How To Beat The FREEZING & DEATH In "Red Dot"

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[Music] you're stuck outside in the frozen wilderness with no way to get back to town no one to call for help and hunted by unseen snipers you'll freeze to death if you don't escape and time is running out what do you do it's a worst case scenario that pits you against frozen lakes blizzards and an enemy who won't stop hunting you i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do in how to beat the hunters and red dots this unhappy swedish couple is holding on to a dark unknown secret and it's tearing them apart all david here wants to do is play video games to forget his problems while his wife nadia is left cleaning up after his mess she's also several weeks pregnant but the only person she's told is her friendly neighbor thomas she finds out her husband has arranged an unexpected hiking trip in bear valley and she's excited to go it's a chance for them to escape their troubles but they have no idea what they're about to get themselves into okay we don't exactly know what their secret is but these two clearly have some serious emotional baggage there's nothing worse than being trapped in a bad relationship and unresolved trauma can turn two people against each other it doesn't look like much but we're going to find out later what these two are hiding and boy is it ugly they stop at a gas station where these hunters show up there's something off about these guys and even the dog can tell he makes a creepy comment about nadia and there's blood leaking from the back of his truck it's not too strange since this area in sweden is popular for hunting but david here doesn't like the vibes as he's pulling out he accidentally hits the hunter's car but instead of taking responsibility they drive away without even leaving a note what a dick this is extremely short-sighted and he should have owned up to it for two reasons firstly anyone with blood dripping from their trunk is not someone you want to piss off if you already think the guy is creepy then giving him a reason to hate you is just about the dumbest thing you can do here and could easily backfire also many gas stations have security cameras that would have captured both the incident and your license plate secondly by law every swedish driver must have car insurance and the dent is pretty small so his insurance could have easily sorted it out this tells us a lot about the kind of people they are driving away shows a real lack of character and their bad decisions will catch up with them later on they stop at the local lane where they have a reservation for the night as they're checking in he spots those two guys from the gas station across the room and they look rightfully pissed off the man gives them a map of a hiking trail and even offers to let them stay at his cottage but then warns them to be very careful on their trip the cold nights of sweden are no joke and things can go terribly wrong out in the wilderness if they don't stick together alright he's not kidding the winters in this part of the world can reach -30 degrees celsius if you're stranded without proper shelter in this climate frostbite and hypothermia can set it fast and when the human body's temperature drops below 28 degrees celsius you would lose motor dexterity within minutes become unconscious in less than 15 minutes and die within less than 45 minutes for this reason i would be listening to the local weather forecast before going out the next morning they get ready for their drive to bear valley but find scratches on their car and a racial slur written on the back it looks like revenge for the run-in at the gas station and on their way to the hiking trail they pass by the hunter's truck but she just can't let it go she gets out to scratch the [ __ ] out of his truck that's when the hunter comes out with a dog who chases her back to the car she slams the door which injures the dog and they speed away once again now it might feel good to get even but there's no evidence here that the hunters wrote this on their car we've just dramatically escalated this feud and now they'll be looking for an opportunity to retaliate this leaves us super vulnerable if we're hiking in the wilderness because there's no one around out there to witness anything these guys are proper hunters so it's not exactly a fair fight if things escalate any further the safest thing to do is return home call off the holiday and reflect on your life choices because not being a terrible person goes a long way here park in the car they head up to the mountains and set camp right under the northern lights nadi here decides to tell david she's pregnant and he's overjoyed but something is wrong they see a strange red dot hovering across from them and realize someone outside is shining a laser on the tent wall they go outside to look for the source but there's no one around for miles suddenly it appears again but this time on nadia's head officially freaked out they decide to pack up and leave when something alerts the dog and he bolts outside before they can stop him then a gunshot rings out and a bullet flies through their lamp taking away their only source of light needless to say this holiday is not going well okay there's a lot to unpack here and they have every reason to freak out first of all this dog didn't run away for no reason the only thing that alerts a dog this quickly without a sound is a dog whistle that tells me whoever's doing this is someone we've met before so it's most likely the hunters from the gas station looking for revenge now this sniper's aim is seriously on point and if he wanted them dead they would be so these might just be scare tactics but he's also made a mistake here because we can use the laser to triangulate the position of the sniper from the light falloff in the snow we can figure out that the sniper is in this direction and this changes everything because now we can figure out the best direction to run it needless to say running back into the tent is a terrible idea one of the most effective anti-sniper tactics in the military is to rush the sniper and close in on him to force him out of his position