How to Smoke a Brisket RIGHT - An Easy Step-By-Step Guide

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there's three things that I judge a good brisket by what are they number one tenderness number two Smoky flavor number three is it beagle approved whether you're a beginner or a seasoned Pro you're going to learn something in this brisket video on how to do brisket right [Music] I am gloved up and ready to go we are fixing to do surgery what are we going to do it on a brisket if you think these gloves is pretty thick it is 39 degrees so I have me a layer underneath folks if I had a nickel for every one of these I'd seen in the last 30 something years of cooking I wouldn't have cooked no more and when I started buying brisket to put on the smoker I can remember buying some for 13 cents a pound now I'm going to show you as we go through this deal what's all going to happen but this is a 16 pound Packer brisket a whole thing not just a flat not just the cap it is the whole brisket now we're going to trim a bunch of this fat off there but I don't want you to get that fat cap on the back down to Plum nothing we got to leave some of that on there now a lot of you have probably cooked a lot of brisket but stay with me whether you're this is your first one or this is your 9428th one to put on a smoker we're going to have some tips for all of you and some tricks that's going to make this brisket better tasting more tender and it'll be the what the hit of the brisket parade yes it will it will be good pups love some brisket they do [Music] why do I think you need to buy the whole brisket well first of all you're going to get that combination of a good fat to a more leaner cut of meat but when you buy a flat you're paying more for it and if you buy a brisket that's untrimmed you're saving money because you can trim a brisket at home so let's just take some of this off not all of it like I said just some of it you can see we got a little of that meat but that's fine don't think any of this is going to waste because it's not mostly to I like to try to take off anything that's really a shiny wet fat it won't render as quickly down and go through that brisket so this is a 15 pound brisket that I'm going to get a really good 10 to 12 servings out of here but this thing's going to draw up it's going to shrink I always figured when I was catering it's a third of a pound of meat per and when it's finished per person if you're chopping this to make taco meat you know brisket makes some great tacos if you're just slicing this to just have brisket on a plate or if you're even like getting this all chopped up putting it back in a skillet frying it up a little like carnita there's so many different uses for it but hey just make sure you cook it right well first I'm gonna turn it over Shin if that's all right and I want to show folks I'll turn it this way you can see really let me pull it out here where you get I there's a little bit of like you can just see gristly meat right here and you can see a line that comes back into where there's actually just straight brisket meat so I always like to take that and trim it off as well but also now we're going to turn it this way and let you look see how much thinner that really gets right there than the rest of this I like to square this end up just a tad take this off just a little bit to sort of even that up but I want to show you under here how deep that fat goes I like to come back in here cut this at an angle and you can sort of peel it out of there that way and then just trim the top right off of it and you can see that we got most of that cleaned up so let's move around here to the Cappy into this and I want you to see this excess of fat that's running here all that is not going to cook and render down let's take that knife go back in there you can see we still got fat just pull that a little you can see how that fat cap up here in this big roll just sort of had that all humped up well now it'll let that brisket actually lay a little flatter but I want you to look right here as well remember we turned that trimmed that meat off right there we got to do the same to this piece here so we're just going to go back in here trim this up to where we're really getting down to Fresh good meat right there so folks I would call this trimmed enough for me and ready to go so let's talk about seasoning [Music] in this well it's a big piece of meat so it's going to take a lot of seasoning but I do like to combine our original seasoning with our Mesquite seasoning folks you can use seasoned salt black pepper garlic powder or you can just use coarse ground black pepper kosher salt and garlic powder I really like that this has a little bit of citrus in it that really needs because it sort of helps more of that break down right there to make it a little more tender and folks we are in luck today the good Lord has blessed us watch the way this seasoning Falls there is no wind that never happens it don't never happen in Oklahoma when you're trying to film make sure everybody is covered well give it a good Pat and you you see a lot of folks that they'll say oh I need a binding agent that I'm going to put with this to get this to hold the seasoning on the meat if this was a really really tough brisket I would probably go back and use lime juice and rub it in let it set a little while let it soak down in that meat and then go back to it but some folks going to put like olive oil on there avocado oil you don't need that we're going