How To Beat EVERY TRAP In "Escape Room 1"

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[Music] if you were trapped inside a building and forced to solve the deadliest puzzles in the world what would you do i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the death traps in escape room this teenage girl is going to outsmart everyone zoe here is a college student who has no idea what to do for the holidays when her roommate brings her a package it's a present from zoe's professor and when the girl opens it up she finds a strange cube inside examining it closer she discovers that it's a puzzle box but she's not the only person to receive one across the city other people have been given the exact same gift and when they finally solve it a card pops out it's an invitation to an exclusive escape room hosted by the minos corporation advertising that the first person to beat them will win ten thousand dollars and none of them have any idea that they're about to risk their lives in six horrifying death traps taylor made just for them the next morning amanda here enters this building where the escape rooms are being hosted and finds a single security guard waiting inside the man asks for her id and her phone explaining none of the players are allowed to post pictures of the rooms online something feels off but the woman agrees and heads into the elevator where this kid danny joins her pulling out a second phone from his back the guy has come prepared but it won't be enough to save his life upstairs they walk into a room where they find three other players who have been invited to participate they all sit down on the couch waiting for the game to start when this kid danny starts bragging that he's done tons of escape rooms before getting impatient ben here decides to leave the room for a smoke but as soon as he pulls on the handle it breaks off the others are confused but that's when dany realizes this must be the escape route and the game has already started okay no one in this room is thinking straight and they've ignored every sign that this is a death game waiting to happen first of all if you've been invited to play a game for ten thousand dollars then you have to assume that what you're being asked to do is worth that much money in return now it's possible that this is just an elaborate marketing campaign but the problem is that the only person here with any escape room experience is this guy nobody else has any business being here and that makes this whole situation sketchy as hell now the biggest mistake these players made was that none of them did any research before walking into the building zoe here thought this box came from her teacher but she never bothered to confirm whether or not this was true then there's the name of the company which is called the minos corporation and that's a lot more suspicious than it sounds in greek mythology king minos was a tyrant ruler who created a labyrinth that was impossible to escape from and trapped his evil minotaur's son inside of it every year he would then sacrifice seven boys and seven girls to keep the monster fed a company that takes the story and turns it into their brand philosophy is a red flag and that one detail should have made every single player think twice about entering the building now it's too late for these people to realize any of this because they're already trapped inside and have to solve the puzzle but the key to beating this is to identify the theme and then look for clues that match that theme one of the most commonly made mistakes in escape rooms is to think that everything could be relevant and the smarter approach is to filter the information to find what we're looking for if i were this situation i would have used all this down time to observe my surroundings and it would have been easy to notice that there are symbols of fire everywhere in the room the newspaper is about bird victims the magazines are about barbecue cooking and smoke and the first book on the shelf is fahrenheit 451 which is a science fiction novel about burning books there's even a photo hanging from the wall of a fire escape then there's the name wuten because it's way too strange a name to ignore believe it or not this is actually a real name that originates from the old english word wudu which means wood and tun which means enclosure putting these together the name is a clue that matches every other sign so far because wood is used to fuel fire and they're trapped in an enclosed escape room with this in mind we can assume anything relevant has to do with fire and now we can narrow down our search for things like water fire extinguishers and ash trays because they fit the theme this kind of thinking can double our speed at finding clues and solve the escape room because we won't be wasting our time looking in places that are not relevant walking over to the door danny explains that the knob looks like an oven dial and that must mean they need to find a combination to unlock it the group begins searching for clues and my gear thinks he's found one inside of this book is a screwdriver and as they try to figure out where to use it zoe realizes that the book he found is fahrenheit 451 that's the next hint and she turns the oven dial to that temperature powering these metal coils of the ceiling the group continues looking around and this kid ben rips a fire extinguisher off the wall but quickly realizes that it's fake frustrated he tosses it on the floor when they all hear a strange noise and suddenly notice that the columns in the room are heating up too everyone here is going to be cooked alive if they don't escape but zoe examines the fire extinguisher and finds a key hidden inside finding the only lock in the room she opens a sliding door to ask for help but instead of a receptionist they discover a dummy holding a ringing phone nervous the businessman answers it hearing a voice on the other end welcoming them to the game and encouraging the players to follow the posted rules it doesn't make sense but as soon as he puts the phone down on the receiver