How To Break My Strongholds | Leon Du Preez

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come on let's give Jesus a praise on [Music] come up raised in church [Applause] a bit of my [Music] obviously it's abuse it's a little bit long but I want to share something that is just that um I haven't prepared or anything I'm just going as the spell or lady I had other notes but I don't as a rule I do not prepare for I for Sunday's nights mostly Sunday mornings even as well I I don't prepare at all and hoping or trusting and knowing that it is that it is that it will be straight from heaven are you guys with me go with me to Luke chapter number 8 on the screen you chapter number 8 verse 26 [Music] so with your reputation I have lost mine long ago otherwise I would not be able to be used by God ah he is with me God does not anoint reputation he anoints character I'm gonna sail again he does not anoint reputation what people think of you here knots character are you guys with me he looks at what is going on behind closed doors he looks at a person's hearts and he says that person is hungry or they don't care what people think of him they are they please no people they don't care about the reputation which means I can use them for my glory are you guys with me religion tries to conform us into a identity that you are not insist you your only acceptable if you are this way if you are God am i speaking to my enemies or or people with me yeah okay I was recently told that you know I'm a false prophets because of how I dress something is a wind since when do we determine the gift of God's by somebody's dress coat are you guys with me fashion is once as much as what dressy will make you either a brothel or a false prophet is this is the same as what you sleep in your garage and you become a common type of common sense but we have pointed to that and say look that one is like this or that they are fake and false and the and the body of Christ has been done home because where we are supposed to feed our people or preach the name of Jesus Christ from the pulpits we preach other names are you guys with me and in Centurion as you know that we brought in sin shouldn't first 3 years ago and then we came in the churches they successful it is going swamp but one thing I refused to do was submit to the pressure of ministry where it would either destroy my family or the opinions of ministers in fact either word gets they will get so upset because I would refuse to go to a post as for journals and when I would send my two are in the once and I looked at all these posters and none of them even raised their hands in worship and then I said no I'm gay I sent my team and then they went once or twice and then they don't wanna go it is a sad state of affairs when the congregation members have more discernment or worships God more then I posted us Eloy which sets and he saw Hannah weeping at the altar begging because she was barren are you guys with him and Eli thought to himself this woman must be drunk because her lips are moving but she's not speaking but he failed to have discernment was sensitivity of perception to know that she's having an encounter with God and what he called drunkenness was her speaking to God are you guys with me sir when you fool to such a state that your perception no longer can see where your perception looks and see somebody encountering God you said that is of the devil or they are being fake or false or this how many times have we been have we been accused of witchcraft not by Satanists or people out the world by ministers we had somebody writing a book and putting a chapter in about me and ours like I if I make them money then it's probably okay you know and and I won't tell you the name because all of you will know the name so let's rather keep that one silent and I just said I said to to the person and obviously they're sending me voice notes attacking threatening me minister are we live now okay so I can say what I want to say you know I showed ya I showed you yesterday conversations of the people that they look up to and that they think I to me it look at what the people would say you know when you are a profit making no mistake that profits can recognize other prophets and you know and and I saw this person obviously writing a book about Ottawa to waste time on them and it is a sad state in a sense that a face I think my wife and I wanted to welcome him and just be friendly you know when they came to our church visiting the one since in children and they walked out obviously after being free with us a fake on this side I think because we gently mean meant it in our hearts and the next thing I see a book written a chapter I decided that I did this I thank God for them because God is using them to increase the anointing on my life aureus using them to chisel me and to you know Jesus said you must be persecuted if your gospel has not gotten you into persecution your gospel is not a real if your Christianity if family members have been pointed at you and say you have changed everything about you is different something is wrong then you must know that you have not love Christianity yet but when they say look you know you're getting weird or super spiritual you have not lived a Christian life if a finger has not been pointed to you and say look you know you're faking miracles or this or that listen look because somebody's faking miracles doesn't mean everybody's doing it I don't blame us for what other people are doing and those who prophesy I said somebody said to me accuse me they said you know I I asked the people and information we get the people before and information I say don't you think at least one person we prophesied after over the how many are the lost three years would have come to the body and said something but there is something there is the gift of God is Virginian it is not determined by how you dress or by how you are how you're talking in fact the more genuine it is the more jingyan God would use you the more Jinyan your speaking is without putting on a mask or a pretense the more the gift of God will flow he's looking for no hindrance or limitation as I said to desorber stuff but it's not too tough for us I think the problem that to bestow upon me is that I'm not preaching here for money we have money meaning it's you know we are going we are here with no intention I remember the first day I whip on essentially somebody came huge gift I think it was like a hundred grand and now you must understand the church was we just want it small and then it was three months of it packed out the place then we went bigger and so on and and just said look I want to let you know this is the money that I give this is how much I will give every month and we just want to let you know that is what we so you know I just rolled my eyes and my thoughts okay they're gonna expect me to jump to there to there whatever [Music] and when as soon as we didn't do as they expected they huffed up often puffed up and left and you know and then they were tithing and I thought oh my goodness people on my team are starving more than that you know that were not even having their own businesses and the church many times you know it's amazing we say you know the wolf will come in Shepherd's sorry the wolf will come in sheep's clothing but it doesn't say the wolf will come in Shepherds clothing it says the wolf will come in sheep's clothing so we are quick to to say that this order or that will happen meaning that you know this person is fake this person is false and we're doing it at our own peril not knowing the fact that we say it means is the judgment of God on us I read this morning in the book of Isaiah where where God is saying look you look at the prophet and you say that it is a mania in fact you look at the the you look at those who are anointed and they are Romaniacs you say this you look at the Prophet you say is a fool he's foolish or is fake it is and God is speaking look he's saying you're looking at a real prophet but you say it's fake when I people do it you must know it judgment illumination because as soon as they speak against any anointed person and I see it this morning how many of you are anointed ok leaders just like the others are doubting but for you have this anointing inside of you to teach you in all things are you guys with me the anointing is available for every person but it is the anointing that is your protection so when the scripture says do not touch my anointed and do my prophets no harm it is not saying only ok you know what these are just these fake prophets that are trying to do this or that or whatever no no no no he's speaking of the body of Christ saying yes prophets do they know how meaning don't even think of doing them home touch not my anointed you have to physically touch them but harming means you're just thinking of doing something wrong so he puts profits on a higher level but it's saying look it's the anointing that protects the fact that I place my anointing upon you if that somebody touches you they are touching me see the Spirit of God are you guys with me because the anointing is a part of God that is on you but you have to believe in yourself or have boulders for that anointing to come Acts chapter before verse 13 and they said the Bible says that when they saw the boldness of Peter and John they knew that they were uneducated and untrained men and they realized that these men had to be with Jesus they had to be as