Egypt Is Not An Option | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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thing okay this is the numbers 11 verse 5 we remember the fish we ate in Egypt we also remember the cucumber's the melons the leeks the onions and the garlic we remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost at no cost now this is numbers 13 verse 25 just two chapters after after exploring the land for 40 days what land this is the promise lame this is the land flowing with milk and honey this is the land that God had promised through Moses and they've just come back from a spy mission 10 men where they went looked at the land and when they returned here was their report it reported this to the whole community in verse 27 we entered the land you sent us to explore it was indeed bountiful a land flowing with milk and honey here's the kind of fruit it produces but everyone say but but the people living there are powerful and their towns are large and fortified we even saw Giants they're the descendants of anak the Amalekites are there the Hittites the Jebusites the amorite so all these different enemies are there which by the way God God told them would be there I think it's amazing when we face opposition in life and we're surprised but God didn't say life was gonna be perfect he just said he's gonna be faithful through it and he was gonna see you through it so they're freaking out about an enemy God had already told him about verse 30 but Caleb tried to quiet the people he said let's go at once let's conquer the land we can certainly conquer it verse 31 here's our third but but the other man who would explore the land with them disagreed we can't go up against and they're stronger than we are so they spread a bad report notice please hear this they spread a bad report about the land this is their promise and they're speaking a negative report if you read from the old King James an evil report that they're staring at their destiny and they're speaking a bad report over it Wow this land that we explored it will devour people like it is like man-eating dirt all the people we saw were huge even Giants they're descendants of Enoch next to them here's the big verse look at this 33 next to them we felt like grasshoppers and that's what they thought too we remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost I just want to preach for a few moments from the subject Egypt is not an option Egypt it's not an option I believe there's a word in the house today for somebody and I believe we're gonna leave encouraged today Egypt is not an option Father in Jesus name we thank you for your word just praying for every person in the room no matter where we're at in our journey no matter how familiar we are with church or not or even with you I just my prayer is that people would leave today say they I'd heard from God and I believe God is good I believe God has for me and and I'm leaving encourage than I'm leaving just a little closer on my journey just speak now Lord we're listening we're leaning in and we're believing you for a word in Jesus name and everyone said amen amen and amen Egypt is not an option so we find ourselves in numbers chapter 11 just a few weeks after what I would consider the second greatest miracle in all of Scripture I'll give the first greatest miracle - the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ when he conquered death and sin for us but after that no doubt the greatest miracle you will see in all of Scripture is the children of Israel three million Israelites supernaturally undeniably instantaneously delivered from the hand of Egypt after 400 years of slavery 400 years of oppression 400 years a abuse god delivers them by his mighty right hand and by the way they didn't just walk out they walked out with all of the silver and gold of Egypt I mean what an incredible miracle and now two weeks in to the journey think about this they are two weeks into the miracle they have seen the Red Sea split before their eyes they have seen Pharaoh devoured by the waters they have seen a pillar of smoke by day that kept them cool and a pillar of fire by night that kept them warm they have seen manna fall from heaven they have seen a rock split and pour out fresh water by the way that rock followed them wherever they went I mean they had a constant Dasani water with them at all times this is unbelievable they I mean they're they've not only seen miracles they're living in a miracle they're now in the in-between place between where they were Egypt and where they're going the promise then they're in a place called the wilderness and in the wilderness staring at their promise they look at Moses and they go we just really missed the free fish dinners in Egypt oh the casinos in Egypt used to kompis buffets and we're missing the crab legs Moses think about it think about where they went in their mind that they chose to remember the fish the garlic and the onions and they chose to forget about the abuse the brick-making the whipping post the murder the death the rake the pain the separation the humiliation the evil slavery that they were a part of generation after generation after generation and they somehow were able to ignore that over some some garlic and onions you know that they actually tell us there's a syndrome called the Stockholm Syndrome and it is when a captive person actually falls in loves and becomes loyal to their captor they they choose to only see the good in their captor and they end up loving them and becoming loyal to them that the very person that is keeping them bound they've fallen in love with and they can no longer see the bondage that they're in and I I fear so many times for believers because I think this is where so many of us Lancie we we read this and we go oh my gosh these guys are crazy but first Corinthians chapter 10 