to let this meat set up Let it draw some of that moisture to it let it suck down there in that meat because when you put a binding agent on there or something like mustard it's hard for that to penetrate I love to always season the flat side first and then when we turn this over this is the way it will actually go on the grill fat side up why when that's cooking that way them meat juices and that fat juice can penetrate and go down it's called osmosis of the fat Moses I think is what it's called flatmosis that way you can get All That season in there you may think oh my gosh that is a lot of seasoning remember folks so many times people make mistakes of under seasoning a piece of meat especially if it's a great big piece of meat so make sure you get it seasoned well and you're thinking now we're going to throw it on the fire right no we're gonna let it set on the counter come to room temperature for about 45 minutes to an hour [Music] well it's time to get the smoke rolling it is and today what am I using my favorite smoker of all our roughneck smoker we teamed up with the good Folks at Hasty bake to make a product that is entirely made in the USA everything it is today we're going to start with a base of Fogo hardwood lump charcoal and I like to use the stuff that's in the big sack because it's bigger chunks it is but to that after them get white hot and I can't emphasize that enough folks you need to wait till this smoking wood down here is white hot I mean glow in good then when we get that brisket out here and put him on the fire then we can add what smoke we want to go with it okay today I'm going to be teaming up with one of my favorite trees that I grew up with it all happened during the cattle drive days the cows in South Texas would eat the Mesquite beans off the trees as they traveled North they would have deposits I think that's what you call them and the Mesquite beans would set in the fermentation of the cow manure and they would sprout then once commenced what the Mesquite tree now folks we have a lot of them and I love to use them grilled a lot of steaks with them now if you're just using Straight Mesquite it can get a little harsh at times but to the Mesquite I am adding my favorite brisket wood to it because it really gives that bark a good red deep color that gets into and that is just cherry wood and I really like to use the bigger chunks of stuff and I'll split this Mesquite down a little to where it'll burn up pretty quick to start out with but this is going to last longer I do not soak it unless I'm using something like them flakes of wood something like well it is time to get the beef on the smoker it is and you can see asham was showing you there a while ago after getting to set that 45 minutes that sort of draws that moisture to the top and that seasoning and everything is glistening in the Morning Light remember I told you we're going fat side up and I'm gonna set him right here at dead center there's a little bit of Sizzle going on there which is all right remember we're fat side up so let's go ahead and shut this one get your latch down tight and you can see the tension spring that this has got on it so then we're adding Mesquite and Cherry to it and if you're to put these in there to start when we already had this fire going these have been burned up when doing is no good so I like to never add the smoked and I'm going to put the meat right on it and folks we'll just have to mess with it for just a minute and I don't mean mess with it in a bad way just so I can know exactly how far to have these vents open and that bit back there closed just a little to where I can get that circulation we're going to keep an eye on it get our temperature regulated just right you can see the smoke is already starting to come out the back we're climbing we're at about 250 so we're going to get pretty close I'm going to shut these just a tad I like to keep it about the 250 range if I can but a little over that sure ain't going to hurt it if you're using just a long Grill like I've cooked a lot of brisket on the Legacy grill that is made by Hasty bake and remember that's offset or what we call indirect cooking I'll have me a big pile of coals on one end and I can then put the my smoke there but the other end where the brisket is setting is clean and empty but they do have a vent on them too to where you can regulate that heat a little more now if your lids and stuff don't latch completely tight down you have to keep a close eye on that airflow to regulate the temperature that's the only way you can do it for the next four hours we're just going to keep an eye on it we want to let that internal temp get right there to about 160 and then we're going to show you some more Magic [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes I am I have much presence to wrap and unlike plastic wrap and a 40 mile an hour Breeze things ain't blown away just yet hang on but see that you talk about the breeze and here it comes [Music] well we've been on about two hours and 40 minutes things are a little ahead of schedule here mostly because that thing seals up so tight and that airflow is so good on it I want you to check right there about the middle of the flat was about 159s and we're going to go fat side down here so you can see the good color that we've already got in there and that's what we're after but before we go any further in this process we're going to take our rib rub and give it just a little shaking of goodness on here this has a