spending time with Jesus because some anointing rubbed off on them and one of the signs of that anointing is poultice when the anointing comes on you it'll be mistaken for pride or arrogance are you guys with me David walking to Goliath and his brothers the Saints him look what is this pride in your heart that you've come here down to the battlefields and sang these words that you have lived your little sleep that you have lived your small little church and this pride in your heart that you've come David looked at Malaya that he said he said for accomplishing squat okay 40 days Goliath is hurling insults and intimidation of threats by his words and Israel is just sitting in meetings discussing okay how are we going to do that you know what no one taking action David says comes he says look I could take him out but survey but he said how much will you pay me which means are you guys with me I'm teaching your Bible to you so he says but what shall be given to the man done for the man who takes our Goliath so now you will have you can marry the king of the daughter of the king you can you'll be friends with Jonathan best friends with the son of the king you'll be given lands and properties and David thinks okay I will use my anointing [Applause] wise you know I remember I used to preach and it was anointed we are glorified meetings and the glory of God came in but I had no money and somebody you know came to me that is international for me one of the most stock profits that's a mentor of mine and it came to me and said a fact the first time he met me there was about four years ago five years ago five years ago four years ago Satur for my wife and I and said he said look at the anointing without money as annoying meaning you get what I preached from year not what I say but what I have are you guys with me if I have mumps and I'm preaching chicken pox is that what it is you will get mumps I was in the same manner when Jesus came the Bible says even when it was when he was on the cross they were they were auctioning off his clothes now tell me if you open office clothes it must be worth something I am NOT speaking prosperity in a way of being flake I'm speaking and trying to get a truth that it is sports wall for you to be blessed there's no question about it when when we are not when we are it's a non-negotiable when we are not fully believing that we still justify and say you know what maybe it is God's will that I'm going through what I'm going to know it is his will for you to be blessed it is his will for you to be healed are you guys with him as much as what you want your children to have everything in the world how much more your heavenly father but it's a mindset of religion that says you must you know keep the posture poor keep him humble how many times have I uh how many times have I had oh come on you people with money I've had somebody came into into our office and gave money the cash like this I remember taking it but something that in such well with me I said to go bullet person back I'm giving it back I said it is tainted [Music] the hold of money over my life has been broken which means it made my intentions with monastry pure then when I would try to act when I was younger or preached under anointing but had no money but act as if you know I'm all humble I'm doing this thing for no money yet I'm doing it to survive places be really good honest [Music] God one should be policed in every way the thing that keeps people from blazes rules and beliefs they've built up in their minds one of them thought doesn't want me to be blessed second one money is evil no way does the Bible say money is evil hey guys with him [Music] in fact Jesus spoke about it more than anything else the roots the love of money is the root of all evil I I think let me just explain this because people don't understand it and I've explained it you're not gonna see previously how many of you know this is I pad how many know I can love this iPad it's nothing wrong and loving this iPad I can say I love technology or I love Apple and all Samsung but Dave somebody said I love money and not this yet is the same thing this is money in a different form money is not money is just the medium of what is actually behind it it doesn't say you can't love it sees the love of money meaning the love of this iPad is evil but how many of you know this iPad cannot love are you guys with me it's not a life it doesn't have the ability to love but how come money have the ability to love that is when it becomes Mammon in your life and it now has a love that it has for you because you made it a god that's why you have something called the love of gods and I love God two different things the love of God is because God is alive and he has the ability to love he is love are you guys with me so money when I make money my god it now has the ability to have love that's where the scripture comes in the love of all money is the root of evil the love of money is the root of all evil are you guys with Hansel sitting well I'm trying to get to strongholds and this is trust with this as a strongholds I know the spirit of poverty the demon of poverty repels at the moment of its deliverance when you speak of money in the church or when you speak of six in the church those two things people just go silent easily receive both [Music] Selvi strongholds and relax I'm not one of those ministries that is like yeah okay that is all silent I need people to respond the voice of God works on somebody that has emotions and we have tried to cut the church down and say look don't have been have emotions no God is an emotional God he's one to your spirit to be alive let me tell you when the glory comes in Lin revival begins to come and we have seen revival especially not Church in fact from the first service when it comes to when we planted essentially somebody said to me a you know I don't you battle with these type of services on modern wings and services of the fears with the Thomason we've never had not one more anointing service not one does when I went into Centurion I had an angel that walk next to me and said I want you to plant a church there is a store of encounter in this city of Centurion on the 18th of September when we launched it here in Krueger store I was I was in a hotel room when a mantle came on me to do a certain assignment here we didn't even look for this place it stumbled upon us are you guys with me it says that Ruth stumbled into the fields of Boas you can stumble in your miracle by accidents it is about location sympathy location in the corner of Gethsemane listen to me Jesus was sprang and the the people came with Judas to take him out six hundred over six hundred Special Forces and they asked the question and you know Jesus said who you looking for six hundred think of that that is that is three times more that is that is he right now Special Forces standing in front of him and he's saying what are you looking for we're looking for they said we're looking for the one that is Jesus he said these words he said I am here when he said those words the Bible says the power of God knocked them all backwards are you guys with me they stood up asking the same question which means they were confused when the glory comes you will be so drunk you will be confused about what's going on and Acts chapter number two the Bible's but we are filled with the Holy Ghost like Joel prophesied that I shall pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters will prophesy your old men shall see visions and your young men shall dream dreams and even on your main servants and your maidservant shall I pour out my spirits and they will prophesy are you guys with me when the Holy Ghost comes upon you you will not be able to stop office eyeing you will look drunk to others you'll be under the influence of another spirit the Holy Ghost is with me that is why alcohol for me a lot of people have this question when it comes to alcohol I have never seen some free flow flowing in the holy gosh and speaking of flowing when they are under the influence of alcohol they came out of a city with minister that we won't say the name now the one that I said I don't want to go back to an itinerant ministry and there's one minister messages me shilling is something what what what about somebody else I'm thinking but as you are writing now I see you sitting in a border to home drinking [Music] [Music] be filled with the spirits do not be drunk with wine but in anticipation in excess be filled with the Holy Ghost meaning you cannot be flowing I have never seen ministers who flowing in the Holy Ghost win this alcohol involved because now you are under another spirits your influence under another spirit are you guys with me where we now where we now I was speaking out got off get semi let's look the six soldiers fell backwards then something happens in the book of Mark the Bible says that a young little boy or a young man ran through the Garden of Gethsemane in that sea naked with a cloth over his body and you will see that the Garden of Gethsemane is not close to a city because some commentators say this is a mark jean-marc that was running through the through the scene others say it is a it is somebody close by of the city but it makes no sense because it's too far away how it was located situated in the day the only thing that was next to the Garden of Gethsemane was a graveyard the cloth which was wrapped around the young boy's body is in the Greek a grave