How To Boil Crawfish Louisiana Style ~ 2018 Annual Crawfish Boil

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welcome back to smoke your ribs I'm Russ Jones got a special show for you today I've got two guys out of state of Louisiana I got mr. Robert l'affaire from ball boss he's out of New Orleans I've got mr. Keith Jenkins leapfrog Bowen cajun sauces and he is out of Madisonville we're getting ready to show you how to do a fantastic Louisiana style crawfish boil and we got a lot of goodies going in here so stay tuned we'll be right back [Music] [Music] all right we're getting ready to fire this big pot up and Keith is gonna explain to you how to know if you've got enough water because we got a lot of things going on this we got corn potatoes sausage green beans carrots we've got a lot of stuff so explain to them how you determine how much water we need for all the spectator Bubba sweet potato going in okay if you never done if you from Louisiana anywhere else there they don't crawfish you know about we're how much water you're gonna put in it's just a basic natural thing but you've never done crawfish here you got a eighty court a hundred court 120 or 140 160 and what size this is up this is a once-in- 160 uh balling pot here so if you've never done it like I said take your basket put your crawfish in it and we put your water you want about two and a half inches above your crawfish they've been to what sauce pot now we'll give that take you Bassett with a crawfish out measuring how much water is in there cuz you might have to change that water at all and miquelon and remember that's how much water you put on every time there's a first time use right that's a basic I just took the paddle that we'll be using and I stuck it the handle part of this in here I made a knot to wear in the future all I have to do is bring the water up to the notch I made in that handle perfect amount of water for this size pot yep and so uh so we're gonna roll with it uh get this a crawfish ball going and again rust better pleasure be back over there with a mere don't walk it's dead it's a lot we've been getting a lot of requests people canoeing videos together so uh we're here absolutely and we're gonna make it happen about you I'm getting hungry for scrub baby we gotta get this thing I'll turn the gas I want to light it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we are getting ready to add in the seasonings for this bowl we're gonna be starting with one from home seafood ball I mean the whole way to go with it right that's it that's what we're gonna do all right full pound bag right here we'll do a sack of crawfish you know with everything else we're adding so much extra of the stuff there's more than a regular ball we're going to add a little more extra to it they're so real good in flavor you can check our website Russell will be adding a lot of stuff to it so but like I said it's a happy medium for everybody so you can always add extra Cayenne Chinese red pepper or wherever and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna start with that I'm gonna flavor there pardon flavor so we're gonna do up we're gonna put a half a bag a bag and a half basically cuz we got the other stuff we're gonna put in the pepper in all right it's a pack and a half of that all right then I'm gonna put some cayenne we want the cayenne pepper in it could be just right because we got a lot of stuff going in it yeah another thing here I love my fraud bone Cajun pepper sauce to put in there just put a whole bottle of that baby in there give me ie yes I'm flavour now this is something kind of hard to find this is Chinese red pepper and I had a guy commented on some of my previous videos just telling me I really need to find this stuff just so happens the place to be two blocks from me that sells crawfish they use this so it's pretty potent we're gonna go about half of what you see here that's what I'm talking about oh yes smellivision ate in the future I know it's coming it's gotta be some kind of way that's smelling good day all right then we gonna put some liquid ball in you can use that iran's louisiana wherever you want here this is a blend at a secret can't tell and no we do not sell it maybe in time future about it you don't have to add it but we're gonna put it in here with our makes me got here a couple of cups there and Kimberly cakes oh yes it does baby I don't know if you use baby from your balls I personally think it has really good flavor to trap crap whatever those thing about bay leaves here as a kid younger in my grandmother's house you know red beans and rice is mandatory Mondays and I see the leaves in there you know she's got more putting Bailey's we didn't know I used to go outside to the oak tree pick up the leaves out there and come on up and put them in ice a piling up and she taught you to wear this all she didn't know nothing about was it well I've seen you put it out and wanna help out mama so uh so we had oak leaves and bay leaves so watch out look here's a yes indeed we've done this did we do this before yeah awful yeah whole contents that's right these crawfish as you can tell will have some fire on them and that's the way I like crawfish my shrimp for a lot modern is my blue crabs a lot milder across the dish I want hot spicy because you wash it down with cold beer last night we had today is the cold beer video we're going to do today so I'm just gonna ladle a little bit out for a few minutes won't give it a taste I'll be able to taste see if it needs more salt or not normally it does because we have so much other things going in to this other than in crawled it right while you're doing that raw sob as you know in 2014 we did the hospice crawfish cook-off and we gave up our recipe our puree and onions garlic and other good kind of stuff like celery and all right here sewn this here we're doing a couple things so we got some other stuff happening with this video onions good okay because you want a little bit of definitely got some spice oh my goodness but a little salt because like I