little sweetness to it and we're just going to let that set here for just a minute let some of that seasoning sort of adhere to that meat and then we're going to get it wrapped up when you wrap and we've got two sheets of that pink paper out here go ahead and just pull that one over because we're wanting a double on the top of the flat side give it a tuck under I like to turn it this way and I can already tell you folks this piece of paper is way too small so get it wrapped up pulled off at 160 degrees and then you've seen us wrap it to retain that moisture it's also going to block a little that Heat going to slow the cooking down so we're going to stick her back in the smoker still running at about 275. and we're going to let it go for probably close to three to four hours probably leaning more towards the three until that internal temp is between 200 and 210. [Music] we're looking for something between 200 and 210 internal temp and we are there so let's see what's happening in here and folks let me see I'm going to tell you it's been six hours now most places you look you're going to cook a brick skit for at least eight you can see how that thing has sweated that paper and everything is looking good you could let it just sit there and come to sort of room temperature on a big old sheet pan and try to keep people beat off of it until they got ready to eat but folks I sort of like to let mine sit if we can get it off her in a good ice chest over here now I will tell you I'm not going to suck that thing down tight because in them yetis that will continue to cook even more but you could hold that brisket right there in that if you shut it down tight for hours upon ours I wanted to go ahead and sort of cool gradually as it will that's why we didn't shut this down in fact big we'll give it just a little vent right here but it's going to let that condensation that sweat come back off that paper to where everything is going to be moist in there and when we slice that it'll be oh so good it will [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] up right here and I'm going to pull it just a little and it just sort of comes apart and then I'm going what I'm going to take a bite makes you do the what you get so smooth I know you'll be like Frank Sinatra and then you'll just break down and then you think oh my gosh that stuff right there make you run jump higher run faster and jump over to move to get one this tender most of the time I would have to cook 12 to 14 hours six hours on the money is all it was and in 30 minutes in that Yeti ice chest and pull it out we are speeding up your cook time we're saving you that moisture we're giving you that good smoke to get that bark all the way back in there this is what a smoker is supposed to do but one other thing I'm going to tell you is if you're going to wrap meat that if you've already cut it do not wrap it in aluminum full because on the top or any place that it's touching that meat it will discolor it so always make sure that like if you're going to wrap something with pole put some wax paper down or something under there first but as soon as we have attendance today I got them some fat meat oh my gosh big you like to get out my finger Duggar Cletus man you can put this on anything you want barbecue sandwiches serve it just like that don't forget how easy it is to do and as always everything that we use today will be listed down there in the little links below and don't forget about that new cookbook that's coming out you can pre-order and won't be long you'll be checking them dates because hey they're going to be a book tour too but it is with honor pride and great privilege that I tip my hat to all our service men and women and all our veterans who have kept that old flag flying back there it is such a great thing it is to the rest of you I'm just going to tell you y'all mean the world too as you do because without y'all we wouldn't have no YouTube channel y'all are great followers you are great subscribers be sure and share the videos give us a like and God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the best tender smoked brisket Trail ever you hope you can see that as a booger well let's talk about seasoning and folks I cannot give you an ex what I would call an excise is excise a word that is not a word hey exactly all right go precise that's what I was after Shane I might want to perform some kind of surgical procedure [Music] are you using Hardwood hard words or hardwood hardwood is hardwood okay I think I should bring this to y'all's attention because it is sort of way heavy on my mind that this would happen two filming days in a row now Shannon is still in them house shoes go ahead and show them Chad steal in the house shoes but folks we're really lucky because at least she got out of the house coat to do this one so [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 992,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoked brisket, brisket, brisket recipe, smoked brisket recipe, brisket recipes, bbq brisket recipe, smoking brisket flat, cooking brisket on the grill, best brisket rub recipe for smoking, kent rollins, cowboy kent rollins, cowboy kent rollins chopped, smoked meat, smoking meat, smoking meat for beginners, bbq texas, how to smoke brisket, cowboy cooking, bbq b, beef brisket, beef brisket recipe, beef brisket on the grill, outdoor cooking
Id: nKAf_NbtsSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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