cloth which you bury someone with which means that when Jesus said I am he that the boy just happened to be to be to be buried in the right location that wind she's acidity he didn't even mean to to raise somebody it happened by accidents which means they are accidental miracles when you are at the right location are you guys with me which means you could sit in a location with your 19 years and you can just stay but I'm praying for a family member to get healed or safe than the next thing you go home and your bank accounts is full of money it's called an accidental miracle we believe that he can save our lives but we don't believe you can bless us financially yes with me sympathy strongholds so the way we a stronghold is broken is by replacing it with truth but listen let me just spare me this region this is listen in they see to where we know then they see to the country of here we will still take it slow like him will be finished just now in sensual it'll be like from five to ten packed every week packed and then posters fun we say Leon you're going to not grow the church won't grow I said but I can't stop it and it was packed every week from five to ten first attend five to ten five degree when your spirits has been activated and it has increased in a capacity when now it can receive you can sit ten hours under the word and understand it the problem is that some of you might not understand even what I'm saying now because it kept is a problem with capacity but you will see a change within three months from now like I said by the end of November by it by November by the end of November you will see so many delivered we had if one how many will we had a lot of deliverances see people running out stuff like that when we do deliverance tonight we have washed the carpets of the woods by you guys with me and that's not me laying hands that's my team then they seek visitors to the country of torrid gathering which is opposite Galilee next verse and when Jesus stepped out from the boats on the land they meet him a certain man are you guys with him what happened was just before he went there he went through a storm there was a storm to try to attack the boat then he reached the islands this stone was sent by a principality possessing the man which they call the madman of gallery which was a principality that's why it was a legion there are skinnier this principality by this one person was patrolling the whole city which comes from the tribe of God are you guys with me and I can even go back into the Old Testament to say how prophesies was released over God as to what oppression happened and this man held bound it's that City Jesus stepped onto the land and they made him a certain man from the city who had demons for a long time and he wore see within no clothes see if you're demon-possessed this evil no clothes involved or his bad clothes nor did he live in a house but in the tombs next verse when he saw Jesus he cried out fell down before him and with a loud voice he said what have I to do with you Jesus son of the Most High God I beg you put in the King James listen to this but in the King James quickly guys I beseech you say we beseech in the actual King James because this online there's like joking James which is not right it says this verse it says I assure you in the name of God do not torment us the word adjure means command the demons Jesus carried such an anointing on him that when his foot touched the glands the demons ran out came to him and said we command you in the name of God to leave us and stop tormenting us this is an anointing that could come on your life that the demons will even try to pull upon God to look for help I don't know if you understand what I'm saying [Music] they'll still be like look that never cannot help us with this one we need God or tried it even though I'm speaking in a joking way are you guys with me next verse 4 he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man for oftentimes it at buti'm and he was kept bound with chains and Fitz's and he broke bands and was driven NYX was only get to a point and Jesus Austin saying what is your name and he said Legion because many devils were entered into middle a principality that was holding him that was binding the whole city so much so that's the city chased Jesus away being upset with him because he brought a unrest sylvie gallery silly clueless thought I mean I'm supposed I'm sorry gathering everybody was upset including the shepherds because he bore a shaking they said what have you done to this city and Jesus asked him saying what is your name is hit leader because we're many next verses and they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep napola new king james Winona's this is this the service the demons begged him as the Tagus law and they begged him that he would not command them to go out into the abyss Nexus now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain so they begged Anderson pressing to the horizon to them any permits that they may allow the next verse then the demons went out of the man and entered this one do you know there's no such thing as housecleaning okay either the people are upset did you know these people because of the thing and I know demons I've been doing deliverance for very long usually those things are just justifications and excuses for the condition of her life it comes out of the heart I don't have a pentagram on your wall but I'm speaking in balance are you guys with me some people say you know that little statue that's got demons must do housecleaning when I got saved I cleaned so many things I had nothing left I had my Bible in my room I had a moiety oil and IRA water because I was hosting that was it and I realized but that never made me anointed I know and I believe from Christians can get possessed and you'll see it in this place that that Christians can have demons even as people sit Freeman the f1 and I've won a so successful our first step of our vision I think within three years we've taken over 900 people through it you know us it was so bad that people fly in from all over just to come for their where to stop them because they would want to come from other churches come and then and they leave and that's not I'm not yet to clean other church aware to clean our own children first and and we had to stop that and and so this thing with house cleaning you know yes in a degree of which trough but people be worse understand as we read this verse the Bible says Jesus permitted them you have the ability didn't he say that you will do greater works than him here of the ability to allow a demon to do something or not then the demons went out of the man and into the swine and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the lake severe lake and drowned now this is where they came from we the storm was in which means that the storm that tried to stop Jesus from going to the city in the first place a principality looking and saying look that man is gonna bring deliverance we must stop him before he even touches this the source Saint a storm Jesus looked at this principality posted him outs put him into the swine the swine is sent back into the place where the storm came from meaning that every curse that has been spoken against you here of the anointing to send it back to the cinder there it causes and do what it was meant to try to do to you he sent the devil back to where it came from my guys with me next verse when those who feed to them saw what had happened they fled and told it in the city and the country really got upset then they went out to see what that happened and came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had deported sitting at the feet of Jesus say with me clothed in his right mind say again say clothed in his right mind the first sign of deliverance usually is good clothing [Music] and speaking of a cleaning up a a people can look at Sieber way disperses delivers we have sit a bad example for the world out there way people like but why do we want this spot they preaching he can bless but look at their lives they end it they preachy and and the Muslims or the unbelievers or thinkable warmers because it will be richer for that reason and that reason alone I remember I made up Amma I have seen debt cancellation I have gone full out in ministry with not one saint of finances and if somebody would get a dream and say to every amount of debt that I had because of a sefer have son we have gone through all of that but I made a decision if I can prophesy over other people and it can happen to what I'm saying to him even as I'm saying that you will have this amount of money by next year and it happens I thought but why can I not do it over myself and so many times we have things to correct in other people's lives but we don't do it to ourselves [Applause] [Music] when we become an example people will just look and say what look what what do you do where do you go to church everything about you is full of light it's just changed I am here to profess and this is the message that God has given me even when we planted in sensuality is that there's much more to you than what the enemy has made you to believe that you know I must live on minimum wage my family will go nowhere you know it's the economy it's the government it's this listen when you carry the anointing money you will find you somehow when your value increases and let's I'm not gonna keep in touch on business because we do a lot of things