said we got a lot of things going this I got one cup the deck is something to see so exactly our Super Bowl is very little in salt and all that here like I said no pencil what a person they are looking for and like salt we got to have we got a corn if we need that little extra for what we're doing and then the bag you don't have that so that's why we hadn't actually get that flavor looking for so another thing here we were doing it's taking onions you can take when you're doing a bowl take five pounds of onions little onion bag and you want to cut them up and puree it like a margarita mix do that take a whole stalk of celery puree it a little water and blend it up here and then what this is going to do it's put a natural flavor into your ball mix so that is pureed celery putting that in half a gold there I went all in there and here's the onion mix that's what it's going to look like right there and that's go get margarita and that's going to put your natural flavor in with that all right you cannot have a crawfish ball really any kind of seafood ball without citrus lemons and oranges going in I got six of these organs probably around eight lemons cut oh yeah squeeze your juice drop it in we're playing one of us in football with the oranges a great great great taste we're guys all I'll sleep it out now what you need to do is your potatoes and your onions in your garlic are these going now because it takes longer to ball so I'm going off about that ball 15 minutes so we've got you can take the whole bag of number 2 red potatoes don't put that in there then and here I have my onions and garlic I got those all in a bag right there sink down in there yeah I'll tell you what if you have never had a sweet potato in a crawfish ball you are missing out so we got a look this one's a little small nice little denying mediums all take care they don't kind of small in between a medium but this going put some really good flavor that fall going in there and talk about real good that's really good stuff you can make a sweet potato casserole actually a Cajun speak retain up ha trot there's problem we play didn't be crazy with it there's picked up this weekend oh yes it is it turned your Thanksgiving dinner to a whole new level all right so we're gonna kick that up and we need the ball Felisa 12 good minutes on that here and there to get them potatoes goodness all we need to put the lid on it crank it up yeah we wanna do like that let's roll with it okay well we forgot long things these go encounter early then that would be carrots I've never I've done carrots in a ball but a lot of people do probably try this before hey good we're good chop-chop opal jump alright then go around 12 minutes now it's time to add some more ingredients this is smoked pork sausage I personally love sausage in a ball a lot of people talk yep and this is the part where we put in some of Russell's famous stuff and my favorite stuff in it so that's what we're doing mixing next nut then we've got some green means any none like a good old green bean so we're gonna put up they said that's why we put the extra season because we got a lot of extra stuff a lot of times all browned off the sausage before going in to render out a lot of fat caught up in time and everything yeah anyway they've got mushrooms you can't go wrong some good old spicier flavored mushrooms we're gonna put off it's putting bags put a whole bunch of them in there cuz all they gonna do is shrink up so then they're gonna take the spotty the crawfish today takes a little while to boil so that go and go in there now oh yes indeed how about that oh yes right and that's what we're looking for the day this is a little spicy ball [Music] and just remember coming up on we got a special guest coming in with a ball balls and we go oh cool he's down here and like he's going in there no don't put it to our test on the left the only video I've used the ball ball is back in hurricane Nate was coming down on us and I used it and I was simply made by Quicken but I've got the man himself here today that he's gonna explain to you really how to set it up say that properly and how and why it works all right we've got this down gonna kick it back up here we're gonna ball for a good another seven minutes with this they're not that we're gonna be putting on corn in the last five minutes gonna put the corn in then we're never girls ready hey mom well bugs right Garan crawfish or got one reason will to get in this patient hot tub that's what they're for we're gonna put occasion on tell all right hey Robert all right before we go in with these crawfish we're gonna let this corn go in about five minutes now try and get some of this Louisiana crawfish here and what we got here nice Alec's nice a nice crawfish here but this is one sack going in [Applause] come on Boudreaux coming in their food rain getting away I'm gonna take this enough okay nice little stir like a baby's in there all right all right we have turned to fire all crawl fish everything is done all right now Robert is gonna show you exactly how this ball ball squirts sir and everything about it here we go yeah so we just turned off the burner these crawfish just stopped cooking it's time to cool him down should I put this on the pot so we go make sure this hose the way to put this along and keep these brackets flat I'm just gonna push it straight down the pot just itself all right so what did someone turn the doubt gonna spray the outside of hot water so the key to the boil ball it's working right once it's spraying use your paddle you just gonna start stirring so stirring does it agitates that water in the pot it's that hot water in the center out to the sides touching the wall to pot cooling it off you'll notice all these crawfish are up here floating on the surface right so that should telling you they're still cooking whatever they're floating they're full of air that's because we cooked all the moisture out during the cooking process to reverse that we're gonna drop that temp rapidly gonna force those crawfish you can track and