How To Boil Crawfish ~ Basic Boil

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I'm Russ Jones welcome back to smoky ribs this is the first video of 2017 we're kicking off a new year videos with mr. Keith Jenkins from frog bone Cajun sauce is straight out of Madisonville Louisiana all my last crawfish video I showed you a technique and a method for steaming crawfish that Keith taught me so today what Keith is doing is he's showing you another method for balling crawfish that's going to be packing the ultimate flavor stay tuned [Music] [Music] hey Keith good to see you again man always a pleasure Russ as always why don't you tell people what we're gonna be doing today how you going to do this okay well over the years you've been seeing a different style the crawfish bought us Stephen method and everything else and that's one way but we're gonna do a Louisiana style just a basic crawfish ball to people who've never done a crawfish ball or who's young here by using our frog Blanc a didn't seasoning sea football that's what we pushing today very low in salt but great in flavor so that's what we're gonna do crawfish is starting to come up yeah they up in price right now but right now yeah it's not really crawfish season yeah it's like the very beginning and get in here so you get around Mardi Gras so it's rolling in about May it's full pizzeria here so but right now I'll hoppy we both craving some crow oh man yeah they say crawfish and you want to shoot a video on my heck yeah come on down so we're dog so this is one a 3 or 4 of videos showing different ways and they want crawfish we're just gonna be a basic Louisiana style crawfish ball all right let's do it aye we got a little small 25 pound sack just a couple of us here get these babies going let's cut up the first thing we'll do is good washing I did wash the crawfish already in the sack whilst back in Madisonville that's nice tiles right there now you gonna have a couple dad one the molten here they either you'll have some you know that's typical and all sacks it's still early can they brittle that's a nice sauce sauce crawfish you can meet him those sides there all right first thing here we're gonna get our water this is the 8 quart for us we got 80 quart pot get an 80 put pot and we're going to about six inches of water a lot of people have 100 court do about 6 inches of water be perfect right there so now let me go ahead and put our flavor in we're gonna listen up coal pound bag we're doing one second crawl fish about a hamper crabs and about our 40 pounds of shrimp so we've got a second crawl fish get that flavor there smell some good ball buster us been a while since we've done crawl fishes getting Tom all right we got that you take your basket up and down like that get those seasonings going all right now we're gonna put them on some lemons and Alwyn squeeze some good old lemons fresh linen juice I uh garlic that's a garlic go pulls on there and onions garlic don't put our onions in here too he tends in there so you start soaking up that season and cooking get the flavor alright one thing now we're doing a lot of people don't know about is are we doing sweet potatoes this is nice little small sweet potato and so what we're going to do is jump us in here it takes a little longer to cook so we're gonna dump this in here get those sweet potatoes here we're gonna in one bag they stay together alright got one more secret we're gonna do a lot of people will use a crab ball make a crab all in here what we're going to do is put a bottle occasion pepper sauce great in flavor and peppers as just another extra little spice there to it if you have it you need frog bone Cajun sauce pepper sauce here so we're gonna put a bottle of this in it we have done this before last year yeah and very good unique and tastes yeah good stir all right all right here we go they come to a ball would be right back I just dropped in some new potatoes a little red small ones this time the ones I had this time they were very very small so I didn't put them in the beginning like I did my sweet potatoes usually you got another beat size potato you can drop it in there get it going then for 10 minutes to have it first there so we just dropped a little small ones to get them boiling so you're gonna go about three minutes three or four minutes get that ball in the net that we're going to put our crawfish yet all right we are waiting we got here got a crawfish gonna put a final roll ball in here and this is a hip care man plus there right hi I would like to say something real quick because of all the seafood balls I've done and crawl fish and things of that nature I always get just one question you're putting them in live yes they have to go in love I'm telling you you do not want to bite into a dead crawfish putting a live crawfish in a pot of boiling water is no different than a lobster clams are alive mussels are alive moister ZAR alive there's no there's there's no difference but to ensure freshness they have to go and love they have a destiny nestle to live all to give ball they go down to get to the pipe they get to the bottom it wouldn't look you want the way I look at and a lobster s like you know you can dispatch em real easily but you can't dispatch a whole sack of coffee I mean you could but