mini barndominium 24x50 cost how much

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how you doing everyone it's julie and kevin back here with another video uh this is on the mini barndominium uh this is the second part the first part we did right there was just to give j m a thank you shout out for all that they've done for us and this one here is to try to answer some of the comments that you all had about the mini barnum one of the main questions i get a lot is uh what size is it well the living quarters is 24 by 40. and that's about how many square feet 960 i think about 960 square feet and that's kind of the reason why i kind of labeled it as a mini barndominium it's less than a thousand square feet now we do have a front porch as we're sitting on right now that is 10 feet by 24 which is going to make a great place for us to eat breakfast in the morning or to just set out here and enjoy life and that's what we want you know the build was if you notice everything that we've done so far it's really low to the ground there's no steps there will be no steps going into this house uh when you go in the door it's about an inch maybe maybe three quarters of an inch to get in the door i don't even know if it's an inch yeah it may not be quite an inch but you know um i we're kind of building this as a retirement home uh both of our kids are now grown up we have four grandkids and uh you know we don't want something easy to maintain yeah something easy and easy to heat and yeah you know everything easy and uh and i know somebody's gonna say well do you plan on being in a wheelchair no i don't plan on being in his wheelchair i don't want to be in a wheelchair julie doesn't want to be in a wheelchair but everything in this house will be wheelchair accessible the doors on it are going to be 36 inches wide every door in the house including the bathroom the bedrooms and the washroom or utility room will be 36 inches wide the hallway will be 42 inches wide so that's a good size so if you was in a wheelchair just if you was you would be able to stroll right in there and go to the bathroom and do whatever you have to do throughout the whole entire house now not saying we want to be in a wheelchair so let's get that out of the way right now okay because i know that's going to come up a million somebody already asked yeah a lot of people ask me that and not only uh online but they've asked me that personally it never hurts to plan ahead yeah we're trying to plan ahead it's it's yeah because you know there's going to be a time in our life where we don't have the money to do something like this and it's going to get tough so hopefully at least ways it's not going to be tough to heat it or to cool it or for jewelry or just to maintain yeah just to take care of it pretty low maintenance i mean it's metal you just wash it down and yeah you know another question we got you know people are saying house coming there's no plywood anywhere how come there's no plywood yeah well it's all metal this is probably the best metal the heaviest gauge metal that you can buy for a structure like this and let me tell you if this thing's going to blow down there's a lot of buildings in the united states is going to blow down because there's millions and millions of them built exactly like this rick's rick has two buildings basically same thing yeah his is perfectly fine yeah you know and i don't know i never really showed you guys but just over the hill here you can see the uh cheat lake mountains now he's got a clear shot for the mountains just aiming right for his garage over there and all them wins come up through there and never has he ever had an issue and and as far as not having a foundation um you know a lot of these i don't see i know so many buildings that do not have a foundation are just perfectly fine but now we do have the foam board as we mentioned in the other video yeah it's just more like a vapor barrier no it's a frost barrier it's to keep the frost out of the house and if you notice when we built the front porch that's 36 inches out into the concrete that's to keep the frost from going down through and into the house and what was really nice is aaron set that up so when we put that foam board in there it literally attached to the floam board that went across the floor and that really yeah that was really nice because they're actually butted together there's no gap in between them so that turned out really nice now uh the the pipes that you've seen in the floor the plumbing all that uh pex line they call it pex line in there i'm um pretty new to that myself but uh i think we can make this thing work with a hot water tank and that's probably what we're going to heat it with we're going to heat the house with a hot water tank and i don't know if i'll look for one that's actually made for heating houses or just use a regular hot water tank i'm not sure on that you know it's just about like the blueprints we had for this place we didn't have we're just going with the flow we don't know we're kind of winging it you know we're just going to do it and if it works out it works out hopefully everything works out but don't then we'll just have to back up and start all over again and do what we have to do but uh any other questions you could think of [Music] the cost they weren't wanting to know what the cost was we'll get to the cost here in a minute now you know what they're going to have the rooms we're going to have two small bedrooms in the back both in bedrooms even though this is a pretty small structure both the bedrooms in the back are going to be 12 foot by 12 foot minus the walls okay so you know we're talking 11 foot something by 11 foot something we have two small bedrooms in the back and then we'll have a small uh laundry room and i believe them laundry room is going to be about 9 by 12 and then the bathroom should be around 9 by 12 and then the kitchen and the living room is going to be our biggest room it's going to be 16 by 24. now i don't know if you noticed in the front uh part where the kitchen in the living room is that's all cathedral ceilings so that makes it pretty high uh when you go through the front door it's going to appear to be a lot bigger because of the height of the ceiling which is basically all we wanted you know we wanted it to look pretty uh tall and um i know a lot of people are saying oh i can't wait to see the inside what we do to the inside you know everything that we do in here has to be up to code so we can't really do anything crazy i don't think i don't know it's all about learning that code and you know some people say well you know you're doing uh plumbing you got to learn the code if you're doing the wiring you gotta learn the code if you're building a house you have to