How To Build A Barndominium For LESS Than $100K!

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today i'm going to share with you how we built our barn dominium for less than a hundred thousand dollars yes i said that correctly how is that possible you may ask well i'm gonna break it down for you a little bit so in a previous episode i talked about how we moved to this property it had been abandoned for nine years and had this big old hay barn sitting here that i had envisioned into making it our home so i sketched the floor plan out myself so i saved money by not having to hire that part out with our building codes in our area it was it was good enough because it was actually considered a remodel or a renovation so we got the permit and we did all of the work i would say 90 of the work we did ourselves in the previous video i also mentioned how we had subcontracted out the hvac and the plumbing but everything else we did ourselves some of the ways that we were able to save money was not only by doing the work ourselves that's a huge thing the labor but a lot of the finishes so i knew i wanted shiplap for the wall finish but shiplap is very expensive and we have really tall walls and a lot of them so i had to get really creative to obtain the look without taking a big hit on the budget so i was in lowe's one day and i saw this exterior siding that came in a four by eight sheet and it had like vertical lines and this beautiful um finish on it that looked like barn wood and so i had this great idea that we would take that and we would rip it down on the table saw and make shiplap boards and so it worked perfectly it took a lot of uh took a lot of boards and hank was not very happy about that but in the long run it turned out wonderful it saved us tons of money and honestly when people walk in they always ask is that original to the barn because it looks like old barn wood but i painted it white so i also use that same siding in the ceiling i wanted a really big wow factor when you walk in and you walk into the room i wanted to have a really grand appearance so i decided to leave the trusses exposed and that also saved money because we didn't have to go buy beans especially as many as it would take for this big of a space so i decided to stain the trusses and stain the wood in the ceiling it took me a little over three months to do all that stained it by hand but it it really turned out great and that's just a huge huge focal focal point in the house in the dining area i wanted to open it up to give it like a larger appearance so we removed a wall and put a faux beam across the opening using actual old barn wood that we just wrapped two by twelves and so it makes it like it looked like a huge barn beam and i used the same siding for the ceiling in there but i left the trusses exposed but i painted those white along with the ceiling the same thing for our master bedroom now those two rooms had regular height ceiling they didn't have the really tall ceilings so by exposing the trusses that really opened it up and gave it an appearance of being taller and it was really at no cost because the trusses were already there so it saved us huge on that i've always wanted a fireplace in the master bedroom and so i was able to find a gently used three-way gas fireplace at a local habitat restore and it's it's perfect i have it um positioned right in front of the bathtub on one side and then facing into the master bedroom on the other so that was a huge savings there and you'd never know it wasn't it was not brand new the clawfoot tub that sits in our master i was able to buy that online and it is acrylic and not porcelain so it's lighter and it's less expensive and it's actually the second acrylic coffee tub that i've owned and i've never had any issues with it it's beautiful and you would never know that it was not a really heavy porcelain toe so another area that we were able to save money in was by doing our own tile work now i had a little bit of experience doing tile because i had done a backsplash in our previous home in a small bathroom so i kind of felt a little confident however our shower is like a six by eight and i was gonna have to build the entire floor and everything and i was a little bit concerned about that but you know we youtubed it figured out how to waterproof it properly build the floor properly and the past inspection so i guess i did it right we were able to tile that shower and we actually have three bathrooms in the house i've tiled all of them including our backsplash and you know it took some time but it was it was very much worth it i purchased most of the tile for our showers from a big box store when they had like a pallet special so i saved a lot of money in that area one area that i did splurge in though was our guest bath shower it's a really cool it's called a dreamline shower it's really cool like gritted but our guest bath is like five by six so it's a really really tiny bathroom but i knew we had to make a full bath work in there so i found that online as well and i waited until labor day or memorial day one of those holidays to purchase it when it came on sale and i saved huge we did install it ourselves but i will admit the first time we installed it upside down but we quickly figured it out and we were able to correct it and it's a really cool shower and our guests love using it so you can save a ton of money by purchasing the items that you need on the major holidays i made a list i knew everything that i needed even though we may not have been at that stage at that particular time in our building process i was going to need it right so i had the list and when those major holidays would hit i would go ahead and purchase that and it would save me tons of money i was able to get all of our appliances except for the refrigerator at lowe's during the labor day sale and i think i saved like fifteen hundred dollars by doing that the refrigerator on the other hand i saved huge on that i found it at a local goodwill store it is a ge monogram sub zero type counter depth however you want to call it refrigerator in perfect condition it was a 7 800 refrigerator that i was able