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If a shapeshifter began picking off your small group of friends at a remote rental cabin, what would you do? A Yosemite Park Ranger once said, “There is a considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.” That’s definitely the case here. Collectively, these weekend glampers have three functional brain cells between them. And they’re using those to get lost in the woods, chase after obviously body snatched human husks, and bombard us with so many montages it’s like someone spliced a rom com into my horror movie. There’s just no extra computing power to defeat the thing living in the woods, the ancient creature that can change its form to infiltrate the group. Honestly they’re so dumb, the shapeshifter doesn’t even need to do that at all. Hunting these people is like going hog hunting with an AK in someone’s fenced in backyard. I’m going to break down the mistakes made, what you should do, and how to beat MONTAGE THE MOVIE…I mean, how to beat the SHAPESHIFTER in FOREST OF DEATH. It’s 3:03am. Alex is woken by the sound of a dripping faucet. She stumbles toward the open bedroom door when a human figure sprints across the doorway. No it’s not a ghost. It’s an actual living, breathing monster…that isn’t satisfied to feast on easily killable sleeping prey. Doesn’t scratch the right itch, I guess. Even though she doesn’t know what it is yet, the very real intruder doesn’t spark any self preservation instincts whatsoever. Instead of shutting and locking the very lockable door in front of her, Alex wakes her boyfriend Brad to deal with it. He flies outta bed raring to go, like he finally has the excuse he’s been waiting for to try out that new gun he bought for home defense. Only there is no gun, or anything else nearby for him to grab. All the more reason to LOCK THE DOOR between you and the intruder. Instead, Brad’s sleep addled brain wakes up after he’s halfway across the living room. He grabs a random Michael Myer’s knife left out on the kitchen counter and tiptoes toward a nearby open door. Just as he steps through the doorway, something yoinks him straight off his feet. Whatever it is, it’s packing the sort of ape strength that should have them doubling back into the bedroom with the knife and their perfectly functional cell phone to call for help. Alex goes for the phone, but before she can dial, the door reopens and Brad appears with bloody scratches on his face. He tells her he killed “it.” Alex enters to find Brad’s corpse with its eyes gouged out, learning all too late that something has replaced Brad. A pruney Bsack with teeth leaps at her, handing off humanity’s three functional brain cells to the next bumbling chucklefreak. The opening credits cue up the orientation video you see as you enter Heck and we meet our would be victims – I mean, heroes. Tom and Ashley have roped their awkward best friends Dylan and Tracy into joining them at an isolated Air BnB deep in the forest for a “couples” weekend. They waste zero time hitting the trails, giving us the first of many – MANY – montages. It lasts so long that by the time they start to head back, they’re hopelessly stupidly lost after dark, with a single flashlight between the four of them. No cap, I am legit surprised they remembered to bring one at all. It’s a plus, but it does jack all to help them un-lose themselves. There are zero trail markers, no defining natural landmarks, and it seems like there’s a new moon, meaning zero visibility without their only light source. If they didn’t bring a phone – which I just don’t believe – or if there’s no service, I’d suggest building a fire using Dylan’s lighter. Then, either wait until morning when you can see your way through the forest or snap off four green branches and create torches from torn pieces of a shirt. Preserve the flashlight for when those burn down. All of this is moot, though, if you have no idea where your cabin is, or in which direction you need to travel. Ideally before they even left the Air BnB, one of them should have downloaded a google map of the area around the cabin onto their phone. Not only can this help when you’re lost without internet access, but it gets saved to your account in case you disappear and they have to hire a real outdoorsman to track your lost butt down. With no house lights to guide them, Dylan tells them to stand still while he walks ahead to check the non-trail for signs of civilization. Sure. Take our only source of light while you’re at it, jackhole. If there ever was a trail, you guys left it a long time ago. The only reason to split up now is to be alone when you sell your friends’ souls to t he Blair Witch. Dylan walks out of visual range of his friends and has his first encounter. Because that’s totally normal. No joke, Dylan calls out to this thing for directions. Dylan, don’t ever visit Yellowstone, man. You’re gonna be one of those tourists that gets gored trying to pet an elk the size of an old god. I don’t know about you, but I have a built in creepypasta detector that spikes any time a human shaped thing doesn’t behave the way a human shaped thing should. Like right now, staring at us and running past us in the woods. It’s behaving like a predator. Time to get REAL good at training your flashlight on it as you back away calling VERY loudly for your friends and looking for a big stick to carry as a weapon. Instead, Dylan encounters his next cryptid of the forest. A good ole boy named Roger who has all the warmth and charm of a recently escaped convict. He points a 12-gauge inches from Dylan’s face, ranting about something in the woods killing his livestock until Dylan convinces him he’s renting the cabin. Turns out the thing that killed the original couple ain’t the only predator hunting in this neck of the woods. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Roger strikes me as the type of guy who has to go door to door introducing himself and his parole officer every time a new neighbor with kids moves in… So of course, they’re going to follow him through the woods without any confirmation he is who he says he is. In a different subgenre, this would be a very short movie. Hey Dylan? You gonna tell anybody about the dude in pajamas playing peekaboo with you in the trees? Roger, are you going to tell everyone else about the thing butchering your animals, the one that has you out here waving shotguns in people’s faces? Let me remind you…he pointed the gun at Dylan FIRST THING, meaning he believes a human or something that LOOKS human is stalking through this forest. Is no one concerned about this? Guess not. Back at the cabin, the group meets Joe, the owner, who tells them that the nearest police station is over an hour away, so they should call HIM if there’s an emergency. Sure thing, pal. I’m sure this is a Dale and Tucker situation where you only look and sound as creepy as humanly possible. How about you do the normal host thing and leave a list of emergency numbers – including your own – in the cabin next time you rent it out. Tom tries to reassure the girls that the hillbillies mean them no harm, even if one of them nearly removed their heads with a shotgun, they’re just trying to get their 5 star review as this is the first time the cabin has been rented out. But later, a two second google search will reveal that this is the murder house where the shapeshifter plucked out Brad’s eyes. In this age of digital overinformation, are you seriously saying you didn’t google the freaking address before renting this place? Not to find the nearest grocery store or pizza place, or even a general freaking trail map? It’s a miracle they haven’t died of boredom before the wendigo shows up. The group dives into the second montage in 15 minutes before we get this little moment. I’m sorry. Are you complaining about building a campfire? And I’m supposed to root for these people? When Dylan’s gas station lighter punks out, Tom leaves to find paper in the house while Dylan goes full TikTok fail with old gasoline from the garage. That’s one way to stay warm for the rest of your very short life. Suddenly, it sounds like Tom calls out from behind him, deep in the pitch black forest. Maybe Dylan’s been pre-baking, but…your friend just said he was going to go look for paper in the HOUSE. The woods - if it isn’t already obvious - are a complete 180 from the house. Him looking for paper out there would be like me looking for beer in a hops farm. And you would have seen him go out there anyway. Nevermind the bears, mountain lions, and wolves that are definitely stalking your frail human form at this very second, but you were the ONLY person in your friend group to hear Roger’s shotty folk warnings about a psycho animal killer running around the woods. Why are you not more freaked out right now? Something with night vision creeps toward him in the dark, offering help, offering guidance. The thing that sounds like Tom tells him not to light the fire just yet, but when flames erupt and Dylan turns, Tom is nowhere to be seen. He turns again, and Tom – the real Tom – is standing across from him. Dylan asks if Tom was out in the woods, but he was inside the house. As we head into our THIRD montage…I gotta ask the million dollar question here. What IS this thing’s goal? It killed Brad and Alex. It’s trying to lure these kids into the woods…to do what exactly? Tom goes to replenish the beer supply only to find the door to the house wide open…and Roger standing right next to him when he closes the fridge door. In a moment, we’ll find out this is the Real Roger, but…the opportunities exist almost constantly here to kill and mimic the kids. So why isn’t this thing doing any of that? My guess is it likes the thrill of the hunt, the delicious irony of luring people into a false sense of security before it tears them apart…but again…why ISN’T it attacking now? If I were the blood drinking demon spirit wandering this forest, the movie would end here, with me killing Tom, assuming his form, and waiting for the others to come inside. Properly assimilated into the group, I could take my time making each feel more and more uncomfortable as I pick them off one by one. Then, when only one moron remains, I’d let them catch me clawing at the corpses of their friends, scaring them into running blindly into the forest. The most dangerous game would begin as I hunted them down and ripped out their still beating heart, feasting on their flesh as those last three brain cells short circuited and I watched the life fade from their eyes. I-I mean, what were we talking about? Instead of telling Roger to leave the property, Tom lets Roger invite himself to their fire circle to share the lore of the woods. He tells them the locals avoid this area because of the creature that lives here. He tells them people call it all sorts of names – demon, wendigo, skinwalker – but it’s really a shapeshifter that assumes human form to torture and confuse you before it attacks. It only comes out at night and can somehow supernaturally assume the form of people it’s never even seen. The only thing it hates…is fire. After telling them about his own