learn all the codes and that's very hard for me to learn every single code but we wanna do some nice stuff in there but uh it's just uh we just want to get it done you know we know we're going to have drywall in there yeah probably most of it's going to be drywall what's the matter molly we might try to attempt uh some tile in the bathroom we never really laid tile before but we're going to do towel there's no doubt we're going to do that he's going to give us some pointers on us on it and show us how to do it so yeah at least we have somebody that has a little bit of knowledge about it now the laundry room will probably just keep the utility room just keep it concrete we have a nice drain in there in case something breaks it'll be able to go down the drain but the bathroom definitely towel we're going to do towel in the whole bathroom one crazy thing is is our our shower is going to be a little bit weird because our shower is designed to be four foot wide and eight feet long here we go again it's big enough to get a wheelchair in so and there's no lip so there will be no lip going into the shower you'll come straight off the the bathroom floor right into the shower with no lip and i think that's no door no curtain yeah it's just gonna kind of kind of go in around there's no doors no doors and no curtains nothing that you have to worry about to maneuver around oh should be a straight shot right into the shower now we're not going to build any benches in there or anything but what we might do is we if times get tough and we need to sit down and take a shower we could always go buy something and sit down in there so you can take a shot but hopefully that day never comes and it works out great for us but you know how hard it is right now we're living in a house if you buy groceries you got to walk up a set of steps to get into the house now you put your groceries away and now you want to put something in your freezer you got to walk downstairs into the basement yeah so everything you do in this house you're either going to walk up a set of steps or downstairs up and down to the basement just to do one load of laundry yeah yeah so now julie's not going to have any steps i don't know what she's going to do now all her free time she doesn't have to walk downstairs yeah so but yeah if you want to go to the bathroom the bathroom's clear upstairs you got to walk up close like just go to the bathroom so we'll be so happy to get rid of all the steps that's going to be great now it's going to take julie and i a lot longer to do the inside of this than what it did for the amish guys to build this house i wish it only took eight hours yeah oh nice you know it's just julie and i and winter is right around the corner it's cold absolutely you know so it's it's going to get cold and there's no heat in here work on it yeah we're going to try to push out the videos as many as we possibly can to keep it going uh keep the videos coming for whatever we can do and and i gotta tell y'all you're gonna see some stuff i might do that you may never do and you may think is a waste of money but you know that's just the way i want to do something because i'm a little bit maybe a little bit backwards as you've seen some of the stuff we did here everything that was done here i asked for you know if i did overkill on the trusses that's because i asked for that overkill it's not that they said do it this way that's what i asked for i asked for 24 inch center they don't try to talk you into anything you tell them what you want and they will work with you yeah so they might give you suggestions but you definitely don't have to do anything you don't want to do that's j m carpenter out of ohio we'll leave the link in the description down below we'll leave him a link and we'll leave a telephone number for you guys but uh you know it was really nice uh for what they did so we definitely want to leave comments for them so we're uh we got a lot ahead of us and i'll probably show you what the next video is going to be about and um we'll do that here in a minute now the big question was is how much did we pay for what we got okay you have to keep in mind we ordered this barndominium uh it's 50 total by 50 by 24. we ordered it right in the middle of the coven when that coven covered coven we ordered it right in the middle so the wood prices were through the roof everything was sky high and it wasn't like you know he gave us a price and he tried to adjust that price for what he thought it was going to be uh the price of the uh the build in case it went up any higher enough to raise the price on well where we got kind of screwed up is the wood went down but this metal went up yeah so it kind of worked out yeah it kind of evened it out so we ended up paying the same price uh what we discussed we ended up getting it for the same price but the total build with the concrete everything you basically see right here besides the plumbing you see in a couple plumbing videos we put the plumbing outside julie and i did that i paid separate for that we had forty three thousand seven hundred dollars in this build that's a pretty i mean that's really close 437 yeah 720 bucks or something like that but honestly i don't think that was a bad well worth it because i mean we probably could have built this ourselves but after doing the garage it took us all summer i don't think you got to work i don't think you guys realize we got that garage done two days before they bring this house yeah two days we built that garage we had two days before they were bringing the house and it took us forever because we started out with a log took it to the log splitter or the log or the sawmill and turned it into lumber so we could build a garage a lot longer than we expected yeah it took a lot longer but it was hot this year yeah we roasted in that garage but probably if it wasn't for doing the garage we we probably might have tackled this ourselves it would have just took us a lot longer yeah i think it would took a lot longer and i'm not so sure i could get it as straight as they can yeah yeah yeah i mean they did a great job on getting everything straight that was really nice so um i'll take you guys inside and show you around a little bit try to give you an idea where kitchen bathrooms and all that stuff's going to be not much to look at right now but our next uh video our next project is going to be some insulation so let's go inside and we'll show you the insulation we're going to be putting in and where we're going to put it and this is where i think you guys are going to say well are you crazy what's wrong with you so let's go check it out okay so the next project on the mini barnum is going to be putting this insulation in now what is the r by u on this i think it is 6.65 