What jobs can I get with CompTIA A+ Network+ [5 JOBS and PAY RATE you get]

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in this video i'm going to tell you what are the five jobs that you can get obviously once you end up getting your computer a plus certification and also once you end up getting your computer network plus certification so let's talk about not only the jobs and opportunities that you can get once you end up getting your computer certification but on top of that how much you will get paid you know once you end up getting any of these five jobs that i'm about to go through right now with you and the other thing that i'm gonna show you is a conversation you know a message about a conversation that i had with someone you know he reached out and said you know jorge i totally get about you know your point of view about the campaign but let me tell you something i end up getting my computer a plus and two three months later i end up getting my first job in iet and i'm like that's great but can you tell me more about that job that you end up getting in your iet career your first job and you reply and he was like this is a job i end up getting and i'm like thinking that's the reason why i do not advise someone to take that campaigns so yes i'm about to go through right now and let's do this okay let's talk about those five jobs that you will get once you end up getting your computer a plus your computer network plus that way you know okay this is a reality okay that many people are going through right now and what's happening right now in the market and why i'm gonna ask you for you not to go after any of these jobs and that's because there are entry level jobs and i know you're probably thinking well that's how i need to start my iet career right i mean i need to get an entry-level job no they are a better way and how can you get something better so let's go through job number one help desk and i know probably this is something that you already know right once i end up getting my computer a plus my network plus my security plus right more likely yes i'm gonna go to the market and end up getting an entry-level job and that can be a help desk position nothing wrong with that but why not get something better right now job number two field services again an entry level job and there are thousands not just hundreds thousands of people that once they end up getting their computer certifications this is exactly what they get or a computer pc technician and i remember okay my first job in it because i didn't know any better okay i end up getting this job it was combined with help desk and computer pc technician and i remember that i got paid 13 per hour but this goes back 14 15 years ago right but why did i end up doing that going after an entry-level job because i didn't know any better now that i know better obviously i advise people like you need to think about how you want to go through your it career or how to start your iet career the things that you need to do the things that you need to focus on and what to pay attention to and what not to pay attention that way you end up getting a good job at 90 and not any of these jobs again nothing wrong with that but why not get something a lot better now this is another one right desktop support now you're probably thinking okay i don't think desktop support it's an entry level job you know you go from help desk to desktop support well let me tell you something desktop support it's an entry level job now if this is a desktop engineer position that's higher that's not an entry level job now if you don't agree with me let me know in the comments you know tell me your point of view but based on my experience okay this any of these jobs an entry level position now the last one i.t support now i've been doing some research and yes there are a few jobs that you can be an i.t support and you do more than just entry level but many more are nit support positions they are entry level positions now if you were here with me right now and i ask you does money matters for you and for your family and be honest it will make a difference and you've been able to earn this much compared to earning this much obviously the answer is yes so this is what i'm gonna ask you for you to be open mind that way you not end up doing the mistakes that i did and the mistakes that not hundreds thousands of people are doing right now so let's get back here okay so once again nothing wrong on you getting an entry level job but why going after and get any of these jobs when you can get something better now let me give you the reality of it because i really want you to see the big picture and another way on how to do this okay so let's say entry-level jobs by me doing some research that can pay you between 15 up to 22 dollars per hour now maybe for you you'll be like you know jorge that's good because right now i'm earning 12 you know right now i'm earning about 16 nothing to do with it so that would be great if i get something that's gonna pay me 20 22. and i agree with that but why not get something that will pay you a lot more and again in the next few minutes i'm gonna tell you exactly what you need to do instead of you focus on getting complete certifications for you to end up getting you know an entry level job so right here i'm gonna put that message like right now and basically that the person right told me look okay i end up getting a busy technician position obviously i didn't want to ask well how much does that job pay you and i know for fact he will not get paid more than probably 17 19 per hour and that's exactly my point because let me tell you something it matters it matters a lot the first job that you get in your iet career and i get it i know that society the i.t community probably told you the only way for you to start your i.t career that's either for you to get a bachelor's degree or for you to get nachos one a few campaign and then go and get an entry-level job that way you get some hints on and then from there you can move up but let me tell you something they are wrong there are better ways on how to start your it career and how to approach your iet career that way you end up getting paid a lot more with a higher job even though it's your first job in 19. now let's get back here once again and talk about this okay because i want i want you for you to see the big picture okay now probably you are in your early 20s you still live with your mom and that's fine right so that means you don't have that people that you need to take care of right you don't have that many bills that you need to pay maybe jess this is good for you do that right go get get an entry-level job now if you have a lot of bills to pay and probably you have a family that you need to take care of don't go through this because once again you can do a lot better okay like juan one of my students first job in i.t and i'm going to right now find a message and i'm going to post it here first job and i t 34 dollars per hour yes 