so if we're able to close that distance quickly with zig zag movements we've become much harder for him to kill the problem with this is that it's a military strategy for soldiers trained in combat and the most experience this guy has in combat is playing battlefield on his playstation just because it's the best tactic doesn't mean it's the best decision the most logical thing to do here is look for the nearest slope to get out of the sniper's line of fire the terrain here is pretty flat but any curvature of the land will still help shield us because there are no high points around for the sniper to perch from they run for cover into the night but a flare goes off overhead spotlights appear in the distance as they hear the sound of an engine speeding towards them luckily they find a wooded area to hide it but they have to stop when nadia here starts wincing in pain david realizes the sounds of the vehicles are getting closer and he hurries them out of there and hide inside an abandoned building until morning okay they're lucky to find shelter but staying here is the frozen wilderness equivalent of hiding under the bed it's just way too obvious and the hunters will find them we should check the map the innkeeper gave us and see if there are any buildings marked down i would head for the innkeeper's cottage as it's most likely closest and might have a landline to call for rescue but assuming we can find it it's not going to help us if we lead the hunters straight there the best option is to create a distraction to lead them away from our direction if the dog didn't run off i'd consider tying him up and leaving him here as the barking will attract the hunters and buy us more time as we stay on the move it sounds terrible but it's a calculated risk these hunters might want to make us suffer but they also had a dog that they took good care of and anyone who takes good care of their dogs like this would be very unlikely to hurt someone else's it's the next day but they don't have a lot of time to escape they didn't bring their outer layer coach with them from the tent so they're more vulnerable to the weather than before nadia here wants to go back to the car but david points out that the keys and phones are at the tent and since neither of them know how to hotwire a car they need to go back to their camp going back to the campsite is the worst idea in the world the hunters are behind you and following your trail and you'll either run into them or you'll run straight into a trap this couple has no survival skills and they can't google for directions right now so their only option is to stay on the run back at the campsite david here decides to check out the tent while nadia stays back for safety but she sees him suddenly come out and vomit she runs up and he warns her not to look inside but she doesn't listen and sees the decapitated head of their dog and everything's been stolen it's horrific he gets her to calm down and goes back inside to look for the keys he moves the dog's head to check under the sleeping bag and his arm gets caught in a bear trap nadia here pries the trap off and helps treat the wound binding it with an improvised cast okay i'm starting to think this has nothing to do with a scratched car because this is way too extreme up until this point nobody's been hurt but now it's turned into a legitimate death scenario these people don't want to just scare us they want to kill us and it tells me every aspect of this is by design but there's one thing that can't be controlled and that's the weather this thick fog is actually a blessing in disguise because the sniper won't have a clear line of sight unless you're already too close for him to shoot now if we had the same disadvantage getting back to the car would be too difficult so i would take this opportunity to look for the hunters it's dangerous but so is weight in the mount and when so much of the situation has been controlled by them it's the last thing they would ever expect they follow their own tracks from the camp and try to find their way back but they're completely lost in the distance someone is watching them and he starts shooting at them they try to make it to these trees for cover but the guy suddenly realizes this shooter has to reload after every single shot just when i thought they couldn't be any dumber he does something like this and totally redeems himself he recognized the firing pattern of the gun from none other than battlefield he's also completely right but he should have known this from the beginning because we saw the gun in the hunter's truck at the gas station it's a remington 700 rifle which is a single action five round gun with one in the chamber now if we knew how many bolts the gun holds i would count the shots and wait until he has to reload the magazine this lets us run from cover at the safest possible moment now once again the fog gives us an opportunity here to rush him if they both split up and started running at him in a zigzag pattern he'll be delayed reloading and they might have a chance to jump him but personally i wouldn't do this because i don't want any risk of getting shot a wound like that puts an end to this whole cat of mouse game because you'll be too weak to run from them and the blood will be easily tracked the best strategy here is to take this opportunity to let him see you running into the fog in one direction and then change course he'll have to rely on his tracking abilities alone which are likely quite good but when nature gives you an advantage you have to take it the couple wait until the hunter fires his gun and they run for the trees while he's reloading david here gets shot in the shoulder and falls but nadia keeps running and leaves him behind he sees the shooter approaching and quickly gets out to follow after his wife she realizes her husband is missing and calls out for him she can barely see anything in this fog but she hears the ground suddenly crack she realizes she's standing on thin ice her husband responds to her call and runs blindly onto the frozen lake she warns him to be careful but as he walks over he falls through the lake's surface she crawls over to help him up but he sinks into