How To Beat Your EVIL MOM In "The Babadook"

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[Music] your mother has locked you in a house with a demon that's haunted you at night and wants to eat your soul there's no one here to help no one around who believes you and now it's possessed your mother what do you do when you're a little kid trapped in a house with a psychotic adult who wants to murder you i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to be the demonic mother in the babadook [Music] this boy is not safe samuel here is having terrible nightmares and thinks there's an evil monster living in his closet but his mother emilia doesn't believe him together they search his room and find nothing but the boy isn't convinced she tells him to pick a book off the shelf to read him a bedtime story but he brings her a strange blood red cover that she's never seen before and has no idea where it came from the story is about a demon called the babadook who will enter your house hide in your closet and haunts you in the night when you're in bed the kid starts to panic worried that he'll be attacked in his sleep and the mother has to read another story to help him forget but she doesn't realize that as soon as they opened the book they were doomed okay something is seriously wrong here when a creepy children's book about a demon that eats your soul has magically appeared on your shelf and you know it's not yours you need to get rid of it immediately this kid is already horrified that something is haunting him and now we have a book that almost proves something supernatural is going on here so we should be taking this kids nightmares a lot more seriously first of all this thing has no isbn number or publishing information on it so it didn't come from a bookstore considering the fine artistry of the drawings this skill it takes to make a pop-up book and the horrifying subject matter there's almost no chance it was made by someone they know the fact that it's a kid's pop-up book and threatens you in rhyme makes it even more horrifying and i've seen way too many horror movies where you invoke demons by reciting words i wouldn't be taking this lightly and even if you don't believe in demons there are enough red flags here to at least close the book to protect the kid and start doing research now according to folklore it's classified as a demon which means it's a highly intelligent being and has been around forever it can shape-shift and feeds off your fear and grief the more miserable you are the more powerful it gets until it possesses and eats your soul its name in hebrew means he will come and it also cannot be destroyed this is not the kind of thing you should underestimate and there's no way i'm keeping this book in my house even if it's all made of nonsense i'm not interested in taking these kinds of risks so instead of placing it above the closet i would leave the book in front of someone else's door destroying it would be a natural instinct but if it's real it's better not to risk making it mad at you the better move is to find a family you don't like and leave the book in front of their doorstep and move on with your life maybe we won't have to attend our neighbor's stupid barbecue birthdays anymore and it's a win for everyone else in the neighborhood too the next morning the mother is woken up by a loud noise she runs downstairs and finds her son wearing a catapult strapped to his back just as he launches a cricket ball straight through a window he built it to fight off the monster in his room but when his mother dresses him for school she tells him to stop talking about the babadook later that day the mother goes to pick up her son from school but the principal asks to be with her she finds out the boy brought a homemade crossbow to class and nearly hurt someone he's been a danger to his schoolmates and needs to be removed from the others with a private teacher to supervise him offended the mother quickly decides to pull her son out of the school and they try to convince her out of it but she's made up her mind she thinks she's protecting her son but this is exactly what the babadook wants and she's playing right into his hands she joins her sister claire at the park and makes plans for the kids birthday party while her son plays by himself near the swing set the mother finds out that her niece doesn't want to have a joint celebration with her son this year and her sister suggests she celebrates the kid's actual birthday but she can't it's the same day her husband died in a car crash and she's doing everything she can to not think about it okay that's some heavy emotional baggage and i sympathize but choosing this scary looking book when your kid is already having nightmares doesn't just make you a terrible mom but it's also about to ruin their lives if i was six years old right about now i'd be wanting to play some pokemon or watch spongebob now play jumpscare the book with my mom these two need to relax turn their brain off and have some fun and right now only one game can save them because just like they're not expecting their lives to be overtaken by a pop-up demon you're not expecting raid shadow legends because this game is literally going to save their lives while this kid's mom wants to act normal and leave her alone the best way he can prepare for war without getting caught is by training while playing a game that has millions of players gorgeous graphics and dozens of tough bosses use my links below to download rage yourself to your mobile phone or pc he should join the entirely new playable shadowkin faction they've been under the brutal heel of the demon spawn for the last several hundred years only in the past few months have they overthrown their ruler siroth so we need to learn from them what we can especially ginturo obero fnatic and conscript were my personal go-to's for obvious reasons just like sacrificing your friends in a death game the tavern is a cool