with business but let's save value as a believer when your value as a believer increases the Bible says in the Book of Isaiah 60 that the Gentiles that through the wealth of the Gentiles will come to you because of your lights it will look and find somebody that is shining full of lights it sees that princess and a nobleman and royal people will come from afar to come and see you are you guys with me my daughter is screaming more than then do not mix verse next verse they also who had seen it told them by what means he would had been demon-possessed was healed now listen next verse let's go to the next verse then the whole multitude of the surrounding region of the gadarenes asked him to depart from them so they were seized with great fear and he got into the boat and returned [Applause] later not be like say with me it will not be in Cougars dog because I can tell in our deliverances coming to the city I have received I have received so many messages from ministers asking for help obviously attacking us but others asking for help and like I said my strong point is I am NOT here to survive I come and I go obviously I pass to you which means that I think within either this week or the other way we just drive around with visiting people and so on and I get to get to know them but we first gonna have a new members even in which the new members evening after the conference directly after the conference we have a members evening so technically you're not members yet are you guys with me say with his strongholds he was a stronghold over the city but we touching on strongholds in the mind let's see let's see where it goes I wanna I wanna get to one thing and I want this anointing to fall tonight's go with me to go with me to go with me to 1 Samuel chapter number 30 verse 1 let's see let's see how we get to the safest verse with sa anointed before war I was in the maybe when God gave me this message and I remember I was standing alone in the city and it was a huge Church it was about let's say five six hundred people so five hundreds and I remember standing and I was preaching and nothing happened the first time preaching second enough and a third night the glory of God fell like a waterfall in the whole church everybody was down couldn't get up demons screaming over I remember putting my mic down and I walked out I went to the hotel and the anointing was carried I carry the glory stole from that encounter the church and I walk to the hotel receptionist austere for the key for my room and I said look can I have the key and the woman looked at me and began to shake and she said what is this that I'm feeling and tears folder eyes now this is unbelievers that can experience glory hit the church the glory has left a kibbutz laying hands people standing wash stuff and the stupids are you guys with me not in our ministry but it happens the love of God has left condemnation law legalize a legalistic cannot even experience or know if God is sitting here next to them alone but yet I stand by an unbeliever and the glory of God comes on this person just by me asking for a key not knowing that I'm a minister and then we saw instead was with me with joy literally a nationwide revival we went back and we just went and we saw thousands safe I think 13,000 people in a matter of two weeks and the glory of God came in you know I want that glory to return to the church because the church has gone iike boats and we have become Eli's we even our church members will have more discernment or a stronger relationship with God as what we have and the anointing has the portraits are you guys with me I'm telling you everything can be taken for me except this anointing [Music] now it happened listen to this when David's and his men came to Ziggler before I get it to the cemetery's would say anointed before warfare said like this say anointed for war when I was in the movie this is when God hear this message not happened when David and his men came to Sigma on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the south and Zickuhr attacked Zita ham burned it down with fire next verse and had taken captive the woman and those who were there from small two crates they did not kill anyone but carried them away and went their way next verse so David and his men came to the city and there it was burned with fire and their wives their sons and their daughters had been taken captive it's a signal moments the David experienced as believers we experienced a cyclic moments it is read feels like everything has been ripped away are you guys with me this was called the dark and nights of David soul ving David's and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more power to weep next verse and David's two wives I you know him the chaser light and a bigger the widow often never come ever had been taken captive next verse now David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him they says because of him there we are in the Ziegler's moment are we gonna kill him even his men because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and his daughters but David strengthened himself in the Lord next verse then David said to Abby Arthur a priest and his sons please bring me the effort year to me and abiathar brought the effort to David an effort was what the high priest would wear but there was what we call inside the Urim and the theorem which was if you really go deep into it I want to want to get it into it now but that's how God spoke the stones would lit up the light would show and they would know what God is saying that's what also we get from posting lots for it's known as in the New Testament what we know the inner witness of the Holy Ghost they used the costing of lots or the Urim and the fury to hear if God is saying yes or no and there's a secret to those things and how the witness of the Holy Ghost is still works inside of us which we teach the prophetic later on but listen to this and David said to be a thorn are you bring the air for next verse so David inquired of the Lord saying shall I pursue this group shall i overtake them and God oncidium say with you pursue for you shall surely serve you overtake and without fail so if you without fail you will recover all the word pursue means to irritate your enemy he says you will pursue the enemy meaning you will irritate the enemy you will do something that irritates him what irritates them becoming anointed with oil way if your foot treads on the source of data in like Jesus feeds that the people got upset and stirred that even when Paul came to the island of Malta that when you went to take wood to increase the fire which speaking of the fire of the Holy Ghost in the church that a devil a serpent jumped out because of the heat of the fire latched itself on the arm of Paul are you guys with me Paul irritate that a devil wherever he was that even the seven sons of sceva that when they try to post are a devil the demon said look Paul we know Jesus we know but who the hell are you meaning Jesus we know he's here Paul we know putting him right next to Jesus [Music] the reputation are you guys with me the devil is not looking at your anointing he's looking at the anointing of the one who sent you he's looking at the anointing of his father or a spiritual father upon your life are you guys with me the devil is not afraid of your 19 he's afraid of the one who sent you because the sons of sceva did exactly what all the others were doing but there was something about Paul that the devil fear that wasn't is fasting it was the fact that he had an encounter with God that revelation determines your level of authority that when we plumb the church the Centurion it was so easy I said you know we trying to get our building empty where other people are trying everything to get people into the building we having problems of it being too full because why when an angel walks to you and tell you prana Church there's no guesswork there after there's no trust as in like I must now step out of faith no no an angel tells you it's not a feeling are you guys with me with that revelation there was no way to fail pouring that the enemy would bring like problems so I wouldn't think Ashton a year from God or not or no there's no doubt you nuts [Music] so David inquired of the Lord saying should I pursue God says pursue solely pursue you shall irritate the devil you shall surely sympathy overtake the word overtake means to suddenly come upon are you guys with me let me say like this overtake means to subdue the enemy that's the thing that has put you into bondage this is for the word subdue means when Jesus disciples came back to him and said Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name subjects they are subdued to us in your name not the name of Jesus the name of Jesus means the name in your name is is Anoma which means character which means you can say come out in the name of Jesus if you don't carry the character of Christ in closed doors that people will scan you up and down and think but you have no prayer life you don't carry the character are you guys with me then people think about what white goddess of the oldest Christianity so because I say in the name of Jesus nothing up no you can say you didn't even you can just breathe you can just blow when you carry the character that is what it means in the name of Jesus in the note Anoma are you guys with me you shall overtake which means that thing which have put you into bondage you will subject it and