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If you were taken and tortured by a person whose  life you ruined long ago, what would you do?   Sometimes fate doesn’t just serve you a rotten  hand of cards; it stuffs the worst cards down your   throat until you choke to death on them. If you’re  lucky, you go to therapy early enough to turn you   into Dexter. For the unluckiest of the unlucky,  you get to reach your breaking point years after   you’ve been ritualistically brainwashed by  a psychopath and tear down a revenge spiral   so fast you forget to have fun along the way. For Jay, Cat, Adam and Paul, they find themselves   at the mercy of a far more sympathetic villain  than anyone expected, meaning they’re in for a   world full of schadenfreude and we’re in  for a whole lot of questioning which side   of this thing we’re supposed to be on. Technically, though, they ARE victims of   kidnapping and torment, so they’ll need to  put their limited rational thinking to good   use and try to escape the karma that’s  been chasing them for twenty years.   I’m going to break down the  mistakes made, what you should do,   and how to beat THE CAPTOR in THE DARE. On the street of Normal Rockwell’s nightmares, an   unknown threat stalks down the sidewalk, coming to  a foreboding stop outside one house in particular.   Inside, JAY and his family are preparing for bed  when he realizes he left the book he was going to   read to his kids out in the car. He calls out  to his wife about the keys, but she doesn’t   answer. And something darts past the window. He leaves the room for a second and when he   returns their front door is standing wide open.  He hears something crash in the kitchen and enters   to find his wife knocked out on the floor. Whatever happened, it ain’t enough to light a   fire under Jay’s butt to do anything about it. And  apparently, he never taught his kids how to dial   911. It’d be an excellent time for that, no? Apparently not. He hears his older daughter   scream from upstairs and races to the rescue with  a kitchen knife and the peripheral vision of Helen   Keller. He finds her in the fetal position  under her bed, hiding from something. So,   of course, he lies belly down on the  floor – the optimum defensive position…   Does Jay even HAVE tactical senses? And  you – child of our loins – what the heck   are you doing? Seriously, have you ever  known a kid not to scream their head off   about a boogeyman in the closet.  At least whisper us a heads up.   Even though he has a knife poised in his  hand, ready to strike the very meaty blood   bag of a leg behind him, Jay attempts to  stand instead and takes a brutal knock out   punch for his efforts. Nighty night, Jay. He wakes up bagged and chained to a wall in   Pyramidhead’s basement. The floor is made of sand  and eroded bone dust, the walls are caked in crap,   vomit and blood. And he has three cell-ys  - Adam, a super trooper washout, Cat,   the human equivalent of a blizzard wind, and Paul,  this tenderized deli lunch special that provides   everyone with a white noise soundtrack  of wheezing coughs and painful moans.   Dude looks like he just left the gladiator  pit after going toe to toe with a hyena.   Totally understandable once we meet Credence,  one of the worst and most psychotic kidnappers   ever committed to film, who has recently captured  a young boy named Dom to raise as his own. Calling   Credence’s parental style tough love would be  like calling napalm a type of firecracker.   Dom has just escaped a chained fate similar to  Jay’s when Credence arrives with dinner. He tells   Dom that if he behaves, he’ll get to live here  in one of the radioactive barrel closets from   Fallout 4. If he doesn’t, he’ll go back in  the pit to be chained and beaten. Decisions,   decisions. Then, he gives Dom dinner. Just the first of many, many lessons   in parenting brought to you by horrific  hurt and someone’s twisted imagination.   In Credence’s industrial sized barn, he  tosses Dom a bag full of pig offal to   sell for market. When the boy drops it,  he paints the kid red with swine blood.   It’s like the reverse of Harry’s lessons  in Dexter. How to raise a psychopath. And   here I thought you just had to let them binge  watch reality television at a formative age.   Credence makes Dom thank him for the terrible  treatment, reminding the kid that his parents   never wanted him and Credence is all he has.  Also, if Dom ever upsets him, he’ll kill him.   Later, when Dom tries to go into the basement  and doesn’t want to talk to Credence at dinner,   Credence slams a fork into Dom’s thigh. You know, evil dad things.   Down in the basement, Jay tests the  length of his restraints and asks for   details about their situation. He gets…pretty  much nothing, except that they’ve been there   long enough to give up on trying to escape. The lights flicker to warn of their torturer’s   impending arrival, but Adam cryptically warns  Jay that it’s not their Captor who actually   does the torturing. A piece of meat is  tossed in from the door as dinner.   