system where you can level up champions by sacrificing lower level ones you can enjoy the view of a dragon swallowing a princess hole 30 seconds into the game or practice using my personal favorite a soul drinker attack to think like the babadook by using his main weapon and this month raid's releasing 11 amazing new champions and if that's not enough they're also adding five toughness levels to almost every single dungeon in the game so kick back relax and use my link in the description to download raids so you can summon awesome champions and play demons to beat your demons thank you to raid for sponsoring this video now back to the story the real legend here is this kid because he's inventing catapults and crossbows from household items and it's all because he thinks he's going to get killed by a demon he's even using his playground time to imagine how he's going to fight it off and that exhibits a lot more bravery to face his fears than his mother is showing and she's making the situation even worse pulling us out of school means we'll have to spend all day at home with a demon that wants to eat our souls if we tell anyone this story nobody will believe us so the first thing we need is credibility i would tell the principal of my school that the darken was meant to be used against my mother's abusive boyfriend even though this is a lie it immediately calls the mother's judgment into question and bringing a crossbow to school will become the least important issue in this situation to a six-year-old this is the best power move you can make because it gives me leverage over my own mother and i can use that leverage to force her to take this babadook thing seriously now we have to figure out how to protect ourselves this is mr babadook's book therefore it doesn't just tell us a scary story it tells us what his rules are i would be studying every single line and try to use it as an instruction manual to beat him the first rule here is that you can't get rid of the babadook it's one of the first lines in the book so burning it will not solve any of our problems the second rule is that there might be a way to befriend it but only if we are clever enough to see now this one is a bit cryptic but the payoff here would be huge because it suggests that there are specific conditions that can turn the babadook into an ally if we know we can't get rid of it then friendship is the only way to live with this thing safely living with a demon can be scary but as long as it does the dishes and takes up the trash i'm willing to make concessions another rule seems to be that he first appears in disguise and the book says that when he reveals his true form it's going to be worse than death there's also another clue here because the babadook says let me in but in the picture he's already inside the house he's not talking about being let into the house he wants in to your body this means he's a shape-shifter and can possess anybody from this point forward we need to consider that anyone could be the babadook at any moment and not trust a soul without a foolproof way to make sure it's really them lastly the babadook is willing to negotiate here it says he'll make a wager but it also tells us that if we deny his existence it only makes him more powerful now giving him more power is the last thing we want so i would acknowledge his presence and ask him directly what he wants negotiation requires communication and that's a place to start if none of this works then just offer the dog as a parting gift and move out of the house the next day the mother is late for work and since her son has been pulled from school he'll have to stay with his aunt until the mother gets back home but she makes him promise not to talk about the babadook while he's there returning to pick up her son she gets out her phone and finds 10 missed calls all from her sister she runs in and finds her boy sitting in the driveway and claire here is furious she tells her that he was screaming at some imaginary person called the babadook and it was freaking both of them out frustrated by dealing with this alone he throws a firecracker on the ground in anger she takes him back home and in the car asks him where he got the firecrackers telling him the babadook isn't real the kid threatens that it will creep into her room and eat her insides if she's not careful but she's had enough and won't let him celebrate his birthday as punishment okay this is toxic parenting 101 if a parent pulls this kind of crap they shouldn't be surprised when we act out now for anyone who wasn't allowed to close their own bedroom doors or was blamed for every little thing that went wrong we'll know that bad parenting is not uncommon but it's important to point out that when there's an actual demonic force brought into the equation this literally turns your childhood into a survival scenario kids are completely powerless and even making a rational counter argument can get you in more trouble so eventually we'll find ourselves grounded and locked in a room with a demon that she doesn't believe exists there's still a way we can control what's happening though considering what we know about this creature it's a demon with higher intelligence which means it's capable of bargaining i would sell out my parents if i thought i could take care of two problems at once the babadook must promise not to harm me and i will give him everything he needs to haunt the mother it sounds like revenge and it is but it also helps me achieve my goal of convincing her that this thing is real and she'll finally be willing to help get rid of this demon once and for all that night at dinner they're eating together quietly but the mother suddenly winces in pain reaching into her mouth she finds a glass shard was in her soup and panics she checks her son's bowl but realizes that the glass was only in hers the kid insists that the babadook did it but she accuses him of trying to hurt her and sends him