make it your subject if you if the smell of smoking put you into bondage when the anointing for war comes on your life you will put it into bondage underneath you it means to make a slave of something to become the master of something to bind with chains to subjects are you guys with me look but you overtake and sympathy without fail meaning when you to receive this promise tonight but it becomes a revelation to you you must know but wait I will have victory it is not a bad for a if but I maybe it is without fail that I will recover all say with me recover all the sympathy pursue overtake and recover all that is the promise of God's big eyes with me that everything that has been lost you get who you move in the anointing the devil must buy you back symma three seven times more said again says seven times more soon there was me where's proverbs 6 verse 30 31 3 [Music] so the so we can say recover all people do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when his install the next verse it's when he is found out he must say with him must restore 7 folds which means that when the Dibble is found out that he has stolen something from you it is payback time it is how many of you know God is dangerous he's powerful there's a one thing higher than bought the Bible says that he exalts his word above his name which means that when it comes to God's Word it is his integrity he is bound by his words that you can use this word and say but God your word says this you say this and he is obligated to move why are you so looking confused that religion told you the stuff isn't real it lies with me when you receive a promise from God it's called you could say but God your word says this and he is obligated that's why even when you receive a prophetic word weak say you know doesn't have to come to boss it has to at some point whether it is to your family or your family's family but if his word has gone forth he does not turn to him without to him back to him with without void with void he does not return back to him not being done what it was st. to do are you guys with me one thing higher than God exalts his word above himself in the beginning was the word in the beginning God created the heavens of the earth book of Genesis that's the beginning of the earth and the sevens that we know but then is another beginning John 1 verse 1 which is the beginning of all beginnings this is in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt among men which means that when God speaks we are the only creation that he has given his extension of a creative ability we are the only creation that has vocabulary or evern Acula the intelligence of speech to communicate which means that when we speak we can creates it is your divine nature given by God are you guys with me can you hear me in the back you guys look so serious who's sitting the as Lakeisha serious whose was there is it Nick who's Nick is Nick oh yeah mrs. Nichols mom you look so serious hey you're listening I love you honey Elise okay Toni ko he must come Lizzie okay say with me he's sick say with me the restoration will recover all when the devil is found out the thing is he has been found out upon the cross over two thousand years ago when Christ went to the cross the devil was exposed and if you have lost anything you can say but God it is by legal law it is my right as a Christian to have Sevenfold payback there is a theme as spiritual rights that you as a citizen and an ambassador has because you hail from another kingdom not from this kingdom are you guys with me this is a world that is beyond this world where you are coming from the wind irises when an ambassador comes from the United States he is not subject to the law of South Africa which means he can break the law of South Africa to an extent because he's an ambassador he is held to the law of his country it's full immunity are you guys with sorry diplomatic immunity which means is a spiritual diplomatic immunity that pulses for we are ambassadors of Christ diplomats just churning through this life going to our hometown are you guys with me an ambassador a spiritual immunity which means that the laws of this world the laws of nature when Jesus came walking to the sea and he the Bible says he was looking for a boat and he couldn't find one and he said wow I'm gonna walk on the water and the molecular density of the water changed and obeyed the kingdom that he was coming from are you guys with me which means if you are there is diplomatic immunity means that you are not subject to the laws but number two if anybody touches an ambassador or has a threats against their life there is a declaration of war that is immediately along meaning of the table touches you there is a declaration of war but you have to understand a revelation that you are from heaven even though you're born on this earth you are not from this earth you are from heaven are you guys with me diplom its declaration of war this is what we call spirit provides then being in a prophetic choice is what we call prophetic rites but it will leave that for later are you guys with me where we go with me to 1 Samuel sympathy the anointing for war so I'm getting somewhere I'm getting somewhere I want to go threaten to go with me to 2 1 Samuel chapter number 30 verse 16 I'll be close eye closing just now I want to get to the spoon and we had brought him down yet they they were spread out all over the land eating and drinking this was now after David and then pursued overtake and is busy recovering home after his o'clock moment because of all the dredge spoil which they had taken from the land of the Philistines and for the land of Judah next verse then David attacked them from Twilight until the evening of the next day not a man of them escaped except for hundred young men who rode on camels and flit next verse so David's recover to also recover all that the Amalekites had carried away and David rescued his two wives next verse and nothing of this was lacking either small or great sons or daughters spoil or anything which they're taken from them David's recovered all meaning it doesn't matter who you have lost what your children may be on drugs or on addictions that it doesn't matter what the enemy has taken it will be back recovered back when it is recovered the spiritual law says and fold more then watch your hats are you guys with me go get the next verse and David took all the flocks and herds they're driven before those other livestock and sit if this is David spoil and that is another thing for another day let's get to let's get to her I want to go for it two numbers chapter number 1 verse number 2 look close will close now so they can say anointed for war you know when there is an anointing or when we minister like this I can really go and so long - I prophesied to people we can do it for long but the church will grow and you will see we will have evening's especially the conference's our conferences are unforgettable really it is it is not us trying to have a conference you will see God back even you that is in this church by signs wonders and miracles take a census of all the congregation in fact when our building shook under the power I went home I did a circus I was preaching and we heard angels falling when I saved for you were not speaking about a stone on the rock falling ayah sorry a stone on a on a roof falling you would hear and we have a Hydra for the top of them all there you would hear [Music] like like that when we declared the God's glory will come in a physical way then the Vulcan began to shook I went home and I remember screenshots of every people singing messages all over saying that you feel the building shook did you see this that you see the walls shake you see the projectors and then people to footage and they spread it you can fake a prophecy but you cannot fake God backing you up the anointing is a sign of God's approval upon a person's life when I look at somebody and I see the anointing on them I keep my hands of them it doesn't matter what they've done it doesn't matter if I disagree with them I keep my mouth shut because the anointing means that heaven at some other points approved of him take a listen to this numbers wonders to take a census or the condition of the children of Israel you gotta send us now I want you to count everyone by their family survey by their families by their fathers houses city by their fathers houses according to the number of names every male individually next verse listeners from twenty years old and above all who are able to be able to go to war in Israel he's saying listen here there is a certain quality or requirement of people that is able to go to war number one from what for this house are they coming what DNA is in these spirits somebody came to me in our church in century and said I want to prove us out so I will prophesy like you how do you get standing in front of somebody and sources that see their name or this so how do I want to do it specifics I said what I said they I think they said to me live in the words I say this is a awesome church it's a great church but every Church has there a specific anointing as the specific tribe I said you will never prophesy forensic when I say forensic specific the way we do so and the kid just looked at me I said you will never because if the root is early the whole branch will be holy meaning it comes from the top hey guys with me you might launch it of our boss the great but another prophetic other