it's just not the way it's done and we doing mushrooms we do a corn do a potatoes sweet potatoes lemons onions you got you garlic green beans broccoli cauliflower I'm fine I'm fine up I usually do have pineapple you cut up on that one do the football so the good part what else you got on just about anything you want girl everything out of guard you go ahead and put it in a real good - so oh yeah absolutely well that's looking good your flavor blue color and yeah all right they just come into the ball right now go ahead put my mushrooms in you think these mushrooms is one of my favorite all right man they're like little flavor bombs and they just really absorb all that thank goodness when you bite into it minutes a party going on in your mouth sure yeah get those in there put a lid that go up with your ball off about four minutes that's it four minutes alright go ahead cut her off there cook - it's a lot quieter out here now it no yeah there cook all right man that's looking good now for now there that's when the corn comes in you take your frozen corn and then drop some corn in there and that's gonna soak the season up and cook itself so we're gonna stoke about 25 to 30 minutes if that water begins to cool off you'll notice these crawfish will not float they'll begin to st. they'll sink all the way to the bottom and what that's telling you is they are absorbing all this liquid all this flavor yes and a couple of options to do that here you can take a bag of ice and go ahead and put it on top of there it was soaking now you can take a water hose spray your side your pot underneath you pot and cool down or another thing I've seen some people take with me to Arizona jug islands the other - Arizona tea guy well drink your tea there fill it with water freeze it and put my three of those together and sink in there and that cools it down quicker - yeah and I've been asked another thing on some of my past videos including the one I think mainly the one in Madisonville where we kept adding ice yeah yeah a lot of people tend to think that we're diluting the flavor by doing that well you kind of if you know you're going to do that you plan ahead and you up the spice yeah from the beginning and like comb 120 quart pot you know it holds let's see how many gallons was that it was like I forget what it was but it any right I put 20 pounds of ice on top of that shrimp and that was only like two and a quarter gallons of water that I added - like I want to say 15 gallons which is very little compared to the 15 gallons so it didn't dilute anything plus I bumped up my season yeah oh we're going on this you know I'm gonna try it 20 minutes just taste one - 25 or 30 we're gonna have but it all depends on size how long they do so if you got the small craw fish do not let them soak as long try those out there if you tails kind of mushy that kind of little old cooked a little bit here but you know they're small they could be brutal and beginning of the season yeah so until the end of the season like I said he's all pond race crawfish at the end we start getting swamp crawfish in yeah those River crawfish are really good man yes and what I'm able to get right down the road here they're so clean when you bomb that's like they've already the Belle River crawfish are good and excellent the basin right there so all right now it's soaking time and we're gonna get our table all set up ready for feast after this so we'll be back with a Crawford's eating next shrimp personal just real flavor not salting compared to the other day man don't eat all the my bad side I'm good hungry man that's like our first ball for the year first of mini-com all right we'll get these babies out here spread them out come around the side here you see man I'd say it's time to pick out all right man that smells good now we have everything out here they're all the crawfish is out our onions our potatoes lemons garlic mushrooms yes indeed I'm not sure anyway so this is the basic Louisiana crawfish ball real simple show the way that's one way we'll do it so if you're right there find us on YouTube like it sneaking in been craving that all sweet potato I know he has hey man look at that look at the side nice good size and we're gonna give a shout-out to the craw crab man plus and tell you lit about him peace of Mandeville he's a mobile guy that does our crabs crawfish and shrimping everything else he donated the crawfish here for us today go to the site right here everything right there and you'll see his information contacting him if you're looking for crawfish to get shipped out of make sure get this right here inside the United States here so if you're looking for crawfish getting stripped in the United States give him a call here contact him this was all this information tell him fry balm sent you texting there the lay no and he'll get fresh crawfish when he does his crawfish he just don't do the sack into the box and put ice on and ship to you he does all the washing he grades all this crawfish out to make sure they all live all his crawfish will be alive going into the box getting shipped to you on the plane that's good to know because I get asked all the time through my other seafood and crawfish videos hmm do they ship where I'm from and they're like says crawfish season crab