away the mother leaves sam watching tv in the living room and heads upstairs but when she turns the corner she sees the kid dart into her room walking through the door she looks around and there's no sign of him anywhere but on her bed she finds a very same photo from the basement and it's been vandalized this is the last straw she confronts her son about this and he immediately goes to grab his catapult but she stops him suddenly he pushes her to the ground and asks if she wants to die she doesn't know what to say and can only watch as the boy picks up his catapult and storms off to hunt down the monster okay it might not look like it but this was a heartwarming family moment the mother thinks her son was threatening to kill her but actually all he wanted to do was protect her his mother is already being haunted and instead she sees her six-year-old son as the enemy so we need to use the same tactic as the babadook and manipulate her fear and anger in the right direction the best way to do this is by gaslighting her to drive her mental instability out into the open in front of others she already thinks it's our fault so we might as well take it to the limit and see if she cracks i would bang on her door in the middle of the night move things around the house and turn the tv on at max volume to make a stronger impression that the house was haunted by a more conventional ghost as long as we don't get caught it's going to scare her enough to confront the issue and she might either investigate the paranormal activity or be too afraid to stay and sell the house if she doesn't then the neighbor will be able to see how the mother is getting worse and this woman would just love any excuse to meddle frustrated with her son's behavior the mother goes into the kitchen for some peace and quiet but notices the ceiling light starts to flicker upstairs her son hears something and walks towards the closet but when he sees what's inside he screams in terror the boy is traumatized by whatever he saw and she tries to get him to calm down but when she looks up to see the demon's book on the shelf she knows what she needs to do ripping the pages into shreds she's had enough of her son's fantasies walking outside she throws the book into the trash thinking it's the last she'll see of it but the babadook is just getting started the next morning the mother hears the knock at the door when she opens it she looks down and is shocked to find the bubba duck's book on her doorstep taking it inside the house she flips through the pages and discovers they've been put back together this time the story is speaking directly to her as she finds pictures of her killing the dog strangling her son and ending her own life afraid to read any further she takes it outside where she pours gasoline over the book and sets it on fire right in front of sam but it's already too late because the babadook isn't done with them yet they go to his cousin's birthday party and everyone is having a good time except for sam he's still terrified of the babadook and hides in the corner of a tree house his cousin finds him and mocks him for not having a dad and that no one wants him this was one step too far furious he pushes her out of the tree house and she breaks her nose from the fall he's causing trouble again and has given his mother one more reason to hate him leaving the birthday party his mother breaks down and yells at him to just be normal that's when the boy's eyes roll back into his head as he begins to have a seizure and the mother realizes that this is a lot more serious than she thought she takes him to the hospital where he's given a complete checkup and the doctor tells her there's nothing medically wrong with her kid he's had a severe anxiety attack and is under a lot of stress she begs the doctor to prescribe sleeping pills to help him and the doctor agrees relieved she's finally going to get some peace away from her problem child but doesn't realize that her problems are about to get a whole lot worse okay this doctor is not helping if you're being forced to take medication that you don't need then we need to do something about this immediately especially since these drugs will leave us completely vulnerable against the babadook the good news is we can use these sleeping pills against the mother and beat the bubba duck at his own game first i would steal a handful while she's on looking make her tea and spike it with enough medication to knock her out cold now nobody in their right mind will let a six-year-old put a kettle on but if it's already been made i doubt she would turn it down it will look like a nice gesture and the flavor will disguise the taste of the pills according to the book as long as she continues to deny the babadook's existence the more powerful it becomes the advantage here is that if the mother is unconscious she has no opinion about the babadook and it drains his power these pills give us the leverage we need to negotiate with the babadook and find out what he wants later at home she asks her son to take a pill so he can go to sleep and he's skeptical at first but when she reassures him it will make the babadook go away he agrees to take it with one condition he will stop talking about the monster if she swears to protect him that night the mother's washing the dishes and looks up through the kitchen window but is frozen in fear as she sees the babadook in her neighbor's house sam interrupts her to say he's tired but when she turns back the babadook is gone she tries hard to get some rest but can't shake the feeling that someone is watching her suddenly she hears noises from outside the room and when she sits up something opens the door the babadook crawls into the ceiling and lunges at her jumping out of bed she takes her son and moves them both downstairs the mother refuses to sleep and stays up to watch tv but the demon still won't leave her alone the mother has no idea how much time has passed and