metal sheets begin blocking the windows suddenly these fans appear blowing hot air into the room as everyone starts to panic but zoe here realizes they've just been given an important clue walking over to the wall she finds a plaque instructing them to use the coasters and rushes to the coffee table the girl presses down on one and a painting across the room rises revealing a secret exit it's the only way out and they'll need to press down on all six coasters to escape before they're burned alive the businessman crawls through the ventilation shaft first where he discovers a grate that's screwed shut acting quickly the older man crawls through to hand the screwdriver over but with more people leaving the room there are less hands to hold down the coasters they're going to be trapped here but zoe notices a water cooler in the corner and comes up with a clever plan filling a cup with water she puts it down on a coaster and the girls head for the ventilation shaft while the guys do their best to weigh down the other coasters with more cups but that's when they discover a problem there's not enough water to keep the exit open and a massive birder suddenly turns on above their heads time is running out but ben pulls out his flask and dumps his whiskey in one of the cups filling it until the exit is fully opened they managed to escape the puzzle at the last second and climb into the next room nearly avoiding getting roasted okay these players are in over their heads they managed to solve the puzzle but if ben didn't have a flask of whiskey on him both of these kids would have been trapped and burned alive and they only survived by pure luck this is not a sustainable strategy but there's a viable lesson to learn here that might help us in the next death trap this one lucky break makes it clear that the game makers will let us use any object we want if it helps to solve the puzzle and that's a huge advantage now this would have been really useful earlier in the game because these players spent way too much time holding down the coasters making it impossible for them to escape it's a losing strategy and it would have made much more sense if they focused on using the objects around them the smartest approach is to find something heavy as quickly as possible and surprisingly water is not the answer if it were me i would have used the glasses and weighed each of them down with a book because i wouldn't have to waste valuable time filling each glass to the top before it's heavy enough to use this would have let them all escape quickly and at the same time instead of putting ben and danny here as the last players inside without enough water now even if the entire group didn't figure out how to weigh the coasters down there was still a smarter way to get out because all we would need to do is prop open the door to hack the game from what we can observe this ventilation shaft is about two and a half feet tall or roughly 75 centimeters and the strongest item here that matches that description is this metal trash can if we were running out of time i would have everyone push down the coasters and jam the exit open holding it in place from inside the vent for everyone to climb through the great thing is that it's narrow enough to leave space to pass without completely blocking the exit and the metal is sturdy enough to take the mechanical force of the doorway without being crushed the group catches their breath in this cabin and dany here is shocked by how realistic this game is overwhelmed the redhead asks the kid for his phone to call the cops but when he hands it over she discovers that there's no signal their only way out is to solve this puzzle and it's about to get more dangerous meanwhile the businessman inspects the door and finds a combination lock that requires a seven letter word to open across the room the old man finds an embroidery above the fireplace that says you'll go down in history and nobody understands the clue but ben here notices antlers hanging on the wall with letters inscribed on each plaque that's when he suddenly realizes the answer and tells the others the password must be rudolph as soon as the businessman enters it the lock opens and they all start to leave the building heading outside the group find themselves walking in a winter wonderland but when they all step out the door locks itself shut there's no going back now and to make matters worse the temperature is rapidly dropping the nerd steps forward to explore the escape room but he bumps right into a perfectly disguised wall the others laugh but that's when they hear the frozen lake below them start to creak it's a sign that it's breaking and vents pop open releasing a blast of freezing cold air the group is terrified and with no other choice they look for clues to beat the room jason here manages to find a doorway but it needs a small key to unlock meanwhile the others find a single code to share among them and that's when they hear ben yell out in pain he stepped into a hole in the ice and they figured that this must be where the next clue is luckily the old man found a fishing pole but as he approaches the group the girl discovers something in the pocket of her coat it's a compass and she follows the pointer into the tree line where she sees a stuffed polar bear reaching deep inside its mouth the girl pulls out a magnetic lure and quickly walks back to join the group zoe attaches the magnet to the pole and as they drop the line to go fishing for the next clue something gets hooked it's extremely heavy and the group discovers it's a block of ice with a key frozen in the very center coming up with a plan the businessman asks the boy for his lighter and he tosses it across the surface of the lake but it doesn't reach them dany here decides to retrieve it and walks over to pick it up but just as he turns around to head back to the others the ice beneath him cracks the kid is trapped underneath the lake and the redhead is about to jump in to save them but the businessman stops her the group desperately searches for the kid but they lose