prophetic is not is not the prophetic will confuse that is why I cannot even get along with posters and as much as I've tried to my barrel they are they cannot understand they said I will never be allowed to put on a church since intuitive and we didn't they said will not allow to come into the city and we did a prophet can Oryx it can explain their encounters to a boaster evangelist or a teacher because it is at a live different level of Revelation God makes himself known to his prophets and appears to them were you to stand on a stage and say you're a prophet is not a light thing now there are some that obviously does it and but you will net you you can fake miracles signs and even prophecy but you cannot fake church growth because where Jesus is lifted high he drools all men to himself are you guys with him that is what grace is a measure of grace people's lives will be will be changed but look a prophet you cannot you can you know the thing is we want to say this Old Testament prophet New Testament prophets know there's one type of prophets that is it it has not changed except what it's not no longer just the only voice of God people can hear the voice of the Shepherd my sheep knows my voice are you guys with me but the function of approver hasn't changed in any way this because we use that to dilute the minister of a prophet God still seems prosperity where prophets go and nation's have crumbled - it took you attacked a prophets because of and then you would see poverty coming in I remember Zimbabwe Zimbabwe saw destruction because they chased out their prophets are you guys with me we have many times politicians we have many times people that would not even declare themselves we have many times ministers I've had in situated ministers will come instead of right at the back not tell anybody who they are and then they would just come for a word I think it was a few weeks ago somebody I pulled out a family that came specifically for one word a very strong family in ministry I didn't know them personally they just heard about it and they came and standing in front of them I remember saying your wife this your daughter this your birthday this state or you know your wife is a you know the thought your daughterís room looks like this and then the wife is calling as I'm talking I say onto the phone also the phone I began to say this this that then the person that was in ministry for very long and very a very good reputation I didn't know them but they came for one thing you see prophesy it's okay to say things but if you don't get to a solution that people are looking for it means nothing so I could have said all those things and it is okay but they wanted to know one thing must they go there or stay here and I said stay your damper then just that and but you get into places where people come to prophets for consultation are you guys with me I've had posters would attack me in the behind the scenes Oz before help from 20 years olds sympathy from fathers houses sympathy from the tribe it says that they were selected to go to war depending on what tribe they were in what DNA was in there in their spiritual lives that your poll said look you are a partaker of my grace IIIi don't know all my words falling on like dead grounds look I have a measure of grace and you are a partaker a Co sharer of my grace nor thoughts trace meaning they say grace bullets saying that I'm carrying that wind report taking this thing you in your measure of grace is going to increase and you'll be able to do things that you won't be able to do before that it is a measure of grace he said I have come to you to establish you I have Long's to import to you some spiritual gifts later did on my meaning - as long as you are with me there is importation of a spiritual gifts that when Jonathan lived david sides he fell down dead an enemy killed him that win Aaron and then when Moses took the priestly garments of Aaron Aaron fell down dead it's about Association the grace that God places upon a ministry or upon a person to do a certain vision I always say that God does not leave a city he leaves a man it has been like that from Genesis to Revelation quarter-sawed leave a town or a city or a nation he leaves a man are you guys with me say would be able to go to war they are requirements go with me to go with me to go with me to 1 chronicles 12 verse 8 and I'll close with this I know we're taking belong but I'm ok what particles 12 is 8 survey the anointing for war there's an anointing that God is going to pour out even understand our fact our church is known for deliverance for militancy that when people just look if you have a demon you will either stand get delivered or the demon will leave you or you will leave with a demon you know we get some messages even on messages today some guys listen to the say the anointing for water say it again say the anointing for war I want you to understand this it's an anointing that you can begin to rise up break strongholds that are over a city but struggles that are over ourselves as well and I haven't even touched that other thing we'll get to it tonight survey strongholds but there's all month is a month of deliverance look at this some gadites joined David's ATS the strongholds in the wilderness mighty men of valor men trained for battle seraphic trained for battle could handle a shield and a spear it says these men were able to use a shield and a spear whose faces will like the faces of lions when you look at them they look dangerous are you guys with me no the next verse it is the first of a diet the second day of the third look let me alone I get I want to read you some verses in you and will close with us in this chapter see Rafi the like lions you must understand that some of these people that that David wins that's their the mighty man was with David's when they just felt like they jumped into a bits to kill a lion for fun that some of them had such an anointing for wall Paul the spirit of mites on their lives that when they fought they fought and killed people until the sword was stuck to their hands some of them would hurl and throw stones with both hands and few people are you guys with me soothe me the sword stuck to their hands you must fight until the war of the world with the word becomes a part of you integrated with you it says that the word became flesh and dwelt among men when the word becomes a part of you it doesn't matter where you don't have to put one verse that people will look and can measure you by the battle by the weight that you know the word are you guys with me will still preach on the five realms of power grottoes is one of the highest realms that closest is what gave Jesus the ability to walk upon the water kratos is the power that raises people from the dead kratos is what we call the power of invincibility then if somebody puts a gun to your head and shoots the trigger will pull but nothing will happen it's the anointing it's a level of the power of God that if a thief gets into your house they will cannot take a step into your house because you are an anointed one angels come to your defense listen demons come because of our faults our strongholds angels come because of our thoughts we'll do a serious on working with angels that we did at our church in Centurion at our campus there that angels come because of your words the Bible says that Daniel when he was praying and fasting that Gabriel came to him and said this words to him I have come to you because of your words he never see prays he never said fasting he said I have come to you because of your words there's an attitude and a sensitivity of your words that can activate angels around you they're always been looking for house cleaning walking into a house and thinking you know I sense demons in here how about you saying I'm sincere angels win/loss have you said have you heard somebody that is just they are aware of angelic activity around them when you get into that round that is when angels will begin to manifest to you and not speak of angel worship so get that over your head are you guys with me in the New Testament angels were so common that even when pizza came out of prison and he knocked on the door that the slave school that opened the door saw him went to the church the slave school road I went to the church said but Luke Peter is at the door they said nanana it must be as angel meaning his angel looks like him meaning your angel looks like you are you guys with me that even Paul said listen for the Angels sake do not do this do not wear the hats this that now we know that's not the tradition that we are in right now and Paul mints in another way but he said for the angels sake meaning in their worship angels were so common that the whole church knew about them there saw them standing there one of the signs of our church would be planted angels with listen you would get scared when angels would come one person was sleeping or two people sleeping on it if you were there or not but somebody was sleeping in our church the micro-sim in our church when we're building just the first church and in and I was standing on the pulpit to the first Sunday were preaching and as I'm preaching I'm saying I'm saying these angels that are now standing in this place around me here as I'm saying a message comes through from her I profit that is that is a a mentor and a father to me from overseas and send me a message he says right - now I see angels standing around you I said I just