starts to look for her son but she hears something in the kitchen she turns on the light and catches them on the phone with their neighbor asking for help yanking the phone out of his hand she tells it they're fine and hangs up before reaching into the drawer and pulling out a kitchen knife the boy is terrified as his mother walks to the living room to cut the phone line now there's no way to contact the outside world and no one is coming to help okay this woman is becoming a total psycho and when your mom starts waving a kitchen knife around the house and cutting phone lines you know it's time to leave the problem is the babadook's influence on the mother is getting stronger and this kid has zero freedom to escape but if we were paying attention there's one ability that we can take advantage of here to call for help anytime the babadook comes out the lights start to flicker which means he has control over electricity in the house we can't make a phone call anymore and she won't let us leave the house so what i would do is find a flashlight and use it to signal a neighbor through the window of my bedroom it's battery powered so the babadook can't interfere with it and if we stay in the bedroom the mother won't bother us because she thinks we're asleep the neighbor will notice the flashing light and investigate herself or call the cops or we can tell them the mother is a danger to us and to herself and they'll have no choice but to investigate the claims later that night after sending sam to bed the mother sees the lights in the house start flickering she slowly turns around and is horrified to find the babadook coming straight for her she runs into another room and barricades the door with the chair hoping it will keep the monster out but now it's climbing down the chimney and is entering her room the mother tries to crawl away but there's no escape the babadook lunges at her and possesses her body she is now one with the demon and the boy is in grave danger sam here peeks through the crack in the door and looks at his mother watching tv but he knows something is wrong the dog runs out of the room and starts barking at her but that was bugsy's biggest mistake she runs after the dog chasing it into the kitchen and picks it up before brutally snapping its neck okay this is the best thing that could have possibly happened it's sad to lose a good dog but with this one death we can pretty much confirm that the babadook has possessed the mother and that's great news when it's an evil demonic spirit it can be anywhere at any time and haunt you in any way it wants but now that it's taken a physical body we can control it in ways we couldn't before going to fold kevin mcallister here would be a great way to attack him without putting ourselves at risk if the spiritual force was confined to the household then dragging her outside would free her from the demon's control and we could leave for good but if this didn't work i would chain my mother to the basement for as long as it takes i know it's cruel but the babadook wouldn't want to stay in a body that had no freedom to move around and it would be compelled to leave her as soon as it does the mother wouldn't be able to deny what happened and admit that it's finally time to get the out of the house she sees her son run up to his room and chases after the boy to feed on his soul finding the door locked she kicks it open and sam here is frozen in fear as he watches his mother float across the room just like the babadook she tells him she wished he had died instead of his father and wants to smash his head against a brick wall but sam has been planning for this moment she follows him into the basement and gets caught by the tripwire he set up she's sent tumbling down the stairs and is knocked out cold when she wakes up sam has tied her down to the floor and there's no way to escape he tells her that he'll love her even if she doesn't love him back but they need to get the babadook out of the house slipping out of her restraints she manages to grab her son and begins to strangle him instead of fighting back he reaches out and touches her face in love even as she's killing him overwhelmed with emotion she tosses him off of her and starts to convulse finally on the floor turning over she vomits up a black liquid and collapses in exhaustion the boy runs over to his mother and gives her a hug as he realizes she has returned and the babadook has left her body together they leave the basement and head for the front door to get help but the boy suddenly gets pulled up the stairs the monster has taken her son and now she has to rescue him running into her bedroom she sees him get thrown into the wall and doesn't know what to do picking him up off the floor they jump into the bed but the bubba duck starts shaking the entire frame helpless she begs to know what it wants and the bed suddenly stops moving the babadook tries to take her kid away but she pulls him back into her arms screaming at the monster in pure rage now that the mother has no fear the babadook is powerless and it runs downstairs into the basement to hide the demon can't be destroyed and he will never leave but they've defeated him and now she can move on days later the mother is gardening in her backyard and finds a worm in the ground dropping it in a bowl of other night crawlers she takes it into the basement and leaves them out for the babadook who is now prisoner in their home joining her son in the backyard the mother wishes sam a happy birthday and hugs him finally free from the monsters in her closet but what do you think how would you beat the babadook let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to beat playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 4,442,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, the babadook, strict mom, mean parents, insane parents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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