tells us that we must learn from them because they are an example of what not to do that if we're not careful we will be the people of God delivered out of the kingdom of darkness loved by God chosen by God accepted by God called by God the people of God and not enter our promised land we end up going to heaven but we've never experienced heaven on earth we were loved by God but we never experienced the fullness of God we we're going to heaven but we never see the promises of God fulfilled in our lives so we end up becoming wilderness Wanderers that never walk in the fullness of what God has but I feel like someone's in the room today who says I'm gonna get everything God has for me I believe there's a land for me I believe there's good days for me and my family my future my finances my health and I refuse to die in the wilderness I'm going into my promise can I get one amen real quick and I'm gonna I'm gonna keep moving so I want to give you I want to give you three things I see from the text but I believe we'll help you tonight as you are walking in your promise next week I'm starting a series on relationships by the way it's gonna be fire I'm gonna be talking about because I'm just telling you that it's gonna be really good and helpful today it's more like I'm just trying to stir somebody up to go oMG I mean I'm gonna go for it with God that's what tonight is next week I'm gonna be real practical again okay so I'm just telling you I'm gonna do by the way I'm gonna do a talk for all you young uns ooo here all you young I'm gonna do a talk on how to have a good day oh you want to know right now no I'm gonna tell you but I'm not in a couple weeks I'm going to cuz you know what y'all do y'all go on one day and you tell that person who you don't know everything about your life and you just pull your heart out and go here's everything how about some mystery okay that's for next week I got to give you three I got to give you three things here we go number one choose your cost choose your cost choose your costs choose their cost we remember the fish with no cost no cost about about 400 years of slavery how about that as a cost I know no cost how about how about the violence no cost how amazing that they chose to to ignore the cost I recently are not recent as a few years ago I was golfing with a friend and he was talking about his ex-wife and how much he missed his ex-wife and mind you he was currently married to his new wife hello ha ha ha I got your attention and so he's like yeah man I just missed my ex so much and I went homie homie wait cuz I knew about his ex I was like she crazy she cheated on you she left you she took all your money she don't love your kiss she took your dog and she don't even like dogs that really offended someone cheating no big deal the dog oh my gosh the dog I mean she wrecked this dude's life and I go what are you talking about you miss your ex I said then you have a beautiful new wife she's amazing she loves you she loves God she loves the Lord she loves the church what's wrong with you because I know man I know but but my but my ex all man she could just cook so good I'm telling my garlic and onions tonight I'm talking about you you you you're thinking about the cooking but you're forgetting about all the pain she put you and your family through and it's so and it's so easy to just to just get caught in one little thing and you start talking about the good old days that weren't that good and they said we remember that we could eat with no cost everything has a cost let me just say this let me say this everything good or bad everything has a cost you have to choose your costs let me just help you with a few of these real quick like like there's the cost of success and there's the cost of laziness both have a cost yeah like everyone in here I want to make more money if I said who wants to make more money ya'll say I want to make more money we'll go get a second job yeah you know I never I've never not had multiple streams of income since I was 18 I've always had two jobs and four I mean y'all you could just uber for a couple hours a week make some money I don't like people you could do a burrito I don't want my car to stink roll down the windows you're just gonna have to decide do you are you gonna pay the cost of success or the cost of laziness you might like I'm gonna pay the cost of success people say how do you work so much because I know the kind of life I want my wife and I to live in my family to have and yes it demands a lot but I'm paying a price right now so I don't have to pay it later you just you're got you're gonna have to decide your cost I'm gonna have to decide your cost the cost of a budget or the cost of debt y'all know about debt right that is when you buy stuff you don't need to impress people you don't like okay moving on but the budget hurts yeah it costs you something in the temporal but I'm but I'm but I'm building a life of success and I just got to count my cost um the cost of buying a home or the cost of leasing you know like eventually got my house made well you never know with this market well we never know with markets so eventually you just got to pull the trigger you're not buying a house to try to flip it in in a month you're buying it you're buying a sanctuary for your home for your family and you make the internet well we can't afford it you actually probably can it's not that much you with a budget you could probably save pretty quickly like within at least two years you could save the amount of money you need to buy a house Wow what if what if the market goes down it will and then it'll go back up because that's what markets do the cost of living in God's promise over your life for the cost of regret both are gonna cost you something like destiny is not easy it's just worth it and I would rather pay that cost than the cost of regret