sight of him under the ice there's nothing they can do as the boy suffocates and now the survivors know for certain that this is a death game that's one player down with five more to go with the lighter underneath the frozen lake jason tells them they have no choice but to use their body heat to melt the block of ice they work together until it's finally small enough for one person to hold and the businessman picks the key out of the block before taking it to the door he manages to turn the lock and that's when a section of the wall raises on the other side of the room they finally found the exit and the group runs over as the ice starts exploding beneath them all of the remaining players have barely made it out alive but the next game is going to be much harder to beat okay this one gives me shivers so far this death game is trying to test our ability to think in extreme temperatures and that's a lot harder to do than you might realize when it's too cold your body struggles to keep its internal temperature and that means we use energy resources that would otherwise be needed for critical thinking now having said that there were still plenty of things this group could have done before it got this desperate and the biggest mistake they're making right now is not learning any lessons from the first death trap earlier when they tried to leave the room they realized it was already too late and i wouldn't let this happen again if it were me as soon as the cabin door opens i would stick something in the door frame to keep it from closing on us this would give us the benefit of being able to see what environment we're going to be challenged with and take valuable items in the cabin to help us solve the puzzles if you look here you can see that on the walls that there's a rack full of leather straps as well as an oil lantern that produces heat since we know that the game won't punish us for thinking outside the box we should plan ahead and take as many items from this cabin as possible keeping the cabin door open helps us all stay warm during the game which lets us maximize our energy to solve the puzzles instead now since these guys didn't do any of that we have to figure out how to beat this game without the cabin and that means all we have to work with is a fishing pole a jacket a compass and the environment but this is still enough if we work together the most important thing to realize is that the game is trying to force us into making decisions but we can't assume that those decisions are going to be best for our survival this jacket is the perfect example because it makes them think that it's the only possible way to stay warm which is a lie the smarter thing to do here is to stay together in a huddle and use the warmth of each other's bodies to create our own microclimate of body temperature providing more collective energy to the group than a single jacket it might sound counterintuitive but it's surprisingly effective and even emperor penguins use this as a natural strategy to keep themselves warm during the coldest winters now this highlights a really important point losing a member of the group is bad for everyone this early in the game if someone falls through the ice like this the normal strategy is to be cold-blooded and let him die but this is a cooperative death game danny has the most escape room experience and that's a resource we need to protect so we need to figure out how to save this guy quickly without risking anyone else's lives in the process the cold shock will cause an involuntary response to breathing and that means this kid won't be able to stop himself from inhaling water into his lungs so we have only one minute to save his life if it were me i would immediately split up with one group taking these branches here and shoving them down into the water the others need to rush ahead of the current and use the metal frame of this ice block to try breaking a hole in the lake before he reaches them this is our best chance to save him because both strategies can be executed quickly if we look at where he ended up before dying we can tell if the current took him approximately 7 meters away from where he fell which means for every 10 seconds dany is traveling 1.60 meters under the ice now this branch is nearly 3 meters long so if we can submerge it in less than 30 seconds we would be able to reach him quickly enough for the kid to grab on and palm the safety before he dies in the next room the lights suddenly turn on and they realize they're standing in an upside down bar but they don't have long to catch their breaths the room starts rising up like an elevator and when it finally comes to a stop a phone begins ringing it's attached to the pool table above them and falls out of the receiver landing in the old guy's hand answering it a dial tone screeches throughout the entire room and a song begins playing over the speakers the next game has officially begun and their only way out is through this door but they need to find the handle in order to escape searching the room the old man notices that the eighth ball is missing from the pool table and looks around for another clue but the floor in front of him suddenly drops he's pulled away just in time as the panel he was about to step on falls down a massive elevator shaft and they realize that the most dangerous part of this room is the floor it's absolutely terrifying and they quickly run to the edges to hold onto the railings as the group desperately tries to figure out what to do next the redhead decides to take a risk and climbs onto the roof of the bar to look behind the counter investigating further she discovers a lock box and it needs a four digit code to open as the woman tries different combinations zoe here notices a collection of records on the wall and the girl realizes it's a sliding block puzzle she carefully makes her way over to the platform and climbs up doing her best to solve it quickly but another floor section falls down the shaft jason here almost gets killed but he manages to pull himself to safety at the last second