I know things are looking grim, but  could you maybe NOT drag our one pork   chop through the dirt before giving me some? Jay asks if they’re going to give Paul any. Cat   tells Jay their captor gives Paul some sort  of injections to keep him alive…which tells   us something pretty critical about whoever  is keeping us here – there’s a purpose to   this madness. An end goal. Figuring out what it  is is our second priority…right after trying to   untie ourselves from the wall. Paul may be shredded and torn,   but he isn’t missing any pieces, nor is  anyone else, so we’re probably not in a   cannibal situation. The only other person here  exhibiting wounds is Adam, so if it were me,   I’d be asking Adam what triggered our captor  to attack him, and then I’d be calling out to   Paul to tell us about his encounters. In a minute,  we’ll see that Paul’s lips are actually sewn shut,   which means we will need to meet at the ends of  our chains to cut his mouth open before he can   tell us anything. Still, it’s worth the effort. Adam and Cat warn Jay that if he tries anything,   or doesn’t eat, he’ll end up like Paul, but  Jay declares he’ll escape or die trying. Yeah,   no crap. Who’s just waiting around  to be murdered? This isn’t The Menu.   Jay’s in a worse spot than he realizes, because  two of his three cellmates are batcrap insane. Cat   and Adam have been in here so long they’re hurling  insults at each other and laughing about them AND   rehashing old war stories, like how as a teenager,  Cat used to catfish married men into meeting her   so she could ruin their marriages. Not to mention,  the whole “they stopped trying to escape” thing.   He should be peppering them with questions about  how they came to be here. Not just how they   were kidnapped, but what’s happened since they  arrived, how long have they been here, has there   been a pattern of the Captor coming and going,  and what triggered the freak to score Paul’s   flesh like a piece of beef for Korean barbeque. The point right now is information gathering.   We can’t Leroy Jenkins our way out of this  makeshift animal cage. If we want to survive,   we have to become the Sherlock Holmes  of our own salvation. Look for clues,   track patterns, and plan our attack wisely. Upstairs, Credence waves one more red flag   in Dom’s face before he suddenly becomes  ill, leaving his keys within Dom’s reach.   The kid bolts for the front door. He’s so small  he has to use a table to reach the top lock…but   only a few feet from the house, Credence warns  him that if he leaves, he’ll never be welcomed   back. Credence’s taunting manipulation about  Dom’s parents not wanting him scares the kid   crapless and he returns to the house, giving in  completely to the idea of being Credence’s son.   Daddy Dearest shares a calculated  crumb of affection with Dom,   and promises the kid that he’ll never let  anyone hurt him…an emotional manipulation   tactic that works like a charm on a still  developing brain already traumatized by abuse.   God this is hard to watch. The only way to combat this level   of psychological indoctrination is to nurture and  protect an untouchable idea within you that the   person who is trying to brainwash you is wrong.  This idea could take the form of a loved one,   a place, a goal, or even an unshakeable idea  of who we could be. Sort of like a real world   version of the token from Inception. A way  to tell dark fantasy from reality, truth from   the lie you’re being broken into believing. Of course, that’s a lot to ask of most adults,   let alone a kid with no family and nowhere to go. Let’s pause right here to discuss the rabid dog   in the room. If you are a minor in an  abusive situation, there ARE resources   available to help you escape and overcome.  Like murdering your parent in their sleep   with a kitchen knife.. Or… You could alert  your case worker if you’re in foster care   or have been adopted. Whether it’s a biological  or legal arrangement, if they aren’t receptive,   call 911 and/or the Childhelp National CA Hotline,  if you’re in the United States. If your guardians   won’t allow you to use the phone, contrive a way  to go somewhere – a library or other public space,   or wait until you get to school – where you can  ask to borrow a phone. Or talk to a guidance   counselor, or google criminal lawyers that work  with child A cases and who have various resources   that can help extricate you from your situation. Just remember in the meantime that you CAN survive   without the affection of an adult in your life,  and you’re worth more than the meager scraps   and bad adult may toss you. If you’re going to  murder your abusive parent, try to do so in a   way that doesn’t make you the prime suspect. Back in the basement, Jay notices a camera   embedded in the wall and starts ranting  at it, taunting their captor to reveal   himself. He flips the camera off and  the lights waver. The door creaks.   