run in with the shapeshifter, Roger warns them not to let the fire die down and leaves, taking humanity’s last three brain cells with him for the night. IMMEDIATELY, Tom wanders into the dark woods alone to pick up sticks for the fire. Either Ashley just leveled up to wife status with this impeccably timed joke or Roger might be on to something. Lucky for Tom, the shapeshifter likes to play with its food. He returns to the fire to find Ashley never left her seat. He tries to tell them what he heard in the woods, but no one believes him. I get it – pretty stellar timing to encounter a shapeshifter just seconds after being warned about one…but also danged stupid to dismiss. Even if Roger was wrong, someone is out here in the woods pretending to be your girlfriend. Maybe take even the most basic precautionary measure. Instead, we get ANOTHER day long montage, which ends with Dylan taking shots of Tracy and spotting something that shouldn’t be there. Dylan tells the girls he’s seen the guy before – it was the same guy who ran across his path when they first got lost. He asked the guy for help but received no response. They check other photos and find shots of Roger following them through the woods too. They toy with the idea of calling Joe to ask for a refund but opt for YET ANOTHER montage instead. You thought I was joking earlier, but you can’t convince me this movie wasn’t made by a social media algorithm. Almost in rebellion, my inhuman mind flares to life with vivid, murderous strategies. I am the shapeshifter of the forest. I listen to the sounds of merriment within as I strut right up to the front door and knock. Moments before one of them opens the door, I shift into Roger’s form, adopting his feral grin and denim uniform, his greasy hair smothered in a hat shaped from my own flesh. Despite every nerve in their fragile unsuspecting bodies screaming of an uncertain danger, and those last three brain cells scrambling to form coherent thoughts, they’re crippled by politeness. Heck, I don’t even have to take Roger’s form. These four would open their door to anybody. There are so many ways I can convince them to do what I want. Should I make up an excuse to lure one outside and take their form before returning to the group? OR should I just snatch the unsuspecting greeter when they open the door, so the rest are tenderized by their own fear? No. That would still be too easy. I need to savor this…Oh – Ahem – sorry, the montage is finally over. Suddenly, Ashley sees Roger appear at the back patio door…which is dang odd considering this is a second level deck with no way up. So, of course, she opens the door immediately. Despite no one being on the deck, Tom pressures Dylan into helping him go out into the woods to look for Roger. They hear a noise and turn to see something that looks and sounds like Roger. Tom tells him to leave them alone, but the Roger lookalike begins moving between trees, talking crap, until the forest is alive with a choir of discordant hillbilly elegies. The guys get back to the house and tell the girls they saw Roger…and then saw others moving in the woods. Instead of lighting a fire under their butts to pack quickly and head for their SUV, Ashley calls Joe to come get Roger off the property, but Joe tells her, Roger’s been with him all day watching sports. Ashley asks to speak with him and Joe puts him right on the phone. Ashley backs off immediately and within seconds the friends have swept the whole thing under the rug as some sort of group hallucination I guess, in favor of enjoying the rest of their weekend… but like…NEITHER scenario is good, right? At best, some rando is wandering around in the dark outside your cabin, scaring your girlfriends. At worst, it’s something that can walk and talk and act exactly like skeevy Roger stalking the perimeter of your home like a demon looking for a break in the salt circle. Look, I want to go easy on our clearly brain-damaged victims here. I really do. But whoever called dibs on the brain cells last time clearly forgot to put extra quarters in. A few seconds after everyone’s just decided to forget the entire episode, Ashley and Tom spot Roger standing in the back yard staring up at their window. Tom barrels out of the bedroom and recruits Dylan to help him track the creeper down…but before you know it, both Tom and Ashley are wandering off into the woods alone. When Ashley reappears, she walks and talks like a pod person. Tracy notices the difference immediately. Ashley’s a fembot replacement of herself…but they don’t have the stones to do much more than let her into their home and take Tom into the bedroom alone. Dylan tells Tracy he thinks Roger was right, pulling up a wikipedia article about shapeshifters as evidence. The fear of fire, the multiple voices, the strange changes in behavior – they all correspond to legends of shapeshifters. He tells her he finally bothered to look up the property and found an article about the double homicide that happened here a few months before. She doesn’t believe it’s the same guy Dylan says he saw in the forest…until he pulls up one of the photos he took and shows her it’s the exact same guy. Great. So, five minutes to pack and we’re in the car, right? Again, at best this guy in the article killed his girlfriend, faked his death, and has been wandering around the woods since it happened. At worst, it’s something that only looks like him. Either way – what are we still doing here? Call out to your friends and tell them to pack, and that you’ll explain why you’re leaving on the way. Instead, Tracy and