the water she dunks her head in to find him but he's gone she's about to give up but then she sees bubbles come up to the surface and she grabs him pulling him out of the hole he's half drowned and freezing to death but at least he's still alive okay this one is unfortunately not going to end well for either of them and she's not going about this the right way realistically at these temperatures with no means to warm yourself quickly you'd be dead this is [ __ ] dangerous because the body will go into cold shock response after two to three minutes which makes you involuntarily gasped even while you're underwater the irony here is that you would die by drowning instead of from the cold if you want that one chance of surviving this keep your head above the water and try to get yourself back on the ice now even this can be very difficult because the ice around the hole will easily break that was also her mistake because she could have easily fallen in after him from the breaking ice to escape the water you'll need to use your elbows and move yourself out as horizontally as possible to distribute the weight more evenly across the ice if you're lucky enough to get out you'll need to take off all your clothes because the soaked water actually makes it colder than being in just your tidy whities they can't make a fire because it will attract the hunters and they don't have the time or the tools to do it so the only chance is to rub warmth into the body the limbs will feel colder because they are thinner and the brain's instinct is rub them first but the best thing to do here is to rub the chest to protect and warm the heart the smarter thing to do here for survival is to leave him for dead it's so brutal but if he's already fallen in he will need immediate medical care when he escapes and she won't be able to help him now to be fair i wouldn't leave my partner behind either i try everything i could but it's only going to decrease your chances of surviving they find an abandoned cabin and take shelter inside renadia here discovers a lot of useful things including a phone that she uses to call for mountain rescue unfortunately they can't come until the storm clears so she makes use of her time stitching her husband's wound and checks to make sure she hasn't lost her baby she's relieved to hear that it's still alive after everything they've been through now these guys have been extremely lucky they found shelter when they needed it most giving time for the husband to recover but turning on all these lights here is just about the dumbest thing you can possibly do their one advantage was the fog of the winter storm but these lights will cut through that leading the hunters straight to the only place keeping this man alive they even have a lit candle by the window which is so stupid these lines aren't enough to keep the husband warm so they serve no benefit even without any lights i still would have tried covering the windows so nobody would know we were inside now this guy still has to recover and that's going to be really difficult to do without heat technically speaking it's possible to override your own autonomic nervous system to control your own body temperature with meditation and breathing exercises wim hof proved this by climbing to a 6.7 kilometer altitude on mount everest wearing nothing but shorts and stains submerged in an ice bath for two hours all without letting his body temperature fall below 37 degrees celsius but this takes a lot of training to pull off and something tells me this guy isn't quite the meditative type i would blind all the windows and consider lighting the fireplace but only if i could use one of these blankets to pitch a tent to block the light then i'd have to lie down inside the tent next to the fire the smoke from the chimney would not be seen because there's already a fog the smell will only travel in the direction the wind takes it which gives us a reasonable chance that the hunters won't catch the scent the next morning they hear a snowmobile approaching and see the mountain rescuer that was sent to help is actually one of the hunters from the gas station they climb out a window before the man can find them and try to go for the snowmobile but he comes out of the cabin and with no other choice they run back into the woods okay something about this is very very wrong if this is one of the guys that's been hunting us he wouldn't call out to announce his presence he also wouldn't come in without his gun raised and ready to fire this changes everything about what we think is happening here because if those two hunters from the gas station aren't haunting us down then who is now this could also be a trap and we can't know for sure until we got control of the situation so i wouldn't announce my presence without making sure i had the upper hand this couple actually got one thing right here after everything they've been through they would be way too weak to take this guy down physically when your body is experiencing hypothermia it's losing more heat than it can produce and you also lose coordination and strength because the blood moves away from the limbs and towards the heart but there's still a way to take control of the situation there were a lot of useful things in this house other than this phone and one of them was this rocket flare now these things can do pretty serious damage and at the very least are an excellent distraction i would have wanted to wait until he opened the door and fire the flare to his chest and take him by surprise we can then rush at the man without needing to overpower him and take his gun and the keys to the snowmobile to get the f out of here also given that he's part of the rescue service he might have a satellite phone or a walkie-talkie we can use to get in contact with more help as they run away from the cabin the husband starts having intense hallucinations and collapses nadia checks the map and discovers that the innkeeper's cottage is relatively close she makes sure he can continue before they set off in that direction i gotta say this would have been a good thing to do a lot earlier they've been wandering for days and don't have a compass so this map is a lot less