Their captor enters, wearing what I can  only describe as a mask made from the   stuff scraped off bus station bathroom  floors. As you can probably tell, this   guy ain’t Credence…so who could he be? Hmmmm… He drags what’s left of Paul into the center   of the room. Jay demands to know if his  family’s okay, but Eyes Wide Open over   here points to Cat and hands her a knife. He  drags his finger across his chest ominously.   He compels Cat to slice off a piece of  Paul’s flesh, revealing what I think is   another clue to our situation. Forcing US  to torture each other is likely punishment,   suggesting our captor may know us from  before and see this as some sort of revenge…   …of course, we can worry about all  the “whys” later in therapy…after   we’ve taken that knife he just handed us and  slammed it suddenly through his neck. Or,   after we’ve been shoved to our knees, giving  us a very clean line of sight to the femoral   artery in his leg. A deep, sudden slice  could bleed him in less than two minutes.   Instead, Cat gets sent back to the corner  and the Captor beckons Jay forward. The   Captor tosses the blade at Jay’s feet as Cat  and Adam warn him not to do anything stupid.   How about you pick up some good old fashioned  pocket sand while you bend down to pick up   that knife? Toss a bit in his face right  before you send that blade into his heart.   No. That’d be too obvious. Bet you wish you had pocket sand now,   don’t ya, Jay? Or even that bone  shard you were digging with earlier.   More importantly, WHY ARE YOU HESITATING? Stab him  again while he’s looking at his arm. Stab until he   takes that knife from you. Stab somewhere that’ll  really hurt him. Gore his nads. Plunge and drag   the knife through his abdomen spilling his guts.  Go for his femoral artery or his Achilles tendon,   or even the INSIDE of his arm where the  brachial artery is. You’ve already attacked   him – in for a penny, in for a pound, I say. It's too late for anything like that. The   Captor takes the knife, knocks Jay back,  then drags Cat into the middle. He makes   Adam torture her by forcing a cockroach  down her throat through a plastic tube.   After the Captor has left, Jay stomps on  the cockroach and discovers a razorblade   hidden inside. He immediately sets to work cutting  through the cord keeping him attached to the wall   without giving a single flying freak of a thought  to the security camera watching everything. The   Captor stomps in, but Jay’s already freed himself.  He shoves past the Captor and into the hallway   only to find the door leading upstairs locked. He sees a ventilation shaft in the ceiling and   wriggles into it, but it’s flimsy and can’t  take his bodyweight. The screws break,   and he’s knocked unconscious when the  floor introduces itself to his face.   Look, I completely empathize with that nebulous  desire NOT to take a human life.. okay maybe not,   but when you’re not trapped six feet from  a man being systematically relieved of   his nerve endings one at a time. He’s a  piece of living proof that your tormentor   WILL end your life only long, long, LONG  after you’ve stopped wanting to live it.   There was a moment, when the Captor went to Cat  instead of chasing Jay, that Jay could have turned   around and SLAMMED his head into the concrete  wall so hard he showered Cat in gray stuff.   Or disoriented the Captor long enough to get  him on the ground and curb stomp his head in.   Running IS a great idea if you know you  have a clear means of escape. If you don’t,   you’ve just cornered yourself in a room  with two lap dogs, an almost-corpse,   and Magic Mike’s psychotic body double. Jay wakes up with a heavy length of chain   tying him to the wall this time. Cat asks  if he found a way out, but of course he   didn’t. The Captor enters and allows Adam  to unchain himself. He hands Adam an ax,   then wraps a meaty hand around Jay’s throat  and lifts him up the wall before dropping him.   Adam advances. Anndddd…just like that,   we’ve learned the same lesson Chelsea learned  in Do Not Reply – sometimes people become so   institutionalized, the best thing you can do for  them, is NOT include them in your escape plans.   The Captor holds up Jay’s hand and  gestures for Adam to nail him to the wall.   Then, Adam puts himself back in his own  restraints. Like I said – institutionalized.   When he wakes up, Jay rips  his hands off the wall.   This is why we don’t squander our  opportunities to wreck crap when we get them.   Jay asks for more information about  the Captor – like he should have   done about two brutal tortures ago. Paul rips the sutures on his mouth   open so he can speak, but only manages to  whisper the word “Horse” before he dies.   