here's one here's one for you children in here you children how about the cost of getting up early instead of the cost of living in a frenzy every morning you're like okay I gotta leave for work at 7:30 on you wake up at 7:29 no see you roll out of bed last minute walk into work with wrinkled clothes and Wilkos in your eyes come on somebody on my Mexicans I got a mullet man and you want an and you got a pillow crease down your face and you're going and you're going pray for me I need favor with my boss you don't need favor you need a hot shower you need to shave you need to get your eyebrows did and I'm talking about shaving maybe a little wax here and there come on so eight okay praise the Lord a little okay and you need to iron your clothes you need comb your hair and you need to walk into work like a human presentable and you and you know what's funny a couple weeks into it you'll be like mangas giving me favor at work he hasn't you just look nice you just look presentable so why don't instead of waking up at 8:30 why don't you wake up at 6:30 get in the word pray get your spirit ready get a cup of coffee take a shower brush your teeth get your clothes ready drive to work at a normal speed instead of driving at 89 miles an hour trying to get to work Oh frantic mad then you get a ticket then you need a miracle financial provision how about you just paid the cost I'm trying to help me yeah how about the cost of sexual purity yeah I know it's 20 19 I know it's 20 19 I know this isn't popular but about sexual peer how about I only express my sexuality with my spouse nothing else but I'll blow marry exactly that means you don't get to express yet it's gonna cost you something it's gonna cost you misunderstanding with people you want to go you want to go back to your place no I don't go back to my place why not because I'm an idiot and I know what I'll do at my place so we go in Starbucks yeah cuz there is no Netflix and chill it's there's no chill there's nothing cold about it it's spicy its Caliente y'all can't even get through the intro of a show you've already done something you know you shouldn't be doing it's gonna cost it's gonna cost you something what Savin what it what what if that person doesn't understand and they on to the next it's gonna cost you it's gonna cost you it's gonna cost you but you just have to accept to decide you want the regret in the shame and you've given another piece of your heart away to someone you really don't know or are you okay being a little bit lonely and a whole lot holy I'd rather be lonely in hole then entertain and broken [Applause] Brutes okay let's keep moving how about the cost of being a bold risk-taker instead of living in fear like all I'm telling you is you're gonna have to choose your cost men start that business what if it doesn't work you took a step you took a risk start another one go back to school try it you might you might hate it you might love it go take a risk don't live in fear start that thing believe God for that thing that's what I'm telling I'll talk about I'll talk about you don't live in that don't live in the cost of fear because fear will make your life so small I'm just telling you choose your cost and here's the amazing thing about garlic and onions they were in Egypt but hear me they were also in the promised land like what you want is also in God it's just God's Way it's all you single people there's their sex in the promised land yeah it's just God's Way there's there's a career in the Promised Land it's just God's Way there's there's resources in the problem it's just God's Way there were garlic and onions in the Promised Land they just they're their memories of the past were more real to them than the future God had for them but I'm just telling someone Egypt is not an option Egypt it's not an option Egypt it's not an option every everything that you want is on the other side of a bold step of faith but you got to do it in God's Way because see in Egypt they got the garlic and onions but they had a harsh slave driver pushing them and that's how you know you're not in real step with the Holy Spirit yet because you always feel pushed in your and you're worn out but see outside of Egypt they had a they had a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night that led them the Holy Spirit doesn't drive you he leads you and I want to live a lead life not a driven life in step with the tempo of the Holy Spirit instead of my own tempo Egypt is not an option number two choose your butt choose your butt one T one T just one T there choose your butt so eight spies eight spies come back and they tell Moses yo Moses the land is awesome is flowing with milk and honey look at these grapes Moses oh my gosh they got grapes that that are huge they brought back fruit they brought back different produce they brought back honey calms I mean they're like this place is it's everything God said it would be I mean it I mean the cities and the in the end the fields and the and everything oh my gosh Moses it's incredible Oh Oh Angie Moses is everything you told us it was gonna be but but there's giants in the land and there's enemies in the land and why you surprised man God told you they were gonna be there and they couldn't see the possibility because they were so focused on the enemy and and eight men came back with what God called an evil report and two men came back Joshua and Caleb came back and they went wait a minute wait a minute yeah there's enemies yeah there's Giants yeah there's fortified cities but so you just got to choose where you put the but but God has been faithful I feel like I could get a little bit of Church right here but God has been faithful but God brought us out a mighty long way God took us out of Egypt with silver and gold got took us through the Red Sea God God we saw Pharaoh drown with his army what you