Dylan start packing like they’re planning to leave their friends behind. When they finally remember Ashley has the car keys, they find that Tom and Ashley are missing and Ashley left her phone behind. Suddenly, someone knocks on the front door. Tracy goes to open the door when Dylan stops her, worried it’s not Tom. She doesn’t care; she can see he’s injured…just as something begins banging on the back patio door. It’s also Tom. He shouts for them to let him in. Dylan puts one more quarter in the brain cell rental machine and decides to test the lookalikes to see which is real. Not gonna lie…if we’d gotten more of this and fewer of those smooth brain montages, this coulda been a fun time. They let the Real Tom in and see he’s badly wounded. He tells them something that looked like Ashley attacked him. Dylan TRIES calling the cops, but the attempt is so ham fisted it’s like watching an alien trying to string human words together for the first time. When that fails spectacularly, Dylan says they should leave and meet the cops halfway, but Tracy won’t leave without Ashley…which means…time to tie Tracy up and carry her if you have to. What part of “it takes the form of things it kills” do none of you understand? After they call Joe for help, the shapeshifter appears as Ashley at the patio door, taunting Tracy with the car keys and pressuring her to escape into the woods. I mean…hot blondes luring people into the woods would be a super effective coven recruitment tactic. Ashley offers Dylan a deal – she’ll let him live if he gives her Tom. When he refuses she says she’ll kill them all instead. That won’t be too difficult considering not a single person here can cobble together any semblance of a plan to defeat her. Plus, she not only has the keys to the car…but the keys to the house as well. And now I understand. This poor apex predator has been trapped in its shrinking woodland for far too long, deprived of adequate stimulation and toys to play with. Cursed to roam the shadows preying on a food source that’s so stupid it just waits around to die instead of fighting back. No wonder it’s taking its sweet time, playing with its victims the way a cat plays with a mouse. Tom whacks her with the fire poker but the shapeshifter just takes it from him. Dylan grabs a utility knife from a kitchen drawer, but she just pops it right into his stomach like she’s opening a capri sun before she plays pokey-stabby with Tom’s gut. Tracy pulls Dylan away. They make a pit stop in the garage to craft a quick torch out of a stick, shirt and gasoline. Just one. Even though he has to break a stick in half to make it. Did you two forget this shapeshifter’s only weakness? How about you go back upstairs and set her on fire? Or maybe douse the exits with gas and set the whole thing aflame? Even simpler – just walk back to the fire pit and start a fire. If the logic holds this thing is scared of flame, then you could literally just stand by the fire’s edge all night, occasionally tossing in anything within the circle of light to keep it going until dawn when the shapeshifter is forced to retreat into the woods. No?’d rather wander off into the pitch black woods with no back up torch or gasoline to keep it going? And no phone. And no knife or weapon of any kind. No, I didn’t stutter. Even though the driveway connected to the main forest road is right there, THEY WANDER OFF INTO THE WOODS THEY GOT LOST IN NOT TWO DAYS AGO. See what I mean? The shapeshifter’s not even running. This is like watching a captive snake try to make eating a frozen mouse even the slightest bit fun. Dylan’s wound starts to slow him down as we get a glimpse of a second shapeshifter wandering around trying to pick up their scent. Eventually, Dylan tells Tracy to run ahead. He can’t keep up and the torch is slowly going out. If she doesn’t hurry, it’ll be completely used up before she reaches help. So…maybe…I don’t know…build a fire before the torch dies? God…if only you had a fourth brain cell. Tracy rushes away as Dylan taunts the thing in the woods to keep its attention on him. Dylan sacrifices in vain. Tracy’s torch goes out just as she nears the main road. Joe appears in his truck. She tells him to follow her ON FOOT into the woods in search of Dylan… …of course, it’s a trap. The angry freakl sack attacks and that’s all she wrote for our very own cotton eyed Joe. In a world with only three brain cells, none of us are making it out of these woods alive. The shapeshifters are simply toying with their victims, like they’re replaying a video game they know by heart and trying to make it fun again by creating challenges for themselves. To the shifters, I hope you migrate closer to the nearest town with a comic book store and grab a copy of any X-Men issue featuring Mystique so you can really start enjoying your powers properly. In a world with people smarter than your average plastic bag, our best bet is to leave the moment we know someone in the woods is freaking with us. Or, we could actually listen to the yokel’s tale of how to defeat the cryptid, NOT randomly wander into the woods by ourselves, keep the fire stoked all night, and set the thing on fire if we have to. For that reason, I think the FOREST OF DEATH was BEATEN. May we never suffer the existential boredom of a max level cryptid in a level one world.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 408,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, dead meat, cinema summary
Id: Nosaq0Mp_kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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