Adam tells Jay that the Captor has a horseshoe  burn on his hand, that he saw it when Jay   accidentally ripped the guy’s glove off. We suddenly cut back twenty years to find Jay,   Cat, Adam, and Paul sitting around a  campfire in the woods, telling stories   about a crazy old geezer who killed a kid  using a scalding chamber and now stalks the   woods looking for victims. Dun-dun-duh! The Captor is   none other than an adult Dom, who these four  bottom dwellers met back when they were kids.   Oh, but they didn’t JUST meet him. They  did a little torturing of their own.   To join their depraved breakfast club, they  made him complete a series of screwed up   dares that endow schoolyard bullying with a  suggestion of innocence it doesn’t deserve.   Guess I just hung out with all the right  kids growing up – these little miscreants   are so grotesque they make ME want to  commit some human rights violations.   Dom’s home life wasn’t much better than it was  with Credence. And eventually, the four demon   spawn who tortured him came back for one more  crack at a lonely kid desperate for a friend.   Cat lured him into the woods to a dilapidated  farmhouse where the others peer pressured   him to go inside. Turns out, THEY’RE the   reason Credence was able to capture and  brainwash him for the last twenty years.   So…we’re switching sides here, yes? We’re  gonna help Dom get the revenge he deserves?   Honestly, with all four of his tormentors  contained, it’s as easy as welding the door   shut and watching over camera as they slowly  starve until they get so ravenous, one of them   gnaws through their rope and starts divvying  out choice cuts of Paul…and then each other.   If Dom hadn’t lived the majority of  his life in a technological dead zone,   I’d say that while that was all happening,  we could get to work dismantling their lives   digitally so that their legacies are tarnished,  and no one remembers them after they die.   Things only got worse for Dom when he became  a teenager. He learned that Credence doubled   down on their living arrangement by setting his  parents on fire and watching them burn to death,   so Dom truly had nowhere to go. And when Dom dared to finally leave,   Credence tried to teach him a lesson by  using the scalding chamber in his barn.   This is why you don’t announce your  plans to leave an abusive home. You   wait until that idiot's asleep OR knock  him out and tie him up before leaving.   Dom was saved at the last second by  Credence’s illness, and it was only   then that he lost that last scrap of sanity  rolling around somewhere in his brain.   He took burned sheets of Credence’s skin and  glued them into the crude mask he wears…and went   searching for the other bullies in his life. That’s a lot of wrong turns in one lifetime.   So many so fast, I might call it contrived…if I  hadn’t watched Running Scared once upon a time.   Back in the basement, Jay tells the others they  need to apologize, hoping it’ll inspire Dom to let   them go. Dominic comes in wielding a stun baton. Jay begs Dom’s forgiveness…but   the big guy’s just not feeling it. *Sigh* I guess since I’d have to leave it   here if I didn’t go back to trying to help these  walking fester puffs of cruelty survive, so let’s   play both sides here just to keep it interesting. Dom prepares for his next act of revenge. He   drags Cat into the center of the room  and motions Jay forward. In his hand,   he holds a syringe full of some sort of  saline fluid filled with spider eggs.   Hammurabi’s code – a spider for a  spider…erm, I mean. Bad Dominic. Bad.   Also, again. If you really don’t wanna do this  to Cat, how about you pop that syringe right   into Dom’s neck before he can react, Jay?  That mask restricts his field of vision,   so it’s a calculated risk to disorient  him long enough to take him down.   Unfortunately, even revenge this gross  doesn’t scratch that itch for Dom. He   notices Paul’s dead body and gets so mad,  he pops Paul’s head like a stress ball.   A little while later, Dom sees Adam stab Jay  on the camera monitor and rushes in to punish   them for messing with his toys. It’s a trap. As Dom reaches for him,   Jay wraps around the waist, calling  to the others to grab the hose.   Instead of seizing that blade in the small  of Dom’s back and disemboweling or paralyzing   him with it, Adam goes with the…piggyback  riding slam-me-into-the-wall position. Sure,   let me just sacrifice my stability, balance  and NOT even gouge his eyes out. USELESS.   Look, I know they’re all traumatized, or  whatever…but how am I supposed to root for   someone who doesn’t go for the obvious weapon?  Just leave it out of the scene if they’re   not supposed to use it, for god’s sake. Dom quickly gets the upper hand and holds   Adam down. He HANDS CAT A SCALPEL before  telling her to slice Adam’s eye open.   Again – AGAIN – he hands you a sharp weapon  and YOU DON’T EVEN CUT HIM ANYWHERE. Scalpels   can cut through nerves – one deep slice  to an arm would render it unusable.   