know there's guys but God has been awesome and the only thing that I need up to find us an indicator of my future is to look back on my past and see how good god has been to me and if I just see how good he has been I know how good is going to be yes there's Giants but we are well able let's go take the land and the only reason Caleb could say we are well labels guess he knew God was well able so what are we talking about so you gotta know where to place your butt so last week we received for you who are new we received it what we called a miracle offering it is a special offering that we are giving towards our new building and here's what real estate agents are telling me right now they're saying Jabin they're saying commercial real estate has never been higher in our city than right now even higher than before the recession Raiders hashtag Raiders and so so so here's the deal I got to be very careful about my but because here's what I could say I could say yeah you know what the church really gave the church is so generous the church is so faithful Church you know they just really love what God's doing the church and just they love me okay they're really behind the vision they're really God bless you thank you I needed something that's a good one you should do that like ladies of dude asks you out tonight after feeling bold about this talk just go to and then walk away say it so and I could say man people are so sold out people are so generous it was so amazing but man Commercial Real Estate's never been more expensive and and I could just talk myself right out of the miracle God's doing or I could say man commercial Real Estate's never been more expensive than it is right now but our church is on fire our church is generous our church loves Jesus our churches behind the vision our church is going all-in and I know God's gonna make a way where there seems to be no way because for 18 months we have seen miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle and I know God is setting us up for the greatest miracle we've ever seen come on can I get some faith [Applause] y'all you gotta choose your path or you will talk yourself right into defeat eight men looked at the same circumstance as Joshua and Caleb and they couldn't see the miracle in the making but Joshua and Caleb had a different view a different perspective a different way of looking at it and they said we are well able to take the land and I just won't tell someone tonight you're well able to do everything God's called you to do lastly you got to choose your future choose your future choose your cost choose your but choose your future here's what they said in verse 33 next to them we felt like grasshoppers and that's what they thought - there's the amazing thing about feelings proverbs 23:7 says as a man think so is he so my feelings are defining me proverbs 23:7 as they may think so as a man feels so is he as a man your inward dialogue is shaping your life and they said we looked at them and we felt like grasshoppers we felt we felt here's just a little bit of life advice we don't live by feelings hello we don't live by feelings because feelings are fickle feelings come and go you know there are days that I go to my little back room there and I pray and there are days that I pray and I feel like a man of God I mean I feel like I feel like the Apostle Paul I feel like Elijah I'm like I better stop pray and fire it's gonna fall right now like I feel it I feel it and there are days that I go in there and I pray and I feel like a grasshopper but I don't live by how I feel because feelings come and go so I go by the fact I don't need to feel like a man of God I'm a man I don't need to feel like I'm called a ministry I am called a ministry I don't need to feel like helping people today I'm gonna help people today because that's the call of God on my life I'm gonna encourage someone love someone help someone lead someone in gee that's what I don't do it according to feelings friend if I live my life according to feelings I wouldn't be here and I don't mean I don't mean here physically I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't even be in the game I wouldn't even be I wouldn't even be on the field anymore because feelings can come and just take you out so fast like you want to stay married you can't live by feelings well how to love fall back in you know if we don't feel like my wife and I been married for 13 years we haven't always felt it some days we do some days we float through the house just like oh my god I love being married to you you're so fine come on marry people and there's other days you look at that person you go how did we how to decipher that's how she feels about me that's what know right come on come on marry people why y'all gonna beat all the single people you're like okay cool but for real life there's this seat there's days they're seasons there's moments where you don't let my feelings you live I God put us together we gonna work this out we gonna pray this through we gonna kiss this through we're gonna date this through we're gonna get through this thing in Jesus name and then you come out on the other side you go thank God we didn't let feelings define our relationship right I mean and that's gonna happen in every area of your life we felt like grasshoppers who cares feelings come and go I'm not saying deny your feelings but I am saying address them see when in the book of Joel the Prophet Joel said let the weak say I'm strong he's not saying to deny how you feel he's saying deny your feelings Authority KKK I'm weak I'm not denying that I'm weak but I'm gonna say I'm strong I'm not denying the fact that I'm weak right now but I'm denying my emotions Authority must say what God says that that's what I'm talking about I'm not saying being denial I'm just saying you can't live by feelings by the way by