useful now than it would have been earlier at the mountaintop now there's still a way for them to figure out their cardinal direction to make sure they start walking the right way in the northern hemisphere moss will usually grow on the northern side of trees due to the sun's positioning in the sky and from there you can figure out the remaining directions if you can't find any moss however there's another approach you can use stand a 3 foot long stick into the ground and place a rock at the tip of the stick's shadow then wait 15 minutes and place a second rock at the tip of the shadow's new position if you face away from the stick and look between the two rocks you'll find true north they continue trekking until they spot the inkeeper's cottage but the husband's hallucinations are getting out of control and he's haunted by this kid in a yellow jacket he's breaking down and doesn't have the strength to continue so the wife goes to scout alone and sees an abandoned snowmobile the other hunter finds her and he's confused by how scared she is of him but he doesn't have long to think about it as david here bashes the man's head in with a rock they run away and take the hunter's snowmobile to the innkeeper's cabin okay this guy's reaction to nadia here confirms that none of this has anything to do with a scratched car he didn't seem to understand what was going on and that means his couple might have just killed their best chance to escape if they had just spoken to the guy he would have helped them but instead they stoned him i guess communication is not one of their strong suits but neither is critical thinking they took his snowmobile but left his gun sitting there in the snow they have absolutely nothing to defend themselves with and when they manage to find one they leave it behind they walk inside the cottage but that's when the innkeeper comes downstairs surprised to see them he quickly goes to call the ambulance but the wife overhears him talking on the phone to someone else she doesn't trust him and tries to leave but the innkeeper holds them up at knife point she then notices a wall of photos of her and her husband and among those photos is a picture of a little boy behind them their neighbor tomas enters the room and surprises them both that's when their dark unknown secret is finally revealed years ago they ran over a kid on their way to stockholm and they never told anyone about it they didn't even bother to call for an ambulance and that little boy was tomas's son who found out it was them and has been stalking the couple until he had the perfect plan for revenge he was the one who set up this bear valley trip and now he's going to finish this he orders them to get on their knees and he knocks nadia out she wakes up tied to a chair and sees her husband holding a drill he tells david that he wants to drill into his wife's belly to kill the baby because they killed his son and threatens to shoot his wife if he doesn't comply david raises the drill up to her stomach but he can't go through with it so he shoots him in the leg alright if tomas here created this elaborate chap going to have him tortured and killed inside a house that he's not being smart about any of this there's going to be way too much evidence to clean up and he hasn't even set up a proper kill room with plastic sheets to be cleaned easily without leaving a bloody mess if he wants to kill them without getting caught it's better to force them back out and tie them up so they die of hypothermia and if any evidence surfaces it will look like they were just caught in the weather the neighbor puts his gun to her head and is about to shoot her but the other hunter comes in he's confused and demands to know what they're doing thomas here panics and shoots at him but accidentally kills the innkeeper the neighbor goes into attack mode and david here uses that opportunity to set his wife free okay when people show up like this it's a distraction and you have to take advantage of it if you want any chance of escaping you don't need to understand the situation simply rush this guy and take him out now he has a gun but you also have a pretty powerful weapon and that's your teeth the average human can bite down with over 150 pounds of force per square inch so the best thing to do here is to immediately take advantage of the distraction and bite him right in the juggler vein on the neck you'll be able to rip through the flesh deep enough to severely wound him and he'll have to recover giving you time to escape from the house they run out of the cottage and head to the snowmobile but they can't get it to work and when they hear another gunshot go off inside they run back into the woods the husband falls to the ground and is too injured to continue he tells his wife she needs to leave him and she sprints out of there but trips on the dead hunter's body and thankfully his rifle is still next to his corpse the neighbor demands to know where his wife is and that's when she comes to the rescue their neighbor puts his gun down but thomas starts to smile and something is wrong here suddenly she's shot down by an unseen sniper and this woman walks out she's the neighbor's wife and the second person hunting them down now i get it when people are actually faced with the reality of ending someone's life you're likely going to hesitate but even still this was the worst way to go about it if it were me i'd be more worried about reaching them in time and as soon as i saw the neighbor i would have fired at him to stop him from shooting david here this would save him more quickly and the neighbor would be forced to run for cover it would also guarantee that the wife wouldn't sneak up on her and kill her david here begs to be killed but they wanted to live with the pain he's finally gotten revenge for his son's death and leaves the man alone with the cooling corpse of his wife nearby what do you think how would you beat red dot let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 3,553,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, red dot, netflix
Id: Km4yx5FQA8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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