to purchase for 900. i was so proud of that purchase because it's something that i could not have purchased and stayed on budget but yet i was able to get it at a great price i bought that way ahead of schedule like i said it may not be an opportune moment as far as the the place that you are in your building process but if you find a great deal like that you have to go ahead and get it the only thing is make sure that you have somewhere safe to store it until you're ready to use it i brought the refrigerator home we were still in the framing process it was sitting in the what would be our kitchen and hank was in the back and he was framing up in the master bedroom or bathroom and i was like sweeping because always was obsessive about the floor being dirty while we were building and i kept hearing this sound i'm like what is that sound and then i discovered every time he would shoot the nail gun and miss a stud or something that nail was going across and hitting my new refrigerator so i actually have three little dings in the door hank says it gives it character but i was like stop but anyway i'm still proud of that another great bargain that i found was our living room chandelier now that room is really tall i think the ceilings are like 21 feet so i knew it was going to take a really large fixture for that room i wanted something simple not very elaborate but still to to fill that space was was pretty pricey one day i walked into our habitat restore and i saw this gorgeous black broad iron wrought iron chandelier the perfect size 20 bucks yes i i could barely fit it into our explorer but i got it home and once i got it back to the house i looked up the name brand and the model that was on there it's a 1300 chandelier that i scored for 20 bucks so don't be afraid to shop your thrift stores your goodwill habitat restores like i mentioned because you never know what you're going to find you know how they say one man's trash is another man's treasure well those items aren't really trash because they're really good shape but it certainly was a treasure for me to find another great resource to find items is facebook marketplace i was looking on there one day just browsing through and i saw an ad for an original farmhouse sink and i was ecstatic so we were able to get both of the kitchen and the laundry room sinks who are they they have like the sideboards they're like heavy heavy original cast iron from 1920s and they are gorgeous i love them it's definitely a statement piece in the kitchen as well as the laundry room so i would suggest look on facebook marketplace you never know what you can find on there so in the plans i had drawn for the living room it was to include a two-story stone fireplace but after we got the bid it came in at twelve thousand dollars i knew that that just was not in our budget so again i had to get creative i bought an led fireplace off of amazon for 300 bucks mounted it on the wall and then we just simply framed up a faux chimney covered it in the same shiplap and it's absolutely beautiful now for the surround i wanted something to kind of look like antique brick but didn't have antique brick or the capability of installing it so we had pieces of barn wood beams that we had installed in our kitchen ceiling that we had left they were about this long and i just didn't have the heart to throw them away i knew i could repurpose them so we simply sliced one inch pieces of wood made wood bricks installed it onto a plywood backer board grouted the joints painted it white and if you did not know the difference you would think that it was white vintage antique brick it's just stunning i love it it's definitely a focal pla focal point in our home and honestly it's probably my favorite feature in the entire house we had to have barn doors of course so we took hollow core luan doors and trimmed them with one by fours and then i painted them black to give them a custom look and they turned out fabulous we also saved money on our kitchen cabinets we bought the box cabinets from lowe's they were unfinished i painted them black and we even made our own butcher block countertops using shelving so we got really creative there but they turned out great and we were able to save a lot of money by doing those things ourselves another way i was able to give a customized look was with our windows we purchased black windows from lowe's and then instead of painting the windowsills white to match the wall they painted them black and that really makes them pop so we saved a ton of money by doing a lot of the work ourselves and being frugal with our shopping going to big box stores and the thrift stores but yet still adding a lot of customized touches here and there in the end i had kept meticulous records i wrote down every single receipt every dime that we had spent we got our co and the grand total was 99 640 so we did it we did it ourselves and we stayed under budget so it's possible for you to do that i get asked all the time is there anything that i would change or do differently and i would have to say the only thing that i would probably change at this point would be add a split unit air conditioning instead of a single unit we do have a 5 ton and it does a fantastic job of keeping it heated and cooled with no problem but when we don't have guests upstairs it would be nice to be able to shut that off and not have to run the unit up there but other than that we love it and barndominium life is a great life
Channel: Black Barn Blossoms
Views: 428,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flower farm, flowers, barns, barndominium, barndo, garden, home and garden, blooms, seeds, plants, farmhouse, modern farmhouse, barn design, barndominium tour, flower garden, how to, how much does a barndominium cost, how much does a barn cost, how much does it cost to build a house, how much is it to remodel a house, barn conversion home, farmhouse remodel, how much does it cost, how much does it cost to remodel a farmhouse, barn conversion home rebuild, remodel barn, barn renovation
Id: WJxUEYXbqpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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