gray like this and let's say that i want to be a little bit more extravagant and here i want to keep this maybe put a blue so i can select the cotton heavy canvas here make a copy and then say cotton heavy canvas blue and then change the color of this one and apply this new fabric to this tiny pattern piece so then it's blue like that and maybe i can also do the same with some details on the inside so i can do the same i take both pattern and i change it to the blue cotton heavy canvas and finally for my my closures here so here it's in the full grain leather so let's say that i want to put it plastic so here i add this plastic material so that it has this kind of plastic reflection and i can change the color for example i'm gonna put it to the blue here so that it's um kind of stays the same as the top stitch and the small details but here we are we have done our cap and as you see it looks pretty um pretty nice it has a pretty nice shape and yes so here and so yes here we are so thank you a lot for watching this tutorial um and i wish you a good day you
Channel: CLO
Views: 15,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CLO3D, CLO, 3D, Virtual, Fashion
Id: sRYHwnMLkmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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