so it has an r value of 6.65 for the one inch so what we're going to do is i was back in this corner let me show this this space that this board has in here as you can see it goes behind this post see how that post is right there there's nothing in there and then when we build our walls they're going to come out to the edge here and it's a 2x6 wall there'll be insulation in here but no insulation behind this wall that six by six so uh i would really like to have that insulation behind there it's not gonna cost a whole lot of money well it didn't cost a whole lot of money for this whole entire stack and i'm going to get 6.65 r value on that wall and we're going to leave a little space a half inch gap we got this half inch insulation here we'll do the same thing we did in the garage we'll cut little strips and we'll put them behind it and we'll put them in the whole entire uh on all the walls and that is just a little extra added um insulation so it might yeah and that's not something you have to do either uh in this barn menu this is not something you have to do so you know don't hold us to it you have to do that you do not have to do that i just wanted that extra r value behind each one of the posts and you know what that's another thing you all asked about the post i was i got the guy's telephone number i'm going to try to go out there yeah yeah they were talking about the bottoms of the post i'm not 100 what's on the ball in that post but i'm going to try to find out and maybe this guy will do a little well we don't know what the stuff on the inside of the plastic yeah the wrap is it's like a it's almost like a shrink wrap on the bottom of the post and yeah i don't know what it is it's almost almost like a tar i don't know so anyhow that's the next project right there and i'll stand back here and try to get a little shot of where the cathedral ceiling is going to go as you can see these trusses here are all flat and as you come over to here you have the cathedral ceiling which is going to be nice yeah you know it's such a small space we wanted to you know feel as big as we could but you know we want to be comfortable so julie is actually standing in the bathroom you can see the drain is right there where the shower is going to be then the commode throne whatever you guys want to call it john yeah toilet it's right there uh so we're in the bathroom here and then straight over here uh you'll be able to go straight out this door into the hallway and then into this room here now this room here will be the utility room this is where the washer and dryer will be uh we'll probably have a freezer in there and then we'll have a hot water tank there for the hot water heater for the floor and we're probably going to do an on demand hot water through the taking the shower and washing the dishes because there's not a lot of space so we're gonna have one hot water tank we didn't want to have two of them so we'll probably do on demand for the shower and washing the dishes and stuff and then we'll do the hot water tank there for the uh heated floors so hopefully this heat the floor thing works good i'm kind of anxious to see that work yeah so and then back here we'll have there'll be a hallway here you'll have a small bedroom there and a small bedroom over there which is going to be pretty nice oh it doesn't look that big but to be honest with you if you all watched the build where julie and i picked up the 6 by 10 box trailer and we build it into a camper and if you can look inside there and see that it has bigger than a queen-size bed but smaller than a king and it has all the stuff that we put in it this big space here is giant compared to that no we don't need a lot it's just julie and i and like i said if it's easy to clean easy to get through the house easy to heat easy to cool that's the main thing and we're comfortable so uh we will be doing i i i know everybody talks about this you know some people say well rockwool insulation isn't good it may not be good for humans but it's good for my house okay but neither is any other insulation good for humans so we're gonna try to do the rockwool insulation that was our thing it's fireproof it's waterproof it's soundproof and that's what we're wanting so that's what we're going to do as far as the kitchen we don't know what we're going to do in there yet we know we're going to have a sink because we've got washed dishes other than that we'll figure it out as we go you know uh wood burner don't know that i'll put a wood burner in right away if i was to do one it won't be for a while right now we hope we're counting on the hot water heat i would like to have the wood burner in there but uh we'll see at least time will tell you know oh you never know we may even box the front porch in never know we have no clue what we're going to do we just know right now we have a pretty nice structure that we can to work on and it's a little chilly but you guys will all have to bear with us on the the time it takes us to get it done like i said we're not them young 20 year old amish boys it ain't going to happen that fast and we got to figure out everything as we go well and like you said deal with the code office yeah yeah everything has to be the code so it's it's definitely a little bit tougher so that's a little bit about what we're going to do with the mini barnum we would love to tell everybody thanks for watching the videos it's uh really been nice we've got a lot of hits on our first video or second one yeah it was a second one we got a lot of hits on it a lot of comments and just because we can't get to the comments right away please leave us a comment and a thumbs up it it really helps out the channel um and we try to go through the best that we can yeah we don't just have a barn dominium i have over 850 videos on youtube so it's really hard to get all of them answered so it like i said just please leave us a comment and a thumbs up if you'd like or a thumbs down if that's your choice that's fine with us uh so i would like to tell everyone thanks for watching the video don't forget to subscribe leave us that thumbs up or thumbs down till next time
Channel: Robinson Homestead
Views: 479,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Robinson, kevinrobinson6688, keep it real and clean, rusty rooster homestead, how to build a homestead, off grid, homesteading, homestead, mini barndominium 24x50 cost, how much does it cost to build a mini barndominium, how much does it cost to build a barndominium, Mini Barndominium, mini barndominium, barndominium build, how to build a barndominium, cost how much, how much it cost to build a barndominium, barndo, barndo build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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