want preaching I'm typing like this because I know who I submit your meaning that you know I don't wait to answer and so I'm preaching bromley answering back the people are like confused and I'm saying about this I just actually said it now that night we left all this instead to this church angels were on the stage and the person would get a fright to skate too good today angels will be in the church that people would see my jacket would be taken like this or boot it would feel a hand on them and I will say this and they'd walk through the crowd like this let angels becoming known because we've given attention to demons too much I this a demon here you know this this demon what about angels this you know this these ley lines that are going through my house or this this objects of shut up leave the presence of angels saturate your house are you guys with me angels have their own wall will do all serious on it and I'll show you our angels have a will and they decide whether they want to show you or not that is why it's that's why Lucifer good of rebels is more two angels the sons of God that we won't even get into what that is that it says the joke when Satan came to the in the presence of the Lord to speak about joke that he presented himself together with all the sons of God presenting themselves to God whoa what are the sons of God which is really think angels there are things that if you read in scripture angels are not given to marriage it isn't when you look at demons it is not fallen angels let me just knock this one out because there is no scriptural consistency when it comes to angels being demons are you guys with him because demons have the need to get a body and get into my body because they are disembodied spirits why does the angel not ever need to get into a body are you guys with me angels are bound the Fallen Angels but we have made a doctrine up and when you get into deliverance the devil is because of the anointing but when people get into apologetics or they really ask you these things you're not going to be able to answer them because we think things we are if angels if demons have the need to get into a body as this is they were coerced into dry places then seeking for a body it means they once had a body angels never had a body so I don't have to look for a body are you guys with me so that we teach you in bubble coos pool or a bit later on but listen to me little little it slows with us on 1 chronicles chapter number 12 verse 10 let me go with me to let me see where I can go go with me to verse [Music] second [Music] [Applause] go through verse number 17 and I'm going to just give you like three verses just out of in the I'm not ready for all chapter four Tom's saying it says this verse now the mighty men came to David these men were men of incredible feet which I just read to you now and you got to see more stuff it says and David went out to meet them and answered and said to them those of you that were not school of disciples with no brothers that if you have come to me peaceably to help me serve you to help me he didn't say to help God said to help me my heart will be united with you but if to betray me my enemies since is no wrong in my hands may the God of our fathers look and bring judgment then go with me to go with me to verse I go through the worst 23 [Music] listen now these were the numbers of the divisions that were equipped for war and came to David at Hebron to turn over the kingdom of Saul to him according to the word of the Lord now it goes into the mighty men they feats know if he and I want to reach you just one or two features just one or two verses I'm just looking for the mix I got another Bible you go with me to verse as you stand this chapter goes into verse 2 33 verse 33 the service of Zebulun is speaking of this men there were fifty thousand who went out to battle seriously expert in war with all weapons of warfare which means there are weapons of war that you can use it's a stout-hearted men who could keep ranks they were not saying I want to be the apostle I want to be the prophets well you know I want to tell the pastor what to do or no they could keep ranks they could say I won't speak about that one bad I could come and submit to this one submit to that function I know where I am in the spirits I know my grace I could keep rank and March forwards are you guys with him go with me to go with me to there go with me to verse let's go to verse 38 mr. Yates all these men of all who could keep ranks came to Hebron with a loyal hearts in with your loyal heart to make David king of all Israel they desired was for the promotion of someone else you will never be able to fulfill the vision of God for your life until you work and fulfill the vision of somebody that God has sent are you guys with him I haven't never went out to start my own ministry I have gone to a place and waited doesn't matter how many men of God has pulled me out until those who are over me sit they had an encounter God spoke to them I have to do this doesn't matter how many dreams how many visions I knew oh I know the power and revelation of being since you have winked once and then you have sent once are you guys with me and then you have someone just took a mic and went so I and nothing happens nothing they can preach nothing to make David King over as well and all the rest of the swell were of one mind so they one minds to make David King listen let's go - lets go y'all ready let's carry on reading I want to show this this girl reading two verses it says and they were there with David's three days eating and drinking before their brethren had prepared for their next verse moreover so they moreover this is when a people understand rank they understand file they understand combats experts in war a loyal heart to fulfill a vision I hear guys with me he prophesied and sit there on the steps of the patrol monuments will a revival breakouts in fact they say there will be two locations of revival are you guys with me it was William Branham and I believe it was Georgia Lake they sit at Pretoria Showgrounds you'll see revival breakouts we're right to know there's a revival breaking out I think over a hundred two hundred thousand people in the service that is the son of a man who meant to me for the last five six years fathered me in the prophetic right now as we speak on a Sunday over a hundred thousand people in our midst but we failed to see and then William Branham said in other words he said and there'll be an endtime revival that will heats the nation of South Africa on the portable monuments of Krueger store now if the one came to pose as you must know that a move of God is coming give me 300 hungry people willing lawyer those who are rank-and-file know the position doubts Hortense of one mind and one horse this nation is easy to take then tell you guys with me God will use removals he will take the person in your midst eeeh sitting here that you will never ever thought will be used by God and you will raise them up moreover those who were near to him listen to what happened when all these conditions were pretty place from as far away as Issachar and Zebulun and Naphtali who were bringing food on donkeys and camels on meals and oxen 70 provisions of flour and cakes of figs and cakes of raisins wine and oil and oxen and sheep abundantly are you guys with me so there was joy sympathy joy in all of Israel meaning that when this anointing of war is falling we need people is saying but we are not going to give up they will be joy in a nation I don't listen or submits okay what the enemy has done to you or circumstances or a lack of finances God is looking for a certain type of person and saying I will put my hand upon that one and I will hope there are people in this place that was saying we are poor of vets Gideon had so many people and God said no no no no I want less give me a thousand no no no I want more less give me 300 300 men that are able to war because if you have those in Iran or able to war you're not gonna win this battle are you guys with me and they looked into the water and they drank and he said seeing them to drink water those who will look put their face in the water and put there and put their face into the water and drink God said those ones who get away because they are concerned about their own first only they look at the water and see their own face the Old Testament selfie are you guys with me but those who lap like a dog taking their hands lapping the water up have the ability to see while they're feeding themselves which means they concern is not only about themselves but for the kingdom of God he's saying those who are able to ward those are the ones that you will choose and I will beat thousands of Midianites are you guys with me give me 300 I don't want ten thousands we've never looked for numbers in our conferences we would have we would unadvertised you understand like we literally have to unappetising our consciences by the first to second light to not get more people may the anointing comes on you your life will be changed strongholds will be broken strong rules is a lie that is built up in our minds that we have put to believe whether it is from a young age rejection whether it is from parents or religion it is a lie that we have put in a thoughts that becomes a wall becomes a strongholds that stronghold has a roots and it builds up a fortress a fortress that has to be beaten down by one thing the word of God's not the word