suck back all that juice sink to the bottom a lot of people ask us you know why don't you the bag of ice so we found that 100 quart pot a 10-pound bag of ice only got our temperature to about 185 degrees so our target temp is a 150 mark that's when that tail meat stops cooking you're above that you're not soaking you're cooking all right we've been going around a minute and a half I'm gonna see what we got here with this pen to read we're at 190 so we're going to keep going you can see these crawfish are already starting to sink though so it's just telling you they're sucking in the juice you'll see them start to sink right so a lot of people soak their crawfish 20 30 40 minutes or until they sink the reason they're sinking is because that temperatures dropping so quick so if you're waiting for them to sink they're cooking the entire time so we want to reverse that process for such crawfish to sink right away and then we can soak them to taste you don't have to get overly aggressive with it but you're just trying to get that water moving around you know the more you stir the faster it cools so if you just let this thing sit and spray your gonna cool it you're not gonna cool it fast you may want so by annotating it you're just eating up the process I'm gonna head and say something about this you know we've been doing our crawfish how we've been with our hose soaking down I'm constantly underneath it there while we got to do other stuff for our crawfish ball here right so just with that non degrees within that quick impressment so with that Douglass will can bring you up from doing but I'm constantly with my water hose right underneath there and we got other stuff to prep off get you know make sure the crowd or whatever here what all man I gotta tell you I'm impressed right now I appreciate it my hand is here yeah I mean it's not hot on nothing like that here got that whole pot down and that's impressive too and it's been hot and it takes a while to cool pot down see that yeah there 155 Wow a lot of guys ask me I'm gonna turn off them a lot of guys ask me you know why can't I just keep it up and doing spraying the pot and that's what we did for a long time I've been doing it yeah right but the key is the combination of the spring and the agitation at the same time right so you're just spraying your only cool to specific area like I said so they this is all about spraying all the sizes at one time and stir at the same time where hot water in the center is making the play to the cold outside yeah totally good we're turning the pot into a heat exchanger right right yeah I mean hey I had to believe it just I had to see it to believe this is first time for some see I've been seeing on your videos but being a person with the vendor here Oh you--oh nice again no no I want you to go ahead and taste that head suck the head on that game whip on even without soaking I'm just going ahead and see how much to hold on them okay so come here never ate a prophet before fill the heads off there and then you want to just crush that see now what tasted that celery you know why we pureed yeah but the season is there it's down nothing compared to an overcooked crawfish we remember if you get a mushy crawfish there is an overcooked rakesh I don't care what anybody says they overcook their craw fish and you got depend on size how long the ball until these were select so we did go to an extra two minutes for a big selects all right peel right out off grata say what rustling oh we're gonna take know thirty minutes or so ten Madison that's unreal yeah I look massive bill from North Shore South Shore you got a good product manager and I appreciate that here and uh you just made a believer out of me at all these years that's burning the daylights out of my hand so I'm gonna go ahead and put that out of the hair but but they're they're juicy all right so we're gonna let these soak I'm thinking ten minutes normalize so 2025 minutes but these are not going they need it's not gonna take it and we're going to pry them out here on the table behind us and we're going to pour take quality l thing well yeah with your plan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we got them all on the table I've already tasted them ain't gonna lie about it you talk about some good hot spicy crawfish just the way I like them one crawfish and I got it right there on my tongue what do you guys think about it I'll make even the flavor was good just right and we added actually Cayenne like I said every customer or people families are different for the spice content you want and this time we opened it up and that's what we go on the peeling right off slip right out through the meat man pops right out right bad out there mmm then the ball boss right there I tell you what we want to do this video for him to prove us wrong you know now what are you new man y'all might have caught that video I did with the shrimp that's what convinced me of the ball boss but a absolutely perfect crawfish got some people here they're all fixing part eight and we'll see what they think about it I'm like I said man and you press me prove me wrong - no man enjoy it here and uh hey we're gonna have this Mississippi Louisiana Pete's going down and yeah Louisiana comes from Mississippi that's right yeah ie til next time smoke your ribs for all volcano sauces boss hi [Music] [Music]
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 398,540
Rating: 4.8118014 out of 5
Keywords: how to boil crawfish, cajun style crawfish boil, Louisisana style crawfish boil, cajun crawfish recipe, crawfish boil how to, crawfish boil recipe easy, crawfish boil recipe spicy, crawfish boiler, crawfish boil eating, crawfish boil sauce, crawfish boil recipe, crawfish boil mukbang, how to peel crawfish, how to eat crawfish, cook crawfish how to, crawfish seasoning recipe, crawfish recipes, how to boil crawfish louisiana style, smoky ribs bbq channel, smokey ribs bbq, cajun
Id: aY8XI6fSSng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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