the way we felt like grasshoppers serious and they thought so too so what now we can read people's thoughts because what you really think about yourself you'll project on others I feel dr. Phil right now they're like I'm helping somebody that's why you must have a healthy self-image because it's not just hurting you it's gonna hurt everyone around you yeah and so they said they said we know they think the same thing wait a minute they didn't even know you were there you were a spy brah Moses is like they thought that weren't y'all like double-oh-seven weren't y'all all like hiding out like did they even they didn't see us right they didn't see you oh yeah well because fear is irrational what the lights are turning off there we go let's turn the lights back on guys I still have more time thank you my lighting guys don't like my sermon okay and so I fear is irrational see sometimes I get up here and I preach crazy things and you're like bin jury boobs crazy no fear is crazy but you know they think the same thing they didn't know what they thought but because they felt like grasshoppers that's what they projected Wow my friend you're gonna have to choose your future eights pi said that but then to spies we have the keys come up to spy said no no no no no we're well able to take the land and I love what Caleb says he says let's go do it right now in other words I don't want to think myself out of this feel myself out of this talk myself out of this I've got faith right now to do it let's go there's something about that moment and he says we are well able and I just want to tell someone today your well label I want to tell you you have everything on the inside of you to do everything God's called you to do I'm not in denial of the Giants or of the enemies in the land but I am Telling You there is a land for you there is a good place for you there is a future for you come on somebody say Amen right now is a hope and a promise for you and you are well able to do everything I declare in Jesus name we are not grasshoppers we are the children of Almighty God and wherever we set our foot God says he will give it to us can I just tell you everything that is on the inside of you everything that you're seeing that you believe is for you and for your family it is for you you can have it you can step into it it's gonna take guts it's gonna take courage that's going to take determination it's going to take a cost but I choose the cost of taking a radical step of faith and seeing it come to pass you're well able I'm well able we are well able and we will see everything God has for us in the name of Jesus come on say you make up two hands praise the Lord tonight but by the way they said they feel that way about us too but here's what we find out that whole generation never got to enter the promised except for Joshua and Caleb and how about 40 years later Joshua Caleb in the whole next generation finally cross Jordan they go into the promise then and here's what the Bible said is what the Bible said in Joshua 6 it said that Jericho was tightly shut up because of the fear of Israel in other words the enemy was afraid of them y'all scared of the devil the devil scared a you and you think he thinks you're a grasshopper no no no the devil is just afraid that you'll finally have a revelation that you are not a grasshopper you are not a worm you are not just the sinner but you are a child of Almighty God loved by God called by God anointed by God the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit is upon you and the moment the moment you believe it it's the moment you can inherit everything God has for you Wow praise the Lord so there at the edge of the Jordan and they have to cross the Jordan to enter into their promise and the Jordan River is an amazing River because every time you see the Jordan River in scripture you you find transition it was it was where they crossed over into their promise it was where Elijah and Elijah had their moment of transition and it's where Jesus had that moment of transition into full time ministry the Lord Jesus God in flesh for the first 30 years lived a very hidden life he was just Joseph's son the carpenter's boy but on his 30th year it was time to go into ministry and it was time for him to fulfill the very thing that he came to earth to do and so we entered into the waters of baptism and he said y'all just think of me as a carpenter's son you just think of me as that Nazarene you just think of me as Joseph boy and in the waters of baptism he died to that image and he rose out of the water and the Bible says the Spirit of God came upon him for ministry and the Bible says the voice of the father spoke an affirmation over him and then he stepped into everything that God had for him and in Baptism tonight many are gonna be water baptized what a beautiful moment what it Haas some moment it is the moment where you tell the whole world hey hey hey that old life I'm done with that old life that old me I'm done with that old me Egypt it's not an option I'm dying to that life and then when we come out of the water were raised into new life we're letting we're letting the world know I received new life everyone is shaven here I'm praying that this video was a blessing to you now remember two things make sure you hit that subscribe button so you're up to date with everything that we're doing here and also if City Light has been a blessing to you why don't you get that give button and give something to help us continue to take this message not only to Las Vegas but to the world and we'll see you real soon
Channel: City Light
Views: 4,276
Rating: 4.9160838 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, Egypt Is Not An Option, choose your future, choose your cost
Id: w6aQ-F3xoQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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