as in the Bible year but the word as in logos are you guys with me logos Rhema is different to graphite graphite is the written words logos is the mind of God the logic the thinking for Paul says that we have who has the mind of Christ how many of her description raise your hands let me say we preach that but we never preach the next sentence for who has the mind of Christ that they may instruct God what to do impulses what's that [Music] [Applause] [Music] Paul Sven pulses who has the mind of Christ that he may instruct God what to do that he has the audacity to say we have the mind of Christ [Music] [Applause] they say realm where you can use the words recorded to come to Moses sorry your Moses and say Moses look let's just do all these people and start over the Moses said Lord repent from your anger why did God even consider to go pause him he had shares in heaven hey guys with me Abram before God destroyed Lots he came as the Trinity and walked in what we call a theophany told Abram and told lot why because when Abram gave to Melchizedek a tithes of all I'll chase like being a type of Christ set a tide of everything Melchizedek said whoa look I've just given you bread and wine but I have to reciprocate now now you're a braum of God bliss or you the Bible says a prom of God not God of Abram everywhere the Bible says God of Abraham Isaac Jacob [Music] God is turning the thing around through mulches this is not an announced harem of God meaning you've just stepped into partnership with God because you decided to give a tithe of all your income everything Abraham Isaac and Jacob would be richer than the kings in the countries that they live in they'll come to Isaac and say take your stuff and just leave out of the country you are too great for us you're too big Abimelech can say listen just leave you're too big for us you have too much are you guys with me then Abram of God for you are possessor of heaven and earth save the possessor of heaven and earth when we read the stuff wrong we think God is the possessor of heaven and earth no no no he said to Abram Abram you will possessor of heaven another that's why it's called Abraham's bosom where people died when the rage of the Old Testament Abram owned it understand spiritual Luzia are you guys we visit too much this Abram of God possessor of heaven he still I have to reciprocate this thing back that's why a gram was the father of Nations God had to speak to him as a friend speaks to a friend face to face same with Moses because there was he was obligated in a board the ship to speak to him when you go into partnership with the Holy Ghost when you answer to a divine assignment upon your life you will see that God will consult you before he moves or touch the certain people things I know this is too much I know this is too much I think I've gone in too much but service secrets it's a skort exalting his word above his name there are things in the scripture that we just have not discovered or seen it doesn't mean that a preacher is wrong no we just haven't it hasn't been revealed to us but they know in the word are you guys with me he cannot God cannot move on your behalf unless you give him you give him the right to do so he's importance of the Holy Ghost in this meeting let me say this is how it works if I come in and I am upset God would not move because I am upset he's import this up with me and he holds me responsible as well now if you are a son and a daughter of the king carrying divine balada divine nature we are partakers of his divine nature if Paul can take a handkerchief and the Bible says they'll put the handkerchief on his body and those handkerchiefs they'll take off and put on the sick and they'll get healed raise the dates if a handkerchief can carry the power how much some more somebody who's carrying the DNA the incorruptible seed of God's the who is made in His image and his likeness you and I how much more can repair his power are you guys with me he is looking for the people that can guide to themselves that's why when Elijah was in the grave it was even his bones he was dead he could raise somebody from the days but before he died he tried to raise a boy from the dead seven times before something would happen because his flesh was in the way are you guys with me but when he was dead in the grave somebody just touched his bones and they were raised from the dead if bones can carry the anointing if a handkerchief can carry power how much more you and I is strongholds in our mind that we have a saying the problem is appear not inside it's the way we think we think daughters want to bless us he doesn't hear us he doesn't want to use us it's because you know God is testing me what I'm going through this problem because I've done something wrong hey change your mind sets sorry you guys with me change the thoughts pattern and make it's a non-negotiable that part wants me to be blessed she will see within one year what's they have seats for or what circumstances has provided will present to the situation when you under this anointing in this house you will prosper it is not a if for a part or maybe it is just a matter of time for the anointing to begin to work in your life i prophesy and I pray that the anointing that many has seen way before with revival as men of God's like Nicky from the vistas and AAL gentil Lake that you have heard about this anointing but now your eyes will begin to see it for there'll be a manifestation of the glory of God's a demonstration of his power it is called the day of the saints where you and I entered into are you guys with me the glory movement is not laying hands on every person but you can stand like this and somebody in the back and get touched under the glory of God you will see in this conference is glory entering there'll be a clouds in white clouds that will come into this place you'll be imported and activated when you're under this anointing you will lay hands you might have had laid hands your life nothing happens you will lay hands now and you will see something happening because I know my function this standoff he'd reveal are you guys with me I think it was buried that shade and I never knew it but she said she prayed for people and ever anything never happened nothing ever happened because she submitted to a poster that was poorer than her which is the truth but and all of a sudden being raised up or trained by us and now if somebody has demons they scared to sit with it importation therapy importation importation is very real right now it's the latest hospice AIDS but the power of Lord is present are you guys with me I am a different as I leave it I siphon it I leave it we build up we build up we get to the conference you'll see something amazing up but my assignment is to tell you that you'll be used by God in the city the God will break the Strong's of religion traditional false doctrine in the city that those were bounced by hopelessness who will be broken and you will use a remnant that is in this place raise your hands all of the displaced nations sympathy Heavenly Father I received tonight everything you have for me I believe that you can use me that I could be a glory carrier a city changer I believe I am anointed I know I am anointed father I pray for every person the hands raised in this place that those who are here that your anointing will begin to touch them that I pray and I come on the atmosphere the heavens to open and even as John the Baptist's had to lay hands on the Son of God Himself for the heavens to open up I pray as a prophets there in the city it has begun for the heavens to open that you have begun to mock already people to be used for your glory that it doesn't matter what others say or others do or what has happens it is just a matter of time that within a year from now it'll they'll be unrecognizable that this place will be unrecognizable and that you will use them for your glory then I pray that even when it comes to the conference that this place you will show yourself off with miracle signs and wonders that you will speak me and use my words that you will not let I will not limit the Spirit of God that your people will not limit in that traditional religion will not touch this house but everything for the glory of God I prophesied that those who are in this house that their houses and their families will get saved delivered and set free that this anointing will be so tangible that even as they leave the meetings and a special conference that is coming it will be tangibly upon them it will linger the residue of a visitation of God will linger upon their lives and I pray for a start of a move of thoughts that you see our life surrendered and we give you all the honor all the praise and all the glory in Jesus mighty name amen Coliseum appraised offering [Applause] [Music] I'll schedule it and I'm serious serious sadhana serious I'm afraid of church maybe what I want to hear you shouts and give him a place amen amen god bless you love you and we'll see you us you this week [Music]
Channel: Leon Du Preez
Views: 895
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: How to break strongholds, strongholds, strogholds in the bible, leon du preez, leon du preez live, encounter church, deliverance of strongholds, saldivar isaiah, vladimir savchuk
Id: 7nQz_sfkOF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 6sec (6066 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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