while zoe moves the sliding blocks into position revealing a pattern of colors and shapes these clues might represent the colors of the billiard balls and using the numbers on them must be the passcode amanda tries to enter the combination into the lockbox but it doesn't work that's when another section of the floor drops down the shaft and the players hold onto the wall for dear life but the combined weight of three players is too heavy and it breaks off if they don't let go they're all going to die so zoe tries to climb onto the roof of the bar but loses her grip crashing to the floor coming back to her senses she remembers that the room is upside down and tells the redhead that the code to the lockbox must also be reversed this time amanda is able to open it and finds the doorknob inside it's exactly what they need in order to escape but there's a problem another section of the floor has dropped into the shaft below leaving only one left now she's stranded on the other side of the room amanda here will have to climb across to make it out alive but with no better options she jumps into the pool table using it to cross the chasm the woman is so close to the other side but that's when the doorknob falls out of her pocket she immediately drops down catching it before tumbles into the shaft and throws the eight ball the others to open the door but they're running out of time the last section of floor drops beneath her and the woman holds onto the phone for dear life it's going to snap and the others try to save her holding out a pool cue to pull amanda to safety but she loses her grip and falls to her death that's two players down and four more to go okay this is the one room where being cold-blooded is the most logical approach for survival these guys did a pretty good job of solving the puzzle but they were not thinking about the most efficient way to beat it first of all they all knew they would have to search the room for clues but being on the ceiling here gives them access to nothing nobody has any reason to be standing there so the smartest approach from the very beginning is to have everyone climb up into the room now as soon as they understood the danger they should have adjusted their strategy this is the first game so far where physical fitness is a requirement and weakness is a total liability for example if we were relying on the fat old guy here to climb across the entire room like a monkey we would all be doomed with this in mind we have no choice but to be cold-blooded and force the fittest players to solve the puzzles on our behalf in a cooperative death game like this relying on weak players for our survival is a risk no one should be willing to take i would convince jason and amanda here to work together and climb across the room while the rest of us stay here on this ledge next to the door in the meantime we can try to solve the puzzle from a place of safety and tell them what to do it might sound cold-blooded and lazy but it's honestly the most logical approach to this specific room and the sooner we realize this the faster we can get out of here now amanda here did a great job cracking the safe and finding the doorknob but she made two of the most idiotic mistakes in the entire game if this 8 ball was the key to your survival there's no way on earth you would let it stick out of your pants like this this woman needs to shove that all the way down into her pocket because she's literally hanging over a 50 meter drop and it's way too easy to fall out the second mistake she made was swinging across this pool table here instead of jumping to climb above the table she stretched out her arms to hang from it which is an unnecessary risk shimmying across the entire room is going to be a lot more work and it forces her to use some of the most underdeveloped muscles in the human body any one of us would have jumped from this bar stool because it's higher allowing us to get more of our bodies over the table to pull ourselves up with stronger muscles and less effort opening the door the players leave the bar for the next escape room and find themselves in a creepy hospital looking around the group searched for clues but something isn't right they each find hospital beds with their own medical records and the players realized that menos corporation specifically made these games just for them it becomes clear to everyone that they're all the lone survivors of a near-death experience and now they're being tested to see which of them will make it out if you're alive that's when a tv turns on telling the players that this time they'll have to put their hearts to the test it will only have five minutes to solve the puzzle or else they'll be killed with a poisonous gas but zoe has had enough she thinks they need to break the rules somehow to survive this but ben here points out it's impossible the people running this game are always watching on the cameras but the girl realizes she might be able to hack the game and break out of here searching the room the older man finds an x-ray of a hand and brings it over to a light box as the others place two more x-rays next to it the boy quickly figures out that the clue spells ekg in sign language and belly defy one in order to beat this room but that's when they hear something shattered behind them zoe is breaking every camera she can find knowing that if the game designers can't see anyone then they might be able to cheat but with only four minutes on the clock every second counts finding an ekg machine this guy reminds them the tv said they need to put their hearts to the test so measuring a high enough heart rate might help them find the exit testing his theory he attaches electrodes to ben's chest but it's too low someone else has to do it and the older man goes next but it's still not high enough the guy figures there's only one way to raise it high enough and pulls out the shock paddles the idea is completely insane but with time running out mike decides to risk it and agrees to get electrocuted his pull skyrockets to over 200 beats per minute but it