Either these people all failed freshmen biology  – which, to be fair, is totally possible – or   they’ve somehow convinced themselves that  working out gives him titanium skin.   Dom goes at Jay with the knife, but Jay  knocks it away. Dom wraps a chain around   his neck and begins to crush him when Cat  does the only thing she’s good at.   Don’t let her talk to you like that, buddy. Dom runs away instead of cutting out her tongue,   which frankly shows immense restraint for someone  who fileted a grown man over a number of weeks.   After he leaves, Jay performs  emergency surgery on Adam.   Now. Imagine you just pocket sanded the  broken manchild while he was kneeling in   front of you and cut his throat with his own  blade INSTEAD of having to do any of this.   The lights flash and Adam panics, begging for  the knife to defend himself. When Jay won’t give   it up, the guys fight. Cat intervenes  in the stupidest way possible.   I mean…PLEASE don’t make me root for them now. WHO TRIES TO STOP A FIGHT BY BASHING SOMEONE’S   HEAD IN WITH A ROCK? Ugh, if it weren’t for all  the horrific child abuse, I’d think this was a   comedy, and I’d enjoy it more. So stupid. Not to mention, you had this big head   smashing rock THE WHOLE TIME?! USELESS. Jay pulls the knife from Dom’s throat,   killing him in an act of mercy? I guess? Then, he walks over to Cat, who he lets just   turn the knife on him. She tells him that because  she was a local, she knew Dom was out there,   trapped in Credence’s house, being abused  for all those years, and did nothing. None   of them did. Which is absolutely correct,  so…who am I supposed to root for here?   Suddenly, Dom wraps his arm around her neck from  behind. Jay once again tries to be sympathetic,   telling Dom things can be better. Dom counters  that everyone in Jay’s world is scum and abandoned   him, that there’s nowhere to go. Jay coaxes  Dom into letting him take off his mask.   *Laughter* What kinda Calvin Klein male model  bulcrap is this?! “There’s nowhere to go?” Bro,   you could be walking the Paris  runways TOMORROW. You could own   Hallmark movie sets the day after that. Jay manages to get the knife away from Dom,   but spiders suddenly begin  to pour out of Cat’s mouth.   You had like 45 chances to stab this  guy and you still kill the girl? I   feel like Leslie Nielsen wrote this scene. Dom lays Cat down and decides to really savor   those last five seconds of sadism. I suppose that might as well happen. Maybe   he dropped a quarter in there, I don’t know. Tired of all the “evil” he can’t purge from them,   Dom throws down his knife and opens his  arms to let Jay finish him off. Instead,   Jay bolts, running through the building looking  for an escape as Dom half-heartedly chases him,   LEISURELY injuring him now and then - No, I’m  not joking – until Dom finally tosses him easily   over a railing to the cement floor below. Dom tries to drown him in bloody water…Jay   punches him with the blood hose… …and the chase resumes. Apparently,   Jay would rather die fighting…which  I kinda understand, except when a   killer’s trying to make it easy for you.  Jay gets the upper hand again and again,   even bashing Dom repeatedly in the head with a  metal pail but he can’t quite finish the job…   …and so Dom pursues him into the snowy forest  beyond the house, where he HANDS JAY THE KNIFE   AGAIN, points it right at his heart,  and tells him to end it. Jay refuses.   Both of you make up your minds already. Dom tosses Jay to the ground.   This is basically suicide by cop, and I don’t  concede defeat here, in either direction. Jay   goes home to his family because Dom handed him  a get out of jail free card several times until   he accepted it… …but of course,   Jay can’t even finish this correctly. We jump ten years into the future to   find Jay’s daughters have taken after the worse  version of their dad, returning to the woods on   the tenth anniversary of his abduction. And  of course, someone’s waiting for them.   I think we can all agree the  opportunities and methods Cat,   Adam AND Jay had to end this fight on multiple  occasions in a variety of scenarios are too   numerous to count. But frankly, they were  scummy humans who kinda had it coming,   so…participation trophy for Jay, I guess. And Dom’s apparently unkillable, so add a   Terminator role to his list of reasons to just  kill them and move on with his life already.   For those reasons, I think THE DARE was Beaten. And remember, NO ONE is worth giving up decades   of your life to enacting elaborate  revenge schemes – a bullet, or a welded   shut room where they can all starve to death  chained to the wall - would work just fine.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 452,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, cinema summary, the critical drinker, dead meat
Id: s4_CMwMMsVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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