34 dollars per hour first job in 19 and he didn't have any of the compatia certifications any so that means that people are doing this so you can do that as well again nothing against right nothing wrong with this but why not go and get something better again let me give you the big picture 15 right that's about 1200 every two weeks every two weeks but obviously once you pay the taxes and everything else you know you end up getting about 900 and that's obviously depending on where you live but it's about 900 every two weeks that's not enough if you need to take care of your family right if you have probably student loans maybe if you have probably you know the car payment the insurance cell phone i mean that's not enough i've been there okay now what about you know of course i'm going to end up getting guests an entry-level job but not something that's going to pay me about 15 maybe 22 okay right so how much that will be about 1700 every two weeks again right once they take the taxes and everything else out of the paycheck you're more likely gonna end up with twelve hundred dollars every two weeks this not enough again this not enough so why not get something that's going to pay you between 60 000 up to 75 000 and yes you can do this even though that's your first japan idea this is what i'm gonna ask you be open mind because i'm about to take you one there to the monitor and show you and what you need to do what you need to focus on compared to computia traffications again right nothing wrong on you getting your computer a plus nebra plus security plus but when you can focus on something better they will give you a lot more opportunities higher pay right why not do that and instead doing what everyone else is doing you know this is a time for you to think and be you know probably jorge is right you know let me question what he's telling me let me question what other people tell me let me go to the market and let me look let me take a look okay don't go based on what other people may say that oh you know jorge that's probably the only the only one saying you know don't get compatible because you're gonna end up getting one of those five jobs you know everyone else says no you need to get that campaign a plus because yes you need to know about how to fix a computer you know like just basic things no you don't many of my students never got any computer certifications and they have a good job in it and you can do the same again question what i'm telling you go out there do your research but be open mind now what you need to do and focus on is on your cisco ccna now i don't want you for you to think that okay once i get my ccna now i can get a hype in japan 19. no no so listen to this because i don't want you for you to reach out to me and be like hey uh yeah so i got my ccna jorge and i've been applying too many jazz and i haven't got anything well let me tell you why because there is a lot more than for you to get iet traffications i know that probably many people are saying oh you need to get you know a ton of id certifications in order for you to get you know a high paying job in iet not true not true at all okay so marketing what does that mean i mean i think i'm not in marketing well let me tell you something do you want to completely differentiate yourself from everyone else you need to learn marketing you need to know more about the inner game and what's going on here because probably that's a story i believe right now that's holding you back and that's the reason why you're not doing the things that you're supposed to do or you probably don't see the opportunities that are right there in front of you why because of the story that you tell yourself and what you cannot do that or basically that uh bs the the i.t community told you that oh this is how it is no it's not okay so yes this is something that i go through my students because yes it makes the huge difference okay the other one positioning how you're gonna position yourself in the market because obviously right now they're not like hundreds there are thousands of thousands of people going after okay an id position first japan 19. so how are you going to differentiate yourself if you're going to end up and do exactly what everyone else is doing let me get that one not two let me get three compatibilities right because if i get more i'm gonna have more chances no that's not true at all many management managers you know people who's gonna interview you the more certifications you have that can be very bad for you very bad for you okay again do some research now do you know how to storytell you see you need to learn a story telling because yes this is the other one that you need to focus on that's the one that i focus the most with my students a story tell what you know a story tell what you have learned a story tell the experience if you have any that way you go through that job interview process and you sound totally and completely different compared to everyone else and yes that everyone else that will be like other 10 20 candidates going after the same job that you won so once again right if you end up getting a complete certification okay it's done but from now on what are you gonna do you know because once you end up getting your certifications and you go to the market you're basically saying to the market the i.t market i'm new don't hire me i'm just new i just went through some videos some questions some probably a few laps and i end up getting you know three four i.t compatibication so yes i'm completely new don't hire me i don't have the experience the value that you need and that's again because you're doing what everyone else is doing so even though you see five jobs you can go and get them if you want but if i were you and money money matters for you i will find another way if not you're gonna end up getting any of those jobs like i did because i didn't know any better okay so i hope this helps if you have any comment you know any thought about this topic let me know because again i'm gonna me reach out to you be like okay let's have this conversation you know this is your point of view this is my point of view you know i'm always open and i hope you are too so comment below on this video like it subscribe if you haven't subscribed and i will talk to you soon you
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 39,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What jobs can I get with CompTIA a+ network+, what kind of job can i get with comptia a+ certification, jobs with comptia a+, jobs with comptia security+, comptia network+ jobs, comptia a+ jobs, entry level jobs in it, it jobs with comptia certifications, comptia a+ job opportunities, comptia a+ jobs no experience, comptia a+ certification, comptia network+ certification, network engineer academy, how to start a career in it, entry level it jobs, comptia a+, comptia network+
Id: LWzIsgbJJ6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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