doesn't work and he dies on the gurney making that three players down with three more to go it's terrifying but there's barely any time left in the clock and the businessman finally realizes he has to lower his heart rate to escape suddenly poisonous gas starts pumping into the room and the guy starts to meditate until his heart rate drops to 50 beats per minute but this time the plan works the light box behind them swings open and reveals the door to their escape the men quickly head inside the exit and leave zoe behind in the room as she chokes to death that's four players down with two more to go okay there was a much better way to solve this puzzle the group figured out that they needed to find an ekg but they should have realized that the best way to get the right heart rate is from the most physically healthy person in the room everyone can get their heart rate higher but someone out of shape will have a hard time lowering it especially when they're stressed about dying we already know that the puzzles were tailor-made for each player and it just so happens that this guy caught hypothermia while stranded in a boating accident which slows your heartbeat so that's exactly why i would hook him up to the ekg first now there's another problem the group has to deal with and that's the poisonous gas being pumped into the room they're never told what it is but it's reasonable to assume that it might be carbon monoxide since danny's family died from inhaling that specific gas as it's released it spreads quickly through the air because it has a lighter atomic weight than oxygen and it only takes five minutes of continued carbon monoxide inhalation to be poisoned we need to act fast to stay alive so if it were me i would take the blankets from the beds here and wrap it around the gas pipe to block the poison for as long as possible this becomes even more effective if we dampen the cloth first using either the liquid inside the iv bags or this faucet over here because liquid diffused surfaces can actually capture carbon monoxide molecules the more layers the wet cloth we have over the gas nozzles the better we can slow the poison from spreading throughout the room then we can time the vowels on the canisters to make it harder for the gas to spread and break these window panes so that there's more oxygen circulating in the room by putting these strategies together we have a very good chance to make the gas trap less effective and it gives us the time we need to solve the puzzle without putting our lives in danger making it into the next room ben here is ridden with guilt and scolds the other survivor for killing their friend but the businessman brushes him off the only thing he cares about is making it out of here and begins to look around for clues without wasting any time he finds a hatch in the floor and even though ben knows this might be a trap the kid agrees to try turning the door handle he realizes he's not strong enough so the men worked together and managed to pull the hatch open but this was their biggest mistake they've both just exposed themselves to a deadly poison that makes them hallucinate and finding a message written on the other side of the door they realize that the only way to survive is to find the antidote somewhere in this room they're struggling to keep it together but that's when ben realizes that the tv set might be showing him a clue it's playing a live recording from a camera behind them and he gets up to start searching for it tripping balls he manages to find a secret drawer with a syringe inside it's the cure they've been looking for but there's only enough for a single person suddenly the businessman tackles into the floor and the men wrestle for the antidote but the kid manages to push the guy back fighting through the poison ben takes the syringe for himself and administers the cure saving his own life as the man dies from the deadly toxin that's five players down with one more to go the kid is the only survivor left in the game and he looks down into the hatch to see a study beneath him but a breaks apart dropping him into the final death trap meanwhile in the hospital room two staff members wearing hazmat uniforms walk in to clean up the bodies and notice something strange there's an oxygen mask connected to the ceiling and that's when they're suddenly attacked by zoe from behind she was using the mask to breathe without being caught by cameras tricking the game makers to think that she was dead the girl picks up a dropped gun off the floor and walks through the secret doorway ready to confront the people behind this twisted death game okay zoey's plan was pretty smart and she's definitely the mvp of the group somehow she used the mask to breathe clean air from above the ceiling and now that she's taken out two staff members the girl is ready to flip this death game right up zoey is heading into what looks like a secret corridor that is only accessible by the staff and considering how elaborate these escape rooms are it's possible that this place was modeled after the disney world utila door these tunnels stretch across a whole nine acres of land underneath the theme park so that workers and cast members can secretly travel across the grounds now this building is smaller than a theme park but any cleanup crews would need to access the escape rooms at all times so zoey has a chance to find her friend to save him before it's too late ben on the other hand is surviving based on pure luck because when he walked back towards the wall he randomly banged on it until something happened as always the smartest approach here is to not touch anything until you have a better understanding of what the theme of the room is and take a catalog of the items inside if they did this instead of fighting they would have realized there's almost nothing in here but that's really useful information if you've already searched the place sober then when you're hallucinating you're not going to check those places again and it lets you focus on other parts of the room now the key to beating this trap