season is ending so I don't know if he's shipping any crabs right now then shrimp but just contact him he can give you the whole information of everything you need so the crab man Plus appreciate that there yeah and they're good crawfish is really good yeah nice on skipping just come on in you keep talking I'm going to eat okay you go ahead there we go bring it on your glass come on look here area all right anyway um people keep on seeing that from when we had our glasses I shot glasses i pints and our mugs and everything else that kick once in and then our tumblers here this is a 20 ounce mossy oak sandblasted out right there they don't got our website right there we can get those all like I said it not on the website anything like that you have to get ahold of me but I'm trying to show you a point with this here what this guy's can do this is the purple one sandblasted LSU colors you like that and this is one his 24 ounce aw mugs with his logo and a name the company is called X and sketch Glass Works and spelt with with the X that works that can you spell everything out force but look I'm on Facebook action sketch Glass Works and these are the guys skip and Chelsea then those are our stuff for us here so if you're a company and you want your company logo on some classes sandblasted mug shot glasses they do the Sean jogs everything like that here they can custom make that for you there so definitely get a hold of them look at their Facebook yeah a Facebook page and everything else yeah I'll put links in the description box for all that and they do fantastic work yeah and they live just right around the corner for me right here right here Mississippi yep yep so I'm gonna show you a couple little things too oh man let's check that out that is awesome look at this here right here any moonshine in that mason jars they do two mason jars and everything like that there that's beautiful that right yeah they can do and gum and they do this on just there anything custom they can do for you but get a hold of them tell them that the frog bone sent you so we'll know where they got the customer any kind of personal stuff mirrors yeah he does a custom mirror force and everything else for us that and we are explaining to do it stuff a little bit about you you know what kind of work you do and how long have you been doing this you might have to get in closer I'll pick up on pretty much any design outside of like yeah yeah I'll give you yo ah we've met about a year ago yeah yeah three weeks from now will be a year ago at the Biloxi wholesale show and we've been keeping busy with that it's all perfect but I don't have to show you something real quick this guy did here oh man come on man you got to be kidding me he don't know nothing about this no I didn't know anything about that oh he done your name yo logo zoom up on this smokey ribs turn it around awesome thank you all so much and that is that's the stuff that he can do like that here and I do appreciate Ross everything you know for me the last three years their YouTube videos that you do hey this might be something here for Ross smoking ribs customers you have Noah's website all you got to do is hey that's a good idea but this is the first one but this is for you you're drinking love I got crawfish all over my hands now let me grab on these paper yeah yeah yeah all good but I just won't give you appreciation a little bit here thank you that's what they can do like I said any kind of business awesome corporate if you're looking for we do hot sauces so he does a lot of stuff as I think he's doing some other people's hot sauce bottles that sandblasting down all hair so he's been busy traveling and looked at here but look them up on their Facebook page give Mahalo scoop and Chelsea they do excellent work like I said I won't be like to be no middleman anything like that but I appreciate you going to them if you're looking for that and like I said they can do hi bye I'm ready to go excellent work just they'll work with you but here this is everything you done for me you know and this is man I appreciate thank you anytime all right so a mystery I can't forget mystery and his wife and Derek his son behind camera without these three here we've been friends for so long as I family so I can get a break and go here do some videos so it's been a while since we did I've had a lot of people requesting it oh you gonna do another video with key app so Thursday so we are both out here that normally I'm at work but I've been fortunate to have the last two weeks off but Monday it's going to be a different story very busy for crawfish season so like I said this is Louisiana crawfish ball here simple ball here easy to do only way to make that thing right is ball ball seafood boil and a Cajun pepper sauce and just right came out so until next time smoke my ribs frog bone roll bone and it just works thank you next time we gonna eat and get some grilled down here you don't we see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 456,870
Rating: 4.8022923 out of 5
Keywords: how to boil crawfish, how to cook crawfish, crawfish recipe, crawfish, Louisiana crawfish how to, frog bone, smoky ribs
Id: 14p8DU-0JC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2017
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