is to understand that you can't trust what you see this is an extremely important point because it means that finding the antidote will not be done by sight it will need to be done by something more reliable and right now that's by touch once the hallucinogen is in our system the smartest approach is to feel your way across the room and trust your tactile senses because you might be able to discover something that our other senses aren't telling us it's no accident that this room is visually stimulating but actually quite empty and that's a good indication that if we filter out this information we'll have a better chance at getting out alive getting up off the floor ben finds himself inside of a study and wastes no time trying to find his way out approaching a door on the other side of the room he sees a maze with numbered levers on it and realizes that he needs a four-digit code to open it without thinking the kid pulls down on one of the levers but that was his biggest mistake the wall behind suddenly starts moving towards him and the death trap has just activated ben searches for clues and finds a map telling him to look for something that's green seeing a green book he climbs a ladder and picks it up but gets knocked to the floor the room is closing in on him and he's going to be crushed to death if he doesn't get out of here soon opening the book he discovers the next clue saying to watch another die unveils time's great mystery acting quickly he spots a series of photos showing different people pointing and realizes it represents the hands on a clock it must be the passcode and he rushes to the door moving the levers in position but it doesn't unlock his theory was wrong and ben is trapped here with no way out but he quickly comes up with a clever idea finding a shield he protects himself from the flames of the fireplace and squeezes himself inside for safety okay ben here is not thinking clearly we've already learned from previous rooms that touching things will activate the death trap so pulling on this lever was a horrible decision now this puzzle might look easy but if he spend more time taking in his surroundings he would have realized that the game makers are setting him up to fail if we step back and observe the place you'll notice there are latin phrases painted on the walls and they all have a very specific meaning the one above the door were the last words spoken by emperor augustus of rome and it means the play is over the phrase behind him means death always wins and this over here means death is my reward there's also a stuffed weasel on the mantelpiece taxi derby butterflies and a pair of death masks mounted on the wall clearly everything in this room is about death including latin which is a dead language all four pictures on the wall are images of people watching someone die and when you combine these details together it seems to be saying that this room is specifically designed to watch the last player get killed with no way out coincidentally no way out is also an anagram for wuton you whose name keeps appearing throughout the escape rooms now despite all this horrifying information he could have saved himself a lot of time because there was an easier way to figure out that he was screwed if you look closely at this maze you'll see that most of these numbers don't even connect to the center number nine here barely goes anywhere and that means this puzzle can be brute forced because there are only four numbers that can be placed there if he studied the maze for long enough he would have realized this was a dead end and had more time to clear the fireplace which is obviously the only saved zone in the room that's when the walls suddenly retract giving him the space he needs to escape the game is finally over and the kid wastes no time rushing out of the room into a rundown section of the building but it's filled with boxes of stage equipment this is the surveillance room the game makers were using to watch them and that's when a mysterious man steps out of the shadows he reveals himself to be the games master explaining that the minos corporation created these escape rooms to entertain their wealthy clients every year they pick a new type of victim to gamble on until there's only one winner it's sickening and ben here asks the man if he can go home since he's the only survivor but the game's master has some bad news wrapping a cord around his neck the guy starts strangling him but that's when the cameras are subtly hacked the man realizes that someone's been added back to the roster and sees a hit list with his photo as well as zoe's suddenly the girl shoots her from behind as he runs for his life she falls after the man ready to finish him off but by the time she turns the corner he's nowhere in sight she walks back to check on her friend but that's when the game's master tackles her and grabs the gun pointing it straight at her head there's no way for her to escape but the girl is not alone that's when ben suddenly knocks the man off of zoey saving her life before picking up the gun and viciously shooting the man dead the game is finally over and the survivors leave the building to get her friend to the hospital six months later zoe and ben meet up the talk and the girl has something to show him opening a folder she reveals that all the players who died in the game had their deaths covered up and she has a plan to expose the menos corporation for their crimes she tells them that the company's logo has coordinates that lead to a building in new york and they can finally put a stop to these escape routes ben agrees to go with her and investigate with no idea they're walking straight into another trap but what do you think how would you beat escape room let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat
Views: 2,112,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, trap, traps, escape room, escape room 1, laughrunfeature, nerd explains, bingeXpress
Id: _7GUu-OCHJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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